Taking It To The Streets With Lori And Shira  

Journal - October 2023

2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC

Tuesday's Treasures 10-31-2023

I had a dental appointment this morning so I didn't really have much time to do my daily travels. However, there were two people with pets that I wanted to be sure to see and I was able to make that happen. The first was a dog I met about a week ago. His companion called yesterday to ask for dog food. I made that my first stop. When I left their location, I drove out to a parking lot in Jurupa Valley looking for a family that sometimes parks there. I could not find them. There was another vehicle nearby and I know a gentleman stays in it with his dog but they were sleeping. I had time to make a short drive over to where I was yesterday so I went there next. There is a dog that stays in a van with his companion. The companion needs surgery but has nobody to care for his dog while he is in the hospital. I received a phone call from a place that was saying they might possibly be able to help but I needed to know how long the dog would need boarded and if he is is good with other dogs. I knew his temperament was not a problem but was unsure how long his companion would need to stay in the hospital. He told me he thinks it would be for a week and I relayed the information to someone who I am hoping can help. I should find out this week-end, one way or the other. I had enough time to get home and put my dog out for a few minutes, before having to be at the dentist... Waters, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba chicken fillets, bully sticks, Tiller Tugs tug toy and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 10-31-2023

Monday On The Move 10-30-2023

My first stop of the day was on the Eastside at the Path of Life Community Shelter. From there I went to Fairmount Park and met up with someone I had originally planned to meet tomorrow. When I left the park, I received a phone call while on my way to the bank. Someone wanted to discuss spaying her dog. She happened to be in a parking area near the Speedway station on Jurupa and Van Buren. I was planning to head that way to look for someone else anyway so I told her I would be there in about thirty minutes. When I got to that location, I met with her and her dog, the person and the dog I was hoping to find there as well as a puppy someone just got from a litter in one of the river bottom locations. I keep trying to spay and neuter as many of the river bottom dogs as possible but people either won't let me, I don't get to them soon enough or we just don't have the money to provide the services. The river bottom spans for so many miles and it seems nearly impossible to keep up with all of the pets that are multiplying there... Waters, 2 small dog collars, slip leash, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet puppy food, wet dog food, Inaba Churus, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks, bag of small bites for small dogs and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Monday On The Move 10-30-2023

Sunday On The Streets 10-29-2023

There are high wind warning in place through Monday evening at 10pm and a possible planned power outage from Southern California Edison today through the end of the day on November 1st. I usually only stay out for two hours or less when the winds are gusting, because my allergies can't take much more than that. I think that was how long I stayed out. I drove to Veteran's Memorial Park where I thought I was going to visit a family with seven pets, but everyone was sleeping so I continued on to Fairmount Park. There were tree branches all over the place and I made sure not to park directly under and of the trees in the parking lot. One of the people I was Meeting told me that a huge branch fell on the spot where she camps. Thankfully, she did not sleep there last night or it could have been a bad situation. While at the park, I visited with six pets we have provided services for and met one other. I was originally supposed to neuter that one but when one of the companion's went to jail the dog was impounded so he was neutered before his release. When I left the park, I drove through Rubidoux and saw someone who I normally find at the park. He needed dog food and I told him we could meet on Tuesday. When I arrived home, I was thankful to find that my power was still on and that we had not lost any while I was gone. The next few days may change all of that but there isn't much I can do about it so I am trying not to stress. We were evacuated on October 31st a few months after we moved here, due to a fire in the river bottom. I know it is better to be safe than sorry, regardless of the inconvenience... Waters, collapsible pet dish, doggie waste bags with leash clip, medium Max and Neo dog collar, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, NUBZ chews, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Fun Bites, individual bags of dog treats, wet dog food, wet cat food, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, bully sticks, bag of small bites for small dogs, Halloween glow in the dark squeaky ball and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 10-29-2023

Saturday's Smiles 10-28-2023

We have been looking for the owner of a dog that was found a few weeks ago. A woman said she thought the dog might be hers and after a few conversations we made plans for today. Wendy Kelly was riding with me again today. As soon as she arrived at my house, we left to meet the couple wanting to see the dog. They followed us to the encampment even though they knew it was a longshot but it was not their dog that had gone missing back in May. We all spent time at this location. There were seven dogs and a cat there. We did not visit with the kitty but did distribute supplies for him and all of the dogs. When we were done, we drove up the street and met with another companion and his two dogs. After our visit, we distributed supplies and then drove out to our storage units. I picked up pet food and waters. Our final stop was the PO Box. Nothing waiting for us but I always try to check just incase. Thanks Again to Wendy for volunteering and keeping me company!... Waters, ARCO fuel card, fleece blankets, large trash bags, small collar and leash set, medium harness and leash sets, glucosamine chews, bag of senior dog food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, NUBZ chews, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus, individual bags of dog treats, wet dog food, wet cat food, Inaba chicken stew for cats, Inaba tuna fillets, cat toys, bully sticks, small bag of small bites for small dogs, Halloween squeaky toy, Halloween glow in the dark squeaky balls, Halloween plush squeaky toys, Tiller Tugs tug toys, and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 10-28-2023

Friday's Furry Friends 10-27-2023

I spent the first part of my morning at the Path of Life Community Shelter. I visited with four pets and distributed supplies. When I left that location, I went to meet someone at Fairmount Park. We missed each other last week-end and scheduled a visit for today. I was able to visit with two dogs and distribute supplies. I drove through Rubidoux next but did not stop for anyone. I went home, emptied some of the supplies out of my vehicle and went to the car wash. It is too hard to wash it where I live, because the houses are so close together that I wind up getting water all over my windows and theirs so I try to treat myself to a cleaning every two or three months. Not sure what they did but they got the USB cord was stuck in the seat railing and they had to damage it in order to get it removed. I wasn't thrilled about that but was happy drive home in something that did not look like it had driven through a storm... Waters, fleece blankets, large trash bags, Max and Neo leash, Repel bug repellent, pet ear wash, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus, individual bags of dog treats, wet dog food, bully sticks, small bag of small bites for small dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 10-27-2023

Thursday's Treasures 10-26-2023

I was contacted by a gentleman who stays in the river bottom near Riverside County Animal Services. We made plans to meet at the far end of the parking lot at 8:45 this morning. When I arrived, he was not there but someone else was with a pitbull I had never met. A few minutes later, the person I was waiting for showed up as I was speaking to the companion of the pitbull. He said he adopted her from the shelter a couple of months ago so she was already spayed, vaccinated, licensed and microchipped. She was a sweetheart. I gave him supplies for her and did the same for the other dog. My next stop was at the Jurupa Valley Motel6 where I checked on the two dogs that received 'the works' yesterday. The female took a lot longer to shake off the anesthesia but both looked good. After our visit I gave their companion some supplies and then went home for a brief time. After giving my dog a potty break, I went to have my nails done. It is one of the few nice things I make sure to do for myself. After that appointment, I went to our PO Box and then back home for the day... Waters, fleece blankets, Tiller Tugs leash, Tiller Tugs squeaky tug, glow in the dark Halloween Squeaky ball, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus, individual bags of dog treats, wet dog food, bully sticks. 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 10-26-2023

#2027, #2028, #2029 & #2030 Get 'The Works' 10-25-2023

I wasn't happy to get up at 3:30am and then find it raining but I was almost sure the pets I scheduled for spay/neuter services today were going to keep their appointments and that turned out to be the case which immediately put me in a good mood. We had two dogs at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services clinic and two cats at the Mary S. Robert's clinic. Last week, we had three pets scheduled and even though they all confirmed, one person never showed with his two dogs. I am committed to trying to get two to three pets done each week. I had planned on doing two and one extra to make up for one that was a no show last week but I would up with four. There were two people and each had two pets so I decided to do all of them and hope we get donations to help cover the cost. We have three scheduled for the first three weeks in November but nothing on the fourth, due to both clinics we use being closed for Thanksgiving. We will have the same issue again in December but three weeks of appointments are still something to be thankful for, even if we don't provide services for a large number of pets. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Waters and ARCO fuel cards were shared.

#2027, #2028, #2029 & #2030 Get 'The Works' 10-25-2023

Tuesday's Treasures 10-24-2023

At 8:30 am, I met Wendy Kelly at our storage units. I was there to drop off blankets, organize the last donation from Inaba, pick up pet food and pick up a couple of pet carriers. Wendy came to help haul away empty boxes and to ride with me on my daily travels. When we left the storage units, we drove to my home. I let my dog out for a few minutes and then went out for a second time. We drove to the Eastside by the Path of Life Shelter, Hunter Park and then up Iowa to Third Street. We did not see anyone with pets at any of those areas so we continued on to the Salvation Army in downtown Riverside and then Fairmount Park. No luck at either of those locations. I made a phone call to someone who was staying at Rancho Jurupa Campground for a couple of nights but was leaving today. I decided to go visit but first took a ride through Rubidoux. While doing so, I saw someone I had not seen in a few days. She was moving all of her carts from one street to another and her dogs were with her. We stopped to visit them and then went to Jurupa Regional Park. We spent too much time driving around without stopping to visit pets but our last forty five minutes made up for that... Waters, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba chicken stew for cats, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churus, Inaba fun bites, Inaba Juicy Bites, Inaba Churu Pops, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks, chicken jerky treats and a cat toy were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 10-24-2023

Monday On The Move 10-23-2023

I started my day on the Eastside at the Path of Life Community Shelter. I visited a dog I see weekly and met a young man with a puppy and was told he can't put the dog in the kennels until she is vaccinated. I told him I could spay, microchip vaccinate and flea/tick treat on Wednesday if he wanted the appointment. When I left that location, I drove through Hunter Park and to a few locations on the Eastside. I did not fine anyone I was looking for. I needed to drop off a box of Max and Neo fleece blankets at our storage so I headed in that direction. While driving, I noticed a woman with two dogs in one of the shopping centers. I knew her and the dogs so I pulled in. I gave her supplies, visited with the dogs and drove to the nearest freeway onramp. I dropped off the blankets and grabbed a couple cases of water and some cat/dog food. On my way to our PO Box, I drove around a couple areas in Jurupa Valley but did not see anyone with pets so I checked the PO Box, stopped for fuel and called it a day... Waters, fleece blanket, doggie waste bags, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Nubz chews, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks, chicken jerky treats and Inaba Fun Bites were shared.

Monday On The Move 10-23-2023

Sunday On The Streets 10-22-2023

Yesterday, I was asked to meet someone at Fairmount Park this morning. Because of the Mission Inn Walk, all paths leading into the park were pretty much closed. Wendy Kelly joined me again today and it took us 45 minutes, before we finally made it. It should have only taken us fifteen. We were unable to go all the way to the spot where I was supposed to do the meet but I did not see the person and pet anywhere around so we left the park and got on the freeway. Next stop was going to be at Veteran's Memorial Park but the people and pets I was looking for were not there. I made a phone call and found out where they had gone but we did not have time to circle back to that location. We continued driving further out in Jurupa Valley, until we got to Agate Park. On our way, I saw a truck with a dog tethered to it and decided to check it out after making a stop for a family with two dogs and three or four cats. We spent time with the two dogs and a kitten. After distributing the supplies the family needed, we drove up the street to where we had seen the dog tethered to the truck. It is a dog we provided 'the works' so I made sure she got supplies too. There was still one more stop I wanted to make and that was by the gas station on Jurupa and Van Buren. On our way there, I spotted a familiar vehicle in the Circle K parking lot. I knew the dog that was in that car so we made a brief stop for a visit. When we reached the gas station, I saw someone flying a sign. She had young pitbull with her. I did not find who I was looking for but did speak to the woman with the pitbull. Turns out, I had met the puppy when she was tiny. I was supposed to spay her at one point but she was picked up by Animal Control so I did not have the opportunity. Thankfully, the companion got her back so she was already spayed, microchipped and vaccinated. We visited and I gave them supplies, before we called it a day. Thanks Again to Wendy for keeping me company!... Waters, Benadryl caplets, Max and Neo and other fleece blankets, pet ear wash, Inaba Churu Pops, Inaba Churus, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba tuna fillets, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, Inaba Twins for Cats, Inaba chicken stew for cats, small bag of kitten food, wet kitten food, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, Max and Neo medium collar, large bag of pork dog treats, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, plush squeaky toys, Kong small and medium squeaky balls, Halloween squeaky toy and glow in the dark squeaky balls were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 10-22-2023

Saturday's Smiles 10-21-2023

This morning I was joined by my friend Wendy Kelly. We made three stops, visited with eight pets and distributed supplies for those and others. The first stop was near a river bottom outlet I an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. The second stop was at an encampment around Grand Terrace and the last was at Fairmount Park. While driving, a call came in from someone needing food for his dogs and I made plans to meet with him tomorrow. It was nice to have company while doing my daily travels and for lunch... Waters, Equisect bug repellent, pet ear wash, 2 bags of senior dog food, Inaba Churu Pops, Inaba Churus, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, Inaba Twins for Cats, Inaba chicken stew for cats, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, wet puppy food, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, Tiller Tugs leash, Tiller Tugs tug toy and glow in the dark squeaky balls were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 10-21-2023

Friday's Furry Friends 10-20-2023

My first stop of the day was in the parking lot of the Path of Life Community Shelter. There was just one dog there so I had plenty of time to go to other locations. Unfortunately, I did a lot of driving around without finding any people with pets. I did see a van I recognized at Hunter Park but nobody was awake. The dog didn't even bark so I continued on to Fairmount Park. I was very happy to see a dog I had not seen in quite some time. I visited with her and gave her companion needed supplies. I was about to drive to the other side of the park, when a van pulled in to the parking lot across from where I was. It belonged to the person I was planning to look for next. I drove over to where the van was, visited with the dogs there and distributed supplies. I thought about making a stop in Rubidoux, on my way to our PO Box, but changed my mind when I saw that the dogs were tethered to a cart and the companion appeared to be sleeping. I will make another attempt the next time I see them... Waters, k9 glucosamine chewables, small bag of senior dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, wet puppy food, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, plush Halloween squeaky toys, Tiller Tugs leash and glow in the dark squeaky balls were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 10-20-2023

Thursday's Treasures 10-19-2023

Because we did not need to put anyone in motel rooms yesterday, I wasn't sure what I was going to do this morning, until I received a call from someone in one of the river bottom encampments. She was contacting me on behalf of herself and a couple others in need of pet food. I told her that I was meeting a couple of people at our storage units but would stop at our usual meeting place when I was done. I was hoping to be there by 10:15am. I went to Riverside Self Storage and met with Ilene Stein who was dropping off food from the High Holiday Food Drive at Riverside Temple Beth El and a few pet supplies from her family. I also met with Linda Noel who was dropping off pet supplies from 2nd Chances Rescue in Norco. We were done by 10am. I was able to meet the people who were waiting for me and visit with their four dogs. I was out of there before 11am but it was already heating up so I called it a day... Waters, flavored drink packets, cookies, pop tarts, sardines, Max and Neo fleece blankets, pet ear wash, large trash bag, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churus, Inaba Chicken Stew for cats, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, small bag of small bites dog food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of kitten food, wet kitten food, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, plush Halloween squeaky toys and glow in the dark squeaky balls were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 10-19-2023

#2026 Gets 'The Works' 10-18-2023

I planned on spaying and neutering two pets today but it turned into three. I had a female cat scheduled and then I received a call from a Veteran who needed services for his two male dogs. I was not going to make him come two different days so I said yes. When I realized I did not need to rent any motel rooms this week, I decided to put the money that would have been spent on rooms towards the second dog so it all worked out. It all worked out until the Veteran did not show up or call or answer any calls/texts from me. He confirmed last night but was a no show today. I waited 45 minutes for him, before giving up on him showing up. When all was said and done, we only had one cat receiving 'the works'. That helps us financially but not at all how I expected or wanted things to turn out. I have never had a veteran not show up so it took me by surprise. When I finally left the clinic, I drove to Jurupa and Van Buren. The van that a dog and his companion live in was there but nobody was in it so I continued on to our PO Box. There were boxes of donations for us. I had to remove all of the contents and flatten the boxes, just to get it all home. It was a 'problem' I did not mind having! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Waters, ARCO fuel card, fleece blanket, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba Chicken Strew for cats, 2-17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats and a plush Halloween squeaky toy were shared.

#2026 Gets 'The Works' 10-18-2023

Tuesday's Treasures 10-17-2023

I had a dental appointment at 8am. I was not sure how long it would take or how I would feel when it was done so I did not make any plans for today. However, I was done before 9:30am and I felt ok. I ran home to get a protein drink and then headed to Fairmount Park. While I was there, I visited with four dogs, discussed neutering one of them with his companion and distributed supplies. When I was ready to leave that location, I made a phone call to someone who is friends with the person who did not show up yesterday morning. They happened to be together so I asked them to meet me on Mission Blvd. in Roubidoux. I had to drive that way anyway so it was easy enough to make things work out. When we were done, I stopped for fuel and picked up a few things from Staters, before calling it a day... Waters, fleece blanket, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba Churus, NUBZ chews, small bag of senior dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks and a plush squeaky toy were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 10-17-2023

Monday On The Move 10-16-2023

I received a call yesterday from someone needing dog food, We made arrangements to meet in Rubidoux this morning while on my way to the Eastside. I drove to where we were supposed to meet and nobody was there. The companion doesn't have a phone so I called a friend of hers but they were not together so I kept driving. While at the Path of Life Community Shelter, I visited with three dogs and distributed supplies. When I left that location, I drove around for awhile but did not find anyone else with pets and continued to Hunter Park. I met with two dogs and their companion there. That was my last stop, because I had an 11am counseling session. Tomorrow morning, I have a dental appointment at 8am. Depending on how that goes will decide what, if anything, I do about my usual daily travels... Waters, fleece blanket, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Fun Bites, NUBZ chews, small bag of small bites dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, Halloween squeaky toy and medium squeaky Kong ball were shared.

Monday On The Move 10-16-2023

Sunday On The Streets 10-15-2023

I had not seen 'Scamp' and 'Joey' for a few weeks so I made a special trip to the Eastside to do that today. When I left that location, I drove through Rubidoux and was headed out to Agate Park in Jurupa Valley. I turned up Riverside Avenue by accident so I went to Pacific, in order to get back to Mission Blvd. As I was driving closer to Veteran's Memoria Park, I saw a familiar truck and van in the parking lot. The last time I saw them, they were at a different location but they were told to move. I pulled into the parking lot and saw a very happy looking pitbull on the grass. I introduced myself to his companion and visited with the dog. He had already been neutered, vaccinated and chipped so there was nothing left to do but spoil him a little. While I was there, I also spent time with the people and pets I actually stopped for. I was there longer than I had planned which meant I did not have time to go to Agate Park. I still had a full day, because there were none dogs and one cat between the two stops I actually made. I will get to the place I missed another day... Waters, small dog bed, fleece blanket including a Max and Neo 50x60 fleece blanket, Tiller Tugs leash, small bag of senior dog food, small bag of small bites for small dogs, Inaba chicken stew for cats, Inaba Juicy Bites, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Fun Bites, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, chicken jerky treats, plush squeaky Halloween toys, Halloween squeaky toy and small/medium squeaky Kong balls were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 10-15-2023

Saturday's Smiles 10-14-2023

This morning, I drove out to Colton to visit an encampment where I visited dogs, distributed supplies and checked on a dog I met last week. That dog was found as a stray. She had no microchip, was very matted and flea infested. The woman who found her cleaned her up and cut her nails. She tried to turn the dog into the shelter but she did not have an ID and they would not take the dog. She is going to put her on PawBoost and I am sharing as well. When I left that location, I drove downtown to drop off some baked goods for our friend Lisa Holloway with Tiller Tugs. She was running a little late so I left the bag with someone at the event's volunteer booth. From there I drove to our PO Box and was home before noon... Waters, 2 large bags of recyclables, Max and Neo 50x60 fleece blanket, small bag of cat food, Inaba chicken stew for cats, wet cat food, Inaba Juicy Bites, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet puppy food, 14 pound bag of puppy food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Fun Bites, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, chicken jerky treats, plush squeaky toy and small/medium squeaky Kong balls were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 10-14-2023

Friday's Furry Friends 10-13-2023

Yesterday, I took the day off to take care of something at Kaiser. Today, I got back on track. Before I even set out for the Eastside, I stopped to get fuel. As I was getting ready to leave, I noticed a car in the parking lot and there was a dog tethered to the front. It was a dog I know so I stopped for a visit and to distribute supplies. From there, I drove across town to Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside. I visited with a couple of dog and distributed supplies. When I left that location, I drove to a few areas where I thought I might find people with pets but none were there. I continued on to University and Victoria for a visit with a dog there and to distribute more supplies. I had a nail appointment at 11am so I did not plan on making anymore stops until I spotted two dogs tied up outside a liquor store. I knew the dogs so I circled around the block and came back to park. At that point, their companion had come out of the store. I explained to her that she cannot leave the dogs unattended like that. We also discussed spaying and neutering again. I am determined to continue trying to get that done... Waters, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba Tuna Fillets, small bag of dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, chicken jerky treats, plush squeaky toy and Kong squeaky ball were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 10-13-2023

#2024 and #2025 Get 'The Works' 10-11-2023

We had one female cat and one male cat getting 'the works' today. I canceled the available appointments at one of the facilities we use and half the appointments at the other. My new goal is to do between two and four a week. The days of doing six, eight or more don't look like they will be happening anytime in the near future but I will always provide the services for as many as we have money for. I am not willing to go into credit card debt for this. I have seen too many good people have to 'close shop' and I don't want to be one of them. I'd rather do smaller numbers than none. I have been mentioning that we needed to cut back on our spay/neuter services, until we are able to get a flow of funds in our bank account. We continue looking for new Grants, Business Sponsors and new Recurring Donors but we have to cut back in the mean time. We were very fortunate to have someone match our donations a couple of months ago and that really helped but each dog costs us approximately $400.00 for the services and the motel. Each cat is about $150.00 and that is with no motel and no extra medical costs. Please continue to share our work with others so we have a better chance of getting the word out and possibly getting the kind of help we need to be able to continue doing what we have been for nearly 12 years. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." A 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company was shared today.

#2024 and #2025 Get 'The Works' 10-11-2023

Tuesday's Treasures 10-10-2023

A few days ago, I put out my wishes for K9 glucosamine and senior dog food for a dog named 'Abby'. We already had some senior food which I gave her but no glucosamine. A couple of people said they were going to order some but I bought one bottle from Amazon and had it delivered to my home so I could get it more quickly. Any dog we give this too will need to be on it for the remainder of their lives so none will go to waste. This morning, I was supposed to meet a gentleman and his three dogs at Fairmount Park. I brought the supplies he needed and while we were visiting I gave the glucosamine to 'Abby'. I also met a new dog while I was there. I drove around the entire park, hoping to find 'Honey Girl' and her companion, but I did not have any luck. On my way home, I drove through Rubidoux looking for a woman with two dogs we have been unable to get spayed and neutered. I did not find her but did run into a group of people with dogs. There was a mama, papa and puppies from multiple litters. I spoke to a young man about getting the mama dog spayed. She has already had four litters and she is very thin now other than being very full of milk. I am hoping he agrees, once she weans the puppies but I am not sure it is going to materialize. I have spoken to him before and spaying/neutering doesn't seem like something he is interested in but there is always a chance for people to change their minds. If they do, I always do what I can to make it happen. Before I went home, I stopped at our PO Box. There was already a donation of chewable glucosamine waiting for me which was great... Waters, wet dog food, K9 glucosamine with chondroitin, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus, Inaba Fun Bites, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, chicken and duck jerky treats and a collapsible pet dish were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 10-10-2023

Monday On The Move 10-9-2023

I started my morning in the parking lot of the Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside. There was just one dog there this morning so I was done there within half an hour. My next stop was in the parking lot od the Jack in Box on Third and Iowa. I went there to meet a couple who just got their dog out of impound as well as someone else who has a dog we have provided services for. Unfortunately, the people with the dog that was just released from impound did not show up. I drove all around the area but could not find them. I even drove over to Hunter Park to see if they might have gone there but nobody with pets was at that location. My final stop was at Fairmount Park. I recently posted a dog stating she needed glucosamine and senior food. A couple of people responded and I wanted to let her companion know that I would probably bring both to her at the end of the week, after I am able to get back to our PO Box... Waters, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus, Inaba Fun Bites, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, bully sticks chicken and duck jerky treats and a plush squeaky toy, were shared.

Monday On The Move 10-9-2023

Sunday On The Streets 10-8-2023

The other day, I received a call from someone I had not seen in quite some time. Along with other members of her family, they have a total of six small dogs and a cat. They happen to be out in Jurupa Valley again as they are back on the street living in their van and truck. They were my first stop of the day. When I pulled up, all of the dogs ran over to my vehicle. The kitty even came over to greet me. I visited with all of them and distributed needed supplies, before heading out to another location in Jurupa Valley. While there, I visited with two dogs and a kitten. I distributed supplies for them and a couple more kitties they have. It wasn't exactly hot yet but it was 80 degrees and warming up. I made a quick stop at the store to pick up produce for my tortoise and then headed home... Waters, pet ear wash, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Pops, Inaba Fun Bites, wet cat food, wet kitten food, small bag of kitten food, 2-17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Juicy Bites, small bag senior dog food, NUBZ chews, bully sticks chicken and duck jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, plush squeaky toy, small Kong squeaky balls and medium Kong squeaky balls were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 10-8-2023

Saturday's Smiles 10-7-2023

I started the morning at a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. I visited with a puppy as well as distributed supplies for him and his feline siblings. When I left that location, I drove out to an encampment in Colton. A couple of the dogs were not around for a visit but I did find four others. One of those was astray that was brought there so I could check it for a chip. Not only did she not have a chip but her fur was either completely matted or falling out. It looked as if she had been infested with fleas. The dog was sweet and very well behaved. I am thinking someone might be missing her. I gave one of the people there an ARCO fuel card and asked him to drive the dog to the shelter. I know many of you may disagree with that and I prefer not to hear any negative comments about my decision. She needed shaved and medicated right away. That was not going to happen where she was. I told them to give me the intake number so I can keep an eye on her. If her people do not come and she doesn't have rescue interest, then I will ask rescue friends if they can pull. When I left that location. I drove around Rubidoux looking for the woman who has a male and female dog that need spayed/neutered. We were unsuccessful up until now and are booked up through the middle of November but if something can be worked out with her, I will do my best to make it happen... Waters, pet bed, pet ear wash. Small harness and leash set, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Mega Churus, Inaba Twins for cats, Inaba chicken stew for cats, wet cat food, Inaba Juicy Bites, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba Churu Rolls, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, NUBZ chews, bully sticks chicken and duck jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks and a Halloween plush squeaky toy were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 10-7-2023

Friday's Furry Friends 10-6-2023

I spent much more time driving around than I did with pets but I still managed to visit with three of them. My first stop was in the parking lot of the Path of Life Community Shelter for two of those pets. From there I drove through Hunter Park and all around the Eastside, looking for the companion of a couple of dogs that were recently impounded. I could not find her or another person who knows her. My final stop was at Fairmount Park where the third pet was. I had planned to drive through Rubidoux in search of someone who needs her dogs spayed and neutered but I did not have enough time before an 11am hair appointment. I will try getting over that way this week-end... Waters, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Mega Churus, small bag of senior dog food, bully sticks chicken and duck jerky treats and Kong squeaky ball were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 10-6-2023

Thursday's Treasures 10-5-2023

My first stop of the day was in the parking lot of the Riverside County Department of Animal Services. I went to meet someone who stays nearby in the river bottom. We were supposed to meet earlier in the week but the Sheriff's Department took him to the station for questioning and finger printing due to a couple of murders that happened close to where he stays. He was cleared but they had his phone so he wasn't even able to tell me he would not be able to meet. We did speak the next day and made arrangements to meet this morning. He was with his dog waiting for me, when I arrived. When I left that location, I went to the Jurupa Valley Motel 6 to check on the four pets that received 'the works' yesterday. I was disappointed to find that the companion of the german shepherd and black lab was not around for me to meet with them. However, the two puppies were there as were their furry siblings from other mothers. After leaving the motel I got fuel, stopped at our PO Box, the grocery store and then headed home as the temperatures were already in the high 80's. I was so ready for Fall but I guess Summer is not done with us yet!... Waters, canned ravioli, canned soup, canned spaghetti, small leash, puppy pads, large orthopedic dog bed, small bag of senior dog food, Inaba Mega Churus, large stainless steel pet dish, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, wet puppy food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully sticks, NUBZ chews, chicken and duck jerky treats and Kong squeaky ball were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 10-5-2023

#2020, #2021, #2022 & #2023 Get 'The Works' 10-4-2023

With the exception of a dog slipping out of her collar first thing this morning, everything went as planned. My first two appointments for spaying and neutering were done at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. I was out of there by 8:30am which gave me time to run home for a protein drink and give my dog a potty break before heading out to the Mary S. Robert's spay/neuter clinic. When I arrived, I dropped off some homemade baked goods at the Adoption Center. It was a small token of my appreciation for them taking in 'Lady' and her litter of ten puppies. Afterwards, I walked back over to the clinic to give paperwork to the companions of the tow puppies getting spayed. Their pre surgery check ups went well. One of them had tapeworm and I gave my approval to cover the cost for that too. I miss the days of providing services for 8 pets every week but I am grateful for any number we are able to help. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Waters, ARCO fuel cards, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company and Inaba Twins for dogs were shared.

#2020, #2021, #2022 & #2023 Get 'The Works' 10-4-2023

Tuesday's Treasures 10-3-2023

Yesterday, I was contacted by someone who lives in the river bottom near the Riverside County Department of Animal Services. He needed dog food and I needed to get some information from the shelter so I agreed to meet him in the parking lot. I was there for fifteen minutes but he never showed up. I texted and when I tried calling, the phone went straight to voicemail which indicated it is not charged. There was nothing more I could do at that point so I drove up the street near Jurupa and Van Buren. The person I usually see there was not around so I headed across town to Fairmount Park. I had an open appointment for spaying tomorrow and I knew there was someone who wanted it. Unfortunately, he has no working phone. I left a message with someone else to give him but was running out of time so I had to drive there. I did find him and we got everything set up for tomorrow. I would have liked to have gone to a couple more locations but I had to get to another dental appointment... Waters, large stainless steel pet dish, small harness and leash set, chicken and duck jerky, NUBZ chews, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully sticks and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 10-3-2023

Monday On The Move 10-2-2023

Yesterday, I took the day off. I have been trying to do that once a month in order to spend time with family. I went with my daughter to visit my son, daughter in law, granddaughter and furry granddaughter. The visits are always something I look forward to and am grateful for. My time today was spent in the parking lot of the Path of Life Community Shelter. I visited with five pets and distributed needed supplies. I was back to my usual routine although I did have to end things a little early to make it to a counseling appointment. I will have to do the same tomorrow in order to go to a dental appointment. I do my best to go out daily, even if it is not for as long as I'd like. Even if I only visit one pet, it is worth my time... Waters, orthopedic pet bred, small bag of adult dog food, 2 small bags of dog food for small dogs, chicken and duck jerky treats, Inaba Mega Churus, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Rolls, bully sticks and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 10-2-2023
2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC