Before starting my daily travels, I met a couple at our storage units. They needed to borrow a trap and I also had some supplies to give them for work they are doing in the community and for another non-profit. When I left there, I drove out to Fairmount Park. I visited a dog in one area of the park and three in another. All received treats and/or other supplies. My next stop was in Rubidoux. I wanted to speak to a couple about getting their cat spayed as well as give them supplies for the dog, After visiting with the dog, I provided supplies and then headed over to our PO Box. No mail or packages today so I drove home. I stayed there for a short time and then went back out to meet an old friend for lunch. I had not seen her in quite some time so it felt really good to catch up and relax for a bit... Bottled water, 10 sleeping bags, protein shakes, large trash bags, Wellness wet cat food, 3-17pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, bag of Kismet dog food, 2-20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, large leash, high calorie nutritional gel, Yak cheese stick kabob chew sticks, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, wet dog food, Inaba chicken stew and chicken jerky treats were shared.
I only visited with six pets this morning, but there was a lot going on during the time. Some of it when I was on my way to the Eastside. I received a call from a woman who has been working with a homeless encampment in Moreno Valley. She called me awhile back. We were waiting for some of the puppies to get weaned. There are multiple dogs with litters and she said they are ready to start spaying and neutering some of them. I told her I would start to schedule them this afternoon…..My first stop was at the Path of Life Community Shelter. I was supposed to meet someone there with cat supplies but he was a no show. I did visit with another kitty and met a new puppy that needs 'the works'. When I left there, I drove to a park on the Eastside where I thought a couple of people were with their pets but they had gone. I did reach one by phone and she told me where she and her dog were now so I went looking for them. On my way there, the social worker for the gentleman in the ICU called. He has been moved from the ICU but is still unable to communicate. She said he says words here and there but nothing is making sense yet. I asked her to let him know where his dog is, in hopes of it getting through to him. I know that is a long shot. I also told her that I had spoken to someone from the outreach team and they were going to post his name on their message boards and ask if anyone knows of him. When I left the Eastside I drove through Fairmount Park and then on to Rubidoux. The gentleman with the impounded dog never showed up yesterday and I wanted to find out what his plans were. He was not at the place he stays but some other gentleman were. I gave them my card and asked that he call me but more importantly get down to Riverside County Department of Animal Services right away. I visited the same dogs that Is aw when I stopped yesterday and then I headed home for an 11am zoom meeting... Bottled waters, last container of kitty litter, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Millin Company, Wellness wet cat food, Inaba Churu Bites, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
My first stop of the day was at the Jurupa Valley Motel6 where I went to check on three of the pets that received 'the works' yesterday. One of them checked out early but two were still there and I also visited a dog we provided services for a year or so ago. While at the motel, I met with someone who was living on a property in an RV that caught on fire. She is trying to figure out where to go next and was able to get a ride to pick up a bag of dog food for her big dog. When I left the motel, I drove to Rubidoux. I wanted to speak to a gentleman who said he knew the girlfriend of the gentleman who is unresponsive in the ICU. He was not there but his dogs were as were a few other people. None of them knew the gentleman in the ICU but one of them did have a male pitbull that was impounded last week when he was arrested. He was let go that same day but did not know what to do about his dog. I made a phone call and made arrangements to pay for the usual services we pay for if a pet is getting 'the works'. That would leave him with boarding, impound and any fines for not licensing. However, with me covering the services I agreed to, his balance will be lower and he can work out a payment plan. They might even have a program to cover part or most of the balance. I thought I was stopping at that location for one thing but I guess I was there to help someone get his dog out of impound. It was supposed to be brought in and put on owner hold but the police did not give information and the dog was listed as a stray. I was thankful it was still there and that his companion will be able to get him back. Once again, I want to thank a special staff member at Riverside County Animal Services for doing everything possible to help get a dog out of their facility so there is no possibility of it being euthanized... Bottled waters, last package of puppy training pads, plush squeaky toy, wet dog food, wet puppy food 2 small bags of small bites dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken stew, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Chur Rolls, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons and bully sticks were shared.
We had three female dogs confirmed to receive 'the works' at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic and a male cat at the Mary S. Robert's spay/neuter clinic. Everyone confirmed. At 7:45am, I had not heard from one of the people bringing a dog to the first clinic so I texted. She told me she did not have enough money to take Lyft. I spoke to her last yesterday afternoon and numerous times over the past couple of weeks. I was not expecting her to be someone who wasted my time and appointment but she was. I guess it was meant to be though, because I was able to get a female cat in her place. This cat looks like a baby herself but has had multiple litters so that will end today! Once everyone was checked in, I went home briefly and then headed back out to the second clinic. Once that kitty was checked in, I drove to our storage unit to pick up waters and pet supplies. Then I made a stop at Trader Joe's before going to the post office and then home. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, medium collar, Max and Neo leash, Inaba Churus, Wellness wet cat food, 2-17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company were shared.
I was asked to bring supplies to someone staying at one of the motels on the westside and made arrangements to go there this morning. She has three cats and a dog. Someone else there has a dog too so I did not mind driving out there for a visit and to bring what they needed. I was also hoping to visit with some other people I saw when I was in the area last Friday but none of them were around. When I was done at the motel, I did drive to a few different locations but was unable to find anyone with pets so I decided to get home and try to confirm tomorrow's appointments again, There is one person I still haven't been able to reach, due to her phone being shut off and I was hoping to have better luck this afternoon. That was not the case so I just hope she shows up and doesn't waste one of tomorrow's appointments. I feel like I have to play a guessing game every week and it is frustrating but it is also something I have learned I have to accept as part of the 'job'... Bottled waters, kitty litter, chicken jerky treats, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, cat toy, Wellness cat food, wet dog food, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Fun Bites, kabob chew stick and bully stick were shared.
Last night, I had a family dinner with my children, daughter-in-law and granddaughter so I took the day off to finish the meal preparations and get ready for the visit. Today, it was 'business as usual'. I did not go to the Eastside on Friday so I thought I would check things out today. I am glad I did, because there were some people who wanted to get in touch with me for spaying/neutering services and supplies. I spent all of my time around the Path of Life Community Shelter. I was with people who are staying there and keep their pets in the kennels, people who stay on the street and a gentleman who was trying to get a bed for himself as well as put his dog in their kennels. When I left the Eastside, I drove around Rubidoux for a bit looking for more people who might know the gentleman who is in the ICU but I was unsuccessful. From there I went to our PO Box and was thankful to find a couple of donations waiting for us. One was a supply donation and the other a check. I was supposed to go to lunch with a friend but she had to cancel last minute so I had a little time to call the ICU department at the hospital. They would not tell me anything and suggested I call one of his social workers which is what I did next. I left her a message and am waiting for a call back... Bottled waters, socks, collapsible pet dish, large stainless steel pet dish, 2 bags of Kismet dog food, wet dog food, Inaba Twins dogs, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Churu Bites, kabob chew sticks, bully slices and bully sticks chicken jerky treats, were shared.
My first stop of the day was not to visit with pets. It was to meet a girl scout from a local troop who had a donation of dog food for us. Her mom drove her to the Jurupa Valley Spectrum so I could get the donation on my way out to Agate Park. We put the bags of dog food in my vehicle, took some photos and then I headed out to meet a family I often visit on Sundays. My family was not able to make it up here last Sunday but I am hoping they are able to tomorrow so I did not make any other plans, just incase. After visiting the family and providing them with a few supplies, I drove through Rubidoux and Fairmount Park. I did not find anyone with pets anywhere I looked. I am still trying to find family for the gentleman in the ICU but that hasn't been successful. A couple of the hospital's social workers are even calling me. I suggested they try the Riverside County Sheriff's Homeless Outreach as well as City Net. The hospital is more likely to get information than I can... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, cat toy, Inaba Churus, Inaba chicken stew, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, bully slices, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
The last time I went to the Path of Life Community Shelter, there was just one person there with a pet. I normally would have gone anyway but there was a couple on the west side that have been trying to meet up with me and I decided to go to them instead. They are in emergency housing and at one of the motels I had not been to yet. They have five dogs. I only know one of them and I had not seen him in quite some time. They were housed for awhile. I am not sure what happened but they are waiting for housing again. In the mean time, I went to see them to bring supplies and talk about spaying/neutering those that need it. September 4th was my first available date so they will go in then. While I was in the area, I also gave my card to some people who were on the streets with dogs. I did not have stop and talk for too long but I did offer our services... Bottled waters, socks, 2-small harness and leash sets, puppy training pads, doggie waste bags, large trash bags, Inaba chicken broth, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, small bag of senior dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, Inaba Churu Bites and kabob chew sticks were shared.
My focus this morning was on two things. One of those was to go to the Jurupa Valley Motel6 and check on a dog that was spayed yesterday. I did do that but my main concern was trying to locate people who knew the gentleman now in ICU. I drove around all the different areas I had stopped to visit him in the past and spoke to multiple people who knew him. One of them said he knew the man's girlfriend and would try to find her. I am not sure if she knows anything about his family but it would be a start. Another person who knew him said he would call me if he found any helpful information. None of the other people I saw actually knew him. They had seen him around but never really spent time with him. I will continue putting the word out there because I think the family of this person would want to know. As I mentioned previously, he had mentioned his mom to me, some time ago, and I am sure it would be good for him not to be alone in the ICU, if she is willing to see him. In the meantime, I will continue checking up on him and the dog. I do know that she is on a confiscate owner hold which means she is not on the website and nobody but the owner or family can get her out. On September 3rd, she would become property of the shelter, if nobody has claimed her. At that time, she would be available for a foster or rescue but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. A few people have made offers and if they are still needed, and willing, I will touch base with them... When I left the motel, I stopped for fuel, checked the PO Box and went home until it was time to meet Ralph Torres (our web master) and his wife Becky for a long overdue lunch... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, Inaba chicken fillet, Inaba Churu Bites and a kabob chew stick were shared.
I had three appointments confirmed for the Riverside County Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. Those were for two female dogs and one male dog. All three confirmed. One belonged to someone I have helped multiple times. He neither showed up or responded to texts or calls. Another couldn't arrange a ride that would get her there on time so I told her not to bother and rescheduled for September 4th. The companion of the third pet went to the wrong place at first but she managed to make it to the right place in time. When I left that location, I stopped home briefly and then went back out to the Mary S. Robert's spay/neuter clinic. I scheduled a female cat for a gentleman who stays in the Helping Heart Shelter. He actually showed up there nearly an hour early. I arrived a little earlier than I had planned and made sure he received supplies too. Afterwards, I went home to feed my dog, drove out to Kaiser, ran an errand,stopped at our storage for supplies and ended the day at our PO Box. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, small harness and leash set, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, kitty litter, Wellness wet cat food and Inaba Churus were shared.
The day ended on a sad note but it was clear I was exactly where I was supposed to be... I started the morning at a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. I visited with three dogs and provided supplies. From there, I drove around Fairmount Park but was not having any luck finding people with pets. However, while I was driving around Rubidoux, I spotted a bunch of Sheriff's vehicles, a fire engine and an ambulance in the Stater Bros. parking lot. I was about to keep driving when I spotted a dog I thought I knew. One of the Sheriff's Officers had it on a leash. When I pulled in, I asked where the owner was and they said he was in the ambulance. He was unresponsive and being treated as a 'John Doe'. I asked if I could look at the gentleman and as soon as I did, I knew who he was. I could only see the whites of his eyes but I knew who he was and I definitely knew the dog. I was asked if I knew the gentleman's name but I wasn't sure I did. His phone was shut off some time ago but I did have his full name in there so I gave it to them. They tried speaking to him but he remained unresponsive. The dog was visibly worried and I felt terrible for her. We are not sure if he was dehydrated, had a stroke or both but he hit his head on his car when he went down so he had a gash on his head as well. Animal Control was called but there was a two hour wait due to another situation in Jurupa Valley. However, once again Sgt. Jason Sanders and ACO Mike Cox came to 'the rescue' and the dog was picked up within half an hour. ACO Cox, drove to the hospital to see what he could find out. All we know is that it does not look good and they suspect he had a stroke. I knew his name but his last name is a rather common one and I don't know how easy it will be to notify next of kin. His dog 'Loba' is on owner hold at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services. If the gentleman does not come out of this, I will be searching for a rescue. She is a wonderful, well behaved animal. I hope she is still like that, after being impounded. I am not happy for the circumstances but I am grateful I was able to offer a small bit of information that might help whoever is looking for any family he might have... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, wet dog food, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, kabob chew sticks, bully slices and buffalo tendons were shared.
I spent my morning on the Eastside. My first stop was on Massachusetts Avenue near the Path of Life Community Shelter. There were a few tents set up and multiple people with pets. I met someone with a dog we had provided 'the works' for a couple of years ago as well as three new dogs. Two of those were siblings that need 'the works' and one is a female I am sad to say is pregnant. No matter how many people know of our services, many either don't want to get their pets spayed/neutered or can't figure out when and how to make it happen. The later usually results in pets being impregnated and getting pregnant. When I was done on the street, I moved my vehicle by the kennel area. Only one person came out and she is the companion of a kitty. I was supposed to meet a gentleman who needed supplies for his kitty but he neither contacted me or came out so I did not stay there long. My final stop was over by University and Victoria where I went to visit 'Solo' and provide him with supplies. From there I stopped for fuel, checked the PO Box and headed home. I did not stay long as I was going to meet a friend for lunch... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Rolls, small bag of senior dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
I spent the early hours of my morning cooking lasagna and left the house a little after 9am headed to Fairmount Park. I visited with two dogs and provided supplies, before driving out to a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. While I was there, I visited with four pets and discussed spaying and neutering three puppies and a couple of cats that belong to some of the people staying out there. As I was leaving that location, I drove up Market Street and noticed a huge cloud of black smoke in the distance. I tend to get worried, anytime I see large clouds of dark smoke, especially when I am not sure where it is originating. When I turned on to Mission Blvd., I could see it was much closer but I still could not pinpoint the location. I was just grateful it was not near me and hope nobody was injured or lost property. My final stop was at our PO Box. There was a check that will help cover some of the spaying and neutering this week so I was very thankful for that! Bottled waters, protein shakes, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, kabob chew stick, bully sticks and buffalo tendon were shared.
The plans for this morning were to visit with a group of people and pets at the Path of Life Community Shelter and then go to meet someone out in Grand Terrace. When all was said and done, I only visited with and provided supplies for two because that is not how things worked out... When I arrived on the Eastside, I was able to meet up with three people and their pets outside the kennels at the Path of Life Community Shelter and did photos and videos of two of them. The third was a cat in a carrier and she was not cooperating with my picture taking. LOL. There were three other people with pets that I thought I would be visiting but two of them did not take their pets out while I was there. The other pet was no longer there, because his companion is no longer staying in the shelter. When I left that location, I drove out to Grand Terrace. Even though the large encampment no longer exists in a field there, some of the people just went down to the river bottom. I made arrangements to meet one of them this morning and he was supposed to bring two dogs with him. I arrived at the designated spot but nobody was there. I could see up and down the street and into the nearby fields. Nobody was walking in my direction so I waited about ten minutes and then left. A total waste of time and fuel but my main concern is that the dogs needed food and they did not get any from me. At that time, I drove to our PO Box. We are supposed to be getting a donation check and I was hoping it might be there. Not sure how much it will be but any amount would be great right now. Nothing was in our box so I headed home and then did an 11am zoom meeting... Bottled waters, high calorie nutritional gel, cat toy, Wellness wet cat food, kitty litter, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillet and buffalo tendon were shared.
At 8:30am, I met someone from the river bottom in the parking lot of the Riverside County Department of Animal Services. She did not bring any pets with her so it was a quick stop. I usually don't provide supplies if people don't bring their pets but she has cats and sometimes it is too difficult to round them up. From there, I drove to the Jurupa Valley Motel6 and checked on all four dogs that received 'the works' yesterday. We visited and I provided supplies. I had a personal appointment at 11am but still had time to drive over near Agate Park and visit a family there. The last time I stopped, one of the companions was not around so I was not sure what was needed. I brought supplies today. My final stop was at the post office to pick up a donation from our Chewy Wish list. A cat that stays in the kennels at the Path of Life Community Shelter was in need of litter and one of our donors was kind enough to order some. I will deliver it tomorrow... Bottled waters, Benadryl caplets, Repel bug repellant, small stainless steel pet dish, medium stainless steel pet dish, 2-17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet kitten food, Wellness wet cat food, cat toy, Inaba chicken stew, Inaba chicken broth, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba Juicy Bites, kabob chew sticks, beef collagen sticks, beef collagen sticks with chicken wrap and buffalo tendons were shared.
We had four pets scheduled for 'the works' today. The first three were female dogs receiving services at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. I am happy to say that all three showed up and were on time. The fourth pet was a female cat scheduled at the Mary S. Robert's spay/neuter clinic. After the pets were checked in at the first clinic, I went home for about half an hour and then headed out to the second clinic. The person was coming from Hemet so I was going to offer her a one night motel stay but she never bothered to show up. Even though she texted me the night before and I added her pet in as a courtesy so she did not have to wait until the following week, she did not bother responding to texts or calls. Needless to say, I am not planning on offering her any further help. Because I was already out, I decided to drive over to our storage units and pick up a few more supplies. Afterwards, I checked our PO Box for a package I was hoping might arrive today. The package was not here yet so I will check again tomorrow. The day did not go as planned but three dogs got 'the works' and that is a good thing! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, two collapsible pet bowls, wet dog food, wet puppy food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churu Rolls, small bag of senior dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Tiller Tugs leash and two small leashes were shared.
I did not do what I thought I was going to be doing today but I was definitely where I was supposed to be. This is a rather long read but it seemed like a long morning... When I arrived at Fairmount Par, I spotted a dog I know so I pulled into the nearest parking lot and went to visit. As I approached, I noticed there was a puppy there too. The puppy's companion had gone to the store but I was told she wanted him to get 'the works' so I left one of my cards. I was giving both dogs treats when a gentleman was telling me about his friend who was walking around with a stray dog. His friend was not homeless but he was visiting them and hoping the owner might see them. I offered to check for a microchip and sure enough the dog was chipped. It was clearly neutered as well so I hoped someone might be looking for him. I called Home Again and I am sorry to say they were not helpful. I asked them to please call the owner and give them my number. That is usually protocol anyway but this woman seemed confused. In the meantime I texted Sgt. Sanders at Riverside County Department of Animal Services to see if he would send an officer. Home Again seemed willing to talk to them so when ACO Cox arrived, I had him call them. ACO Cox put me on the phone with his original owner. Turns out, the dog needed an expensive surgery she could not afford and a guy that worked near her said he would take the dog and make sure that got done. Well, that was over a year ago and it wasn't done. Not sure if the dog was dumped or got loose but he had no collar on. Thankfully, the original owner still had the same phone number. ACO Cox put the dog on the truck and was going to meet the original owner later in the day. She did not wasn't the dog to go to the shelter and was driving from Winchester to get him. Thanks again to Sgt. Sanders and ACO Cox for their help today…I hope it all works out and I hope the person at Home Again starts doing a better job. Most people would not spend the time and energy it took tog et help that should have been made simple and that is not good for the pets... When I left the park, it was almost time to get back home but I drove to the store to pick up something I forgot yesterday. I noticed a gentleman pushing a dog around in a shopping cart and I asked him if they needed water. He said no at first but then said yes so I pulled into a nearby parking space. I remembered the guy from years ago when he had a different dog. She was old and had passed. I asked if this dog was spayed and he said he did not get a chance to do it. She had been hit by a car and although she did not require surgery, she was a bit banged up and he didn't think spaying was a good idea then. Problem is that when she healed and was in heat she got pregnant. She looks like she is due any day now. I made a few suggestions for help, because he said he did not know what he was going to do. He pretty much wanders around and doesn't need puppies. I don't normally give food, or supplies, to people with pets that are not spayed/neutered but made an exception for this pregnant dog to make sure she eats for a few days. I made a suggestion of where he might get some help, gave him a few supplies and left. I have seen him on and off for many years and will try to stay up to date on this situation... Bottled waters, medium stainless steel pet dish, chicken jerky treats, individual bag of jerky treats, Inaba Twins for dogs, small bag of adult dog food and buffalo tendons were shared.
Every morning, I leave my home ready to give service to as many pets of the unhoused as possible. I go to different areas of the city looking for new people with pets and to visit those I already know. It is always my intention to be productive but sometimes circumstances make that difficult. Today was one of those days. I did a lot of driving around but was only able to visit three pets and their companions. I started on the Eastside near the Path of Life Community Shelter where I visited with a male senior dog and a male cat. The cat was in need of litter but that was one thing I don't have so I could not provide it. I gave the companion of the dog some wet dog food while sharing chicken jerky treats with the dog. When I eft that location I drove around Fairmount Park. There are different areas of the park where people tend to congregate with their pets but I did not find anyone today. From there I drove through Rubidoux. I looked in a couple of places with no luck but then spotted a large dog sitting near the Stater Brothers on Mission Blvd. I did not see her companion at first but as I pulled in I saw he was sitting there too. The dog did not want any treats but did need a few supplies so I made sure to provide those. I needed to get fuel, so I drove to the CircleK near our PO Box. I filled my tank and did notice a group of people at the far end of the parking lot. I saw that they had a dog. I normally would have pulled over to speak to them but a Sheriff was pulling up at the same time and I decided not to. If I see them again, I will definitely stop. I did make it to the PO Box. It was empty and I really didn't feel like wasting anymore fuel so I called it a day. Hoping tomorrow is more productive but whether it is or it isn't, I will continue making the effort... Bottled waters, Repel bug repellent,plush squeaky toy, large stainless steel pet dish, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, small bag of adult dog food and buffalo tendons were shared.
I made two stops today. The first was to meet with someone who moved from Grand Terrace to a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. One of her dogs stayed with someone near their previous encampment so he could have company. Her other dog was grabbed by a coyote and sadly is no longer with us. She has a new puppy now and I am hoping we are able to get that puppy spayed in the near future. While I was at that location, I also visited with two new male puppies. Both need 'the works' and we are going to set something up to make that happen. The fourth dog I visited is one I had not seen in quite some time. Her name is 'LuLu'. She lives with her companion in the river bottom and spent a couple of months with a foster from Mary S. Robert's when she had a litter of ten puppies. The puppies were eventually adopted out by the center and the mama went back to her companion. It was great seeing her. When I left that location, I drove to the nearest freeway onramp and went to another area of Jurupa Valley near Agate Park. I wanted to check on a cat named 'Felix' that was recently attacked by a dog or a coyote ad required surgery that was provided by Feeding Pets Of The Homeless. We thank them for helping this kitty in need. In addition to visiting him, I spent time with three of the four dogs in his family. The fourth was on a walk with his companion and I will catch her next time... Bottled waters, Inaba Churu Rolls, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churu Pops, chicken jerky treats, buffalo tendons, kabob chew sticks. Beef collagen sticks with chicken wrap and beef collagen sticks were shared.
I had to go to Kaiser, for some lab work this morning, and decided to visit some people with pets that are staying in motels near there. I went to two different motels and visited with five pets. I also provided supplies for them and a few others. While I was at the second motel, I received a text from someone I used to visit in Grand Terrace. She told me where they are now and we made plans to meet tomorrow. She also told me that the coyotes got one of their dogs. That was devastating news. There were coyotes around where they used to stay but the biggest problem over there was the dogs getting sprayed by skunks. I was so sorry to hear about this dog being grabbed. In addition, there is a cat I visit regularly at another location and it seems he got loose and was attacked by a coyote or a dog. He was fortunate enough to live. I received a call about him the other day and verified the companion's homelessness so Pets Of The Homeless could assist with the medical care he needed. I will check on him tomorrow. I am hoping for no more bad news today... Bottled waters, Tiller Tugs double leash, Tiller Tugs squeaky tug toy, doggie waste bags, Inaba Churu Rolls, wet dog food, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Twins for cats, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba chicken fillets, small bag of small bites dog food, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, buffalo tendons, kabob chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.
My first stop of the day was outside the Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside. I met two new pets. One is a puppy the needs 'the works'. The other is a neutered/micro chipped dog that needs his vaccinations updated so he can stay in the kennels. While I was there, I also visited a cat. He needed litter but that is something I did not have. The other pet there was a dog that I visited and provided supplies for. When I left that location, I drove to Patterson Park to meet with another dog and his companion. I was contacted for dog food and was able to get that to her along with other supplies. From there, I headed over to our storage units to meet with Seth Cox who picked up our Monthly Recurring Donation of pet food from the Star Milling Company. He did the pick up, delivery and helped unload. He hauled away a bunch of empty boxes of me and also put four boxes of sleeping bags on his truck so his wife can distribute them to a couple of charities in need. Thank You Seth for all of your help and thank you Star Milling for your ongoing support! My vehicle was full so I only made one more stop when I left there and that was to check our PO Box. When I got home, I unloaded, restocked for tomorrow and was done in time for lunch... Bottled waters, medium stainless steel pet dish, large stainless steel pet dish, Tiller Tugs leash, Tiller Tugs donut squeaky tug toy, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Churus, Inaba chicken fillets, small bag of senior dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, beef collagen sticks, buffalo tendons and water buffalo tails were shared.
We had multiple room reserved at the Motel6 last night. Two of those were supposed to be for pets that were spayed and neutered. The other rooms were for five pets that were getting relief from the heat, thanks to our 'Summer On The Streets 2024' fundraiser. All of the people checking in because of the fundraiser made it. The issues I had were with those whose pets received 'the works' yesterday. The companion of the male dog never went to the motel, due to car trouble. She went to a friend's with the dog but did not notify me until last night. Thankfully, I was not charged for the room. The companion of the two female dogs did not go to the room, because of a miscommunication. She called to check on her dogs and did not just go to the clinic for pick up. She was told they were not ready. I always advise people not to call but to just go down there before they close, unless they call and tell them to do otherwise. To make a long story short, the female dogs spent the night at the clinic and were picked dup first thing this morning. The motel had a room ready so they were able to check in early and I was able to visit. While at the motel, I visited seven pets and provided needed supplies. When I left the motel, I ran a couple of personal errands and headed home... Bottled waters, protein shakes, Max and Neo fleece blanket, chicken jerky treats, small bag of senior dog food, small bag of adult dog food, Inaba chicken broth, Inaba chicken stew, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba fun bites, Inaba Churus, individual bag of dog treats, collagen sticks with chicken wrap, kabob chews sticks and a bully stick were shared.
Due to a lack of spay/neuter donations or grants, we did not provide any spay/neuter services to pets at the Mary S. Robert's spay/neuter clinic. However, we did schedule three dogs to be done at the Riverside County Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. I am thankful to say that everyone showed up on time. We had a mama dog and her daughter as well as a male dog. The male's fees were covered thanks to the Riverside County Department of Animal Services Healthy Pet Zone Fund. "One by one we get them done because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, travel kits, collapsible pet dish, 2 small leashes, small Max and Neo dog collar, Inaba chicken stew, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, Wellness wet cat food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company and 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, were shared.
I'm not sure if people were hiding out from the heat somewhere cooler than the places I traveled but it was not a very productive day for visiting pets... I started my morning by driving around Jurupa Valley and Riverside, looking for a couple of people who had yet to get their one night stay in a motel room, thanks to our 'Summer On The Streets 2024' fundraiser. I was unsuccessful at finding anyone so I continued on to where I was scheduled to meet a couple of people at one of the river bottom outlets off of Grand Avenue. Both of them showed up. I was able to visit with their dogs and provide supplies. From there, I headed over to our storage units to pick up more pet food and Inaba items. Once I was loaded up, I went to the nearest freeway onramp and drove toward downtown Riverside. When I got off of the freeway, I drove through all areas of Fairmount Park as well as Rubidoux but did not see anyone with pets. I made one final stop at our PO Box and then I called it a day. I had to finalize plans for the spay and neuter appointments tomorrow as well as reserve motel rooms for those pets and a few that will be getting relief from the heat... Bottled waters, protein shakes, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Churus, Inaba chicken stew, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Twins for cats, 2 small bags of senior dog food, Wellness wet cat food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, water buffalo tails, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
This morning, I drove to the Eastside and made my first stop in the Path of Life Community Shelter's parking lot. I visited with three pets and provided supplies. From there I drove through Hunter Park and a few different areas of the Eastside. I made my final stop by University and Victoria to visit with a dog there and provide supplies... My main concern today was getting over to the bank to see what I could do about our account. On Saturday night, some tried to make fraudulent charges to our non-profit account. They were declined but then our card was turned off at the same time. I tried to call the bank but it was after closing and then they did not reopen again until this morning. I made a call and was told to go to a branch and get a temporary emergency card. I did that only to find out, when I got to the bank, that they no longer do that and I was given misinformation. I was told I could get a digital card but for my spay/neuter services and the motel rooms, I have to have an actual card. I found myself frustrated and tried calling the toll free bank number again. While I was on hold, I continued driving to another bank branch. I never did go inside but did spend another thirty minutes on the phone. We tried to download a digital card from the bank app, just so I would have something, but it did not go through. We finally agreed to have a new card expedited to me. The problem is that I need it Wednesday and the card may not arrive until late that day or the following day. I still don't know what I am going to do if the card is not here but I will cross that bridge if/when I come to it. I have checks but they are not going to work for what I need the funds for and paying from my personal accounts, even to be paid back, is not something I want to do being that I a m not sure how the charity card was compromised again. (This also happened a few months ago)... In any case, life goes on and it will all get worked out one way or another so I will hope for the best... Bottled waters, protein shakes, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Fun Bites, wet puppy food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba chicken stew, small bag of senior dog food, kabob chew sticks, water buffalo tails and buffalo tendons were shared.
There is a gentleman that stays on the Eastside with his two dogs and the only day they are available for a visit is Sundays. That is usually the only day I am able to visit my granddaughter too but she was sick today so I wasn't able to go. I travel to the Eastside a couple of times a week but make the extra trip, now and then, so I can see them. I was able to do that today. When I left that location, I went to the nearest freeway onramp and headed out to Agate Park in Jurupa Valley. There is a family that stays in that area and Sundays are usually the day I visit with them too. I visited their four dogs and provided supplies for them and the family's cats, before making another trip to the store to get more produce for my tortoise. I arrived back home a little after 11am and it was already 90 degrees out so I was grateful to get out of the heat... Bottled waters, protein shakes, large bag of recyclables, chicken jerky treats, small bag of senior dog food, small bag of small bites dog food, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba chicken broth, Inaba chicken stew, Inaba Twins for dogs and cats, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
I made my usual Saturday trip to Grand Terrace, this morning. Most of the people that were evicted from the field moved to the river bottom but a few were still in the area last week. However, there was nobody up there today. I was not notified where they all went so I made the trip for nothing. From there I drove through Fairmount Park and Rubidoux. I made one stop in Rubidoux to talk to a couple whose dog I provided 'the works' for, awhile back, and to discuss their cat that needs spayed. I also wanted to offer them a one night motel stay, next week, to get some relief from the heat. When I left that location I stopped at our PO Box and then drove out to Jurupa and Van Buren hoping to find a gentleman and his dog so I could offer them a motel room next week too. They were not there so I drove over by the neighborhood Wal-Mart where I saw the gentleman who was sleeping yesterday. I managed to wake him but he did not speak English and would not take the blanket off of his head. It was bothering me, because the puppy had gone potty all over the sidewalk ad was there with no food or water. I did report it in hopes of Animal Control being able to do a well check but I don't think anyone was able to get out there. Today, he was sleeping in front of a restaurant over there. A kind woman opened a can of dog food when she saw the puppy was not eating the dry food the man had set out. I did not see any water and went to get some when I noticed a container of water with ice in his cart. I put it down for the puppy and she drank over half of it right away. I left a few things for her but I am uncomfortable not knowing if she is getting what she needs. I don't even know where they sleep. I called a Sargent at Animal Control and asked if they had a Spanish peaking ACO who could do a well check. I am hoping someone is able to do that and I also made sure the Sargent knew my organization will provide services for the puppy, if she needs them. As I was getting ready to leave, a gentleman I recognized walked past us with his dog. I moved my vehicle and stopped for a visit with them. At that point, I had just enough time to get home, give my dog a potty break and go back out to a lunch meeting where I was meeting a couple of women who are trying to help me with fundraising... Bottled waters, protein shakes, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba chicken fillets, kabob chew sticks, bully stick and buffalo tendon were shared.
One of the dogs I had in a motel room on Wednesday night was very excited to see me yesterday. When I walked in the room, he grabbed my arm in his mouth. He was not trying to hurt me but he weighs about ninety pounds and there was a lot of pressure for the few seconds he was holding me. I already have carpal tunnel issues and arthritis in the hand so I was really sore this morning. At 7am, I was at Walgreen’s buying a new wrist splint to replace an old worn out one. While I was out, I noticed someone sleeping on a bench in front of a neighborhood Wal-Mart and there was a puppy leashed to him. The gentleman had a blanket over his head but when I saw the puppy had gone to the bathroom and had no food or water I tried to wake him up. At some point he mumbled that he did not speak English but he never removed the blanket from his head. I said his puppy needed water and he repeated that he did not speak English. I left a contact card on the bench, which he will most likely ignore, and I hope someone who speaks Spanish can help him and his puppy. I’m not sure where they came from as I have never see them before but I will keep an eye out for them and if they are there again, I will go in the store and find out if anyone can communicate with the companion... When I left them, I went home for a bit, added a few more supplies to my vehicle and headed to the Eastside. I made two stops there. The first was on the street, outside the Path of Life Community Shelter. I visited with six pets and provided supplies. From there I went to Hunter Park to meet with someone who had texted me earlier. We visited and I provided a few supplies. I had a personal errand to run which I did next, before getting fuel and checking our PO Box. I was home a little after 11am and it was already 90 degrees. We are expecting triple digits today and another five days after that. Not looking forward to any of it... Bottled waters, protein shakes, collapsible pet dish, Cosequin tablets, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, 2 small bags of senior dog food, Inaba chicken fillets, chicken jerky treats, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
During the month of July we provided 'the works' for 16 pets. 12 of those were dogs and 4 were cats. We had 6 female dogs, 6 male dogs and 4 female cats. We really appreciate the help we received doing some of this with the Riverside County Department of Animal Services Healthy Pet Zone Fund…..This morning, I went to the Jurupa Valley Motel6. We had people and pets in five rooms. Four of those rooms were paid for by our 'Summer On The Streets 2024' fundraiser. While at the motel, I visited a couple who are trying to get their dog neutered. The woman is in a wheelchair and they have no transportation, I will do my best to work with them, in hopes of providing the dog with the services he needs... Bottled waters, high calorie nutritional gel, wet dog food, Inaba chicken fillets, 2- 20 pounds bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.