Taking It To The Streets With Lori And Shira  

Journal - May 2021

2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC

Monday On The move 5-31-2021

It was a busy morning at three different locations on the Eastside of Riverside. I spent time on Massachusetts near the pallet houses and homeless shelter. I visited with and distributed supplies to four dogs. My next stop was near Atlantic Avenue where I visited with and gave supplies to one dog. My third stop was at Hunter Park. I was supposed to meet someone with a dog that needs 'the works' on Wednesday but he did not show. However, I did meet someone new and spent time with her pets and a few others that I have known for a while. There was a total of seven pets in all. When Massachusetts was a tent city similar to skid row in Los Angeles, I used to visit ten to twenty pets on any given Monday or Friday. Spending time with twelve pets this morning felt a little more like how things used to be, even if they were more spread out. I hope to never see another 'tent city' on our streets again. It is not good for the people, their pets or the community at large. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, Benadryl caplets, doggie waste bags and leash clip, chewable hemp for pets, wet dog food, wet cat food, 17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus for cats, Inaba Juicy Bites for cats, cat toys, dog toys, Jones Natural and other dog treats, chicken jerky treats, Max and Neo dog collars, kabob chew sticks, cows ears, bully sticks and bully slices were shared.


Sunday On The Streets 5-30-2021

I made a total of four stops today and visited with six pets. I started at the Jurupa Valley Motel6 and then went around the corner to a small field. When I left that location, I drove to a homeless encampment that sits on the far side of a large field in Jurupa Valley. My final stop was around Arlington and Van Buren in Riverside where I visited with two more pets. I was able to distribute needed supplies at all of the places I stopped. Nestle Pure Life waters, body wipes, wet dog food, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, Jones Natural and other dog treats, chicken jerky treats, Max and Neo dog collar, kabob chew sticks, bacon flavored dental sticks, cows ears, bully sticks and bully slices were shared.


Saturday's Smiles 5-29-2021

I was asked to meet a couple of people at a location in Jurupa Valley this morning and that was my first stop. Only one of the people showed but I was able to visit and give her the supplies she requested. My next stop a field in Rubidoux. I did not find everyone I was looking for but did find one little dog and his companion so I spent some time with them. My last stop for pets was on the border of Riverside and Rubidoux. I was able to visit with three of the five dogs that stay at that location and I distributed supplies for all of them. I still had a few minutes before I needed to get home so I ran by our PO Box and picked up a donation of pet supplies that I had been expecting. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, face wipes, body wipes, wet dog food, 2–20-pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Jones Natural and other dog treats, chicken jerky treats, Max and Neo dog collars, pet wipes, kabob chew sticks and bully slices were shared.


Friday's Furry Friends 5-28-2021

I began the morning at Fairmount Park where I was able to visit with and give supplies to six pets. From there, I drove over to Massachusetts Avenue and Hunter Park on the Eastside. I visited with one pet at each stop and gave supplies to each of them. I had not planned to go back to our storage units until next week but my Synagogue was in need of E-Z ups for their Bagel Brunch on June 6th and I wanted to see if I had one, they could use. We have one that is large and custom made with our logo but I was hoping I still had a smaller one. I must have given away the blue and gold ones but I still had a black one. I am hoping it works out ok. My friend Ilene Stein who also happens to volunteer for us agreed to pick it up and drop it off at Temple Beth El. (Thanks Ilene!) I had planned on giving it to her myself but something came up and I had to get home. Nestle Pure Life waters, Arco fuel cards, small bag of dog food, wet dog food, Jones Natural and other dog treats, chicken jerky treats, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, dog harness. Small leash, kabob chew sticks and bully slices were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 5-28-2021

Thursday's Treasures 5-27-2021

I went to the Jurupa Valley Motel6 this morning, to check on the pup that was neutered yesterday and to visit with other pets. I did not visit with all of the pets I had planned to, because I ran into a few I had not expected to see and that took up quite a bit of my time. Everything went really well except for when this big fur baby named 'Chance' ran into the back of me and knocked me down. I landed on my hands and knees but came out of it ok. I was concerned about my phone but it landed case down on the sidewalk so all was good. Probably be sore tomorrow but thankful it wasn't worse being that he weighs about one hundred pounds. He just has no idea how strong he is. Nestle Pure Life waters, wet kitten food, small bag of dry kitten food, wet cat food, Jones Natural and other dog treats, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Juicy Bites for cats, Inaba Churus for cats, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, squeaky dog toy, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, and bully slices were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 5-27-2021

Spay/Neuter Day for #1447 to #1451 5-26-2021

This week the spay/neuter and motel rooms were a little cheaper for us but still cost approximately $1,000.00. Money well spent....Because of the fires, I was not sure until late yesterday afternoon if we were going to be able to do our spays and neuters today. Thankfully, they were open. Two female cats, one male puppy and one female puppy were scheduled for 'the works' today. In addition, we were taking care of two female kittens as a 'pay it forward' to Room 8 Memorial Cat Foundation. Even though we confirmed everything, one couple did not bother to show up or call regarding their puppy so we will no longer be offering our services to them. However, we were able to provide services for two female cats, two female kittens and one male puppy. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter".

Spay/Neuter Day for #1447 to #1451 5-26-2021

Tuesday's Treasures 5-25-2021

Yesterday's fires in Jurupa Valley/Riverside were just a couple of miles from our home. Everything seemed ok until about 4pm and then the Sherriff's Department began riding through the neighborhood saying we had to evacuate. I packed up a few things and was prepared to take the dogs and tortoise to wherever we needed to go. When this happened over a year ago, we left immediately but not everyone did. This time, I stayed in touch with neighbors, the news and watched the smoke from inside the house. We never actually left, because at 9pm it was reduced to a 'warning' but we still needed to be ready at any given moment. Needless to say, the stress was intense and I got very little sleep. I had a bad headache this morning and was not sure if I was even going to go out at all but I had agreed to meet someone for vaccinations and figured I could at least do that much. The bridge on Van Buren was shut down so I went the opposite direction. I drove through Rubidoux, Fairmount Park, Salvation Army parking lot and the Eastside but did not see a single person with a pet. I took that as cue to just go to the clinic and call it a day but I did make a phone call to the companion of a dog I missed seeing yesterday and we met at a park. When I left the park, I went to our storage units and picked up supplies, before heading over to meet the person whose pets were getting vaccinates. The companion is the person who has been fostering 'Little Bit' for nearly two months, while her companion is in the hospital. I try to do little things for her as a thank you and this was one of them. When I left the clinic, I had to take the long round about way home due to the closure of the bridge. What usually takes me less than ten minutes took close to twenty-five but I was grateful to get there safely and not find anymore notices to evacuate. I have been tired all day with a nagging headache but as long as we are safe and healthy, I am good. Nestle Pure Life waters, Benadryl caplets, $25.00 Arco gift card, doggie waste bags, wet dog food, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Jones Natural and other dog treats, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churus for cats, Inaba tuna fillets for pets and bully slices were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 5-25-2021

Monday On The Move 5-24-2021

Fires are spreading and we are on standby as we were told to evacuate….One last post for the night…I spent my time between two locations on the Eastside of Riverside. When I was done, I got on the freeway and headed over to our PO Box in Jurupa Valley. I spent the next thirty minutes there. Packages that were supposedly delivered last Wednesday have not been found by the staff and I wanted to go in person to check that out. We think we know what happened but it doesn't help with the supplies that I could have used this week. Hoping they show up soon. Nestle Pure Life waters, Pedialyte, hand wipes, body wipes, wet dog food, 2–20-pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, Inaba tuna for pets, Inaba Churus for cats, collapsible pet dish, portable troth water dispensers, pet toys, Jones Natural dog treats, chicken jerky treats, bully slices, bacon flavored dental sticks, peanut butter chew sticks, cows ears and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 5-24-2021

Sunday On The Streets 5-23-2021

I was supposed to meet someone in the parking lot of Riverside County Animal Services this morning but at the last minute we changed it to the old Walgreens on Van Buren and Arlington. While I was at that location, I met their puppy and made arrangements for her to receive 'the works' on Wednesday. I also had an opportunity to visit with 'Kawasaki'. I had one more stop to make at a property in Jurupa Valley but received a text that they actually had to move from there so we did not meet. As soon as they get settled somewhere new, they will contact me for supplies. I spent the late part of the morning at home and then went for my first Pfizer vaccination after lunch. I had been debating getting vaccinated for a number of reasons that are not up for public discussion. I really do believe this should be a personal decision and eventually I decided to go ahead and do it. Nestle Pure Life waters, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, wet dog food, collapsible pet dish, small stainless steel pet dish, pet toys, Jones Natural dog treats, chicken jerky treats, bully slices, bacon flavored dental sticks and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 5-23-2021

Saturday's Smiles 5-22-2021

I divided my morning between the Jurupa Valley Motel6 and a homeless encampment in Jurupa Valley. I had planned to make one more stop but nobody replied to my text or answered my call. 17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, Inaba Churus for cats, Inaba juicy bites for cats, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Jones Natural dog treats, chicken jerky treats, Flys Off, bully slices, and bully sticks were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 5-22-2021

#1446 Gets 'The Works' and Today's Travels 5-21-2021

I did quite a bit of driving around today but only visited with four pets. I started the morning at Fairmount Park but nobody was there with pets. My next stop was on Massachusetts Avenue near the pallet houses and Access Center but nobody was outside with their pet(s). From there I drove to Hunter Park where I visited with three pets and distributed supplies. I made one more stop on the Eastside where I visited a dog and gave supplies to his companion. My next stop was at Progressive Graphics where I picked up a few jackets and tees with our logo on them. After I did the pick-up, I drove across town to our storage units and filled my vehicle with pet food, waters, pet treats and toilet tissue. My final stop was at Van Buren Animal Hospital. The ashes of a dog we recently had cremated for someone had come in. I also needed to discuss payment for a feral cat they neutered. The cat is a pay it forward for someone who does great work in the community. I owed her a favor and this was a good way to get it done. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, face wipes, Jones Natural dog treats, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, peanut butter chew sticks and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

#1446 Gets 'The Works' and Today's Travels 5-21-2021

Thursday's Treasures 5-20-2021

The total for the 8 pets that were spayed and neutered yesterday and the motel rooms for some of them was approximately $1800.00. That is a big expense for one week so we are adding a donate tab in hopes of raising some of those funds.....I started the day at the Jurupa Valley Motel6. We put the four puppies/dogs that received 'the works' yesterday in rooms with their companions. I went to check on them. There were five other pets staying in the motel that I planned to visit but after visiting the four I went to see and four others I had not planned on, I did not have time. One of those four needs a 'spay day' so we started getting that set up. I also made arrangements to go back Saturday to visit with those I did not get to today. The reason I had to leave when I did was in order to get to the vaccination clinic where I was to meet a new puppy and begin providing him with services. I was able to do that and when we were done I had just enough time to run to the PO Box and the head home. Nestle Pure Life waters, Arco gift cards, pet wipes, pet sweaters, pet booties, pet bandana, Tiller Tugs and other leashes, Tiller Tugs and other collars, Tiller Tugs tug toy, plush squeaky pet toys, dry pet shampoo, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, chicken jerky treats, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17 pound bag pf cat food from the Star Milling Company, small bags of puppy food, wet puppy food, Jones Natural Chews and other dog treats, kabob chew sticks, cows ears and bully slices were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 5-20-2021

#1438 through #1445 Get 'The Works' 5-19-2021

I wasn't sure exactly how many pets we would be providing 'the works' for today but when all was said and done, we spayed/neutered two female dogs, two male dogs, two female cats and two male cats…..I had scheduled all the dogs and one cat but a call came in last night that changed that. A cat that was living outside near the homeless shelter needed adopted or rescued. The woman who had been feeding it was getting housing and could not take the cat. Because it was friendly, she was hoping we could help. I told her the chances were very slim and then sent out a couple of texts this morning. By the time I was done, Lupe Alcala was picking up the cat on her way to meet me at Animal Services. In addition, Gail Anderson of Room8 said she would take the cat. So, while at the Department of Animal Services, I was able to meet with Gail face to face while she was dropping off kittens and cats to be spayed and neutered. I told her that as a thank-you, we would cover the cost for two of hers to get services today. We always try to pay it forward when someone helps us out. Gail has come to our rescue many times and we are very Grateful for her. Thank You as well to Lupe for picking up the cat and for all that she does for us and the community. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter".

#1438 through #1445 Get 'The Works' 5-19-2021

Tuesday's Treasures 5-18-2021

I was asked to bring supplies to the Motel6 in Jurupa Valley. I did not plan on driving out there but I did anyway. I messaged the pet companion when I was on my way, again when I got there and then again when I left. I waited fifteen minutes but it seems the trip was wasted. I was really looking forward to visiting with 'Yohan' and 'Mazi' so I was both frustrated and disappointed. When I left the motel, I went to Fairmount Park to drop off kitty litter and visit with three more pets. From there I headed back towards Rubidoux and made a stop near the Mission Street Bridge. I was scheduled to meet 'Jet' and his companion at 10am so he could be flea and tick treated and get his vaccinations updated. I waited until ten after but they did not show so I left. I received a call at 10:20 that they were there so I approved payment for the services he needed. I feel bad when I have to leave but my time is valuable and if someone doesn't have the courtesy to show up on time then I am only going to do so much waiting. Thankfully today, the dog was still able to get what he needed. When I left the clinic, I drove to the Post Office and picked up a large package of treats from the Jones Natural Company. I am having issues with my wrist, back and knees so I am trying to limit my days to two or three hours tops now, so I have time to go home and take care of myself. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, body wipes, face wipes, kitty litter, Inaba Foods tuna fillets for pets, chicken jerky treats, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Jones Natural Chews and other dog treats, kabob chew sticks and bully slices were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 5-18-2021

Monday On The Move 5-17-2021

I spent the morning visiting with pets on the Eastside. I did this on Massachusetts Avenue and at Hunter Park. When I left the park, I drove over to Progressive Graphics to pick up an order. I then drove home, packed up some homemade baked goods to ship to donors and the company that does our monthly book keeping. After I shipped the packages, I met Christine Ramirez in Eastvale where we ordered lunch from The Habit and sat in the food court to eat and chat. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, face wipes, pet wipes, Inaba Foods tuna fillets for pets, chicken jerky treats, small bag of dog food, wet kitten food, wet dog food, Jones Natural Chews and other dog treats, kabob chew sticks and peanut butter chew sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 5-17-2021

Sunday On The Streets 5-16-2021

It was drizzling this morning but thankfully it did not last too long or turn into any type of heavy rain. I made a total of three stops and visited with four pets. Two of the stops were at locations in Jurupa Valley and the third was at Arlington and Van Buren. I had planned on making one final stop but I did not get a reply when I called/texted. Nestle Pure Life waters, large fleece blanket, snacks, toilet tissue, face wipes, body wipes, pet wipes, dry pet shampoo, doggie waste bags with leash clip, Flys Off, Inaba Foods tuna fillets for pets, chicken jerky treats, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Jones Natural Chews and other dog treats, pet toys, wet dog food, cows ears, bully slices and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 5-16-2021

Saturday's Smiles 5-15-2021

I made two stops today. The first was in Rubidoux. I went there to visit some pets and meet a new puppy that is scheduled for 'the works' on Wednesday. My second stop was in Jurupa Valley near the go cart track. I visited with and distributed supplies to two pets there. When I left that location, I ran a quick personal errand and then headed home. Nestle Pure Life waters, Large Bag of recyclables, toilet tissue, face wipes, body wipes, pet wipes, dry pet shampoo, chicken jerky treats, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, dry puppy food, wet puppy food, collapsible pet dish, stainless steel pet dish, Star Milling Company leash, small leash, XL dog harness, Tiller Tugs tug toy, Tiller Tugs collar, Jones Natural Chews and other dog treats, pet toys, wet dog food, small bag of puppy food, cows ears, bully slices, kabob chew sticks and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 5-15-2021

Friday's Furry Friends 5-14-2021

I spent the morning at Fairmount Park, Massachusetts Avenue where I did not find anyone with pets, Hunter Park and Atlantic Avenue on the Eastside. I visited with seven pets and distributed needed supplies. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, face wipes, pet wipes, dry pet shampoo, chicken jerky treats, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Jones Natural Chews and other dog treats, pet toys, Tiller Tugs collar, wet dog food, small bag of puppy food, cows ears, kabob chew sticks and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 5-14-2021

Thursday's Treasures 5-13-2021

I spent the first half of my morning at the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I checked on the two dogs that received 'the works' yesterday. I also visited with four others and distributed supplies to all. When I left the motel, I drove home to give my dogs a break and pick up some home baked cookies. I had a 'sweet' gift bag to drop off for a friend and the other cookies were for Christine Langdon. She drove out to the Star Milling Company and picked up our monthly donation. We were still good on large bags of cat food but we did need the 20-20-pound bags of dog food. We met at Riverside Self Storage to unload. When I returned home, I unloaded all of the pet food, toilet tissue, pet toys, pet wipes and pet treats that had filled my vehicle with while we were at the storage units. Nestle Pure Life waters, Arco gift card, Burger King Gift Card, chicken jerky treats, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Jones Natural Chews and other dog treats, bully slices, cows ears, kabob chew sticks and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 5-13-2021

#1436 and #1437 Get 'The Works' 5-12-2021

I was not totally sure what to expect this morning for our spay/neuter day. I had two dogs on the schedule but there were a few others that were possibilities. It was unfortunate that none of the 'maybe' people showed but I am thankful that the other two did. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter".

#1436 and #1437 Get 'The Works' 5-12-2021

Tuesday's Treasures 5-11-2021

I started my morning at the dentist and when I left there I drove to Fairmount Park. I did not see anyone with pets so I continued driving to Hunter Park. I had no luck there yesterday but things were different today. Yesterday, I received a text from the companion of a kitty and dog. She said they would be at the motel today. When I left Hunter Park, I drove to the nearest freeway ramp and made my way to the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I was able to visit with the two I went there to see as well as three others. By the time I was done doing that, it was time to go home. Nestle Pure Life waters, small bag of dog food, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churus for cats, Inaba Juicy Bites for cats, Inaba tuna fillets for cats, dog toys, bully slices, kabob chew sticks, peanut butter chew sticks and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 5-11-2021

Monday On The Move 5-10-2021

I spent the morning at two locations on the Eastside. I visited with and distributed supplies for eight pets, before heading to our PO Box to pick up a couple of packages. Nestle Pure Life waters, pet wipes, doggie waste bags, k-9 Glucosamine with Chondroitin, 20-pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, Tiller Tugs collar, Tiller Tugs leash, bully slices, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 5-10-2021

Saturday's Smiles 5-8-2021

I planned on meeting with Lisa Holloway with Tiller Tugs today. I decided to take a detour on my way and look for 'Kawasaki'. I drove to all of the places I have found them in the past but I had no luck so I went straight to Lisa. She had a bag of her hand made tugs and leashes for me and I had a bag of home-made baked goods for her. After we met, I drove out to Fairmount Park but all I saw were families having picnics. I then drove out to an encampment in Rubidoux. The person and pet who I was hoping to see were not there but I still had an opportunity to visit with another dog I knew. From there, I went to one of the nearby river bottom outlets. I visited with a couple of dogs, distributed supplies and then drove back across town to where I had initially started. I did so, because I received a text telling me where to meet. I finally caught up with 'Kawasaki' and visited with another puppy too. I made one last stop at our PO Box, after that visit was over. Yesterday, I received a package slip but they did not have a dolly for me to get the boxes to my vehicle and asked if I wanted to pick them up today when someone could lend a hand. I had every intention of doing so but the line was so long that I decided to wait until Monday. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, face wipes, pet wipes, k-9 Glucosamine with Chondroitin, 20-pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, pet toys, bully slices, kabob chew sticks, peanut butter chew sticks and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 5-8-2021

Friday's Furry Friends 5-7-2021

Today I had to break from my normal routine. That meant no Fairmount Park and No Eastside. I did make a trip to the Jurupa Valley Motel6 and that is where I spent my time. I visited both dogs that received 'the works' yesterday, two other dogs that are staying at the motel and a stray puppy that needed checked for a microchip. When it was determined there was no microchip, I put a call in to a contact at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services. We needed to surrender the puppy in hopes of its owner coming forward. I will share more when and if I know more. Nestle Pure Life waters, cold coffee beverages, 2-$15.00 McDonald's gift cards, 2-$10.00 Arco cards, large harness with leash, Max and Neo and other dog collars, pet wipes, 2–20-pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 1–17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, pet toys, bully slices, kabob chew sticks and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 5-7-2021

#1434 and #1435 Get 'The Works' and Today's Travels 5-6-2021

This past week, I was contacted by Riverside County Animal Services on two different occasions. Both were in regards to homeless people whose dogs had been impounded. We worked out a plan for Taking It To The Streets with Lori and Shira to pay for the spays, microchips, vaccinations, pain meds, nail trims, flea and tick treatments and licenses. The companions had to pay for the rest. The rest of the plan was for the people and pets to go to the Jurupa Valley Motel6 for two nights, just like we usually do. Even though we had no shows yesterday, we were able to make up for some of that today…. My daughter and I had a commitment this morning that lasted until 10:30am. I had not planned on doing any 'street work' today but I thought I would drive around until lunch time and see if I could find anyone with pets. I will most likely be taking Sunday off to go see my son's cabin in Big Bear so I went in the direction of where I usually find a couple of puppies and one of my favorite big dogs. I was unable to find 'Kawasaki' but I did get in touch with the companion of 'Bella' and 'Girlie'. She met me in the parking lot of the old Walgreens. I visited with her fur babies and distributed some supplies. As I was leaving, a call came in from the companion of a dog that passed away last night. I was able to offer him cremation for her and he accepted the offer. Nestle Pure Life waters, puppy pads, chicken jerky treats, pet toys, kabob chew sticks and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

#1434 and #1435 Get 'The Works' and Today's Travels 5-6-2021

Tuesday's Treasures 5-4-2021

I made arrangements to meet three people at the Motel6 in Jurupa Valley, this morning. One is the companion of a dog named 'Feo' that we provided 'the works' for last week. One is the companion of two dogs I had not seen in a while and the other is a dog named 'Little Bit' that is being fostered while her companion is in the hospital. When I arrived, the dog that had gotten neutered was already back in the river bottom but the dog being fostered did show. While I was there, I also had an opportunity to visit with a few other pets that were in rooms at the motel as well as distribute needed supplies. When I left, I drove out to a field in Jurupa Valley where one of the homeless we serve stays with her two dogs. I visited, gave them supplies and then drove out to our PO Box before heading home. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, face wipes, pet wipes, dry pet shampoo, pet harnesses, pet collar, pet leashes, Flys Off, chicken jerky treats, Jones Natural treats, wet dog food, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, pet toys, peanut butter chew sticks, kabob chew sticks, bully slices and bully sticks were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 5-4-2021

Monday On The Move 5-3-2021

I made two stops on the Eastside today and visited with six pets. I did a bit of driving around too but was not successful in locating people with pets. When I was done on the Eastside, I drove out to our storage units to pick up supplies, stopped at the Mary S. Robert Clinic to get paperwork for licensing and then went to the Riverside Department of Animal Services. They were too busy to see me so I spent the remainder of the afternoon on the phone speaking to different staff members in order to take care of the bill for a pet that received 'the works' last week and to discuss the impound of another homeless person's unaltered dog. Nestle Pure Life waters, chicken jerky treats, Jones Natural salmon dog treats, wet dog food, x-large dog harness, dog collar, pet toy, peanut butter chew sticks, kabob chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 5-3-2021

Sunday On The Streets 5-2-2021

My first stop of the day was at the Motel6 in Jurupa Valley. The plan was to visit with a dog we have someone fostering, schedule another for 'the works' and to visit with five or six others. Most of the companions still seemed to be sleeping, even though I waited until 10am to go there. I managed to visit with one pet but that was it. The person meeting me with the dog being fostered was not feeling well so we had to cancel. When I left the motel I drove around the corner, that dog and her companion were awake so we visited and I gave them some needed supplies. From there, I drove out to West Riverside looking for 'Kawasaki' and a woman with two puppies. I went to all of the usual places but had no luck. I was disappointed but there wasn't much I could do. I tried to make one final stop at a property in Jurupa Valley but the companion of the dog and cats I visit there said she was not feeling well either so I decided to call it a day. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, face wipes, chicken jerky treats, Jones Natural salmon dog treats, wet dog food, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, pet toy and bully sticks were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 5-2-2021
2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC