It is hard for me to believe that this year has come and gone. I am so grateful to everyone who has supported the work I do be it financial or on social media or both. I appreciate each and every one of you for making it possible for me to continue providing services to those in need... I started today at Fairmount Park. I drove through the entire park but only saw one person with a pet. I stopped for a visit with him, provided a few supplies and then drove to the Salvation Army. It did not look like anyone was there showering today so I headed over to a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. Two of the people I was going to talk with stay in their vehicles but neither seemed to be awake. There was one more vehicle parked on that street so I stopped there and that gentleman was awake. His cat and dog were too. We visited and I provided a few supplies before driving to Rubidoux. I had a small dog bed donated that seemed perfect for a little guy whose family lose everything in a fire. They cleaned up more than half of the debris and had a large tent set up. When I called out they answered and then brought the dog out for a visit. I think he was more excited about the squeaky ball, toy and treats than he was about the bed but I know that bed will be great for him. I needed to pick up a few ingredients to do some more baking so I decided to make a quick stop at the PO Box, which was empty, and then to the store. When I was done, it was just about lunch time so I went home. I made three reservations for motel rooms, tomorrow night, for people and their pets. I will try to offer more tomorrow. Thanks to 'Home Street Home' project those rooms are holiday gifts to give people and their pets a little break from the cold nights. We will be offering more during the rainy season too…Thanks again to all of you who come to our page. Happy New Year! Waters, candy canes, chocolate covered pretzel rods, small dog bed, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, Wellness wet cat food, 30 pound bag of dog food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, buffalo tendons Tiller Tugs squeaky tug toy and plush squeaky toys were shared.
While on my way to the Path of Life Community Shelter, I spotted a vehicle of someone with a dog. They were parked down the street on Massachusetts Avenue so I pulled over for a visit. There was a couple across the street with a dog and I asked them if they needed help with him. The woman said yes and I told her I would speak to them next. When I drove over there, the couple was moving their belongings in front of the shelter and I went into the lot to park. When I pulled in, I saw a little male dog running around. He had a collar on so I figured he belonged to one of the people out there. I was wrong. The people I spoke to told me that the dog was given to a guy staying in the community shelter but since he got a pet after intake, he was not allowed to put the dog in a kennel there. It seems the dog has been running around for a couple of weeks now and different people have been trying to keep and eye on him and feed him. I grabbed a leash and asked someone to hold on to him to help keep him safe from the cars. A tone point, I realized he was neutered and decided to check for a microchip. He was chipped! I immediately spoke to someone who works at the Path of Life kennels and asked him to call Animal Control to come get the dog. I thought the dog might belong to someone who was looking for him. If not, I already have a rescue lined up to take him in but it was important to remove him from where he was. I called one of the Sargent's at Animal Control and asked how soon someone could pick up the dog. He let me know. I let the employee know and then I left. I will be keeping my eye on the little guy and if his owner does not come for him, the rescue will send a transporter. Trying to deal with the dog took up a lot more of my time than I had expected. When everything was finally set, I had to get home for a zoom meeting... Waters, wet dog food, fleece blanket, pet jacket, small leash, stainless steel pet dish, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, small bag of small bites dog food, 14-pound bag of Pedigree dog food, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, buffalo tendons and a plush squeaky toy were shared.
From 5:30am to 8:30am I got some more cooking done, before heading out for my daily travels. Before making any stops, I went to get fuel. There is a homeless encampment in a field near there so I drove over to where the gate has an opening. I got out of my vehicle and hollered for one of the companion's. His two dogs came running up the hill to greet me, just like they always do if they are down there. We had a visit and I provided a few supplies before making a stop at the store to pick up a couple of things I still needed for tomorrow night's holiday dinner. From there, I drove to Jurupa and Van Buren so I could look for someone who often parks in that area. He was not there, when I went to offer a room for Christmas, but he was there today. The dog jumped out of the car so he could get some treats, a chew stick and a ball. I gave his companion a few supplies and then went to meet some friends to deliver gift bags of food and baked goods I had prepared. The first bag went to a friend at her work. The second bag was left in another friend's yard, because she was not home yet. When I left her house, I was on my way to meet two other friends in the parking lot of the old Rite Aid on Magnolia and Jurupa. I saw a gentleman with a dog sitting on the sidewalk near Big5. I had met them once, near See's Candies and Vons but had not seem them since. I parked in the closest parking lot and walked over to visit. They came back to my vehicle with me and I gave them a few supplies before I went to meet my other friends and deliver the last two bags. All four friends were going to stop by my house to do the pick up but I live out in Jurupa Valley and it was easier for them if I met closer to where they were so that is what I did. I made one last stop at our PO Box which happened to be empty and then I went home. I ate lunch and did a little more cooking. There is just one more thing that will need cooked tomorrow but that can't be done until my family and good friend Pam get here. Everything I already cooked will get warmed up and all of the appetizers are quick and easy which gives me more time to spend with the people in my life. I will be going to meet three people at our storage units tomorrow. Two have supply donations and one has a grant check. Even though my company is not coming until later in the afternoon, that is the only business I plan on doing. I think everything will be just fine with me taking the rest of the day off and not doing my daily travels... Waters, chocolate covered pretzel rods, candy canes, hand warmers, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks bully sticks, buffalo tendons, plush squeaky Christmas toys, Christmas rope toy, Kong squeaky ball and plush squeaky toy were shared.
My holiday dinner is Sunday night and I have quite a bit of prepping and cooking to do for that but with the exception of Sunday morning, I planned to do do my daily travels. This morning, I was up at 5am starting my soup and then I took a break at 8:30 so I could head over to the Eastside and visit pets at the Path of Life Community Shelter. There were six of them and each one got treats and a chew stick. Some received other supplies as well. When I left that location, I drove to a couple of stores to pick up more ingredients for Sunday night's dinner. I stopped by our PO Box afterwards, which was empty, and then went home. The rest of the day was spent finishing my soup and filling containers for friends and family. I will do more cooking tomorrow. I did not make plans to see anyone in particular tomorrow so I will most likely just drive around and see who I can find... Waters, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks bully sticks, buffalo tendons, plush squeaky Christmas toy and plush squeaky toys were shared.
Before I went out to do my daily travels, I was in the kitchen early this morning. I was putting together three large pans of cheese lasagna. One of those is going to my son and his family and one is going to be served when I have some friends over next month. I have not made plans for the third one yet. I had already cooked the sauce a couple of days ago so that cut down on time. By 8:30am, I was finished and the kitchen was clean so I left the house….Last night, we reserved four rooms at the Jurupa Valley Motel6, thanks to the 'Home Street Home' project. The 'Holiday Love Bags' went quickly but we still had more gifts in store. The rest of the donation money that came from the project is to be used where needed but most of it will go to cold/rainy weather motel room stays and spay/neuter services….This morning, I went to the motel to visit with the five pets that spent Christmas night there. I was able to visit with three of them but the other two were getting showers so I did not have an opportunity to see them. When I left the motel, I drove to the nearest freeway onramp and headed across town to our storage units, where I picked up pet food and waters. When I left our storage units, I stopped at a couple of stores to pick up a few more grocery items I need for my holiday dinner on Sunday night. I will just need to pick up fresh green beans tomorrow and then all that will be left is getting everything cooked. I will start that tomorrow and finish on Sunday. I am not sure if I will be going out or not on Sunday but I will make that decision on Saturday. I will definitely be going out tomorrow and Saturday... Waters, large chocolate covered pretzel rods, hand and toe warmers, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, chicken jerky treats and kabob chew sticks were shared.
I had originally planned to take the day off and go visit my son and his family but those plans did not work out. In addition to my grandbaby and daughter-in-law being sick, they experienced a power outage that put a wrench in everything. They packed up what they could fit in their vehicles and went to a family member's home. It looks like I will have to wait until Sunday to celebrate both of our holiday's. Even though I was disappointed, I did not want the day to go to waste. Money was donated that could be used for motel rooms so I made a few phone calls trying to find out if people would like rooms. I did not reach anyone so I decided to drive around. I had two reservations that I made previously and then I made two more today. I was hoping to give rooms to more people but many either don't have transportation or ID's or both. Some of the people we used to put in rooms are already have emergency housing at motels. When the rainy weather hits, I will start looking again... I did make two stops in different parts of Fairmount Park. I visited with two pets at one location and four at the other. I had planned on driving to a few places on the East side as well but my day literally got 'crappy'. I seemed to have stepped in a pile of dog poop that I did not see while it was camouflaged under leaves. However, when I got in my vehicle, I sure could smell it. I poured water bottles on my shoes and wiped off as much as I could but it it was imbedded in crevices. The only way to get it out was with a hose and a wire brush so I went home to do just that. I am sorry I did not get more done but grateful I met up with a few people and pets. Tonight is the first night of Chanukah and my daughter is coming to light candles and eat dinner so the day will come to a happy end... Waters, large bag of recyclables, chocolate covered pretzel rods, handmade pet jackets, Kong squeaky balls, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
I started the morning by making sauce for the lasagna I planned to bring to my son and his family tomorrow. After it simmered for a few hours, I went to the store to pick up a few items I need to make soup for my holiday meal this Sunday and I also stopped for fuel. While there, my son called to tell me my granddaughter was running a fever last night and that my daughter-in-law wasn't feeling well either. Nothing was decided about tomorrow but I doubt I will be going to visit if everyone is not feeling up to it. I had planned on continuing the process of putting together lasagna but decided to wait and see how things go. If need be, I will get up early again tomorrow to get it done. If not, then I have the sauce ready for me to get it done before the week-end, when I have a list of other things I need to cook. I am the kind of person who likes a definite plan but sometimes that is not possible. So I went out to visit a family I normally stop to see on Sundays. I visited, provided a few supplies and had fun accessorizing the pets. When I left that location I drove to Rubidoux and went up and down a few streets there. I did not find anyone with pets so I checked our PO Box, which was empty, and went home. Not sure what will be happening tomorrow but I will figure it out as I go... Homemade cookies, Christmas treats, Christmas toy, Inaba Churus, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, Wellness wet cat food, wet dog food, Christmas plush squeaky toys, Christmas squeaky toys, Christmas squeaky balls, Christmas toy ropes, jingle bell collar, chicken jerky treats and buffalo tendons were shared.
I made three stops this morning, The first was at the Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside where I visited with three pets, put holiday accessories on one of them and provided a few supplies. From there I drove to Hunter Park where I visited another dog, put holiday accessories on her and provided a few supplies. My last stop was in Fairmount Park by the Legion Hall. I finally caught up with someone I haven't seen in well over a month. I had an opportunity to visit with both dogs, put holiday accessories on them and provide supplies. We are expecting a grant check, before the end of the year, and I made a quick stop at our PO Box to see if it arrived. It had not so I headed home... Bottled waters, gallon sized ziplock bag with protein shake, instant mac n cheese, cereal bars, candy and other snack foods, 2 handmade pet jackets, 2 fleece blankets, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, Inaba Churu Bites, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 34 pound bag of dog food, 8 pound bag of senior dog food, k-9 glucosamine chews, wet dog food, 2 Max and Neo dog leashes, Christmas plush squeaky toys, Christmas squeaky toys, Christmas squeaky balls, Christmas headbands, jingle bell scarves, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
I had planned to meet someone on Fleetwood, this morning, so I could give her dog a jacket as well as speak to the gentleman in the RV with all the puppies and dogs. She was late so I texted her the location of where I would be going. She lives in her van. My next stop wasn't far from where we were supposed to meet so I figured she could drive there and she did. I met with her and a few others at a river bottom outlet near the Fed-Ex facility on Holly. A total of seven dogs were at that location. Three of them need neutered. One of them is not permitted by his companion so I don't share supplies for the dog. As long as I have enough treats and chews, I try to give all of the dogs something while I am there as it is not their fault their companions don't want to do the right thing for them. After I was done accessorizing the pets and distributing supplies, I left. I drove up Fleetwood again and saw that the companion of the large group of puppies and dogs was outside his RV. I stopped to speak to him again about starting to spay and neuter the dogs he knows he wants to keep and suggested the males go in first. Once again, it is up to him to get in touch with me to set up the appointments. He does not have a working phone so I hope someone helps him with that. When we were done talking, I stopped to pick up a few little things for a small child that lives in an RV with his family and pets. I am going to go over there the day before Christmas to visit the pets and drop off a gift bag... Bottled waters, chocolate covered pretzel rods, 2 handmade pet jackets, chicken jerky treats, large bag of jerky treats, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, Inaba Churu Bites, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 40 pound bag of dog food, wet dog food, Christmas plush squeaky toys, Christmas squeaky toys, Christmas squeaky balls, Christmas headbands, jingle bell scarves, jingle bell necklaces, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
I received a text, yesterday, asking me if I was going to be at Fairmount Park. I said I was not but could meet this morning and that is what we did. We met back by the American Legion Hall in the park and I was able to visit with the dogs and provide supplies. While I was there, I received a text from some people in the river bottom over by the Fed-Ex facility off of Holly Street. I told them they should have let me know yesterday if they wanted to meet, because I would not have time today. I was already planning on driving to Fleetwood Avenue tomorrow and the Fed-Ex facility is not far from there. My plan for Fleetwood is to meet with a woman whose dog needs a jacket and to try and talk to the gentleman who is caring for over 20 puppies and dogs right now. I am supposed to meet there first and then I will head over to the other river bottom outlet….In the mean time, I drove around to one of the parking lots at the park and stopped to talk with a woman whose vehicle is not working. Both of her dogs are spayed/neutered but the gentleman trying to help her has a couple that are not. I gave treats and chews to all of the dogs and discussed spaying with the gentleman. One of his dogs is small and up there in age. He is not comfortable having her done, which I understand but I am hoping he decides to do the other at some point. This is only the second time I have met them and I try to be informative but not pushy. I hope I did that….When I left the park, I drove to the post office. Our PO Box was empty so I went home. I was only there for about twenty minutes, when I had to go back out. My Thursday nail appointment got moved to today so I made sure I was on time for that. I got home in time for lunch and to start all of the items on this afternoon's 'to-do' list... Bottled waters, chocolate covered pretzel rods, chicken jerky treats, large bag of jerky treats, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 49 pound bag of dog food, wet dog food, Christmas plush squeaky toys, Christmas headbands, jingle bell scarf, jingle bell necklaces, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
I spent my morning on the Eastside. Part of that was by the kennels at the Path of Life Community Shelter where I visited with three dogs and provided a few supplies. Next, I drove to a location on University where I visited with another pet and provided supplies. From there I drove to the nearest freeway onramp so I could go back to our storage units to pick up waters and pet food. On my way home, I stopped to get fuel and then went to check our PO Box. It was empty but I try to check daily. When I returned home, I unloaded supplies and then reloaded some things for tomorrow's travels. When I was done with that, I went to meet Kathy Martinez for lunch. She volunteers to do our grant writing. I am so grateful for her help and it is nice to get together for lunch and conversation now and then. The rest of the day was filled with doing all of the other things I do to keep the charity going... Bottled waters, collapsible water dish with leash clip, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, plush squeaky Christmas dog toys, Christmas headbands, jingle bell necklace, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, squeaky Christmas ball and buffalo tendons were shared.
Yesterday, was our last day for spaying/neutering in 2024. This year was not quite as productive as I had hoped. Some of it was due to financial issues we had for awhile and the rest was due to people just not showing up for their appointments. When all was said and done we provided 'the works' for 160 kittens, cats, puppies and dogs this year. That is an average of about 13 per month. Even though that is not a very large number, it will still prevent a large number of pets being born and adding to pet overpopulation in the homeless community and/or our community at large. For that, I am grateful! My main concern this morning was to check on the pets that received 'the works' yesterday. Seven of the eight were supposed to stay at the Jurupa Valley Motel6 but only five actually checked in. I did visit their rooms and provide any needed supplies. A couple of the dogs had another furry family member staying with them so I spent time with a total of seven pets. When I left that location, I got on the nearest freeway ramp and drove out to Trader Joe's at the Riverside Plaza. Afterwards, I headed back to Jurupa Valley to pick up a package and a donation check at our PO Box. The rest of the day was spent doing all of the usual work things that are not done on the streets such as emails, texts, phone calls and scheduling spay/neuter appointments... Bottled waters, fleece blanket, protein bars, chocolate covered pretzel rods, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, plush squeaky Christmas dog toys, large neon dog collar, Christmas headbands, jingle bell scarves and buffalo tendons were shared.
Due to upcoming holidays, that fall on Wednesdays, today is our last day to schedule spay and neuter appointments at both clinics until January the 8th... We had six pets scheduled for 'the works' at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. All were confirmed. There were three female dogs, two male dogs and one female cat. Five of the six made it. Someone with one of the female dog's was a no show. After dropping off baked goods for some of the staff and getting the five pets checked in, I made a brief stop at home and then went back out, because we had four pets scheduled at the Mary S. Robert's spay/neuter clinic. There were three female dogs and one female cat to be done there. The dogs all arrived on time but the person with the cat was not there. He is a veteran without a vehicle and was having issues when he called at 7am but I thought he had found a ride. Turns out that ride did not show up either and when I mentioned I was not sure when I would be able to get to him now he called me a couple of nasty names and hung up, before I could explain why it was going to be such a long wait. If he had not been so nasty, I would have tried to work with him again but his ugly language and name calling put an end to that…..When all was said and done, eight pets received 'the works'. There were six female dogs, one male dog and one female cat. I am sorry we did not get all ten in but I am grateful for the eight that we did. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, small leash, fleece blanket, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Wellness wet cat food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, plush squeaky Christmas dog toys, small dog leash, Max and Neo dog leash, small neon dog collar and another small dog collar were shared.
At 7am, I drove out to our storage units to pick up pet food and to see if we had anymore Christmas accessories for the pets. Sadly, we did not so I will just use the few things we have left and hope we get a good variety of clearance items donated for next year. After I loaded my vehicle, I drove back home to do some more planning for tomorrow's spays and neuters. I was moving a little slower than usual today but I did hobble around. It turns out that the reason my foot is causing me so much pain is not just because I smashed my pinky toe but because there is a bruise running across the top of my foot. That being said, moving slower is still moving and I did go out for my daily travels. I drove through Rubidoux and went to Fairmount Park. I stopped at two different areas within the park, visited with three dogs and provided supplies. When I left that location, I drove up Fleetwood hoping to speak to the gentleman in the RV with all of the dogs. There were a few dogs loose outside the RV and the mama dog of one of the litters was inside the RV but I did not see their companion. I banged on the side of the RV but got no answer. Not sure if he was in there sleeping or not there. Either way, I have to go back another day. Riverside County Department of Animal Services is willing to help me get some of the pets transported to the spay/neuter clinic on days I can give them appointments. It is not what is needed in the long run but it is a start while they continue looking for rescues that might be able to take on some of the dogs. It is a tall order to fill but nobody is giving up trying. From there, I drove back through Rubidoux and stopped where a family lost everything in a fire. I went to offer a motel room on Christmas. That is something that will be offered to a few people with pets (that are spayed/neutered), thanks to donations from the 'Home Street Home' project. When I was getting ready to leave this location, I got a notification on my dash that the battery in my vehicle remote needed replaced so I went to take care of that, before making one final stop to check our empty PO Box. I headed home after that... Bottled waters, One protein bars, chocolate covered pretzel rods, Inaba Churus, Inaba Chur Bites, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Christmas headbands, jingle bell necklaces, jingle bell scarf, Christmas squeaky tennis ball, plush squeaky Christmas dog toys, bully stick, chicken jerky treats and buffalo tendons were shared.
My day began by my waking up and slamming my pinky toe into a piece of furniture that has been sitting next to my bed for 5 and ½ years. It just so happens that I did something similar to the same toe nearly twenty years ago, when we were packing up to move to another house. At that time, I learned it was fractured and that there really isn't much I could do for it so I did not bother going to get it checked out. I put on my socks and tennis shoes and limped around, while trying to ignore the throbbing. It's not like I can sit home for a few weeks with my feet up. LOL. When it was time, I headed out to do my daily travels... I left the house and went to drop off a gift bag at the workplace of the wife of the gentleman who does our website. From there, I drove to my daughter's and dropped off a package she had delivered to my house. I finally made it the Eastside a few minutes past 9am and that is where I spent most of my time. I parked on Massachusetts near the Path of Life Community Shelter kennels and visited with four pets. When we were done, I went to one of the nearby side streets and visited with five other pets. Four of the nine pets I visited are in need of 'the works' and one of those has an appointment for this Wednesday. I had planned on visiting one more pet on the Eastside but his companion was visiting someone on the other side of town so I did not see them. I went to check the PO Box, get fuel and then headed home... Bottled waters, hand and toe warmers, scarves, beanies, gloves, socks, Dominos gift card, fleece blankets, jingle bell scarves, Christmas pet scarves, jingle bell necklaces, Christmas headbands, Christmas plush squeaky dog toys, Christmas cat toys, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 2-20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, large bag of Science Diet dog food for sensitive stomach and skin, chicken jerky treats and buffalo tendons were shared.
My first stop of the day was at a river bottom outlet off of Grand Avenue. I had stopped there last week to bring supplies but I did not have any of the Christmas items with me. This morning, I went back so we could take some cute photos. When I left that location, I drove over by the Speedway on VanBuren and Jurupa to look for someone who stays in that area with his dog. They were there so I stopped for a visit. My last stop was at the Rick Thompson Area in Jurupa Valley where I visited a family that lives in their RV. The dogs were very excited today so I did not bother with the Christmas accessories but did visit and provide supplies... Bottled waters, hand and toe warmers, collapsible pet dish, jingle bell scarves, jingle bell necklaces, Christmas headbands, Christmas squeaky tennis balls, Inaba Twins for cats, Wellness wet cat food, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
I was able to put together enough supplies to make one last 'Holiday Love Bag' and I made arrangements to give it to someone this morning. We met at a river bottom outlet near the Fed-Ex trucking facility in Jurupa Valley. In addition to her dog, three others followed her to that location. One of them stays with her and we are working on a day to get him neutered. One of them is already spayed and the fourth is in need of neutering but has a companion who won't allow it. I spent quite a bit of time there and then drove to another river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. The gentleman who was there, with his pets, had been on Holly Street but he was asked to move. I happened to pass when I was going to my first stop which is the only reason I knew they were there. I stopped for a visit and then drove to our PO Box. I had ordered something and had it delivered there instead of my home. Once I picked it up, I made a quick run into the grocery store, to pick up a couple of things, and then went home... Bottled waters, protein shake, Animal Victory 'Holiday Love Bag', jingle bell scarves, Christmas headbands, plush squeaky Christmas pet toys, Max and Neo medium dog collar, Max and Neo medium dog leash, Max and Neo slip lead, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, bully stick and buffalo tendons were shared.
On Friday's, everyone who has their pets at the Path of Life Community Shelter kennel is supposed to take their pets out for the day. This is so the cages can get a good cleaning. I had an opportunity to visit with three of those pets but nobody else brought theirs out while I was there. When I left that location, I drove around the Eastside for a bit and then headed across town to our storage units. I went to meet Seth Cox. He picked up our Monthly Recurring Donation of pet food from the Star Milling Company, delivered it and then helped me get it all unloaded. I can't thank him enough for volunteering for this very important job and Star Milling for all they do to help feed those we serve. When I got home from storage, I unloaded a few supplies and reloaded others, before running in the house to give my dog a potty break before going to meet a friend for lunch. The remainder of the afternoon was spent doing all the things I have to do on a daily basis to keep things running as smoothly as possible... Bottled waters, Benadryl caplets, jingle bell scarves, Christmas headbands, plush squeaky Christmas pet toys, squeaky pet toys, Max and Neo medium dog leash, chicken jerky treats and buffalo.
Yesterday, I let someone borrow two pet carriers so she could get her kitties to the clinic for their spay/neuter day. When she went to pick them up, she had something else to put them in and left my carriers at the clinic. This morning, I went to pick them up, before heading out to the west side of town to make a stop at two motels there. The first was to being pet food and supplies to a gentleman with two dogs. The second was down the street a bit to check on the dog that was neutered yesterday. While I was at that motel, I also visited with two other dogs and provided a few supplies. My final stop was at the post office. We sent some important paperwork and fees to Sacramento on the 3rd and the tracking did not seem to be working properly on the USPS website. The priority envelope was last scanned on December 4th and nothing has been updated since. I did not hear any good news from the postal worker today either. She said the envelope might be lost or might just be stuck somewhere and will show back up. In the mean time, I need to figure out what to do being that the paperwork is time sensitive. Just when I think everything is going smoothly, a wrench gets thrown in the midst! I have notified the bookkeeper and we will figure out what to do next... Bottled waters, fleece blanket, jingle bell scarves, jingle bell collar, Christmas headbands, Christmas dog toys, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Max and Neo leash, large neon dog collar, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.
I spent my morning with pets at the spay/neuter clinic and then went to a location where there is homeless encampment so I could speak to someone who wants his puppy neutered... I was notified, pretty last minute, that Riverside County Animal Services was not going to be open today and that left me with three dogs without their spay/neuter appointments. I had four appointments available at the Mary S. Robert's Spay/neuter clinic but had cats scheduled for three of those. I was able to move one of the dog's that was supposed to go to the clinic at animal services but that left two. With both clinics being closed on the 25th and the 1st of January, things were not looking too promising until one of my main contact at Riverside County Animal Services said we could do six appointments next week instead of three! What a relief that was. I started calling people ad moving some of the pets from one place to the other. I wanted to do the smaller dogs at the place where I get charged by weight so that meant I had to make some changes. I have not been able to reach all of the people with appointments but it is possible that we might be doing a total of ten pets all in the same day. That is of course if everyone shows up but it could happen. I will continue trying to reach everyone and then we will see how it goes... As far as today was concerned, we provided 'the works' for 2 female cats, 1 male cat and 1 male dog. Everyone showed up and was on time which always makes me happy! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, Dominos pizza card, beanie, scarf, gloves, body wipes, beanie, protein bars, cookie packs, candy canes, protein drinks, iced tea, cat dishes, cat toys, Inaba Churus, 2-17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of kitten food, wet kitten food, Wellness wet cat food, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, 2 fleece blankets, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small Max and Neo leash, small dog collar, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, plush squeaky toy and buffalo tendons were shared.
Crazy busy day today and I was thankful when the winds died down and even more so that the SCE power shutdown was a few blocks away but not where I live. When I left the house, I drove out to a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. I was told there was a gentleman living in his RV with a large group of dogs that also included eight six-week-old puppies. I have driven past them before and thought there were five or six dogs but when I arrived, I realized there were nine. While I was there, the father of a couple of litters came up from the river bottom so at one point there were ten dogs. Some were large puppies and that was in addition to the eight puppies. This made a total of 18. I said I was happy to help spay and neuter a few but that there was no way I could help with that many. He was hoping to rehome a large number of them but I said I really didn't have any connections to do that. I explained rescues are full and that is why I spay and neuter. I did call a Sgt. at Animal Control to see if we could get help spaying/neutering while we tried to figure out what to do next. Not sure what will happen there but Animal Control has helped me with situations, in the past, so it was worth a try. I know many people have a negative opinion of them but over the past 13 years they have always tried to help me when it comes to my street work. While I was at that location, there was a van parked on the street. Inside was a woman with a dog we have provided services for. I gave that dog our last ' 'Holiday Love Bag' and a few supplies. When I left that location, I drove to the downtown Salvation Army. The companion of two dogs we have provided services for was there showering. She had just gotten done so I had an opportunity to visit with them. From there I went to the dentist for an exam and x-rays, before going home for lunch. That is when I found out for sure that the Riverside County Department of Animal Services was going to be closed tomorrow and my spay and neuter appointments had to be canceled last minute. I already had a mess yesterday when the people with cats that were scheduled for Mary S. Robert's either weren't responding to calls and texts or said they did not have a ride. I managed to move three cats scheduled from the 18th to fill some of those. The fourth was filled with a dog that was supposed to get 'the works' at the Department of Animal Services. It is already stressful, being that both clinics are closed on the 25th and then again on the 1st but I was not planning on this change. I am a little bummed that we will not be getting seven pets spayed/neutered tomorrow but if we get the four that were just set up then I will be grateful! Bottled waters, beanie, scarf, gloves, body wipes, the last AV 'Holiday Love Bag', jingle bell collar, doggie waste bags, small collar and leash set, chicken jerky treats, buffalo tendons, bully slices, small bag of small bites dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers and kabob chew sticks were shared.
I spent my morning with pets at the spay/neuter clinic and then went to a location where there is homeless encampment so I could speak to someone who wants his puppy neutered... I was notified, pretty last minute, that Riverside County Animal Services was not going to be open today and that left me with three dogs without their spay/neuter appointments. I had four appointments available at the Mary S. Robert's Spay/neuter clinic but had cats scheduled for three of those. I was able to move one of the dog's that was supposed to go to the clinic at animal services but that left two. With both clinics being closed on the 25th and the 1st of January, things were not looking too promising until one of my main contact at Riverside County Animal Services said we could do six appointments next week instead of three! What a relief that was. I started calling people ad moving some of the pets from one place to the other. I wanted to do the smaller dogs at the place where I get charged by weight so that meant I had to make some changes. I have not been able to reach all of the people with appointments but it is possible that we might be doing a total of ten pets all in the same day. That is of course if everyone shows up but it could happen. I will continue trying to reach everyone and then we will see how it goes... As far as today was concerned, we provided 'the works' for 2 female cats, 1 male cat and 1 male dog. Everyone showed up and was on time which always makes me happy! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, Dominos pizza card, beanie, scarf, gloves, body wipes, beanie, protein bars, cookie packs, candy canes, protein drinks, iced tea, cat dishes, cat toys, Inaba Churus, 2-17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of kitten food, wet kitten food, Wellness wet cat food, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, 2 fleece blankets, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small Max and Neo leash, small dog collar, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, plush squeaky toy and buffalo tendons were shared.
Crazy busy day today and I was thankful when the winds died down and even more so that the SCE power shutdown was a few blocks away but not where I live. When I left the house, I drove out to a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. I was told there was a gentleman living in his RV with a large group of dogs that also included eight six-week-old puppies. I have driven past them before and thought there were five or six dogs but when I arrived, I realized there were nine. While I was there, the father of a couple of litters came up from the river bottom so at one point there were ten dogs. Some were large puppies and that was in addition to the eight puppies. This made a total of 18. I said I was happy to help spay and neuter a few but that there was no way I could help with that many. He was hoping to rehome a large number of them but I said I really didn't have any connections to do that. I explained rescues are full and that is why I spay and neuter. I did call a Sgt. at Animal Control to see if we could get help spaying/neutering while we tried to figure out what to do next. Not sure what will happen there but Animal Control has helped me with situations, in the past, so it was worth a try. I know many people have a negative opinion of them but over the past 13 years they have always tried to help me when it comes to my street work. While I was at that location, there was a van parked on the street. Inside was a woman with a dog we have provided services for. I gave that dog our last ' 'Holiday Love Bag' and a few supplies. When I left that location, I drove to the downtown Salvation Army. The companion of two dogs we have provided services for was there showering. She had just gotten done so I had an opportunity to visit with them. From there I went to the dentist for an exam and x-rays, before going home for lunch. That is when I found out for sure that the Riverside County Department of Animal Services was going to be closed tomorrow and my spay and neuter appointments had to be canceled last minute. I already had a mess yesterday when the people with cats that were scheduled for Mary S. Robert's either weren't responding to calls and texts or said they did not have a ride. I managed to move three cats scheduled from the 18th to fill some of those. The fourth was filled with a dog that was supposed to get 'the works' at the Department of Animal Services. It is already stressful, being that both clinics are closed on the 25th and then again on the 1st but I was not planning on this change. I am a little bummed that we will not be getting seven pets spayed/neutered tomorrow but if we get the four that were just set up then I will be grateful! Bottled waters, beanie, scarf, gloves, body wipes, the last AV 'Holiday Love Bag', jingle bell collar, doggie waste bags, small collar and leash set, chicken jerky treats, buffalo tendons, bully slices, small bag of small bites dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers and kabob chew sticks were shared.
On my way to the Path of Life Community Shelter, I saw someone pushing shopping carts and a little dog running beside her. I decided I would swing back by that location, after I left the homeless shelter. When I pulled up to the shelter, I did not see anyone outside with pets but did notice a dog tethered to the fence out front. I pulled into the lot and went to the office to find out whose dog it was. She belonged to someone trying to get into the shelter so her friend was able to put her in one of the kennels while that was being worked out. When I was walking back to my vehicle, I noticed a pit bull with a bandana sitting in the front seat of a vehicle. The bandana had fallen down over his eyes. I did not realize one of his companion's was by the rear passenger door. When I went over to speak to her, I found out that there was a second dog in the vehicle and both were schedule for 'the works' on the 8th of January. I had not met them before so I had no idea they were dogs we were going to provide services for. There was a puppy entering the parking lot. She was walking with a woman who has a cat I visit there every week. The puppy belonged to her boyfriend. I gave her some treats and something to chew on and then I left. I drove around the area looking for some other people with pets. I did find one gentleman with two dogs. Neither was neutered and he did not want either of them to be so I kept driving. I got on the freeway and exited to make a quick stop at Trader Joe's, before going to our storage units to sort through last year's Christmas items. When I was leaving the store, I saw a man with a cart and a young dog, over by See's Candies. I parked in the nearest lot and went to speak to him. Someone had recently contacted me about someone over in that area with a dog and that is who I ran into. I gave the dog some treats, chew sticks and a plush squeaky toy and then drove to storage. I spent an hour going through the boxes and bags of Christmas stuff and filled a couple of containers to put in my vehicle. I am hoping to give some of these things to those that did not receive a 'Holiday Love Bag' from the 'Home Street Home' project but I will share whatever I have, until everything is gone. When I returned home, I unloaded a few things and then got ready to meet a friend for lunch. I have a dental appointment tomorrow but will do my best to connect with a few people and their pets before I go... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, buffalo tendons, bully slice, Inaba Meal Topper and a plush squeaky toy were shared.
Before I could do much of anything today, I had to get the oil changed in my vehicle. I really wanted to do it yesterday but even though I had an appointment it would have been a very long wait. They opened today at 9am so I made another appointment for then. I got out of there a little after 10:30am and headed over to the Thompson Arena in Jurupa Valley where I made plans to meet a family who lives in their motor home. When I left that location, it was a little after 11am. Now that I only have one more 'Holiday Love Bag' to share, I wanted to go to our storage units and start going through the Christmas stuff. By the time I stopped for fuel, it was getting close to 11:30 and I knew I was not going to have enough time to start the holiday inventory so I just went home. If I can make it over there before or after tomorrow's daily travels I will. If not, I will have to wait until I go on Wednesday when a volunteer brings our monthly donation of Star Milling pet food. These next few weeks are going to be more busy than usual due to dental, doctor and other appointments, lunch meetings as well as both Chanukah and Christmas starting on December 25th. It is all a little overwhelming but I will just take it one day at a time and I know everything will work out. It always does... Bottled waters, candy canes, Animal 'Holiday Love Bag', chicken jerky treats, buffalo tendons and two plush squeaky dog toys were shared.
Yesterday, I was contacted by someone who needed food for her dog. Her friend needed food as well. They always meet me at a river bottom outlet near Grand Avenue and we arranged to meet this morning. I was able to visit, provide them with needed supplies and give both dogs a 'Holiday Love Bag' from the 'Home Street Home' project. When I left that location, I drove out to Holly Street in Jurupa Valley, hoping to meet with a gentleman who has a cat and a dog. I have had trouble getting photos and videos of cats receiving the gift bags. Most are just too far from where I park when I meet people and the majority are not fond of being handled. However, the cat I went to see today stays in a motor home so I knew we could figure things as long as the companion was awake. Thankfully, he was. I gave a bag to the dog and to the cat. That makes a total of forty to date. I actually made one extra dog bag and one extra kitty bag so I will have shared forty-two by the time I am done. I visit more pets than that but it is impossible to give to each of them. However, I will be going through last year's Christmas Clearance donations during the next week. If all goes as planned, there will be items there for those that did not receive bags as well as some that did. When I left the second location, I headed over to get my oil changed. I made an appointment online but when I arrived they were super busy and I knew it was going to be a long wait. I asked if it would be better if I came back tomorrow and the employee told me it would so I left. I had planned on going to our storage early tomorrow morning but I am not sure if I will be able to now and still make it to the oil change. I will definitely get over there before next week-end, because we have our Star Milling donation coming in on Wednesday after spay/neuter appointments are checked in. There don't seem to be enough hours in a day to get everything done but I keep working on it! Bottled waters, 2 large bags of recyclables, 4 'Holiday Love Bags', 2 Gallon Ziplock bags containing protein shakes, cup of noodles, candy, tuna, cereal bars, jerky, soups and other snack items, 2-8 pound bags of senior dog food, wet dog food, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company,k9 glucosamine chews, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Wellness wet cat food, buffalo tendons and bully sticks were shared.
Like most Friday mornings, I drove to the Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside of Riverside. While I was there, I visited with six pets. Two of them had already received 'Holiday Love Bags' from the 'Home Street Home' project so I gave bags to the other four. All six pets have received our handmade pet jackets so none were needed. I visited with each pet and provided supplies to most of them. When I left that location, I drove back to Jurupa Valley to check our PO Box (which was empty) and then I went home for a short time, before my daughter came to my house and we went to lunch... Bottled waters, 4 'Holiday Love Bags', small bag of small bites dog food, kabob chew sticks, bully slices, bully sticks, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, wet dog food and chicken jerky treats were shared.
At 6:30am, I drove to our storage units in order to pick up the remaining 'Holiday Love Bags' from the 'Home Street Home' program and to get a few other supplies. When I returned home, I unloaded most of it and reloaded my vehicle for today's travels. When I went out for a second time, it was to the Motel6 in Jurupa Valley. I went to check on the dogs that received 'the works' yesterday. I visited with them as well as one other dog, shared AV 'Holiday Love Bags' and provided a few supplies. I drove through Rubidoux, after I left the motel, but did not see anyone with pets. I also drove through Fairmount Park and the downtown Salvation Army with no luck at either of those places. On my way back home, I drove through Rubidoux again. I was very sad to find a family that lost all of their belongings in a fire. They were living in a travel trailer that caught fire and destroyed everything. Thankfully, they were not hurt and neither were their dog or cat. I shared an 'Holiday Love Bag' and gave them a few supplies. From there, I went to check our PO Box and then home... Bottled waters, 4 'Holiday Love Bags', handmade pet jacket, medium stainless steel pet dish, small bag of small bites dog food, plush squeaky toy, kabob chew sticks, bully slices, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, wet dog food and chicken jerky treats were shared.
We had two female dogs and one female cat scheduled for 'the works' today. Because I was going to visit my granddaughter, I did not schedule any pets for the second clinic. The two female dogs arrived on time but the female cat was a no show. The woman who the cat belongs to said a friend was going to bring her. They stay in the river bottom right below animal services so I scheduled the cat there. Unfortunately, the friend never bothered to show up or let me know she wasn't coming so the appointment was wasted. I have people waiting but it is impossible to fill an appointment last minute. Next week we are scheduled to do three pets at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services and four at the Mary S. Robert's Clinic. I am hoping that goes as planned. Both December and January have spay/neuter days when both clinics are closed so I want to squeeze in as many appointments as possible. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, small leash, 2 handmade pet jackets, 2 small bags of small bites dog food, 2 plush squeaky toys, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs and wet dog food were shared.
Today's visits were done at a motel on the west side of Riverside. Three of the pets are being temporarily housed there with their companions. The other two pets are being temporarily housed at the motel next door. I had made arrangements to meet with the first three and the other two happened to walk over with their companion while I was there. All five pets received 'Holiday Love Bags' from the 'Home Street Home' project. I also met a gentleman in need of having his dog neutered and we have set a tentative date for December 11th. I will be visiting my granddaughter tomorrow so I will only be spaying/neutering at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services but plan to be spaying/neutering the following week both there at at the Mary S. Robert's Clinic... Bottled waters, 5 Animal Victory 'Holiday Love Bags', 2 handmade pet jackets, chicken jerky treats, Inaba tuna fillets, large dog biscuit, bully sticks, buffalo tendons, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 3 large bags of various brands of dog food and wet dog food were shared.
When I arrived at the Path of Life Community Shelter, this morning, I noticed that nobody was outside the kennels. The gentleman who takes care of the kennel area wasn't even there so I drove up the street to where I saw someone sitting in a vehicle with his dog. I gave the dog some treats, a bully sticks and a 'Holiday Love Bag' from the 'Home Street Home' project. When we were done, I drove back to where the kennel is and parked. I saw someone with a dog sitting at 'Mercy House' so I walked over to speak to her. I had never seen the dog and wondered if he was staying in the kennel. She was actually waiting for it to open so she could try and sign him up. In the mean time, we visited and I provided a few supplies and one of the gift bags. As I was getting ready to leave again, the companion of a cat named 'General' was walking toward me and I asked her if she was going to get him. She said she would and I was able to visit with them and share another gift bag. Because I was already on the Eastside, I called the companion of another dog I missed last week. I was able to visit today and provide a few supplies and a fourth gift bag. From there I drove through Rubidoux but did not find anyone with pets. I had a package of baked goods that needed shipped to our bookkeeper so I stopped at home to get that and then went to the post office. From there, I drove around a few areas of Jurupa Valley but did not find anyone with pets. It was just about lunch time by then so I headed home... Bottled waters, 4 Animal Victory 'Holiday Love Bags', handmade pet jacket, small Max and Neo dog collar, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba tuna fillet, bully sticks, buffalo tendons, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, wet dog food were shared.
At 6:30am, I went to our storage units and put together the last ten 'Holiday Love Bags' for the 'Home Street Home' project. I had hoped to start going through the Christmas stuff too but I did not have time. I loaded up twelve more bags, some waters and a few pet supplies and drove back home. I unloaded some of the bags and supplies, fed my dog and went back out for a second time. I was actually going to have someone ride with me but she wasn't feeling well so, as usual, I went out by myself. I had three places to go. The first stop was to meet someone I ran into yesterday outside the grocery store. I was out of the gift bags and supplies so we arranged to meet today. I went to where we were supposed to do that but nobody was there. There is a fence up the hill from where there are some homeless encampments so I took a chance and walked over there. I shouted the dog's name and sure enough, she came running up to see me. I could not see down into the brush but someone was walking that way so I asked him to get the guy for me. That worked out great and I was back on the road in about fifteen minutes. This time I was heading to a different part of Jurupa Valley down by the FedEx trucking facility. Three people did not get pet food yesterday and a couple of them did not get gift bags. We were supposed to meet at 10am but none of them showed and I could not reach my main contact by phone. One gentleman did go to that location but he was not from yesterday. I had spoken to his friend earlier this morning. She is unable to walk too far so she always sends her friend with one of her dog's. From there, I drove up Holly Street to meet someone else I did not get to yesterday. His RV was parked in the same spot but it did not look like the pets or people were awake so I did not stop there. Next, I made a phone call to the family I usually visit on Sundays. I wanted to be sure they were in their usual spot, before I drove all the way over there. They were so I headed that way. We don't have enough gift bags to give every single pet one but I did give this family two for their four dogs. I have a few put aside for cats but haven't been able to give one out yet. Their cat was roaming around in the park so I was unable to give him his bag. Maybe next time... Bottled waters, bottled iced teas, protein drinks, canned coffee drinks, 4 Animal Victory 'Holiday Love Bags', chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churu Bites, bully sticks, buffalo tendons, Inaba Meal Toppers for dogs, 30 pound bag of Wellness dog food, PetLac, nursing bottle kit and wet dog food were shared.