Taking It To The Streets With Lori And Shira  

Journal - April 2024

2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC

Tuesday's Treasures 4-30-2024

I drove through Rubidoux on my way to Fairmount Park, this morning. I thought I saw someone I knew but when I pulled into the parking lot I realized it wasn't. When I got to the park, I met someone new with a dog. She was already spayed but he has two others that need 'the works'. He has no transportation and the dogs are presently with someone in Colton. I gave him my contact card and suggested he call when the dogs are in Riverside. While visiting with them, I also spent time with another dog and his companion. I provided a few supplies for both dogs. When I left that location, I drove back through Rubidoux so I could drive out to Agate Park. When I approached a red light, I spotted another dog and her companion. He wants her to get spayed but has not had a phone, or a ride, to set and keep the appointment. The sad part is that she appears to be pregnant. I can't be sure but she definitely looks like she is. If so, it could have been avoided, had he been able to schedule the appointment when he first wanted to. I will keep checking back to find out for sure. From there, I drove out to Agate Park. The family that stays in their motor home usually parks there and that was the case today. We visited and the companion told me that the companion of a recently neutered pit puppy is now in jail, for more than a year, and she needs to rehome the dog. I told her I did not have any resources to help with that but I will try posting him on my personal page and seeing if anyone is interested. It will be a long shot for sure. My final stop was our PO Box. Nothing there and at that point I called it a day... Bottled waters, collapsible pet bowls, individual bags of dog treats, wet dog food, wet cat food, wet puppy food, small bag of small bites for small dogs, small bag of freeze dried cat food, small bag of freeze dried dog food, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba tuna fillets, dried fish fillets, chicken jerky treats, beef collagen sticks, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 4-30-2024

Monday On The Move 4-29-2024

My first stop was in the parking lot of the Path of Life Community Shelter where I visited with two dogs and provided supplies. Both dogs need groomed, as do a few others, so I may start a fund for that. From there, I was driving out to Grand Terrace to meet with the people and pets I did not get to over the week-end. While on my way, I spotted a familiar pet on Massachusetts so I turned around and parked. She is no longer in the shelter with her companion and I had not been able to find them so I was happy to visit and provide supplies today. When I left that location, I headed out to Grand Terrace where I visited with six pets and provided supplies for them and a couple more. On my way home, I drove out to the 99 cent store that is closing and picked up ten collar and leash sets. I am going to miss being able to purchase those. They were inexpensive and seemed to last. After shopping, I stopped at our PO Box. We did not receive and letters or packages but I always check just incase. By then it was time for lunch and I went straight home... Bottled waters, ear rinse, collapsible pet dish, medium stainless steel pet dish, individual bags of dog treats, wet dog food, small bag of adult dog food, small bag of small bites for small dogs, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba tuna fillets, chicken jerky treats, beef collagen sticks, beef collagen sticks wrapped in chicken, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Monday On The Move 4-29-2024

Sunday On The Streets 4-28-2024

I was hoping to go visit my granddaughter today but my son and his family were busy so I decided to do my daily travels. I was going to go to Grand Terrace but after making three stops in Rubidoux, I decided to do that tomorrow when I have more time to spend there. I made three different stops off of Mission Blvd. in Rubidoux. I visited with and provided supplies with five different pets. When I left the area, I was going to go out to a location off of Van Buren and Jurupa as well as General Drive but I did not make it that far. While on my way, my sister called and I pulled over at the CircleK to talk to her. While looking for a place to park there, I spotted a familiar vehicle. I drove over to it and told the companion that I would be back after I finished my phone conversation and got fuel. That wound up taking about thirty minutes so when I was done visiting the dog there it was time for me to get back home... Bottled waters, individual bags of dog treats, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, beef collagen sticks, beef collagen sticks wrapped in chicken and buffalo tendons were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 4-28-2024

Saturday's Smiles 4-27-2024

At 7 am, I was at our storage units picking up pet food, treats, waters and fleece blankets. After I went home and unloaded everything, I spent some time answering emails, texts and calls and placing before heading back out. My usual travels to Grand Terrace were delayed a day or two so I could get over to the West Side. A couple of people, who were moved into motel rooms from the river bottom, were in need of supplies. They were in two different motels in an area I don't frequent, I had the time today so I went... Bottled waters, sleeping bag, shedding rake, medium Max and Neo Dog Gear collar, large leash, individual bags of dog treats, wet dog food, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba chicken fillets, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, beef collagen sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 4-27-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 4-26-2024

Not sure where the unexpected light rain came from but I still managed to do what I had on my list for today…I spent my morning at various locations on the Eastside. I started on Massachusetts by the Path of Life Community Shelter where I visited with and provided supplies for two dogs. From there I drove to where a woman and her two dogs stay in their truck. One of the dog's had gone to the vet recently, thanks to Feeding Pets of The Homeless and he was prescribed thyroid medication. I picked up the medication from Van Buren Animal Hospital and delivered it to the dog in need. While there, I visited with his 'sister' and provided supplies. Someone else asked for dog food and I asked them to meet me at this same location but they did not show up. I drove around for a bit but did not find them. I had passed Hunter Park earlier and saw a van there that I know has someone living in it with her dog. I stopped to visit them and provide supplies before driving over to University and Victoria to visit one last pet. I had a personal appointment at 11am so I had to call it a day, when I was done there... Bottled waters, wet dog food, small bag of small bites dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, chicken jerky treat, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 4-26-2024

Thursday's Treasures 4-25-2024

My focus today was going to the motel, in order to check on three of yesterday's spay/neuter recipients and to meet the mama dog with a litter of ten…The three dogs that received 'the works' yesterday were put in motel rooms to begin recuperating from their surgeries. In addition, we put a new mama and her litter of ten in a room as well. The mama dog belongs to the companion of two dogs that we spayed/neutered. The companion, who lives in the river bottom, has other dogs as well so caring for the mama and her litter of ten was a huge task. I knew getting help would be nearly impossible but reached out to a few people anyway. When I emailed Carrie Ridgeway, who is the director of Mary S. Robert's Pet Adoption Center, she said she would see what she could do. That included a post on Facebook. In a very short time, I got word that they found someone to foster the mama and her litter! The plan was to turn them in today and when the puppies are weaned, Taking It To The Streets with Lori ad Shira will adopt the mama back to her companion and they will find homes for the puppies. I want to than Carrie, her staff and the person who is fostering. I was not feeling very hopeful when I first heard the dog we scheduled to spay was actually pregnant and had a litter the day before her surgery date but everything worked out. Once Again... "It Takes A Village"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel card, chicken jerky treats and buffalo tendons were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 4-25-2024

#2100, #2101, #2102 & #2103 Get 'The Works' 4-24-2024

I was at Kaiser yesterday and did not get done early enough for my daily travels so I just prepared for spay/neuter day. We had three female dogs and one female cat scheduled at two locations. Two of the females are 14 months. There is a male as well but we were concentrating on the females. I thought we were all set, until I received a late afternoon text telling me that one of the 14 month old females just gave birth to a litter of 10. She asked if we could put the male in her place. I said yes but was concerned about her baby that just had babies. Need a rescue that can keep the mama and babies, until they are weaned. We would then spay the mama and return her. Things were looking impossible but I am thankful to share that the Mary S. Robert's Pet Adoption Center found a foster and if all goes as planned, mama and babies will go there tomorrow. I put them in a motel room for tonight…When I left the first location, I went home to tend to my own dog and then went back out to the other clinic. The companion of the cat was already there which meant we had all four scheduled pets in for spaying/neutering today. I wish it were more but grateful for those! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, sleeping bag, puppy training pads, 2 Max and Neo fleece blankets, 2 Max and Neo large Martingale collars, collapsible pet dish, wet dog food, slip lead. 2 small bags of cat food, wet cat food, cat toys, Inaba Churu Pops, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets and 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company were shared.

#2100, #2101, #2102 & #2103 Get 'The Works' 4-24-2024

Monday On The Move 4-22-2024

I had a busy morning and it started at 6:30. I mentioned yesterday that my grandmother's wedding bad slid off my finger somewhere yesterday. My first venture out was to go to the last place Is topped on my way home. That was a store where I bought produce and a couple other items. I retraced my steps from the parking lot inside and searched each area I made purchases from. Unfortunately, there was nothing. After that, I went home for a bit and then headed to Fairmount Park which was the first stop I had made. Even though I knew a few people were looking for the ring, I needed to look for myself. Nothing there either but I did visit with the dog I saw yesterday. Next was the alley I parked in when I went to visit two dogs and their companion. He already told me he had looked but I looked again and nothing. From there, I went to the Path of Life Community Shelter and visited with three pets. A couple other pets that received medical attention, thanks to Feeding Pets Of The Homeless, usually stay at a couple of places that are not too far from away so I checked both places. I could not find one of the dog's but did find the other and visited with him as well as three others. While visiting, I contacted someone who stays close to Hunter Park and we agreed to meet there. After our visit, I texted the family that was my only other stop yesterday. There are three people living there. They all looked and will continue keeping an eye put for the ring but nothing yet. I wasn't really expecting good news about the ring but was trying to remain hopeful. I even emptied my vehicle one more time and went through all of the bags and containers. I was very thorough when I checked the last time but I had to do it again. Short of some little miracle, I will have to accept that the ring is gone. It makes me so sad but I can't let it dictate how my mood from this day forward. I am just grateful I didn't let it stop me from doing my daily travels and look forward to a brighter day tomorrow. I do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and may not have time to do any 'street work' but if there is a way to fit it in I will. If not, then I will be back at it Wednesday for spay/neuter day... Bottled waters, Benadryl caplets, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churus, individual bully sticks, collagen chew sticks, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Monday On The Move 4-22-2024

Sunday On The Streets 4-21-2024

I started my day at Fairmount Park. I was contacted by someone who said her friend's dog had been impounded and I was looking for more information. I found out that the dog was already out of impound but she was not at the park. There was another dog there so I visited with him and provided his companion with supplies. From there I drove to the Eastside to visit a couple of dogs that are only there on the weekends. I had not seen them for quite some time and was happy to catch up with them today. When I left that location, I drove to the 60 freeway ad headed out to Jurupa Valley near Agate Park. I visited with four dogs there and provided supplies for them and the family's cats. I made one quick stop at the store to pick up some produce and then went home. Everything was going great, until that point. When I went to take my rings and watch off, I realized my grandmother's wedding band was not on my right pointer finger. It has been there for so many years that it feels like it is on even when it isn't. I tried retracing my steps from the time I put my rings and watch on but it never turned up. It did not have monetary value but it meant the world to me and I am so sad it is gone. Unfortunately, it put me in a funky mood for the rest of the day. Hoping to feel better tomorrow but this is always going to bother me that I did not realize it was gone, until well after the fact... Bottled waters, large trash bags, chicken jerky treats, small bag of puppy food, wet dog food,17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, small bag of senior dog food, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, individual bully sticks, collagen chew sticks, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons and other water buffalo tails were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 4-21-2024

Saturday's Smiles 4-20-2024

Weather permitting, Saturday is when I go out to encampments in Grand Terrace. Before I did that, I met with someone who lives nearby in the river bottom. She was willing to meet me at the camps but it gets kind of chaotic over there, depending on the number of dogs that are around. Her dog is small so I suggested we meet at another location. We previously provided 'the works' for all of her cats and the dog so I bring supplies for both. When we were done, I went to where the encampments are. There were only five dogs around today so it was a bit less chaotic than usual. I spent time visiting with the dogs and gave their companions needed supplies. I drove through Rubidoux, afterwards, but still did not see a couple of people I want to connect with. I may try again tomorrow or Monday, depending on my schedule. My final stop was the post office. Nothing there for us so I headed home... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, wet dog food,17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, individual bags of treats, bully sticks, collagen chew sticks, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons and other buffalo chew sticks were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 4-20-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 4-19-2024

I started my day by Victoria and University on the Eastside where I met with 'Solo' and his companion. From there I went to the Path of Life Community Shelter where I met with three more dogs and their companions. I was able to provide supplies for the dogs at both stops. I was supposed to meet up with the companions of a dog that dog received services from Feeding Pets of The Homeless. I texted this morning and said I would be there between 9 and 10. I planned on doing a little video clip, visiting and providing supplies but that did not work out. One of the companion's decided to go to the recycle center, even though he knew I was coming. I went to where we were supposed to meet and waited for a bit but when I found out they were still in line at the recycle center I left. There was also another dog, on the Eastside, that received services from Feeding Pets of The Homeless. I did not plan to meet but because I was already in the area I drove by where they stay. Unfortunately, they were not there so I headed back to Jurupa Valley. The plan was to go to the post office but when I drove through a parking lot, looking for a couple of people and their dogs, I found someone else with dogs. He had his own dog and two puppies that were being given away (sigh)…He said he was going to find them homes and that he did not want them to be dumped somewhere. Once again, people are not bothering to spay/neuter and then give the unwanted puppies to anyone who will take them. It is a real problem and one that does not seem to be getting any better. At this point, I did not have time to go to the post office. I had a lunch meeting planned with a group of people so we could discuss some much needed fundraising. There were going to be six or seven of us. One of those people notified me yesterday that she was going out of town but was happy to still help with one of the ideas we have for an event. Another person canceled around 11 am this morning. That left us with four or five. attending. It turned out to be just four of us but I am thankful for the three who made it. Thanks Again Lorralie Bregman, Tracey Cleary and Becky Kowalski. We will be looking for volunteers to help with some of the things we plan, as soon as that is in the works... Bottled waters, large bag of recyclables, sleeping bag, protein shakes, chicken jerky treats, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, wet dog food, small bag of small bites dog food with tender chunks, Inaba chicken fillet, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, individual bags of treats, bully sticks, collagen chew sticks, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons and doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 4-19-2024

Thursday's Treasures 4-18-2024

My first stop this morning was at the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I was supposed to check on the two dogs that got 'the works' yesterday but one of their companion's never made it there due to a flat tire. Unfortunately, he did not try to connect with me today. When I left the motel, I drove through Rubidoux looking for someone who called about his dog getting spayed. He had called from someone else's phone so I had no way to call him back but I thought I might be able to find him. That was not the case. I did speak to a woman whose dog needs neutered but she lives in her vehicle and it is not running right now. As soon as it is, we will get her dog in. At that some location, I saw 'Jack' and 'Isabel'. They are the two dogs I have been trying to get spayed and neutered for quite some time as well as getting the male medical attention for his leg. Their companion has not been responsible and they missed both scheduled appointments. I am done dealing with the situation, unless he steps up and does his part. The sad part is that the female seems to be pregnant Again! He said she has had three or four litters already and didn't want her to have more but his failure to take care of them properly resulted in it happening again. I have no clue where their companion was today. Both dogs came running over to me so I made sure they had treats and bully sticks, before I left. From there I made a stop at the grocery store and then drove out to our storage units to pick up a few supplies. After lunch, I attended a zoom meeting for SAR…the Santa Ana River Bottom Homeless Solutions Collaborative. I was invited by Erin Gettis who is the director of Riverside County Animal Services. She is the one who made it possible for us to provide one pet per week with 'the works' as long as they meet the requirements and she was sharing the collaboration with the group... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, small bag of puppy food, Inaba chicken fillet, individual bags of treats, bully sticks, collagen chew sticks, beef tendons and doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 4-18-2024

#2097, #2098 & #2099 Get 'The Works' 4-17-2024

We had three pets scheduled for spay/neuter services at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. All were female. Two dogs and one cat. Due to finances, we did not schedule any at the other facility we do spaying/neutering. The companions of both dogs arrived early and were waiting for me when I got there at 7:30am. The cost for one of those dog's will be taken care of by the Riverside County Department of Animal Services Healthy Pet Zone Fund.The people with the cat were fifty minutes late but thankfully not too late to get their cat checked in. When I left that location, I went home to feed my dog and give him a potty break, before going back out to get an oil change,a long overdue car wash and check our PO Box. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, 2 small bags of cat food, Inaba Churus, Inaba Juicy Bites and plush squeaky dog toys wet cat food were shared.

#2097, #2098 & #2099 Get 'The Works' 4-17-2024

Tuesday's Treasures 4-16-2024

I had made arrangements to meet a small group of people at one of the river bottom outlets. They were all walking up, around the same time I arrived. Three people brought three dogs for a visit and supplies. One of those people has a couple of cats that need spayed and neutered. I gave him my contact card so he could call for an appointment. Another person showed up with a male puppy but as soon as I mentioned neutering, the gentleman got angry. He said it was against the law and I was not touching his dog. Not sure he totally understood what I was talking about. I had given him socks and a sleeping bag, before I realized he was going to act like that. Hopefully, he changes his mind at some point but sadly many do not. From there I drove through the Old Pine Center and on to Rubidoux. I did not find one of the people I was looking for but did find another. There were also a couple others with dogs. One of those I had met a couple of years ago and made multiple attempts to get spayed. Turns out, she had a litter not long after our initial meeting. I gave her companion another contact card. He has no transportation and moves around a lot so it does not look too promising but I offered again. Before heading home, I made a quick stop at our PO Box... Bottled waters, protein shakes, socks, sleeping bags, chicken jerky treats, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of Bil-Jack senior dog food, wet dog food, wet cat food, individual bags of dog treats, Inaba Churus, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Juicy Bites, salmon snacks, large dog collar, buffalo tendons, collagen chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 4-16-2024

Monday On The Move 4-15-2024

I took the day off yesterday to spend time with my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter but I was back out today. My first stop was at the Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside. I was able to check on a dog that we spayed last week as well as visit with her and three others. I provided supplies too. When I left that location, I drove around the Eastside for a bit but did not find anyone with pets so I continued on to Fairmount Park. We purchased 3 shedding rakes for a few of the dogs that needed them. One of those dogs, in need, is usually at the park so I went there next. He was there with his companion. In addition to treats and a few other items, I gave a shedding rake to them. On my way to the Post office in Jurupa Valley, I drove through Rubidoux. I don't have the patience to stop and talk to the person who has been a no show twice for appointments but I was hoping to find a couple other people with pets. Unfortunately, I did not see any of them. A friend of mine was having lunch with me today so after I made a stop at the post office, I made a brief stop at home and then went to meet my friend... Bottled waters, shedding rake, collagen chew sticks, buffalo tendons, kabob chew sticks, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, individual bags of dog treats, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, small bag of dog small dog food with tender bites, 2 small bags of adult dog food and a Kong squeaky ball were shared.

Monday On The Move 4-15-2024

Saturday's Smiles 4-13-2024

It was supposed to rain today so I was not sure if I would be going out. It was chilly but the sun was out so I was able to do my daily travels. I spent the morning at two different locations in Grant Terrace. I visited with and provided supplies for nine pets. When I left that location, I ran a couple of personal errands and then went to the post office. There were two large Chewy boxes waiting to be picked up. They were extremely heavy but I managed to load them in the empty back seat of my vehicle. I could not lift them a second time so I opened the boxes and took out the contents a few items at a time. We have been so fortunate to have received so many small bags of dog food as well as other supplies. I have a large shed at home but it is full so I will, temporarily, be taking these donations to our storage units... Bottled waters, socks, collagen chew sticks, buffalo tendons, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, individual bags of dog treats, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, Inaba Churus and Inaba chicken fillets were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 4-13-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 4-12-2024

One of the dogs that was spayed on Wednesday went back to the Path of Life Community Shelter with her companions after surgery. I made plans to meet there this morning to check on her. Unfortunately, we got our 'signals crossed' and I was unable to see her. When I left that location, I drove to where there is a woman who lives in her truck with her two dogs. Feeding Pets Of The Homeless approved a vet visit for one of them and I wanted to find out if she was finally able to schedule an appointment. She told me she has one for next Thursday so I will check back with her, after she goes. From there, I went to Fairmount Park. I wanted to give someone a sleeping bag and talk to another person about a 'rake' I purchased for his dog. I was able to do that and then got some good news. 'Ruckus' and his companion were at the park today but they were placed in a motel and will no longer need to stay in the river bottom. When I left the park, I drove out to our storage units. Seth Cox picked up our monthly donation from Star Milling and I was going to meet him. While I was there, Wendy Kelly brought the last two boxes of sleeping bags and a dog food donation. We had some other sleeping bags in storage for a few years now. Because we have so many new bags, I offered to give most of those we had to a program that assists the homeless. I wanted to stop at our PO Box afterwards, but my vehicle was very full so I headed home... Bottled waters, sleeping bag, socks, Cosequin tablets, chicken jerky treats, individual bags of dog treats, bully sticks, peanut butter chew sticks, small bag of senior dog food, small bag of adult dog food, wet dog food and Inaba tuna fillets were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 4-12-2024

Thursday's Treasures 4-11-2024

Yesterday, we spayed two dogs but only one was able to go to the motel so I went to check on her this morning. The other went back to the Path of Life Community Shelter, with her companions, and I hope to check on her tomorrow. When I left the motel, I drove to Rubidoux to speak to the gentleman who was a no show again for his two dogs. Everything was arranged on Tuesday, yet he did not show on Wednesday or bother to contact me. He claimed he could not get a leash on the male dog. I gave him collars, leashes and slip leads, He has had plenty of time to make it work but it seems he could not be bothered. I really like the dogs and I am upset that neither is getting spayed/neutered and that the male is not having his leg examined so I am asking Animal Services if an AC Officer can do a well check when in the area. I have been making arrangements for a month or so and I am quite tired of not getting cooperation. I am still willing to pay for the services I agreed to but I am not going to continue stopping there and listening to someone make excuses, after all the phone calls and scheduling I have already done on behalf of his pets. I shouldn't care more than he does. While at that location, I also visited with another dog that should be getting 'the works' on Wednesday. From there, I drove to the workplace of the wife of Ralph Torres who is kind enough to keep our website going. Each month, I do my best to bring baked goods and things for their kitties. Ralph has never accepted a payment so the gift bags are a small way to say thank you. On my way home, I stopped for fuel and saw a car parked in the lot. There was someone with a dog in there. I know them so I had to make a little detour. After fueling my vehicle, I picked up more Chewy packages from our PO Box and headed home... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, peanut butter chew sticks, kabob chew sticks, Inaba chicken fillets and Inaba tuna fillets were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 4-11-2024

#2,095 & #2,096 Get 'The Works' 4-10-2024

We had two female dogs scheduled for 'the works' at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic and we had a male and female scheduled at Van Buren Animal Hospital. The reason for scheduling there was because the male was already going in for an injury exam, thanks to Feeding Pets of the Homeless. Unfortunately, they were a No Show for the second time, even though I went to see them yesterday and confirmed with the companion and the person driving. Nobody bothered to call or text so I waited half an hour for them at the vet's office. I may go see them again tomorrow to find out what happened but I think I am done trying to help. I have spent hours of my time and wasted so much fuel, trying to be of service. I can't force anyone to courteous or responsible... As far as the earlier appointments at Animal Services goes, both dogs and their companions arrived on time. One of their fees is being covered by their Healthy Pet Zone Fund. While I was at that location, a gentleman, whose puppy we had neutered last week, came up from the river bottom. I gave him a few supplies and once both dogs were checked in, I left. I went home to feed my own dog and then headed back out to Van Buren Animal Hospital which turned out to be a total waste of time, appointments and fuel. I had time, before a lunch meeting with the Director of Riverside County Animal Services, to run a personal errand so I did that and picked up a package from our PO Box. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, socks, wet collapsible pet dish, large stainless steel pet dish, Max and Neo fleece, dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, buffalo tendons, peanut butter biscuits and plush squeaky toys were shared.

#2,095 & #2,096 Get 'The Works' 4-10-2024

Tuesday's Treasures 4-09-2024

Last week, Feeding Pets Of The Homeless approved a vet visit for a dog with an injured leg. We were going to neuter him and spay the female dog that lives with him and his companion. It took me weeks to get that set up but his transportation fell through so it did not work out. I went to see them after that. I spoke to him and the woman who said she would drive him. We scheduled a visit for tomorrow. I went back to their location, this morning, to remind everyone of the plan. I am really hoping it works out this time... My next stop was Fairmount Park... Last night, my daughter called me to tell me about a gentleman flying a sign near the freeway onramp. She said he had two dogs with him. She wondered if I knew them. She wanted to bring them a blanket, snacks and something drinks. I told her who I thought it was. When she went back to bring the items to him, it was confirmed. His phone rarely works, in the river bottom but I was able to reach him when he was at the park. I told him I would bring him dog food, a sleeping bag and a few other supplies. I was able to do that and visit with two other dogs and their companions. From there, I went to the post office where there were six boxes waiting for us. Five of those were filled with dog food from our wish list. I counted 25 bags and 3 cartons of wet. The generosity is overwhelming and so very appreciated! I am not supposed to be lifting anything right now but I had to unload it all so I ran home to do that and then made it to an 11am dental appointment for a small procedure to remove part of a tooth that broke off during an extraction. Definitely, a productive day! Bottled waters, socks, sleeping bags, two tubes of high calorie nutritional gel, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, individual bags of dog treats and bully sticks were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 4-09-2024

Monday On The Move 4-08-2024

I had a full morning planned and was able to get to everything on my list. The only setback was that one of the people I was supposed to meet did not answer my calls or texts, even though we agreed to meet today, so I wasted another trip looking for her. I started with a visit to 'Solo' on the Eastside and then went to the Path of Life Community Shelter to visit with a couple more pets. I was hoping to see more people with their dogs but none came out. When I left the shelter, I drove out to a location where I was supposed to meet with the person I mentioned earlier. She was not there, but another person was with her two dogs. I placed another call to Feeding Pets of The Homeless for her, after she said the vet had not heard from them yet. From there, I drove to a place called Veterinary Services, Inc. aka VSI. One of the unhoused people we provide services for has a sister that works there and she gave our info to them. They donated pet food awhile back and today they had five large boxes filled with cat food, dog treats, chew sticks and other miscellaneous pet supplies. We can use everything in those boxes. Only problem was that I could not fit most of it in my shed at home so I had to get on the freeway and make a trip to our storage units which I was happy to do. I put some of the items back in my vehicle as well as a couple cases of water and decided to make a quick trip to Trader Joe's. I don't live near there so if I need anything I usually go when I am at our storage units first, because they are only a couple of miles away. My final stop was at the post office. Many people sent donations of requested pet food, and I wanted to see if any had arrived yet. Nothing today. I doubt I will have time to check tomorrow but will go again on Wednesday... Bottled waters, socks, hand warmers, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba Churus, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, plush squeaky toy, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Monday On The Move 4-08-2024

Sunday On The Streets 4-07-2024

The companion of two dogs, we have provided services for, was moved from the river bottom to a local motel. He contacted me this morning. They have been there about two weeks and were in need of dog food. I tried to touch base, when I was at Kaiser on Friday, but the number I had was no longer the right one. I did not think I was going to get out there until the middle of the week, but things changed and I made it today. While I was there, I also met a Veteran. He said he has been there for a year with his two dogs and three children, while they wait for available section8 housing. I did not have a large bag of puppy food but I did have wet puppy food and a large bag of adult dog food so I was able to help a little. I also gave them treats and chews. All four of those dogs need good brushes and I am hoping to get some donated. When I left that location, I drove to two other locations in Riverside and then one in Jurupa Valley. I was unable to connect with anyone with pets so I headed over to Agate Park. I visited five pets belonging to a family there and provided a few supplies, before calling it a day... Bottled waters, ear cleaner for pets, wet puppy food, wet dog food, Inaba chicken broth, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churu Rolls, small bag of kitten food, wet cat food, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, large Max and Neo collar, large leash, bully sticks, peanut butter chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 4-07-2024

Saturday's Smiles 4-06-2024

I went to two locations today. The first one was in Grand Terrace. I visited seven dogs and provided supplies for a couple of others as well. From there, I drove to Fairmount Park. There was a group of people sitting under one of the gazebos. When I approached, I found there were five dogs with them. I knew all but one and was able to give them each treats and a few supplies. My final stop was our PO Box. I was expecting something from Chewy but it was not there so I will check back on Monday or Tuesday... Bottled waters, sleeping bags, small pet winter rain jacket, wet dog food, cans of chicken broth, small bag of adult dog food, small bag of small bites dog food, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 4-06-2024

Thursday's Treasures 4-04-2024

Yesterday, I received a call about a mama dog in the river bottom near the animal shelter. This dog belongs/belonged to a gentleman who doesn't stay down there anymore. He supposedly visits but is not taking care of his responsibility. Thankfully, there are some good people who have been. I have provided services for them and their pets, in the past. Three or four days ago, the dog gave birth to five puppies. The people caring for her did not have dog food and they said animal services did not have any to give out. Normally, I would not provide food for unaltered dogs but I know this one will be spayed, once the puppies are weaned. I agreed to meet this morning to bring supplies. That was my first stop of the day. From there, I drove to the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I visited both dogs that we put in rooms, with their companions, so they could begin recuperating from their neuters. While at the motel, I met another gentleman who needs his dog done and I told him to call and set that up. When I left the motel, I ran an errand, stopped at our PO Box and called it a day... Bottled waters, socks, extra large tarp, emergency blankets, hand warmers, roll of large trash bags, handmade pet jackets, slip leads, Max and Neo fleece, wet puppy food, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus, Inaba chicken fillets, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 4-04-2024

#2092, #2093 & #2094 Get 'The Works' & Today's Travels 4-03-2024

We had four pets scheduled for 'the works' today. Three were to be done at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic and one at the Mary S. Robert's spay/neuter clinic. At 7:30am, I arrived at the first location. In addition to our appointments, I also had homemade cookies for the Animal Control Officers who always do their best to help when I call. They did that twice in the past few weeks and the baked goods are always my way of saying 'thank you'…When I arrived, One companion was already there with his male puppy. The second arrived about fifteen minutes later with her male puppy. I called the companion of the female cat and she was walking up from the river bottom. She finally arrived about ten minutes after eight. It was the first time in weeks that everyone has kept their appointments. Other than the fact that the cat was not in a hard carrier, it all went smoothly and I was grateful. After leaving the clinic, I went home for about thirty minutes and then headed out to the other clinic where I was supposed to meet the companion of a male dog. We had a few communication issues so I wasn't sure if she was going to make it. He did make it but he had gotten an injection for a black widow bite last week and we did not know what meds it was so the vet would not do the surgery. We hope to get it done in the near future."One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, medium collar and leash set, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churus, small bag of puppy food, 2 small bags of cat food, Inaba Twins for cats, wet cat food, kabob chew sticks and a plush squeaky toy were shared.

#2092, #2093 & #2094 Get 'The Works' & Today's Travels 4-03-2024

Tuesday's Treasures 4-02-2024

On my way to Fairmount Park, I stopped in Rubidoux to speak to a woman who said she wants her dog neutered and to find out if the companion of 'Jack' was able to reschedule his vet appointment. The dogs were there but he was not so I did not get any information. I did get the phone number of the woman who wants her dog neutered and hope to make that happen in the near future. There was also another dog at this location that belongs to someone who is in a motel room. I was told the dog is aggressive so I did not try to pet him but I did give him treats and Inaba chicken fillets. A couple of guys were there trying to take care of him. They had dry food and I gave them some wet. I will check on that dog again to be sure he has not been abandoned. From there, I went to Fairmount Park. I visited with a few dogs and provided supplies where needed. When I left that location, I drove to our PO Box, in Jurupa Valley, where there was another donation of wet dog food. I so appreciate those who placed orders when I said we could use supplies... Bottled waters, socks, wet dog food, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, small bag of senior dog food, small bag of adult dog food, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendon chews and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 4-02-2024

Monday On The Move 4-01-2024

I was feeling grateful this morning. 'Jack' was finally going to have his leg examined, thanks to Feeding Pets of The Homeless. In addition, we were going to neuter him as well as spay the female that lives with him and his companion. I arrived at Van Buren Animal Hospital a few minutes early. I waited for thirty minutes and the companion was a no show. He doesn't have a phone so I had no way to call or text. I decided to drive out to the Eastside, because I was contacted by someone staying at the Path of Life Community Shelter. I drove across town and visited with her and her two dogs. I also met with someone who is new to the shelter and has a puppy in the kennels there. She needs him to get 'the works' so we made arrangements to get that don this week. From there I went looking for someone who needed me to verify their homeless for Pets of The Homeless. She was supposed to be staying by someone I have not seen in months. That person has two dogs. I found her and was able to provide them with supplies. I also called Pets of The Homeless and put her on speakerphone. One of her dog's has gained a lot of weight and she is concerned about his thyroid. POH agreed to an exam so he will be able to go to the vet, as soon as she can get a ride to an appointment. Unfortunately, I was unable to find the woman who needs me to confirm her homelessness for POH but we did finally text. At that time we picked a few days, times and places where we might meet up. Hoping to do that soon. On my way to our PO Box, I drove through Rubidoux to look for the gentleman who was a 'no show'. I found him and he said his ride did not show up and that he has no other way to get to the vet. I have been trying for weeks to make this happen but I am running out of ideas at this point. My final stop was the Post Office. There was one Chewy package there and I know more are coming... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel card, wet dog food, handmade pet jackets, small collar and leash set, medium collar and leash set, handmade pet jackets, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, small bag of senior dog food, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendon chews and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Monday On The Move 4-01-2024
2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC