Taking It To The Streets With Lori And Shira  

Journal - January 2025

2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC

Friday's Furry Friends 1-31-2025

My first stop was at the Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside. I visited with four pets and provided supplies. Before leaving there, I called a gentleman who stays on the Eastside with his dog. The last time we visited, he was at a motel but he said he left there about one week ago. We met on Park Avenue near Mission. I visited with his dog and provided supplies. I had planned on making a trip over to our storage units but I had something I needed to take care of at home and decided storage could wait until I meet someone from Inaba there on Sunday. When I got home, I took care of what needed done and then I started making calls to some of the people whose pets are next on the list for 'the works' this Wednesday. There are seven pets on my calendar but until I actually confirm with their companion's, nothing is definite. To be honest, even when I do confirm, it is not always definite but I still make the effort... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, large bag of treats, xl harness, large harness, doggie waste bags, Max and Neo leash, buffalo tendons, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, Kong squeaky balls and Valentine's Day plush squeaky pet toys were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 1-31-2025

Thursday's Treasures 1-30-2025

During the month of January we were able to provide 'the works' for 19 pets. Considering both clinics were closed on one of our spay days and we only had one person show on another, I was pleased with this number. There were 14 dogs and 5 cats. Eights of the dogs were males and six were females. Two of the cats were males and three were females. I am really working on neutering the males first, because they can impregnate so many females during the same time period. I used to think the females needed done first but I have learned the importance of the males. That being said, females in heat go to the top of the list too. Each week I am scheduling anywhere from 3 to 7 pets, depending on when I am able to visit my granddaughter and who can get rides to the clinics. Spaying/Neutering will always remain my priority... My travels today were to the Jurupa Valley Motel6. The gentleman with the cats never made it there but all of the dogs that go spayed/neutered did. In addition to the five dogs that were recuperating from 'the works', I also had an opportunity to visit with three dogs that were staying at the motel with their companions. We did not put them in the rooms but I still visited. One of the room's we rented last night was for the person that came through last minute to get a dog to the clinic when the original ride failed. She arrived two hours late but we were able to get her in so that ride was very much appreciated. The gentleman who drove has a dog I often visit so I stopped to visit with him, before they cheeked out. I also spent a few minutes with a cat named 'General'. He was in a room with a dog that got spayed. I had not seen him, since his companion left the Path of Life Community Shelter. He seemed to be enjoying the room! When I left the motel, I went to the post office to pick up a large donation of Kong balls and Valentine's Day pet toys. They were sent by someone who had asked what we were in need of besides pet food. I told her pet toys and she definitely sent plenty of those. I will share a photo within the next twenty-four to seventy-two hours. I am looking forward to sharing her gifts and watching all the tails wag! Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, wet cat food, Wellness wet cat food, 17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, buffalo tendons and bully sticks were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 1-30-2025

#2,227, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 & #2,233 Get 'The Works' 1-29-2025

We had seven pets scheduled for 'the works' today. There were five dogs and two cats. Two of dogs were females that have had multiple litters. Two of the males were puppies that came from each of those mamas... Things got off to a great start. All three of the people and pets that were scheduled for the clinic at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services arrived early or on time. We had an issue with a need for collars and leashes but I had enough to take care of each pet that was in need. Thanks to the Riverside County Department of Animal Services Healthy Pet Zone Fund, the cost for one of those pet's services was covered. The dog it covered has had approximately five or more litters, in the river bottom below the shelter, and I have tried to spay her many times. Her new companion was happy to have it done so no more litters for her! After I left the clinic, I went home briefly, to take care of my own dog, and then went back out to the clinic at Mary S. Robert's. Things did not go quite so smoothly there but we eventually got all four pets in. The first to arrive was a female dog that has had multiple litters over the past couple of years. Mary S. Robert's has given us a grant that will cover the spay or neuter surgery for any dog over 30 pounds. We will still pay for the vaccinations, microchips, flea&tick treatment, nail trims and any other extras but the surgery fees will be covered. This dog qualified. Second to arrive was a gentleman with male and female cats. He was just fifteen minutes late so it was no inconvenience. The problem came with the fourth pet. That was a female pitbull approximately ten months old. She weighs over thirty pounds so her surgery fee would be covered too but it did not look like she was going to make it. I tried contacting her companion but got no answer so I called a woman who stays at the Path of Life Community Shelter. The companion(s) stay on the street near the shelter so I took a chance that she might be able to locate them. While she was looking, I called one of the companion's again and she said their ride did not show up. I told her it was rude not to let me know and asked if there was any way she could look for another ride now. She said she would. At this point is was an hour after the dog was supposed to be there when I got another call saying they found a ride and were on their way. An hour after that, which was two hours late, they arrived. I gave their driver an ARCO fuel card and made a reservation for him and his dog to stay at the motel tonight. I had to cancel things I had planned and usually don't wait like that but I did today because it was really important to me that this dog get spayed. I was only at the first clinic for about an hour but I was at the second one for two and a half. As frustrating as some of that was, I am also very grateful that we were able to provide 'the works' for seven pets today! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, large bag of recyclables, ARCO fuel cards, protein bars, puppy training pads, 2 handmade pet jackets, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 3 small bags of puppy food, wet puppy food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Wellness wet cat food, neon collar, cat toys, xl leash, medium leash, Max and Neo medium dog collar and plush squeaky toys were shared.

#2,227, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 & #2,233 Get 'The Works' 1-29-2025

Tuesday's Treasures 1-28-2025

I drove around for nearly thirty minutes, this morning, before I finally caught up with a couple of pets and their companions near Fleetwood in Jurupa Valley. When I left that location, I drove to the 60 freeway and headed out towards the Rick Thompson Arena, and Agate Park, in Jurupa Valley. The family I was looking for usually park their RV around there but they were a few blocks away today. I visited with three of their five pets and took some photos of a stray they have been trying to reunite with its owners for about a week. From there, I made a quick stop at our (empty) PO Box and the grocery store, before going back home. The spay and neuter appointments, for this week had not been sent in yet, because there were so many changes from the original appointments. Right after lunch, I emailed three appointments to the clinic at Riverside County Department of Animal Services and put four appointments in the portal for the clinic at Mary S. Robert's. I set up motel room reservations for everyone and will email those as soon as people show up and get their pets checked in tomorrow. I also set up a few appointments for February 5th. Before I worry about next week though, I just need to get through tomorrow and hope that everyone makes it! Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 30 pound bag of Science Diet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Wellness wet cat food, Inaba Juicy Bites, Inaba Churus, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba chicken fillets, Max and Neo large dog collar, xl dog harness, bully slices, plush squeaky toys, squeaky toys, squeaky tennis ball, buffalo tendons and bully sticks were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 1-28-2025

Monday On The Move 1-27-2025

This morning, I drove to the Eastside and parked on Massachusetts near the Path of Life Community Shelter. I visited with and provided supplies for dogs that spend their nights in the kennels there as well as a couple that sleep on the streets with their companions. I also reminded a few people that they needed to call to set up their spay/neuter appointments. When I left that location, I did not go looking for any other pets, because it started to rain. It was a light rain but it was cold and I knew people would be trying to stay wherever they could stay warmer and dryer. I did run one personal errand and then headed home for a bit, before going out to meet one of my oldest and dearest friends for lunch. After lunch I worked on the spay/neuter appointments for this week and into February as well as social media, emails, texts and any other work that needed done at my desk... Bottled waters, collapsible dish with leash clip, doggie waste bags, small leash, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, kabob chew sticks, bully slices and bully sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 1-27-2025

Sunday On The Streets 1-26-2025

Because we were expecting rain all day, I had not made arrangements to meet with anyone this morning. I received a text from the companion of two dogs on the Eastside that are only at their location on Sundays. They were just about out of supplies. As we were texting the rain took a break and I told him I was on my way. I drove out to visit them and provided the needed supplies. When I left that location, I headed back towards Agate Park in Jurupa Valley. My plan was to visit the family in the RV. Right after I arrived, it started drizzling. I stayed long enough to scan a stray dog for a microchip and then left. It was cold and wet and I did not want to be out there. The family did not really want to be either. I told them I would try to get back there on Tuesday and I went home. It wasn't a very productive day but a couple of pets received supplies they needed and we learned that a stray dog was not chipped so my day out was not wasted... Bottled waters, fleece blanket, 8 pound bag of senior dog food, 3.5 pound bag of small bites dog food, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons and plush squeaky toys were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 1-26-2025

Saturday's Smiles 1-25-2025

Before I headed to my first stop, this morning, I drove over to Room 8 Memorial Cat Foundation to bring them a variety of my homemade baked goods. The baked goods were my small way of thanking this rescue for all that they do. If any of you are not familiar with Room 8 Memorial Cat Foundation, please look them up on Facebook. They save so many cats and kittens and don't get nearly enough credit or appreciation for the overwhelming task that is. Over the years, I have relied on Gail Anderson and her large base of knowledge to help me with the kittens and cats I come across. On many occasions, she has stepped in to help the population my charity serves which is pets the homeless. If you are looking to adopt a kitten or a cat, I hope you will touch base with Room8! The plan was to meet a small group, from the river bottom, by the Fed-Ex trucking facility off of Holly Street. Only one of those people actually showed up with her dogs. Not sure what happened to the others but it is something I seem to deal with far too often. When I left that location, I drove around the area looking for someone else but I could not find him so I drove to Fairmount Park. I had a harness for a dog that is usually there, with his companion, but wasn't the last time I looked for him. I was able to give him supplies and a harness that fit him properly. My final stop was in Rubidoux. I went to visit a little dog and check on his feline sister that we provided 'the works' for recently. The kitty was hiding somewhere but I left food and treats for her. I visited with the dog and left food and treats for him too. No rain today but it is expected to roll in tonight so I am not sure what I will or won't be able to accomplish tomorrow. It all depends on whether it is just sprinkling or coming down harder... Bottled waters, hand warmers, emergency blankets, toilet tissue, package of trash bags, large fleece blanket, xxl harness, Max and Neo medium dog collar, small bag of small bites dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, wet dog food, wet cat food, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churus, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, bully slices, buffalo tendons, squeaky toys and plush squeaky toys were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 1-25-2025

Friday's Furry Friends 1-24-2025

I spent my time this morning, on the Eastside, by the Path of Life Community Shelter. I did not visit with any of the pets and people staying on the streets there but did visit with five pets that stay in the kennels. I visited each one and provided supplies for them. When I left there I drove through Rubidoux. I saw a couple with their dog but I decided not to stop for them. I have been trying to get their dog neutered for months now and they never follow through. If they ever decide to do the right thing, I will be happy to provide the services but I am not going to keep stopping to talk to them when they never make an effort. I went home for a brief time and then back out to meet someone for lunch. After lunch, the rest of the afternoon was spent doing the usual tasks that have to be done from my desk. We are expecting rain this week-end so I am not sure what my schedule will look like but if people ask to meet, I will do my best to oblige... Bottled waters, simplehuman trash can and trash bags, collapsible pet dish with leash clip, xl harness, large harness, small bag of small bites dog food, large bag of dog food for sensitive skin and stomachs, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, bully slices, buffalo tendons and plush squeaky toy were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 1-24-2025

Thursday's Treasures 1-23-2025

This morning, I went to the Jurupa Valley Motel6 to check on the cat we spayed yesterday, see the little senior dog one more time before he goes to his new home and visit a couple of dogs I have not seen in quite some time. While I was there, I paid for a second night for both of the rooms we rented yesterday and that was made possible by the AnimalVictory. org Home Street Home project. The little senior was not as fearful today and ate treats from my hand. I am sure he will warm up to the woman who is going to give him his forever home. While visiting the cat, that was just spayed, I also had an opportunity to visit with a dog that stayed in the room too. I always love visiting her and was happy to give her a new more comfortable harness, in addition to some other supplies. The two dogs I had not seen in a few months were living in an apartment for a long time but their family's caseworker 'dropped the ball' and this family found themselves homeless again as did a few others. Their companion works two jobs and does everything she is supposed to but the system failed her and her fur babies. She is living between her car and the motel and my hope is that she finds something permanent in the near future. When I left the motel, I drove over the the City Hall in Jurupa Valley to renew my business registration. I had tried to do it recently but did not have one of the codes I needed and was told I had to do so in order to process the paperwork. I could not find it anywhere online and went back today to ask what the next step would be. This time, I was assisted by a different employee who actually pulled the code up for me on his computer. Not sure why the first guy could not have done that for me but everything went smoothly today. I thanked the gentleman who helped me and the woman who made copies of all of the paperwork and then headed out to our storage units. I picked up some pet food, waters and the rest of the larger sized harnesses that were recently donated. On my way back home, I stopped at the post office and found a donation of jerky treats and a donation check waiting for me. With the exception of the wind, it was a great morning! Bottled waters, Domino gift card, protein bars, Inaba Churu Rolls, Inaba Churus, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, buffalo tendons, plush squeaky toys and an xxl harness were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 1-23-2025

#2,226 Gets 'The Works' 1-22-2025

Last night, I got a notification, on Watch Duty, that there was a fire near me. It was even closer to the Riverside County Department of Animal Services which is where I was getting pets spayed/neutered today. I was keeping an eye on the fire and texted a woman who stays in the river bottom near there and who has a cat that was going to be spayed today. While all that was going on, I received a text from a person who had confirmed her two dogs to be spayed/neutered today but was now letting me know her ride canceled and she would not be able to make it. It was 8pm and I wasn't sure what to do as I did not want to waste the appointments. I called someone else who lives in the river bottom near the shelter. He was scheduled for next week at a different clinic but I wanted to know if he would like to change it to the opening this morning and asked if his friend, who also lives down there, would like to bring his puppy. The gentleman only had one percent battery on his phone so he could not talk for long but he said they wanted the appointments. After we hung up, I realized that he might not have understood the time and place changed from where he was originally supposed to go. I also knew that the fire was a bigger concern than the dogs being spayed and neutered. I texted the woman whose cat is getting spayed and told her the issue with the other gentleman. She seemed to know who they were and said she would look for them. When I went to bed, last night, I had no idea if they would be showing up this morning…..When I arrived at Riverside County Depart,ment of Animal Services, the entire parking lot was filled with fire engines. The fire was contained but I was told they meet there like that whenever a fire is so close to the shelter. The companion of the cat arrived shortly after I did but there was no sign of the people with the dogs. I can't be sure but I am afraid they went to the wrong clinic. Only one of them has a phone and his phone was dead. Because I am driving to LA County to visit my grandfaughter, I did not have time to drive to the other clinic and see if they were there. I was sorry to have to waste my appointments but there wasn't much I could do about it. I am hoping to use all seven available appointments we have scheduled for next week. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, ARCO fuel card and protein bar were shared.

#2,226 Gets 'The Works' 1-22-2025

Tuesday's Treasures 1-21-2025

Yesterday, I received a call from a homeless gentleman I have known, and provided services for, for many years. He has two large dogs and at one point cared for small senior chihuahua mix that was being passed around and neglected by others. That little dog passed away last year in a motel room I had put the family in to get them out of the cold and rain. It devastated the gentleman and when he saw another small senior dog walking on a freeway offramp he got the dog to safety. I could not get there yesterday but told him I would meet him today to check for a chip. We planned to meet by the legion hall at Fairmount Park. When I arrived, he was not there yet but someone else was with her dogs. We visited and I provided supplies. Soon after the gentleman showed up with his two dogs and the senior dog he rescued near the 91 freeway. The dog was neither chipped nor neutered and was missing teeth. He had some scars on his leg that looked almost like dog bites. I gave the gentleman a harness/jacket and gave the dog some wet food. All the little guy really wanted was to be held by the person who found him but that person doesn't want to get attached. I feel like the shelter would be a death sentence for this senior and am looking for alternatives. In the meantime, I visited the other two dogs and provided supplies for all three. When I left, I drove around the park. I was hoping to find one other person and his dog but they were not around so I drove back to Jurupa Valley. I got fuel and then went to the post office. When I looked across the street, I saw someone I knew with his dog so I drove over there next. I noticed the five or six month old puppy was nowhere in sight and that is when I learned that he was hit and killed by a car. Someone was supposed to be caring for the dog and the puppy, while their companions went to an appointment and that person was careless. Such sad news but the other dog was still alive, and well, and she wanted my attention. She definitely got it. We had a visit, I provided supplies, stopped at the store to pick up a couple of items for baking and then went home... Bottled waters, dried fruit, chocolate candy, fleece blanket, small harness/jacket, 3 XL harnesses, K9 Hip and Joint chews, chicken jerky treats, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 8 pound bag of Senior dog food, 3.5 pound bag of small bites for small dogs, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, squeaky pet toys, plush squeaky pet toys, squeaky tennis balls, kabob chew sticks, bully slices, buffalo tendons and bully sticks were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 1-21-2025

Monday On The Move 1-20-2025

When I left the house for the eastside, this morning, there was no wind but there were red flag warnings for the next couple of days. I was unsure of what I would be able to get accomplished, once the winds kicked up, but I decided to go out and do whatever I could. The Path of Life Community Shelter office was closed, due to it being Martin Luther King Jr. Day so the gates were locked to the kennels but someone from Mercy House opened them so the companions could tend to their dogs. I visited with a couple from the kennels and four more on Massachusetts, before the wind finally starting gusting. At that point, I texted Lina Noel who was going to be meeting me at our storage units to bring supply donations. I let her know I would be there earlier than planned. I loaded my vehicle with a few supplies, while I waited for her and then I loaded a few of her donations after she arrived. When we were done, I called it a day and drove home. My allergies were already making me miserable so I was grateful to get out of the wind... Bottled waters, small leash, medium neon collar, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, squeaky pet toy, plush squeaky pet toys, squeaky tennis balls, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons and bully sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 1-20-2025

Saturday's Smiles 1-18-2025

Last night, I fell asleep for two hours and then wound up being awake for the rest of the night. I was not sure how I was going to be doing today but surprisingly enough, I felt just fine. I didn't have too many plans, because I had some things to do today and tomorrow for a dinner I am having, at my home, with friends. However, I was asked to bring pet food and supplies to one of the motels on the west side and I also wanted to give my 'well wishes' to a family that is moving from a different motel to an apartment next week. I went to both motels, returned some items I had ordered online to a local store, bought a couple of things for my granddaughter, checked our (empty) PO Box and went home. In between scheduling upcoming spay/neuter appointments, answering emails, calls and texts, I did a little cooking and baking. I am thinking about taking the day off tomorrow and get my vehicle a long overdue car wash as well as get everything ready for dinner with my friends. I used to have a bigger home, and my finances were much different then too. I loved entertaining. I still do but don't really have the space or the funds to do it very often. I am definitely looking forward to spending time with the ladies who will be here to enjoy my lasagna dinner and homemade desserts... Bottled waters, Max and Neo large dog collar, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 17pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Wellness wet cat food, Inaba Churus, small bag of small bites dog food, 2 Tiller Tugs squeaky donut tug toys, squeaky pet toy, plush squeaky pet toys, squeaky tennis balls, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons, bully sticks and bully slices were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 1-18-2025

Friday's Furry Friends 1-17-2025

When I woke up this morning, I saw that I had received a text at 3am. It was from someone living in a van with her dog. She told me they would be at Hunter Hobby Park and to stop by if I had time. I had planned on going there after I went to the Path of Life Community Shelter and surrounding area but when I got stuck behind a train that was not moving, I took a detour and went to the park first. I banged on the van window and called out to the companion but got no response. I was now on the other side of the tracks where the train was which made it possible for me to get to Massachusetts Avenue on the Eastside. I parked near the kennels and visited with five dogs that spend their nights there while their companions stay at three of the four shelters that offer beds. After visiting and providing supplies, I drove up the street to where some people were with their pets. I visited with two of the dogs and discussed providing 'the works' for one of them. The cat 'General' is no longer in the kennels, because his companion is no longer in the shelter but I did see him and speak to her. She doesn't have his harness/leash set anymore so I ordered one that should arrive in about a week. When I left that location, I got on the nearest freeway onramp heading for Elliotts For Pets and then our PO Box. I had an 11:30 dental appointment so I made a brief stop at home to give my dog a potty break and then went back out to the dentist. The rest of the afternoon was spent doing all the work I have to do from my desk... Bottled waters, socks, Max and Neo medium dog collar, chicken jerky treats, doggie waste bags, wet dog food, small bag of Senior dog food, 15-pound bag of dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, plush squeaky pet toys, ball launchers, large rope toys, squeaky tennis balls, bully sticks and bully slices were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 1-17-2025

Thursday's Treasures 1-16-2025

Five of the six pets that received 'the works' yesterday and one that received 'the works' on Tuesday, spent the night at the Jurupa Valley Motel6. In addition to those five, three 'siblings' stayed in some of the rooms as well so we had nine pets in the five rooms. I was able to visit with eight of those pets. One of the companion's did not tell me she had to leave by 9:15, even though I let her know what time I was coming. I went to other rooms first so she was no longer there when I arrived. I texted her a message that, if possible, I would like to check the dog another day. When I was done at the motel, I went home for a few minutes to give my dog a potty break, before going back out for a nail appointment and a lunch date with my daughter... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel card, Premier protein shakes, individual bags of Doritos, fleece blankets, chicken jerky treats, doggie waste bags, Tiller Tugs leash, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, Tiller Tugs tug toy, K9 Glucosamine chews, plush squeaky pet toys, kabob chew stick, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 1-16-2025

#2,220, 21, 22, 23, 24 & #2,225 Get 'The Works' 1-15-2025

The past week has been filled with so much bad news. Between the fires, the winds and the power outages planned or unplanned the stress and sadness has been overwhelming. My charity deals with the homeless population so I am accustomed to feeling stress and sadness but nothing like the magnitude of what so many have been experiencing. I am not in a financial position to offer much to Los Angeles fire victims but I have offered to donate many of the people supplies and pet supplies I had collected for the free 'street stores' we are no longer doing. I am still waiting for someone to take me up on the offer….In the mean time, I have been doing my daily travels and carrying on as normally as possible. That includes spaying/neutering which is done every Wednesday. I am pleased to say that everyone made it to their appointments today! We started at the Riverside County Department of Animal Servies with three dogs. There were two males and one female. Once I had all three checked in, I went home briefly and then went back out to the Mary S Robert's spay/neuter clinic. We had three pets getting 'the works' there. One female dog, one female cat and one male cat. By 10am, all were checked in and I drove over to our storage units to pick up more pet food and bottled water. From there I made a quick stop at our (empty) PO Box and then home. It was really nice having sunshine, no wind and people who were diligent about keeping their appointments. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, Dominos gift card, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, wet dog food, Inaba Churus, Wellness wet cat food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Tiller Tugs tug toy, plush squeaky pet toy and kitty litter were shared.

#2,220, 21, 22, 23, 24 & #2,225 Get 'The Works' 1-15-2025

Tuesday's Treasures 1-14-2025

Yesterday, I received a text asking for cat and dog food. I wasn't sure when I could make it to them but when I wound up having some time this morning, I asked if they wanted me to come today. The people and pets stay in the river bottom behind Riverside County Animal Services so we met in the parking lot of the shelter. I visited the pets and provided supplies, before heading across town to Fairmount Park. Thankfully, the winds had not started up yet. Some of the street lights were still out and people I know were still without power…. I drove through the entire park but did not see anyone with pets. I had spoken to someone who was at the Salvation Army, waiting to shower, so I headed over there. While I was there, I received a text asking if I had approved a dog getting neutered today. This is a dog I recently visited. He had been hit by a car and was having trouble with his bowels. Feeding Pets of The Homeless approved a vet visit and I approved his neuter, microchip and vaccinations. It is expensive to do so there but I know how difficult it is for his companion to get rides and it seemed best to approve whatever was needed. When I left downtown, I drove back to Jurupa Valley, stopped to check our (empty) PO Box and then made it home in time for a zoom meeting. The spays, neuters and motel rooms are scheduled for tomorrow so I am hoping all goes well... Bottled waters, Premier protein shakes, protein bars, large bag of recyclables, wet dog food, Wellness wet cat food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, small bag of small bites dog food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Fun Bites, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba chicken fillets, cat toy, plush squeaky toy, squeaky tennis balls, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons and bully stick were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 1-14-2025

Monday On The Move 1-13-2025

This morning, I went to the Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside. It was very windy and there was only one person outside with her dog. It is a dog that needs 'the works' so I reminded her to call me and set up an appointment. When I left the shelter, I went to look for a gentleman whose two dogs are supposed to get 'the works' on Wednesday. He never confirmed with me yesterday and his phone was no longer in service. I found him and he said he thought he was supposed to contact me on Tuesday. I explained that I send in the appointments on Mondays and need confirmed prior to that. I asked him to contact me this afternoon and either confirm or reschedule. From there I drove to drop off a 'thank you' bag of baked goods at the working place of the wife of our 'web master'. I needed to mail a 'thank you' package to someone so I drove back to Jurupa Valley to do that. After I left the post office, I was headed to the Jurupa Valley City Hall when I spotted someone sitting by the CircleK with a dog I thought I recognized. When I pulled in, I found out that it was that dog. I had not seen him in months and he needed a few supplies. After our visit, I drove to City Hall to renew my business registration. The City of Riverside does theirs online but Jurupa Valley has not caught up yet. Unfortunately, there was a part of the paperwork that needed filled out and I did not have the information so it was a wasted trip. As soon as I go to a couple of websites and get that information, I will go back and get the registration renewed but I was done for today. I really did not want to spend anymore time in the wind so I did not make anymore stops. I had plenty to do at my desk so I just went home... Bottled waters, Dominos gift card, hand and toe warmers, handmade pet jacket, Max and Neo medium dog collar, Tiller Tugs leash, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, large bag of chicken jerky, collapsible pet dish with leash clip, large stainless steel dish, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew stick, buffalo tendons, bully slices and bully sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 1-13-2025

Sunday On The Streets 1-12-2025

At 7am, a call came in from someone looking for shelter. I don't start taking calls until 8am and that is when I returned the call. I gave the woman information about the Path of Life Community Shelter and arranged to bring her food and supplies for her, previously spayed, dog. The wind was gusting again and is supposed to be for the next two or three days. I can't very well stay inside my home all that time so I am just going to limit the time I am out. As I was walking out the door, the woman who called earlier said she would not actually be able to meet with me so I headed over to visit a family I usually see on Sundays. They are the one's who recently 'lost' their dog 'Elektra'. It felt strange not being greeted by her but the other three dogs were very happy to see me. It was far too windy for the one cat that usually likes to hang out so he stayed in the RV. While I was organizing the supplies they needed, I received a text from a couple that was staying at the Motel6 with their dog and cat. They were in need of supplies. I was not far from the motel. As I was leaving my present location, I called and and told them I would be there shortly. We met in the parking lot. I did not see the cat but did get to visit with the dog. I decided that was going to be it for me. My allergies had enough of the wind and it was getting close to lunch time anyway. I figure that whatever I am able to get to is still better than doing nothing. Until the winds stop, I will continue with extra allergy meds and Vitamin C with Zinc... Bottled waters, Premier protein shakes, cookies, handmade pet jacket, small bag of cat food, Wellness wet cat food, small bag of senior dog food for small dogs, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Fun Bites, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats and bully slices were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 1-12-2025

Saturday's Smiles 1-11-2025

I was thankful to wake up to a non-windy morning where I still had power and learned that some of the power was restored to people who live nearby. Unfortunately, the wind kicked back up a couple of hours later and it looked like power was out in some of the neighboring areas again. I could also smell smoke although I have no idea where it was coming from... The plan for today was to go to an area out in Jurupa Valley where there was recently a fire at a homeless encampment. Many people lost everything so I arranged for Tracey Cleary to meet me at my storage units to load up our vehicles with people and pet supplies. I arrived around 8:45 to get things ready for when Tracey was supposed to meet me. As soon as she got there, we filled her vehicle and headed out to deliver them. I can't thank her enough for her help. Most of the people supplies were brought there in her vehicle so I would not have been able to offer much without her help. There were three people and seven pets waiting for us by the Fed-Ex trucking facility. I visited with the dogs and the people loaded up all of the supplies to walk back to their camps. We left soon after. I ran a personal errand, picked up a prescription and a donation check at our PO Box and went home. I did not want to stay out any longer due to the wind and not wanting to get another sinus headache and runny nose but I do plan to go out tomorrow, even if it is for a brief time... Case of bottled waters, Premier protein shakes, assortment of soups, peanuts, 5 sleeping bags, 6 tents, small suitcase, duffle bag, toilet tissue, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, lotion, soap, feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes, body wash, shampoo, conditioner hand warmers, blankets, towels, sheets, socks, beanies, pillows, pillow cases, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 3-20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, individual bags of jerky treats, Tiller Tugs leash, Max and Neo dog gear large collar, squeaky pet toys, plush squeaky pet toys, bag of squeaky tennis balls, bully slices and buffalo tendons were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 1-11-2025

Friday's Furry Friends 1-10-2025

When I left home this morning I had still had power but most of the traffic lights on Limonite Avenue and Mission Avenue were not working. That means people are still without power in those areas. I know that is nothing in comparison to what people are going through in Los Angeles but it can still be a tough thing to deal with especially for the elderly, people living alone and those with small children... My destination was the Path of Life Community Shelter on Massachusetts. I stopped there and spoke to four people who have pets in the kennels. One of them was someone new and we will be providing ;the works' for her dog in the near future. The other dog stays with her companion on the streets. He told me he was ready to get her spayed so I told him when to call and set that up. When I left that location, I drove down the street to where some people have set up camps. Two of the dogs I am supposed to spay/neuter on Wednesday were there but their companion was sleeping so I will speak to him this week-end. Two of the other dogs needed dog food so after our visit, I provided their companion with supplies. My next stop was across town at our storage units where I was meeting with Cindy and Seth Cox who picked up our monthly recurring donation of pet food from the Star Milling Company. I can't thank them enough for volunteering their time and to Star Milling for continuing to support our work. After storage, I headed home making one stop at our (empty) PO Box and then home. Tomorrow morning, I will meet Tracey Cleary at our storage units so we can load up supplies for an area where many of the camps burned down in a recent fire... Bottled waters, hand warmers, fleece blanket, 2 handmade pet jackets, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks and bully sticks, bully slices and buffalo tendons were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 1-10-2025

Thursday's Treasures 1-09-2025

I just spoke to someone who has an encampment near the Fed-Ex off of Holly Street. There was a huge fire down there and many of the travel trailers burned as did many of the camps. I plan to go to my storage tomorrow and Saturday to see how many sleeping bags, tents, blankets and towels I have to bring on Saturday. I am waiting to be sure I have a volunteer so I know how much I can bring. I knew there was a fire in the river bottom but had no idea it damaged so much for so many... I am very grateful that there have been no large fires very close to me, over the past few days, and my heart breaks for those who are living through this nightmare. Even though fires have not been an issue, power outages have to a degree. My home has not lost power but many in the area and surrounding areas have and this has been going on for at least two days or more. Some are not expected to have their power restored until the week-end. When I was driving around this morning, many of the street lights were out on Limonite Avenue and the Motel6 had no internet. No internet meant they were unable to charge my card and send receipts for the rooms we reserved last night but they will do so as soon as their internet is restored. These winds and fires are impacting so many people and businesses in Southern California. I have lived here for fifty years and never seen anything quite like this. I can only hope for improvements in the future but if the winds keep gusting and fires keep starting either intentionally or unintentionally this will continue to be a problem... The winds were not as bad today but I made the choice to just go and check on the pets at the motel and then drive down Mission Blvd. through part of Rubidoux. The pets all seemed to be recuperating nicely, at the motel. I did not see anyone with pets on my drive down Mission or Limonite. I did what was most important to do and that has to be enough for now. Tomorrow, I will head over to the Eastside and then meet at our storage units for Star Milling's Monthly Recurring Donation of pet food... Bottled waters, Premier protein shakes, small stainless steel pet dish, puppy training pads, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks and bully stick were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 1-09-2025

#2,215, #2,216 and #2,217 Get 'The Works' 1-08-2025

Today is our first spay/neuter day of 2025. We were only able to get appointments at one of the clinics we use but all three pets were there and on time. We had two male dogs and one female dog. One of the male's services were being covered by the Riverside County Department of Animal Services Healthy Pet Zone Fund. That left us just having to cover the cost of the motel rooms and 'the works' for the other two dogs. All three were checked in before 8:30am and I was able to go home for about an hour, before going to a hair appointment. That was in Magnolia Center and I could smell smoke. Not sure what fire the smell was from but it served as a sad reminder of the loss so many are experiencing... I woke up to a text telling me that a dog I have known for years had just passed away in its companion's arms. Not the way I wanted to start the day but grateful to offer services to have the pet cremated. The winds were still pretty strong, this morning, but we had power and no fires here so that was something else to be thankful for... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel Card, small dog bed, three handmade pet jackets, small bag of small bites dog food, stainless steel pet dish and plush squeaky toys were shared.

#2,215, #2,216 and #2,217 Get 'The Works' 1-08-2025

Monday On The Move 1-06-2025

I began my morning on the Eastside on Massachusetts by the Path of Life Community Shelter. I visited with four pets. Three of them have companions staying in the shelter and they stay in the kennels there. The other pet stays with someone on the street. I have been offering to provide that dog with 'the works' for a few weeks now but her companion has not been interested. Code Enforcement was out with the police, trash trucks and outreach w orkers so some of the people I thought I might see had already left the area. I was going to drive to another area but I received a phone call that concerned my non-profit and decided to go park and talk. It concerned an ongoing issue and the people I need to speak to are very hard to reach. I was grateful for the call. When we were done with the call, I contacted someone who was planning to meet me at my storage. I had a few supplies to share and I needed to pick up a few for my daily travels. I went to storage, the post office and then home. I unloaded my vehicle, re-loaded for tomorrow and did a little baking before eating lunch and tending to more charity business at my desk... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully sticks, buffalo tendons and a plush squeaky toy were shared.


Sunday On The Streets 1-05-2025

Before making any stops today, I drove to our storage units to pick up pet supplies. After loading my vehicle, I drove to the nearest freeway onramp and headed to one of the motels on the west side of town. I visited with and provided supplies for seven dogs and also provided supplies for three cats. While I was there, I met three puppies and one dog that I had not met in the past. The three puppies are scheduled for 'the works' at the end of this month. When I left the motel, I went home for a brief time and then back out to meet someone for lunch. The lunch was a nice break from all of the charity work I needed to do later at my desk.... Bottled waters, crackers, handmade pet jacket, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churus, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, small bag of Senior dog food, small bag of small bites for small dogs, wet puppy food, wet dog food, Wellness wet cat food, 3-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 3 large bags of Science Diet cat food, Max and Neo collar, Tiller Tugs leash, two small collars, buffalo tendons, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks, large rope toy, squeaky balls and plush squeaky toys were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 1-05-2025

Saturday's Smiles 1-04-2025

I did not do a whole lot of driving around today. Nobody asked me to go to the location I often visit on Saturdays so I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Because I plan to go to the West Side tomorrow, I knew I would not have time to visit the family I usually visit on Sundays so I went there this morning. I visited five of their six pets and provided a few supplies, before heading over to the post office. Someone messaged me that their Chewy donation had arrived so I went to pick that up. While I was there I paid the PO Box fee for the next year and then went back home... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, Temptations cat treats, Inaba Churus, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, wet dog food, wet cat food, buffalo tendons, bully sticks and squeaky balls, plush squeaky toys were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 1-04-2025

Friday's Furry Friends 1-03-2025

Last night, I had a bad case of insomnia and did not get any sleep. I did not feel like doing my daily travels today but I went out anyway. I had already made lunch plans with a couple of friends and I thought being out and doing my usual Friday morning visits might help keep me motivated. I visited six pets at or near the Path of Life Community Shelter and provided a few supplies. I didn't really feel like doing much else so after I stopped at our (empty) PO Box, I went home. I threw the laundry that I had in the washer into the dryer, made a few phone calls, answered a few emails and worked on some of our social media, until it was time to leave for lunch... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, individual bag of chicken jerky treats, buffalo tendons, bully sticks and plush squeaky toys were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 1-03-2025

Thursday's Treasures 1-02-2025

I spent my time this morning at the Jurupa Valley Motel6. There were no spay and neuter surgeries done on New Year's Day but we did rent three rooms that accommodated four pets and their companions. Those rooms were paid for by the AnimalVictory.org 'Home Street Home' project. I visited each room and provided supplies. While I was there, I noticed a gentleman outside of a room with his dog. The dog looked familiar so I spoke to her companion. We provided 'the works' for her quite some time ago. She is around thirteen years old now. We did not pay for their room last night but when I found out they had to check out today, I paid for them to stay another night. That was also made possible, thanks to the AnimalVictory.org 'Home Street Home' project. When I left the motel, I went home to give my dog a potty break and then went back out to my nail appointment. The rest of the day was spent doing all of the usual charity related tasks that have to be done at my desk... Bottled waters, One gallon bag with protein shake, cup of noodles, cereal bar, candy and other snacks, chocolate coins, small bag of small bites dog food, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons, Tiller Tugs leash, large rope tug toy and plush squeaky Christmas toys were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 1-02-2025

New Year's Day 1-01-2025

Wednesdays are always reserved for spaying and neutering. Because of the holidays that was not the case last week or this week. Staying home, when I do not have plans with family, is not an option. When I went out for fuel, this morning, I saw two dogs and their companion across the parking lot so I stopped for a visit, before getting on the road. I was able to get a few people and their pets into motel rooms for the evening, thanks to the AnimalVictory.org 'Home Street Home' project. I also arranged to meet up with a family that has been housed for the past few years but who I met when they were on the streets. We always catch up with each other, every month or so, and today was the day. We were supposed to meet at Fairmount Park. They were running late so I went looking for a gentleman whose birthday was yesterday. One of his dog's was the last pet we provided 'the works' for in 2015 which is why I remember his birthday. He likes things with peanut butter so I packed up some of my homemade Reese's cookies and some peanut butter candies for him. When the family was late getting to the park, I drove over to where the gentleman stays with his dog but they were not there. I called and found out where he was but it was too far away for me to get the gift bag to him so I gave it to the couple with the pets that came to meet me at the park. After our visit, I made a quick stop at the store to pick up a few more ingredients I still needed for some upcoming baking and then I headed home. My daughter was going to come over tonight. It is the last night of Chanukah and we were going to light candles and have dinner but she got called in to work so we will get together tomorrow... Waters, homemade cookies, candy, Wellness wet cat food, 2-17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus, chicken jerky treats, cat treats, cat toys, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons and plush squeaky Christmas toys were shared.

New Year's Day 1-01-2025
2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC