I was on my way to check on someone with a sick kitten when I spotted a dog named 'Midnight' and her companion. He was riding a bike and she was in the bike trailer. They did not hear me honk my horn so I pulled over and jumped out so I could yell to them. That worked and they turned around and came over to where I had parked. When our visit was over, I went to see the kitten and then drove to a third location in Jurupa Valley. I was supposed to meet with two dogs and their companions but one was a no show. I spent time with the dog that was there and discussed doing some TNR on a bunch of kittens and cats that are in a field where there is a homeless encampment. I am not sure how that will work out but we started a dialogue and will see what happens. Arrowhead, chocolates and air fresheners from Mary Sheets, canned ravioli, cracker packs, cup of noodles, protein bars, toilet tissue, body wipes, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, wet cat food, chicken jerky treats, collapsible pet dish, bully slices, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba chicken and tuna fillets for cats, Inaba Churu for cats, bully sticks, peanut butter chew sticks and Zippy Paws pet toy were shared.
I spent my morning at two different locations. One was in Rubidoux, where I met a couple with a dog that needs 'the works' and another that is due for her rabies vaccination as well as flea/tick treated. We have them scheduled for this Wednesday. My second stop was at a river bottom outlet. I did not get to visit with 'Lucy' and 'Sissy' this time but I did visit with a few others. One of them is in need of being relinquished to an adopter or rescue and I will work on making that happen. Arrowhead, chocolates and air fresheners from Mary Sheets, juice boxes, string cheese, canned ravioli, canned soup, fruit cups, cracker packs, cup of noodles, cookie packs, tissues, toilet tissue, socks, body wipes, K-9 Glucosamine, dog collar, Fly's Off, Repel bug spray, kitty litter, Vetericyn eye wash for pets, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, bully slices, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba chicken and tuna fillets for cats, Inaba Churu for cats, squeaky ball and Zippy Paws pet toy were shared.
My morning was spent at two locations over on the Eastside of town. The first stop was at Hunter Park and the second was on Massachusetts around the Access Center, homeless shelter, pods and The Place. I visited eight pets and shared supplies for them, their companions and others camped in tents up and down the street. Arrowhead, chocolates and air fresheners from Mary Sheets, cracker packs, body wipes, dog bed, dog collar, dog harness, pet tee shirts, simply cesar chicken dog food, chicken jerky treats, bully slices, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs and Zippy Paws pet toys were shared.
I was supposed to be meeting a group of people and pets at the MSRPAC Clinic this morning around the time I was going in to pay for yesterday's spay/neuter surgeries. Each of the pets was in need of a well check which consists of updating their vaccinations and flea/tick treatments. On my way, I made one stop where I visited with three dogs sharing both people and pet supplies. When I arrived at the clinic, I found out that only two of the pets would be coming in and a third would be coming in later in the morning. We are also paying for two dogs to be groomed at Michele's Friends Pet Salon today. Looking forward to seeing them. Arrowhead, cracker packs, string cheese, cup of noodles, canned ravioli, cookie packs, body wipes, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, bully slices, bully sticks and Inaba chicken fillets for dogs were shared.
May was supposed to be a very busy month for spaying and neutering but with more than half of the people scheduled do not show, it became one of our least busy. We still managed to provide 'the works' for 11 pets which is of course something to be grateful for. Of those eleven, 9 were dogs and 2 were cats. We had 6 female dogs, 1 female cat, 3 male dogs and one male cat….As far as today was concerned, we had three show up and two that did not. There were two male dogs and one female car. We would like to thank Tracy Bowen for transporting the cat. If we could get more people helping with that, we would have far less no-shows. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter".
It is heating up in Southern California which is why I am grateful that I am usually done by about 11:30 every morning. It still gets pretty warm but it is so much better than being out in the afternoon. I feel better and those we serve do too. The higher temperatures make people irritable and it doesn't do much for personal hygiene either. There are always concerns for the pets getting overheated or burning their feet on the pavement/dirt/sand and that is a big concern. I never made it over to Massachusetts Avenue yesterday so I decided to go today. I stopped by the Salvation Army on my way to see what was happening there and to look for any people who have pets. There was just one couple there and they have a cat. The cat needs 'the works' but without volunteers to drive them, I am not sure when we will be able to make it happen. The other stop I made was on Massachusetts by the Access Center/homeless shelter/pods and the mental health facility. I only visited with six pets. All the others were either sleeping or not around. Arrowhead, Body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, cracker packets, protein bars, wet dog food, simply cesar chicken dog food, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba treats for cats, bully slices, kabob chew sticks and chicken jerky treats were shared.
Monday mornings are typically spent on the Eastside and although I was in that part of town, I never made it to Massachusetts near the Access Center, homeless shelter and pods. My first stop was on the border of Riverside and Colton. The car driven by the companion of 'CoCo' and 'Ulani' is still not up and running so I went to them. I wanted to check on how they were all doing and drop off supplies, including a couple of gift cards. When I left that location, I drove through Hunter Park. I recognized a vehicle parked with the hood up as belonging to people I knew that have pets. I stopped for them and visited with another couple who also has pets. I had planned on making one more stop but I was unable to reach anyone via text so I stopped at the grocery store and then headed home. Arrowhead, McDonalds gift card, Arco gift card, Body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, Vetericyn eye wash for pets, cracker packets, protein bars, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba treats for cats, bully slices, pork femurs and chicken jerky treats were shared.
I drove out to the Denny's parking lot on Valley Way in Jurupa Valley, in order to meet a woman and the kitten she rescued from a nearby field. I gave her supplies and we are making arrangements to start his vaccinations. When I left there, I drove towards the last location I visited with 'Kawasaki' and to look for the person who stood me up for the appointment his two dogs had for 'the works'. On my way, I spotted the companions of a dog named 'Roxy'. They were parked in a field and I was able to pull in. When I finally made it to where I was headed, I found out that 'Kawasaki' was no longer there and they did not know if the guy with the two dogs was at his camp. I decided to keep driving. I was also hoping that I might find 'Angel' and her companion but I did not have any luck with that. When I was driving through one of the empty parking lots, I spotted the wagon I had given to the companion of 'Kawasaki' but I did not see him or her. I drove up and down the side streets and went back to that lot twice but could not find them. I was going to call it a day and go home but made a second stop where I began looking for them earlier. I was talking to one of the guys there when a woman began walking fairly quickly towards my vehicle and she was shouting obscenities. I usually just ignore it but a gentleman in a van told me I should roll up my window and get out of there so I did. When I drove out to the street, I was traveling in the opposite direction of my home but the same direction as to where I had seen the wagon. I thought I would look one last time. I guess the third time was the charm, because they were there and 'Kawasaki' had plenty to say! I was just thankful to finally be able to give her the product that will help keep flies off of her. Arrowhead, Flys Off, toilet tissue, Body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, cracker packets, fruit cups, protein bars, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba treats for cats, wet cat food, bully slices, bully sticks, chicken jerky treats and a PetSmart toy box donated by TNR Riverside being used for a pet bed were shared.
I spent most of my time at one of the river bottom outlets, this morning. It has been one week since 'Shila' and 'Bonnie' went to rescue, I was asked to bring pets supplies and I had a three-year RCAS license tag for a dog at that location. I also wanted to see how 'Lucy' and 'Sissy' were doing. I was able to speak to the gentleman who 'Lucy' actually belongs to. He is slowly trying to get her acclimated with the dogs his girlfriend has. I did not see her when I first arrived and then she exited the trees out near Tony's old camp. She came up for a few treats and then left. I can see she misses Tony and the two 'girls' that left. 'Sissy' was running around playing with a dog I have never met. She came up the hill for treats and took off after I gave her a bully slice. I visited with a total of eight pets and was definitely missing the two that are no longer there. So many dogs have come and gone down there over the years. There has been rescue for some, moving indoors for some and unfortunate deaths for others. I always feel a little sad when any of them are gone, even if it is for a good reason. When I left the bridge, I drove across town to our storage units. I needed to grab a few more supplies that I did not have room for yesterday. I thought about making one last stop but decided to go there tomorrow instead. Arrowhead, Flys Off, toilet tissue, Body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, cracker packets, cookie packs, canned ravioli, soup, cup of noodles, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba treats for cats, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully slices, kabob chew sticks, chicken jerky treats and Jones Natural dog treats were shared
My first stop this morning was going to be near Fairmount Park but the park was actually open so I met the people and pets inside the park. There is a woman who brings oatmeal every Friday morning so there is usually a small gathering. Today, I had an opportunity to visit with people and pets I had not seen in a while. When I left there, I drove to Massachusetts Avenue and parked in front of the Access Center/Homeless Shelter/Pods. I was able to visit with seven pets and I brought RCAS license tags for four. I was going to make one more stop but I had to get home to put my dogs their morning break and then go back out. We were receiving a water donation and I needed to meet Susan Rogers and Marge Lowrey to unload it at our storage units. A huge thank you to them for taking on this very important task! Arrowhead, fruit juice boxes, fruit cups, cookies, cracker packs, beef sticks, toilet tissue, Body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba chicken fillets for cats, Inaba salmon flavored cat treats,20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of cat food, wet dog food, wet cat food, Simply Cesar chicken dog food, small bag of dog food from BADDOgs Inc.,collar, doggie bow ties, puppy pads, bully sticks, peanut butter sticks, kabob chew sticks, chicken jerky treats, squeaky ball and Zippy Paws toys were shared.
I was asked to meet someone for pet supplies this morning. We Agreed to meet in the parking lot of Riverside County Animal Services. She has one dog and three cats. The dog was with her for a visit. When I left there, I drove to Van Buren Animal Hospital where I met up with the companion of 'CoCo' and 'Ulani'. I went inside with her to pay the balance of the bill and to see how the little dog was doing. She was very happy to see her companion and the feeling was mutual. My final stop was at the MSRPAC Spay/Neuter Clinic. I paid the two invoices from yesterday and then called it a day. Arrowhead, fruit juice boxes, fruit cups, canned ravioli, cookies, cracker packs, cup of noodles, Kleenex, toilet tissue, flush-able wipes, Body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba chicken fillets for cats, Inaba salmon flavored cat treats, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, kabob chew sticks and chicken jerky treats were shared.
Two male dogs were scheduled for 'the works' today. We also had another female coming in for a well check. Another female dog owner asked for his dog to have an appointment and then never followed through, even after two reminders. I had serious doubts about the companion of the two five month old pitbull puppies and unfortunately, they were a reality. I have given their companion so many supplies and had hoped it would be a reminder for him to keep his word but that did not happen. It was more than frustrating as he did not even bother to call. Thankfully, the one female dog and her fur sister getting a well check did show up and on time. We did have a scare, when the dog getting 'the works' slipped out of her collar and took off. The clinic staff and her companion cornered her under a car and Stacey Dombek was finally able to get her. It was scary for a short time but the outcome was a good one...When I left the clinic I went home for a bit and then went back out to meet 'Ulani' and her companion at Van Buren Animal Hospital. I was there for both moral support and to make sure there were enough fund to cover whatever treatment she might need. She will receive x-rays, blood work, injections, pain meds, antibiotics, surgery and a bandage. She will be picked up tomorrow morning and we should know more about whether she has any other issues at that time. Body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, disposable face masks, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Simply Cesar chicken dog food, kabob chew sticks and Zippy Paws toys were shared. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter".
I was contacted two nights ago by the companion of 'CoCo' and 'Ulani'. They were walking to a convenience store and two very large dogs came running up on them and began attacking 'Ulani'. The companion was trying to protect her and keep 'CoCo' safe as well but it was very difficult due to the size of the dogs that were attacking. Thankfully, she had a backpack which kept the dogs from puncturing her in the neck but she was still bitten, bruised and scraped from tumbling down. By some miracle, 'CoCo' never got touched. She is older and frail and most likely would not have survived. I was told there were people who saw this but nobody stepped in and then they all took off as did the owners of the dogs. The vehicle this family of three lives in has been broken down so they have not been in the part of town I normally see them. I was unable to get to them yesterday but I made it this morning. I called Pets Of The Homeless as soon as they opened and we were able to schedule an appointment for tomorrow at 10am so the dog can have an exam and hopefully be treated. I did not like for them to wait any longer but the only option was to take her to an emergency clinic which there were no funds for. 'Ulani' is clearly shaken up and injured but we are hoping for a good outcome. Her companion said she will be ok as soon as she knows her 'baby' is but looking at her injuries this morning made me think differently. It was an overall bad situation but it could have been much worse…While I was there, I was able to visit with 'Ganja' but did not give her as much attention as usual due to the dog attack issue…When I left that location, I met up with a couple and their two pets in the parking lot of a nearby park. This family lives indoors but they spent many years on the street and I got to know and love their pets. There were four dogs at one point but two died over the years. I will continue visiting the other two for as long as it is possible. We don't meet up very often but it is always a gift when we do. They also have cats but they are not fans of riding in the car so I just sent home a few goodies for them….I was supposed to make one last stop but got a last minute text saying they had to chance so I made a trip to the grocery store, PO Box and then headed home. Arrowhead, McDonalds gift card, ARCO gift card, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, juice boxes, fruit cups, doggie bow tie, stainless steel pet dish, Vetericyn wound care spray, wet dog food, simply cesar chicken dog food, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba chicken fillets for cats, wet cat food 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, peanut butter chew sticks, bully sticks,, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks and Zippy Paws pet toys were shared.
Before leaving the house this morning, I called the Animal Hospital used by Mutts in Need and made a payment to their account with the funds that have been donated for this purpose. I also called the Animal Hospital to make a payment on the account for Cause For San Bernardino Paws. That was to cover the adoption fees for the Veteran that took in a dog named 'Hope'. The person I needed to speak to for the payment was not in, so I called back in the afternoon to take care of it. When I did hit the streets, I went to my usual Monday morning stop on Massachusetts Avenue near the Access Center/Homeless Shelter and Pods. I visited with six pets. I was hoping to visit with a few more but it did not work out. I will be going back out tomorrow to catch up with a few of those but we will not be meeting on Massachusetts. When I left there, I dropped off a bag of baked goods at someone's home, went to Riverside Self Storage to get supplies and then went to the Riverside County Department of Animal Services to pick up licenses. With them being closed, I have not been able to do licensing once a month so we decided it would be ok for me to drop off all the paperwork I had collected and then come back when they had processed the licenses. It worked out well and now I am caught up. My final stop was at our PO Box and then I made my way home. Arrowhead, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, juice boxes, fruit cups, doggie bow tie, wet dog food, simply cesar chicken dog food, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, peanut butter chew sticks, bully slices, chicken jerky treats, pork femur bones, small squeaky dog toy were shared.
I was contacted to bring dog food out to a location in Jurupa Valley so that was my first stop of the day. From there, I drove to a location in Rubidoux. I have been unsuccessful lately finding a certain dog and his companion either awake or in their tent. They were there and awake today so we had a visit. When I left them, I drove out to Van Buren and Arlington to look for 'Kawasaki' and two people who have dogs that need either spayed or neutered. I was unable to speak to the person with the female dog, but did connect with the other. He has two males. If all goes well, they will get 'the works' on Wednesday. Arrowhead, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, juice boxes, fruit cups, cracker packs, protein bars, cookies, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of dog food from BADDog Inc., dog collar, dog leash, large bag of puppy food, wet dog food, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, peanut butter chew sticks, bully slices, chicken jerky treats, Jones Natural dog treats, pork femur bones, small squealy dog toy and squeaky tennis balls were shared.
The entire morning was spent at one of the river bottom outlets. I was there for s few reasons. One was to meet with a film crew that was starting production on a project that has to do with the relationship between people and their dogs. The second was to meet a representative from Mutts In Need. He was going to be there to pick up a dog named 'Shila' and to possibly do the same for a dog named 'Bonnie'. One belonged to and the other was being taken care of by a gentleman who is having health issues. After thirty years in the river bottom, he is living indoors with a friend but could not take any pets and asked for my help. Both dogs are now safe and will be cared for by the rescue and will hopefully be up for adoption in the near future. The third reason for my being at this location was for the same reason I am always there. That is to give supplies to pets in need and to discuss the health and well-being of the pets. Arrowhead, Subway gift card, toilet tissue, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, juice boxes, fruit cups, cracker packs, protein bars, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, wet dog food, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, kabob chew sticks, Inaba tuna fillets for cats, chicken jerky treats, beef jerky treats, pork femur bones, rope toys and Zippy Paws pet toy were shared.
Our website exists and is kept up by Ralph Torres. He donates his time which is very much appreciated. Every now and then I like to thank him with some of my baked goods. His wife does not work too far away from the route I was taking to the Eastside today so I dropped off a goodie bag that they can both enjoy…The rest of the morning was spent up and down Massachusetts Avenue near the Access Center, homeless shelter and pods. One of the dogs we provided 'the works' for recently, was attacked by another dog a few days ago. There was a chunk of skin missing and it looked like it needed to be sutured. I put a call in to Feeding Pets Of The Homeless. When the dog was neutered, he rode back with the companion of another dog that we spayed the same day. That companion said she would drive them to Van Buren Animal Hospital, I happened to have Arco fuel cards and McDonalds gift cards with me so I gave her one of each. This will help her for helping them. I visited with six other dogs as well and distributed supplies to them and their companions. Thanks to Michelle Satras, I have quite a few fruit juice boxes and fruit cups. I normally only give whatever snacks I might have to people with pets but I decided to distribute the remainder of what I had with me to those who were nearby. Everyone was appreciative of that and for the body wipes. I was Grateful that I had enough to share with more people than usual. Arrowhead, Arco Fuel card, McDonalds gift card, disposable face masks, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, juice boxes, fruit cups, Vetericyn wound care spray, dog collars, wet dog food, Simply Cesar chicken dog food, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, kabob chew sticks, bully slices, bully sticks, pork femur bones, Jones Natural dog treats, chicken jerky for dogs and small squeaky pet toys were shared.
On Tuesday, I met a couple of people with dogs that needed 'the works'. They were supposed to call me in the afternoon so I could get their appointments scheduled. I never heard back from either companion so I went looking for them this morning. I was unsuccessful but did run into 'Kawasaki' and her companion so we had a visit. My next stop was a few blocks away. I saw 'Angel' and her companion with signs that said they were hungry. I had snacks for the dog and the people who were there, so I pulled over. When I left there, I dropped off three months of licensing paperwork at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services and then headed over to the MSRPAC Spay/Neuter Clinic. I was supposed to meet someone with a dog that needed a 'well check' but he did not show or answer his phone. I just paid yesterday's invoices and called it a day. Three of the dogs that had a 'spay day' yesterday wound up spending the night, after their companion lost her ride to pick them up. They were picked up this morning. There is a boarding fee when people show up after hours or the next day. The companion said she could not pay it so the amount was added to our bill which was approximately $900.00. It was an expensive day but three female dogs and one female cat will no longer be starting or continuing to add to pet overpopulation in the homeless community or our community at large. Arrowhead, cloth face masks, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, cookies, juice boxes, fruit cups, beef sticks, canned ravioli, Vetericyn wound care spray, leashes, dry dog food, wet dog food, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, bully slices, bully sticks, Jones Natural dog treats, chicken jerky for dogs, Zippy Paws safety vest and Zippy Paws toys were shared.
I woke up and was a bit sad this morning. Today is the day my Mom was supposed to arrive from Florida and more family was due to get here during the week. We were going to have a late Mother's Day celebration as well as a celebration for my Mom's 88th birthday. Most of the family had not yet been to our new home so it was going to be like a late housewarming too. Covid19 put an end to the festivities. We will plan it all again at a later date but I had been looking forward to this for a long time. My mood changed, when I arrived at the MSRPAC Spay/Neuter Clinic. I was still sad but Gratitude slowly crept in. We had four female dogs and one female cat scheduled for 'the works'. They all showed up and on time! To have all pets make their appointments and be on time is a rarity and something I am and always will be very thankful for. I am also thankful for those of you who make Monetary Donations so we are able to continue providing these much-needed services. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelter is to spay and neuter".
I made two stops today. The first was in the parking lot of a Jack in the Box in Rubidoux. On my way to the next stop, I went to the Post Office to mail packages and there were quite a few waiting for us as well. After they were loaded in my back seat, I drove to the second stop. That was in the parking lot of the Walgreens that closed on Van Buren and Arlington. I was there to meet someone with a dog and two cats. We could not connect last week but she was able to drive her van there this morning. I spotted ‘Kawasaki’ on the other end of the lot and was getting ready to visit her when someone I had not seen in a long time came walking up. He has two pit puppies now and is also taking care of another dog that was pretty much being passed around the river bottom when his companion got housing. I was very sad to know he was left there but grateful he is being cared for. I also met another new dog while we were talking. She needs spayed and the two males need neutered. If all goes well, we will make it happen on the 20th. I did not have time to visit with ‘Kawasaki’ but will be sure to do soon….. Arrowhead, toilet tissue, Snack Packs from Janene Purdie, beef sticks, socks, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, collar, kitty litter, leashes including two from Tiller Tugs, dog collar, Tiller Tugs tug toy, small squeaky toy, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for cats, Jones Natural dog treats, Inaba chicken fillets for cats, wet cat food, chicken jerky, wet dog food, 2-20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, small bags of cat food, pork femur bones, cow’s ears, kabob chew sticks and Zippy Paws safety vest were shared.
After driving out to the Motel6 in Jurupa Valley and dropping off a few things for my friend Lupe Alcala, I drove to the Eastside. The motel is closed but there are still a few people working there daily, doing repairs and other things….I spent half the morning visiting pets at Hunter Hobby Park and the other half on Massachusetts Avenue near the Access Center/Homeless Shelter/Pods. When I was done there, I stopped at our PO Box and then headed home. I unloaded a few supplies so I had room to bring other supplies to rescue friends and to storage. I dropped off a bag of birthday goodies for one friend, shared supplies with a rescue friend and then went to Riverside Self Storage to meet Christine Langdon. She picked up our donation from the Star Milling Company and it needed unloaded. We were still good on cat food, because the large property with all the cats had everyone thrown off the land. I still see some of the people but not all so I told Star Milling we would most likely be needing the 170 pounds of dry cat food every other month, instead of monthly. We are still accepting the 400 pounds of dry dog food, because we are presently feeding more dogs than cats. Arrowhead, Snack Packs from Janene Purdie, beef sticks, socks, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, harness, puppy pads, Tiller Tug and other leashes, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for cats, Inaba chicken fillets for cats, wet cat food, chicken jerky, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, pork femur bones and kabob chew sticks were shared.
Even on the streets, it was all about the ladies today....Yesterday, I received a call from someone who has three female dogs that need spayed. The mama dog is approximately three years old and the others were from two different litters that she had. Each is more than a year old. I knew it was important to have them all done at the same time and was thankful we could make that happen this coming Wednesday. I always do my best to meet any potential surgery recipients ahead of time. We agreed to meet at 9:30 this morning in the parking lot of the Department of Animal Services. I was supposed to meet someone at 9am to bring supplies for her two cats and dog, but they had a change of plans so I went looking for ‘Kawasaki’ instead. I drove to all the ‘usual’ places and had no luck. It was too early for the 9:30 meeting but I decided to go sit and wait. I was on my way when I stopped at a traffic light and spotted ‘Kawsaki’ and her companion. I spent some time with them and then went to DAS. The people meeting me were running late but there was a truck parked there and the gentleman has a blue nose pit. I started speaking to him and found out that he was the same person I had gotten about a month or two ago. At that time, he had gone into the MSRPAC to get information on what to do with the dog. She had a large litter and stopped feeding them at 4 weeks and even killed one of the pups. I said that Taking It To The Streets would pay surrender fees for the puppies and then provide ‘the works’ for the mama. I never heard back from the companion and I was unable to reach him by phone. I am not sure what happened, other than all the puppies were given away and the mama dog was not spayed. I have no appointments until the 20th but offered to spay her then. I did not get the gentleman’s number so I will just have to wait and see if he follows up. I also offered to spay/neuter the entire litter, whether they are in homes or not. I explained the problem with giving away puppies that are not spayed/neutered. He said he did not really think about that and understood my concerns. Not sure what will happen with my offer but it is out there now. The couple I was waiting for showed up by 10am with all three dogs. We visited and I gave them supplies. If all goes as planned, they will be three of the four dogs we have going in for ‘the works’ on Wednesday. Arrowhead, Large Bag of Recyclables, Snack Packs from Janene Purdie, canned ravioli, tuna packs, socks, cloth face masks, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, collars, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, chicken jerky, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully slices, kabob chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.
I made arrangements to meet some people at one of the river bottom outlets, this morning. There is no shade where I do this so I did not want to go any later than 9am. I spent some of the time with a group of dogs that were close by. The next group of dogs are much further down so I walked to where they were. Most of the pets in this area of the river bottom get along but not all and we never want to take any chances of a dog fight breaking out. When we were done, I walked back to where I was parked and then took a drive to the store and our PO Box. I had not seen my daughter in two months and was hoping to change that. She had picked up some special cat food for Lupe to feed to the sick cat named ‘Cinnamon’. After dropping that off, my daughter came to the house. We sat outside and kept our distance but it was great to spend a little time together. She is working on Mother’s Day so we celebrated as best as we could today. We will get together for the missed lunch as soon as it is possible. My son wanted to come here too but his drive is much further and I did not want him to spend more time in the car than we would be able to spend together. It is just too warm to hang out for very long so I asked him to just wait until we could possibly go somewhere to have a meal outdoors or even spend time inside the house. For now, nobody comes into the house. It is hard when we are talking about family but even family can infect each other. I am not living in fear but I am cautious. I look forward to both children being here in the near future. The best Mother’s Day gift I could ask for is knowing that each of my children are happy and healthy. Arrowhead, Snack Packs from Janene Purdie, toilet tissue, cloth face masks, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, chicken jerky, wet dog food, 2-20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company and cow’s ears were shared.
I spent most of the morning on Massachusetts Avenue near the homeless shelter. I distributed supplies to people staying in the shelter and the pods as well as those in tents that are lined up and down the street. When I was done, I headed over to the MSRPAC Spay/Neuter Clinic to pay an invoice and pick up donations that were left for us. My final stop was at our PO Box where there were three packages waiting to be picked up. Arrowhead, cloth face masks, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, trolley run, kabob chew sticks, stainless steel pet dish, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, chicken jerky, wet dog food, Simply Cesar dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully sticks and squeaky pet toys were shared.
I made my first stop in the Denny’s parking lot off of Valley Way in Jurupa Valley. I went there to meet a dog that is supposed to be going in for ‘the works’ on Wednesday. My next stop was going to be the MSRPAC Spay/Neuter Clinic but I made a detour in order to pick up a donation from someone who lives nearby. My purpose of being at the clinic was to pay for yesterday’s pets and to meet someone whose dog needed his vaccinations updated, flea and tick treated and micro chipped. While I was there, Lupe Alcala brought ‘Cinnamon’ the cat in and I decided to have her take him back to Van Buren Animal Hospital where he was previously treated. Colici can take a long time to go away but we are trying to figure out why it keeps coming back. When I left the clinic, I drove to our PO Box and was headed home when I spotted a woman and her dog near the Jack In The Box on Limonite Avenue. The woman had recently been hospitalized and while she was there, someone stole all of her belongings, including the stroller she used to push the dog around. I did not have one to give her but I did have other supplies she needed. She has no phone so it has been difficult locating them but I will do my best to keep in touch and replace the stroller or give her a wagon. Arrowhead, body wipes from Calvary Presbyterian Church, toilet tissue, cracker packs, tuna packs, cup of noodles, canned ravioli, kabob chew sticks, peanut butter chew sticks, leash, toy box to be used as a pet bed, pet dish, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, chicken jerky, wet dog food, Simply Cesar dog food, small bag of dog food from BADDogs, Inc., squeaky pet toys and Zippy Paws pet toys were shared.
I thought we were going to have four dogs going in for ‘the works’ today. That changed yesterday, when the companion of two of the dogs changed his mind, due to not being able to go to a motel room afterwards. He said he was concerned about the heat and being in the field where they stay so now their surgeries are postponed. They are mother/son and I am really hoping she does not get pregnant but there is nothing I can do. The Jurupa Valley Motel6 is closed until mid-June and the other local Motel6 would not let me call the toll-free number to do my corporate third-party payment. I was very disappointed, because I have been trying to spay and neuter this pair of dogs for months but I can’t obsess about it anymore when there is nothing, I can do to make it happen. I am grateful for the two dogs we were able to get done. The companion of one of the dogs walked a very long way to make it this morning and I really appreciated that. Thankfully, the other person has a vehicle and said she would give them a ride this afternoon. Not the best idea with Covid19 but they both had masks on and I am hoping all went well. I am planning to visit each of them on Friday and they know to call me if there are any problems before then. “One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter”.
I set up a meeting this morning with a few people that have pets and are living in a homeless encampment. One of the dogs is already spayed but two others need spayed and neutered and a male cat needs neutered as well. The woman with the cat did not show up. The companion of the other two dogs did but he is not comfortable having them done until we can put them in a motel room. He is concerned about taking them back out into the field especially during the heat we are having this week. I really wish he was still willing to do it as the two dogs are mother and son and do not need to be reproducing but I have to respect his wishes. When I left that location, I stopped at the store to pick up a few groceries and as I was headed home I spotted some people with a dog sitting in the shade next to a fast food parking lot.. There were signs saying they were hungry and needed food. As I was pulling in. someone was bringing them food and drinks. I had snacks and waters as well as other supplies for them and the dog. I stayed long enough to distribute those and then I headed home making one last stop at our PO Box. Arrowhead, cloth face masks, toilet tissue, body wipes donated by Calvary Church, tuna snack packs, cracker packs, cup of noodles, beef sticks, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, pork femur bones, bully slices, kabob chew sticks and Zippy Paws toy were shared.
I spent the morning on the Eastside of Riverside. I parked on Massachusetts Avenue in front of the Access Center and the ‘pods’. I walked up and down the street visiting pets and distributing supplies. I also spoke to one of the two people who said they need to have their dogs spayed. We made arrangements for this coming Wednesday. The other person has been a ‘no show’ twice and it appears she will continue to say one thing and do another so I am pretty much done with trying to help her. It is sad for the dog but I don’t have time to waste on people who continue to ask for help and then disappear when it is time for that help to take place. Arrowhead, disposable face masks, cloth face masks, toilet tissue, body wipes donated by Calvary Church, tuna snack packs, cracker packs, wet dog food, doggie waste bags, wet chicken jerky treats, Jones Natural pet treats, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, pork femur bones, bully slices and kabob chew sticks were shared.
I had two stops scheduled for this morning. One was in the parking lot of the Rubidoux Library and the other in the Denny’s parking lot out in Jurupa Valley. The couple meeting me first was running a few minutes late so I left there and drove to Jurupa Valley. When I was done at that stop, I made a return trip to the library. There was a security guard parked there as well. He did ask that we clean up after the pets but was very kind on allowing us all the time we needed. I appreciated that, especially because the homeless are usually run off so quickly which makes it more difficult for me to help. Maybe because we were in vehicles, he did not realize they were homeless but whatever the reason, I was grateful. Arrowhead, disposable face masks, toilet tissue, body wipes donated by Calvary Church, beef sticks, cracker packets, kitty litter, wet dog food, doggie waste bags, small and large bags of cat food, wet cat food, 2-20 pound bags pf dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, Inaba chicken fillets for cats, Inaba churu cat treats, cat toys, bully slices and kabob chew sticks were shared.
Saturday's Smile 5-2-2020~ Often times, I go to one of the river bottom outlets on Saturdays but I was just there on Thursday so I skipped it today. I thought I would go visit ‘Kawasaki’ and a couple other dogs that are usually in the area. When I arrived at the location, I found the area all fenced off and nobody in sight. I began driving up and down nearby streets and finally came across ‘Kawasaki’. She made me smile the entire time I was there. I was however unable to do the same for her. LOL. When I left there, I drove around for a while longer but had no luck so I headed out of Jurupa Valley and Rubidoux. The only thing I accomplished during that time was putting miles on my vehicle. I did not want to call it a day but there was not much else I could do without locating other pets. I am limiting my time on the streets as well as the mileage put on my vehicle which is why I did not head out to other parts of the city. I will be back out tomorrow and see what happens. Arrowhead, body wipes donated by Calvary Church, canned ravioli, beef sticks, cup of noodles, cracker packets, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, bully stick and pork femur bones were shared.
On my way to the Eastside this morning, I stopped in downtown Riverside to pick up a donation that someone was leaving on the porch. The donation was two pet carriers. When I arrived on Massachusetts Avenue, I parked in front of the pods near the Access Center and began walking up and down the street. Code enforcement, trash trucks and the police were there but I was still able to do what I needed to do. I visited with six pets but was unable to locate one of the women who had asked for dog food. I spoke to two people who would like their dogs spayed on Wednesday and then headed over to the MSRPAC Spay/Neuter Clinic. Lisa Holloway of Tiller Tugs left two leashes there for me. Her leashes are made from retired fire hose and hold up better than most other leashes so I was very thankful for the donation. After picking up the leashes, I drove to our PO Box and then headed home. Arrowhead, body wipes donated by Calvary Church, disposable face masks, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, Inaba chicken fillets for dogs, bully stick and pork femur bones were shared.