Taking It To The Streets With Lori And Shira  

Journal - November 2020

2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC

Monday On The Move 11-30-2020

My first stop today was on the Eastside. I had driven around Blaine and Hunter Park but when I did not find anyone with pets, I continued to Massachusetts Avenue. While I was there, four companions brought their pets out for a visit and to get supplies. I was going to drive through Fairmount Park but decided to go straight to Avalon Park. I visited with a couple of pets there but the other three I had hoped to see were either still sleeping or not there. I continued driving and checked a couple other locations in Jurupa Valley but I did not have any success. I just checked our PO Box and headed home. Nestle Pure Life waters, wet dog food, bully slices, pet jacket, Zippy Paws pet safety vest, kabob chew sticks, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Christmas pet toys and a small bag of dog food were shared.

Monday On The Move 11-30-2020

Sunday On The Streets 11-29-2020

I had not seen 'Angelica' or 'Joey' since their spay/neuter surgeries on Wednesday so I got on the freeway and made a trip to the Eastside this morning. As an added bonus, I got to visit with 'Scamp' too which made it totally worth the trip. After leaving their location, I drove over to Blaine and checked the parking lot by the Staters and another across the street while looking for a couple of pets I have not been able to find lately. Unfortunately, I had no success today either. I got back on the freeway and headed toward Arlington Avenue. I wanted to check Shamel Park and Magnolia Center for other homeless with pets but none were at any of the places I checked. Our storage units are not far from there so I made a quick stop and picked up a few supplies, before heading up Arlington toward Van Buren Avenue. It did not take me long to find 'Kawsaki' and her companion. She was napping but did wake up when I arrived. She was having trouble getting up and I really think the K-9 Glucosamine Chews with Chondroitin will help her, if we ever get any donated. On my way home, I did drive around looking for a couple more people with pets but they were nowhere to be found either so I just called it a day. Nestle Pure Life waters, Christmas fleece, cracker packs, cup of noodles, canned ravioli, cookie packs, tuna packets, body wipes, kabob chew sticks, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Christmas pet toys and a 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 11-29-2020

Saturday's Smiles 11-28-2020

I had some personal business to attend to today but I made sure to leave some time this morning for my daily travels. My first stop was near one of the river bottom outlets and the second was at Fairmount Park. Even though I only made two stops, I was still able to visit with and provide supplies for six pets. For that I am Grateful. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, body wipes, pet jacket, trolley run, wet cat food, bully slices, kabob chew sticks, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba Churus for cats, chicken jerky treats for dogs as well and a 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 11-28-2020

Friday's Furry Friends 11-27-2020

I took the freeway over to the Eastside this morning. It was another windy day on the streets. I did not get to visit with everyone I had hoped to but I did find a few of the people and pets I was looking for. I started on Blaine with ‘Dizzy Lizzy’. Her companion did not show up to continue her vaccinations this past Tuesday and I needed him to reschedule. My next stop was off of University where I spent time with ‘Woofy’ and ‘Solo’. My last stop was near the homeless shelter, pallet houses and recovery innovations. Not sure if the wind was keeping some of the people from wanting to be outside but there were two dogs out and they were the ones I visited. I will be back in the area on Monday and will look for some of those I missed today. Nestle Pure Life waters, Benadryl caplets, cracker packs, tuna packets, body wipes, pet jacket, wet dog food, bully slices, kabob chew sticks, small bag of dog food, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, chicken jerky treats for dogs as well as Zippy Paws and other dog toys were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 11-27-2020

Thursday's Treasures 11-26-2020

The winds were gusting today and I really do not like being out in it. It is terrible for my allergies and generally uncomfortable. However, I/we have gone out every holiday, since we began 'taking it to the streets'. Sometimes it is only for a short time and others for most of the morning but it has been a tradition to do what we always do. Today was no different. The bottom line is that the holidays get treated like other days, because the homeless are homeless All days and not just Holidays. It has always seemed sad that so many go out on the holidays and shower the homeless with food and gifts but then disappear the remainder of the year. It is so counterproductive but people like to do what makes them feel good and not what is good for those they are serving. I have said many times that it would be great if all the organizations and individuals doing this would try to get together with each other and make a plan so there is someone representing them every week or month and not just for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I will keep that Wish alive and look forward to when it might come to fruition….I spent this morning in Jurupa Valley at and around the Motel6. We put four people and pets in rooms last night for a variety of reasons. I visited with three of those pets, met a new pet and visited one more as I was leaving the area….My home is a vegetarian one but there was still plenty to cook and I spent the rest of the day preparing and sharing what I made. I am not a fan of the Thanks giving holiday but I am a fan of Giving Thanks...Nestle Pure Life waters, cracker packs, cup of noodles, tuna packets, dried fruit, bug repellant, dog booties, wet dog food, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, chicken jerky treats for dogs as well as Zippy Paws and other dog toys were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 11-26-2020

#1390 and #1391 Get Spayed/Neutered and 'Spud' 11-25-2020

We had a total of 10 pets scheduled for the MSRPAC Spay/Neuter Clinic today. Six were for spay/neuter and four were to get well checks. A couple of days ago, they called me to tell me the vet would not be in and we had to cancel everyone. I spent a few weeks coordinating the pets that we were bringing. Three needed done today. Their companion has a 'spot' to stay and doesn't use the motel option but unless it is a holiday week/week end, things would not work out for him. After I had some time to think, I called Van Buren Animal Hospital to see if I get these two dogs and one cat done there today. Thankfully, I was told yes. The others would be rescheduled but these three would get done. Thanks to Lupe Alcala's willingness to transport, the dogs made it for their surgeries. We will be doing their vaccinations, flea & tick treatments and micro chips another day. We are doing those another day those at the clinic, because it is less expensive. We did not mind paying more for the surgeries but will wait a few days to save money on the rest. As far as the cat is concerned, that did not work out. When I left the vet's office, I stopped at home for a few minutes and then drove out to Rubidoux to look for the cat and his companions. I found 'Spud' and his companion but no kitty. I was told they left quite some time ago. As it turned out they got flat tire so we just had the dogs receiving surgery. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter".

#1390 and #1391 Get Spayed/Neutered and 'Spud' 11-25-2020

Tuesday's Treasures 11-24-2020

I rarely get insomnia but I was up all but thirty minutes last night and was a little 'off my game' today. I still went out as I had arranged to meet some people and did not want to let them down. I started in the Rubidoux/Jurupa Valley area at Avalon Park and then went to Magnolia Center. I did not find who I was looking for at the second location but I did have an opportunity to visit with a companion and his pet. My final stop was at the MSRPAC Clinic. I was supposed to meet with four pets and their companions but only two showed. We were able to provide a dog with flea and tick treatment and her feline 'brother' with flea and worm treatments. When I left, it was close to 11 am and there was still a bit of a wait for their turn. I authorized payment and headed home, looking forward to taking it easy for the rest of the day. Nestle Pure Life waters, wet cat food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, Inaba Churu for cats, Inaba Juicy Bites for cats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, pet jacket, cat toy and bacon flavored dental sticks were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 11-24-2020

Monday On The Move 11-23-2020

It is Monday which usually means a trip to the Eastside. Today was no different. I hopped on the freeway and headed out to Blaine Street. One of the pets we have been providing services for has a companion who says he is a Veteran. I know he has been struggling so I called a Veteran's Outreach program to see if they might be able to assist him. The person I spoke to on the phone said he would go out there this morning. He actually showed up a few minutes after I arrived. He came with another person from his office. I did not find out until today that the companion never did active duty but was in the reserves for six years. I am not sure what kind of assistance will or won't be offered but I did what I could to facilitate the meeting in hopes that something good might come from it. When I left, the three gentlemen were still talking and I headed over to Hunter Park. There were no homeless there with pets so I made my way to Massachusetts Avenue. Four people with pets came out for a visit and/or for needed supplies. I also made arrangements for some pets that need vaccinations given. There should be three meeting me at the clinic tomorrow if all goes as planned. As far as Spay/Neuter Wednesday, we had to make different arrangements due to the clinic not having a Veterinarian that day. I was able to reschedule three of the five for Van Buren Animal Hospital that day. We will take care of the micro chips and vaccinations another day when we can get the pets to the clinic where those services are less expensive. Nestle Pure Life waters, wet dog food, small bag of dog food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, wet dog food, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, puppy pads, pet jacket and Zippy Paws pet toys were shared.

Monday On The Move 11-23-2020

Sunday On The Streets 11-22-2020

I spent my morning at two different locations. The first was on the Eastside off of University Avenue. I needed to speak to the companion of the dogs there, in order to come up with a new plan for providing two of his dogs with ‘the works’ and getting the third up to date on vaccinations. The other was at a river bottom outlet by Rubidoux. I was hoping to check on a couple of dogs we spayed/neutered last week but they were further down the river bottom. I had no way to reach them without walking down a steep rocky hill and then continuing on a path that goes past people I do not know. I will keep checking back. Nestle Pure Life waters, toilet tissue, hygiene products, first aid products, over the counter meds, body wipes, wet dog food, doggie booties, small bag of dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, bacon flavored dental chews and Zippy Paws pet toys were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 11-22-2020

Saturday's Smiles 11-21-2020

I received a Facebook message this morning in regards to a stray I posted yesterday. The gentleman claimed it was his dog. We communicated for awhile until I was able to be sure he was the rightful owner. I was unable to reach any of the homeless people caring for the dog and did not feel comfortable sending a stranger to their encampment. I asked the gentleman if he would meet me on a nearby street and follow me. He understood my concerns and agreed. The dog was not where she was yesterday but she was across the field with another homeless person. Someone walked over to where they were and got her to over to where we were waiting. The two were very happy to be reunited and I was thankful to be a part of that. I also met a new cat while at this location and made arrangements to provide him with 'the works'. Our plans had to be moved to the following week due to a change initiated by the clinic but we have it set up. I am also putting a couple of people in motel rooms Wednesday night as a thank you for caring for the stray and keeping her safe. When I left there, I drove out to Shamel Park but there were not homeless there with pets and I could not find any in the Magnolia Center area. I need to speak to a couple of the pet companions so I will be looking for them again over the next few days. My final stop was at our storage units. I had to grab a few supplies for my daily travels. I was also looking for supplies that a friend needed for a homeless gentleman she is trying to help. Once I got everything loaded, I went to our PO Box and then home. I cut the day a little short and was only out for a couple of hours, so I could spend time with my daughter and get some baking done. Nestle Pure Life waters, wet cat food, small bag of cat food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, Inaba Churus for cats, cat toy, bacon flavored dental chews and cat harness with leash were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 11-21-2020

Friday's Furry Friends 11-20-2020

I got on the freeway this morning and headed out to the Eastside. My first stop was on Blaine Street near where I exited the freeway and my next stop was a mile or so down the road on Blaine. I also drove around the Stater Brothers parking lot for a bit but nobody with pets was out there. My next stop was by the homeless shelter at the 'pallet houses'. I am not sure what everyone else was up to but I only visited with one dog. His companion is the person who gave me the sympathy card. From there I went to Fairmount Park but was too late to catch those who show up for the 'oatmeal lady' so I kept driving until I got to Rubidoux. I was there to visit little 'Spud' but also met a new dog. She showed up a couple of nights ago and they wanted me to scan her for a microchip. She did not have one and I did not see a spay scar or tattoo either. The people at the homeless encampment were going to walk up and down the street to ask some of the neighbors in houses there if anyone was missing a dog. I will be checking back with them. I also took photos and posted a video clip in hopes that might help. If no owner is found, I will help the woman caring for the dog. We are not sure if the dog was dumped or got out of a yard but will do due diligence. My final stop was the MSRPAC Spay/Neuter Clinic. I made a quick detour to our PO Box on the way. I was going to drop off a card and cookies for a staff member I consider to be my friend. She is leaving the clinic and moving out of California. I went there to say good bye. She was not there so I left the items for her and then went home. Nestle Pure Life waters, wet dog food, small bag of dog food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, bully sticks, bacon flavored dental chews and doggie waste bags with leash clip were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 11-20-2020

Thursday's Treasures 11-19-2020

We did not have any pets recuperating at the Motel 6 this morning but I still drove over there to visit a couple of dogs that are staying there. I missed them, when I stopped the other day so I was happy to see them. I believe the feeling was mutual. When I left there, I took a detour on my way to the MSRPAC Spay/Neuter Clinic. When I ran an early morning errand, I had spotted 'Kawasaki' and her companion at a location they often spend the night. I did not stop, because it was barely 7am and I know how that doggie likes her sleep. However, it was now close to 10am so I thought I would take my chances. She was awake so I spent some time with her. My final stop was the clinic. I needed to pay a few invoices and I was meeting a dog for a 'well check'. About an hour later, all was done and I headed home. Nestle Pure Life waters, cookie packs, tuna packs, cracker packs, hemp pet chews, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of dog food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, collapsible pet dish, bully slices, bully sticks, bacon flavored dental chews and pet toys were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 11-19-2020

#1388 and #1389 Get 'The Works' and 'Bentley' 11-18-2020

We had one dog scheduled for 'the works', two dogs scheduled for 'well checks' and to cats scheduled for 'the works' today. The dogs were no shows but the cats were able to get their day at the clinic. I spoke to the companion of the dogs later in the day. She said she overslept. There was not much I could do at that point but offer one more chance for next week which I did. When I left the clinic, drove over to Trader Joes and then went home. I had to go back out and take care of a few more things but one of my dogs got sick all over the sofa. I gathered the blankets, put them in the washer, cleaned off the sofa and then headed back out. While I was out, I spotted a little dog named 'Bentley'. He and his companion were in a parking lot near our PO Box. I spent some time with them, checked the PO Box and then went home again. I did make one last trip out. This time it was to have lunch with Kathy Martinez. She sits on the board in charge of Grant Writing and Publicity. We had not gotten together in quite some time so it was nice catching up. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"...Tuna snack packs, cracker packs, cup of noodles, chicken jerky for dogs, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, collar and leash were shared.

#1388 and #1389 Get 'The Works' and 'Bentley' 11-18-2020

Tuesday's Treasures 11-17-2020

I spent the early hours of the morning baking, doing laundry and taking care of other personal business. By 8am I was on the streets. My first stop was at Avalon Park where I visited with two pets and distributed needed supplies. When I left there, I hopped on the freeway and drove out to the Motel6 in Jurupa Valley. I visited with two dog, one cat and distributed needed supplies. I was supposed to meet with a couple and their two dogs but they did not make it out of their room while I was still on the premises. My next stop was home. I let my dogs out for a potty break and then headed back out. This time I went to the MSRPAC Clinic so I could meet the 'dumpster' kitten. I had to leave before he received his 'well check' but I was told he got what he needed, is in good health and that Gail came to pick him up so he could be a part of the rescue at Room 8 Memorial.. That was great news. I had an appointment at 11am which I was able to get to on time. After leaving there, I drove to our PO Box where there were donations waiting for us. That always makes for a good day! Nestle Pure Life, Mobil Fuel Card, pet pajamas, pet jacket, wet dog food, wet cat food, cat toys, small bags of dog food, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, bacon flavored dental sticks for dogs, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churu for cats, chicken jerky treats, bully stick and pet toys were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 11-17-2020

Monday On The Move 11-16-2020

I got on the freeway this morning so I could head over to the Eastside. I did not find the people and pets I was looking for on Blaine so I drove out to Hunter Park. I visited with a couple and their two fur babies and then I headed toward University Avenue to look for 'Solo' and his companion. They recently moved to a different location and I was not sure if I could figure out where it was but I did. From there I went to Massachusetts Avenue and parked near the pods aka the 'pallet houses'. Three people brought their pets out for a visit and to get needed supplies. When I left there, I hopped back on the freeway and drove out to Shamel Park. I was looking for the couple I spoke to yesterday about spaying their one dog and updating vaccination for the other two. Unfortunately, neither was there. I visited with a couple of dogs that were there and left messages for the women who were not. I did not have time to do much else so I just went to our PO Box. I picked up the donation that was there and made my way home. Nestle Pure Life, cloth masks, hygiene products, toilet tissue, body wipes, pet collar, wet dog food, small bag of dog food, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, bacon flavored dental sticks for dogs, kabob chew sticks, chicken jerky treats, bully stick and pet toys were shared.

Monday On The Move 11-16-2020

Sunday On The Streets 11-15-2020

I started my day at one of the river bottom outlets. I parked my vehicle on the shoulder of Market Street and took a walk down to one of the homeless encampments where a couple of dogs live. As soon as I arrived, they ran up the hill to greet me. They are always so happy for the visits. They eventually went back down the hill with one of their companions and the other walked with me to my vehicle so she could get some supplies. On our way, we made a stop for another dog I have known since he was a puppy. He is about five now. When I left that location, I drove through Fairmount Park and downtown Riverside. When I did not see anyone with pets, I continued over to Shamel Park. I met with a couple and their three dogs. Two are mother and son. We already provided 'the works' for them. The other was a new member to the family and we now have her scheduled for Wednesday. I had planned on driving out to where I often see 'Kawasaki' but I was running short on time and had to call it a day. I will look for them, later in the week. Nestle Pure Life, cloth face masks, hygiene products, body wipes, pet jacket, doggie booties, wet dog food, wet cat food, small bag of dog food, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, collapsible pet dish, Inaba Churus for cats, bacon flavored dental sticks for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, kabob chew sticks, chicken jerky treats, bully stick and pet toys were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 11-15-2020

Saturday's Smiles 11-14-2020

I was back on the Eastside this morning but not at the location I visited yesterday. My first stop was for 'Scamp' and his furry siblings. When I left there, I drove up Blaine Street looking for 'Dizzy Lizzy' and her companion. I did not see them at first but as I began to drive away, I spotted them hanging out with some people who were washing their vehicles. I parked nearby and walked over to where they were. That puppy was so hyper and as we were walking to get her some goodies from my vehicle, she wrapped her leash around me and I went down to the ground. My phone went flying but thankfully both it and myself were 'uninjured'. I went to two other areas of Blaine but neither dog I was looking for was there so I drove to where 'Solo' and his companion were supposed to be. I texted when I arrived but got no response and left shortly after. I then drove to Hunter Park with no luck and had the same happen at Fairmount Park. I wasn't finding people with pets and I was running out of time. I made one stop for a personal errand, picked up a few donations that were at our PO Box and called it a day. Nestle Pure Life, Burger King Gift Card, pet jacket, wet dog food, small bag of dog food, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, kabob chew sticks, chicken jerky treats, cows ears and pet toys were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 11-14-2020

Friday's Furry Friends 11-13-2020

My vehicle was being serviced all day yesterday so I was unable to do my normal Thursday routine. That meant, I had to add a little extra to my morning. I started at the Motel6 in Jurupa Valley where I checked on the three dogs that received 'the works' on Wednesday. From there I drove to Massachusetts Avenue on the Eastside. I visited with six dogs. I have provided services for five of them but one was new to me. He needs his vaccinations updated, a micro chip and a Riverside County dog license. I am hoping we can start on the, next Thursday. From there I drove out to our storage units. I had to pick up a few supplies, before making my way to the MSRPAC Spay/Neuter Clinic. I had to pay for the three dogs that received 'the works' on Wednesday, four cats that received 'the works' yesterday as a 'pay it forward' and pick up a couple of donations that were left there for us. By the time I took care of those things, it was time to head home. Nestle Pure Life, Burger King Gift Card, Arco Gift Card, toilet tissue, cracker packs, cookie packs, tuna packets, cup of noodles, fleece blanket, pet jackets, wet dog food, small bag of dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, Inaba Churus for cats, bully slices, kabob chew sticks, chicken jerky treats, Zippy Paws safety vest, collar, leash and pet toys were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 11-13-2020

#1384, #1385, #1386 and #1387 Get 'The Works' 11-12-2020

We have been very fortunate, when it comes to getting help when the homeless have pets that need rescue. When it comes to kitten/cat rescue Gail Denise Anderson-Shelton with Room 8 Memorial Cat Foundation has been our champion on many occasions. She recently took two kittens for us and in turn, Taking It To The Streets with Lori and Shira committed to providing 'the works' for four kittens/cats. Yesterday, we made good on our most recent promise to 'pay it forward' by taking care of the costs for 'Baby', 'Winter', 'Summer' and 'Pixie'. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter".

#1384, #1385, #1386 and #1387 Get 'The Works' 11-12-2020

#1381,#1382 and #1383 Get 'The Works' 11-11-2020

I would like to start by saying thank you to Lupe Alcala who was our transporting angel today. She picked up two dogs and a companion from one of the river bottom outlets. She did the driving to and from the clinic and the motel. These dogs would not have gotten what they needed without her assistance...In addition to the brother and sister pups, we also had another female dog on the schedule. We did not have any cats today but will be doing four tomorrow...I have fluid leaking from my vehicle and a service light makes it seem as if it is connected with the 'brake assist' feature. I do not want to mess around with brakes and will dropping it off early tomorrow morning to be checked out. I most likely will have to wait and check on the three dogs Friday morning either before or in place of going to the Eastside. For today, I am grateful for the pets that will be spayed/neutered. I am also thankful that in the midst of the sadness about my Mom, my children and I were able to get together for lunch and some family time. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter".

#1381,#1382 and #1383 Get 'The Works' 11-11-2020

Tuesday's Treasures 11-10-2020

I was supposed to meet a puppy and her companion at Shamel this morning. I arrived at the time we agreed on but she was not there. I did find 'Duke' and his companion as well as 'CeeLo' and his companion so I spent some time with them. Animal Control was scheduled to bring a vet there to vaccinate and micro chip one of the dogs but they did not arrive until after I had gone. I stopped at Elliott's For Pets and the drove to an area where I thought the no show companion might be. She told me where she usually sleeps so I looked around that area but had no luck. From there I headed to one of the river bottom outlets near the Mission Avenue Dog Park. I had been going there for a couple of weeks trying to set up a date to get a brother and sister neutered/spayed. I finally caught up with the sister of the woman who those dogs belong to and we made a plan for tomorrow. Lupe Alcala was kind enough to agree to transporting the people and pets so this might finally happen. I never give up but sometimes it takes so much longer than I would like. Nestle Pure Life waters, body wipes, socks, beanies, tissues, pet jacket, pet pajamas, dry puppy food, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, kabob chew sticks, bully slice, cow's ears, bully sticks, collapsible pet dish, stainless steel pet dish, leash and pet toys were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 11-10-2020

Monday On The Move 11-9-2020

I started the morning at the tire shop so they could remove a screw from my back passenger tire. Thankfully, I did not have to buy a new tire this time and it was not deep enough in the tread to need repair. It was only 48 degrees outside so I was not sure how many of the homeless were going to be on the streets but I headed to the Eastside anyway. As soon as I jumped on the freeway ramp, I could see that the traffic was stopped but there was no turning back, twenty minutes later, I was able to exit at the first available offramp and I drove the back streets to Massachusetts Avenue. I did not see anyone so I headed over to Blaine Street where I checked on a dog named 'Lily'. I went from there to Hunter Park but the parking lot was pretty empty. I turned around and went back towards Blaine and stopped by the Jack In The Box for 'Bella' and her companion before making a final stop back on Massachusetts. By the time I returned, I was able to visit with five pets there. I headed home from there to pack up some baked goods that I needed to ship. I drove to the Post Office, got them sent out, went back home to make some phone calls. Afterwards, I went to meet Christine Ramirez for an outdoor lunch that seemed long overdue. Nestle Pure Life waters, body wipes, socks, beanies, Subway gift card, tissues, doggie booties, pet jacket, pet pajamas, wet dog food, small bag of dog food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, kabob chew sticks, bully slices and pet toys were shared.

Monday On The Move 11-9-2020

Sunday On The Streets 11-8-2020

I spent close to two hours driving to five locations today and even went back to one a second time. It was drizzling on and off the entire morning as well as being chilly. Not sure if that had anything to do with the lack of visits, I was able to make. I started at one of the river bottom outlets but was unable to get anyone to wake up, even though it was 9am when I began. I then drove through Fairmount Park but nobody was there with pets. Hunter Park on the Eastside was my next destination but the entire parking lot was nearly empty and no people with pets were there. While on my way, I had received a text from a person I had planned to meet earlier but we canceled when it was raining. There seemed to be a break in the weather so I headed over to where she wanted to meet. While we were talking, she pointed out that I had a screw in one of my tires. I have had to repair three or four tires and buy three new tires over the past couple of years. Often times have to park in places that have debris. Sometimes, nails and screws are a part of that. I checked my tires pressure and it was ok so I decided to try and make a couple more stops. My next attempt was at another river bottom outlet. I have been going around 9 and not been able to wake anyone up so today I decided to go around 10:30. I was still unsuccessful at waking anyone. I thought that I might at least wake a few of the dogs by my yelling but I had no such luck. I had enough time left to take a second drive through Fairmount Park so I went back there. I had no luck that time either. When all was said and done, I put quite a few miles on my leased vehicle but only visited with one pet. Thankfully, she loves me and it was definitely worth my while....First thing tomorrow morning, I will be at the tire shop hoping to get yet one more tire repaired. Nestle Pure Life waters, body wipes, toilet tissue, Kleenex, cup of noodles, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, a 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, a 17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food and bully slices were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 11-8-2020

Saturday's Smiles 11-7-2020

I wasn't sure if I was going to go out on the streets today. It was raining pretty hard and I was also waiting on news from a family member. At some point I decided to just do it and I left the house. My destination was on the Eastside but not to where I normally go during the week. I visited with three dogs and gave their companion needed supplies. When I left there, I drove across town to Shamel Park, hoping to find someone that called me about a sick dog but I could not find them. I needed a few things from our storage units and headed in that direction next. My final stop was made to where I thought 'Kawasaki' and her companion might be while trying to keep dry in the rain. They were there but she was sleeping. We woke her up long enough to say hello and feed her some treats but then I had to go so I could speak to my brother who had left me a voicemail. After speaking to him, I received a text from my sister. It said that my mom had passed around 1pm in Florida. It was still morning here but I was not feeling like I could make anymore stops at that point. I went to our PO Box and then home. Nestle Pure Life waters, body wipes, socks, cup of noodles, cracker packs, cookie packs, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, kabob chew sticks, peanut butter dog treats, pet jackets, a 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company and a small bag of dog food were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 11-7-2020

Friday's Furry Friends 11-6-2020

I made two stops today. The first was Massachusetts Avenue on the Eastside where I visited with and distributed supplies for five pets. When we were done, I drove out to the Kaiser in order to get a COVID-19 test. I do not have any symptoms but because I am out daily working with the homeless, I thought it would be a good idea. I had a test back in July but I felt it best to have another, especially since there is a slight chance I may need to fly to Florida. I would be going to a hospital setting so I want to be sure I am still negative. The testing only took a few minutes so I drove back to another location on the Eastside to visit with one more pet. I had just enough time to run a quick errand, go to our PO Box and then make my way home. Nestle Pure Life waters, body wipes, socks, cracker packs, cookie packs, chicken salad snack pack, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, kabob chew sticks, bully stick, bully slices, pet jackets, pet clothing and pet toys were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 11-6-2020

Thursday's Treasures 11-5-2020

On my way to the Motel6 in Jurupa Valley, I called VanBuren Animal Hospital to find out how 'Kawasaki' did yesterday. Pets of The Homeless approved an exam so she could get her back leg looked at. Turns out she has a very bad case of hip dysplasia as well as a bad disc in her back. Not sure we can even help much at this point but I did put out a plea for Chewable K9 Glucosamine withy Chondroitin. I am hoping that will eventually relieve some of the pain if we can get her to take it daily. It did a world of good for two of my dogs. I also called Michele's Friends Pet Salon to phone in a payment for a dog we had groomed yesterday. Her name is 'Quincy' and I had been trying to do this for months. Her companion was finally able to get her there. We had one more dog scheduled for a grooming but his companion did not show up and then called the following day to say she could not make it. She got the days mixed up but couldn't make it anyway. Between the clinic, groomer and motel, we spent over $1,100.00 over the past couple of days. I only bring up the cost to remind people why it is it seems we are always trying to raise funds. We are only able to provide the services we do, if there is money to do it….….This morning, I spent my time at and around the Motel6 in Jurupa Valley. I dropped off some home baked cookies for the staff, checked on the three dogs that had their 'spay day' yesterday and visited with other pets too. When I was done, I drove to the post office, dropped off a couple dozen cookies for the postal workers and picked up some donated packages. My final stop was at the MSRPAC Clinic. My 'well check' pets could not make it but I still had to pay the invoices from yesterday, which I did. Nestle Pure Life waters, $15.00 Burger King Gift Card, $15.00 McDonalds Gift Card, $15.00 Taco Bell Gift Card, 2-$10.00 Mobil Fuel Gift Cards, body wipes, leash, Max and Neo collar, pet jacket, Zippy Paws pet safety vest, Zippy Paws and other pet toys, two large leashes, wet dog food, wet cat food, small bag of Senior dog food, small bag of cat food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully slices, cow's ears, Inaba chicken fillets and Inaba tuna fillets were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 11-5-2020

#1378,#1379 and #1389 Get 'The Works' 11-4-2020

Three female dogs and one female cat were scheduled for 'the works' today. Unfortunately, the companion of the cat was a no show but all three dogs arrived and on time. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter".

#1378,#1379 and #1389 Get 'The Works' 11-4-2020

Tuesday's Treasures 11-3-2020

I only made four stops today but it was a very busy morning. I have been trying to provide 'the works' for a couple of dogs down by one of the river bottom outlets. Nobody has a phone and it seems as if everyone is sleeping whenever I show up. That was the case again today. I need to try and go a little later next time and hope that works. When I left that location, I drove to Fairmount Park and visited with a couple of dogs there. Afterwards, I called Feeding Pets Of The Homeless to discuss one of the dogs we provide services for. They helped her three years ago and I wasn't sure if they would again. They said there was a little bit of money left from the last time so I just had to get the dog's companion in touch with them. I just visited with them a couple of days ago but went looking for them anyway, in hopes of getting an approval for an exam. I was able to find 'Kawsaki' and her companion so I called POH and put him on speaker with them. We got an approval and she will be going tomorrow morning to have her rear leg looked at. She has been walking with a limp and favoring it for quite some time. I am hoping she just needs some K-9 Glucosamine with Chondroitin but we need to know if it is something more serious. While we were discussing the dog's appointment my phone rang. It was the companion of a little dog I met yesterday. She has a hernia and is not spayed. We were providing her with a well check today and looking for clearance to spay. I drove to the clinic and while we were waiting, the dog broke out in hives. They were able to give her meds and get her back to normal. She will get spayed tomorrow and we will take care of her vaccinations at the end of the week or next week. The Vet did not want to do it all at once but we will make sure she gets what she needs. When I left the clinic, I went by our PO Box where I picked up a few packages and then made my way home. NNestle Pure Life waters, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, crate liner, pet jacket, pet pajamas, bully slices, kabob chew sticks, peanut butter chew sticks and wet dog food were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 11-3-2020

Monday On The Move 11-2-2020

I spent my morning on the Eastside. The first stop I made was on Blaine Street where I went to look for 'Dizzy Lizzy' and her companion. I found them sitting in their usual spot and was able to spend some time there. She is recuperating nicely after her 'spay day' last week. When I left there, I went to Massachusetts Avenue. I was asked to bring supplies to one of the pet owners and while I was there, I met with a few others. I even met a new dog. Her companion was not sure if she was spayed yet and it was hard to tell if the little bump on her belly was a scar or something else so we made arrangements for a well check tomorrow. If she needs spayed, we will get that done as soon as possible but if not, she will be able to get her microchip and vaccinations right away. I was going to do a little more driving around University to see if I could find another dog and his companion but I didn't really have enough time to do that and make it to a dental appointment I called it a day. Nestle Pure Life waters, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, Jones Natural Chews, pet jacket, pet pajamas, bully slices, kabob chew sticks and Zippy Paws pet toys were shared.

Monday On The Move 11-2-2020

Sunday On The Streets 11-1-2020

I only went out for about an hour and a half today. My children were going to be taking me to lunch and I wanted to be sure I had time to get cleaned up. I did make an effort to visit a few pets but was not able to catch up with them all. When I stopped at one of the river bottom outlets, everyone was still asleep so I drove through Fairmount Park. There was an outdoor church service going on but I did not see any of the people with pets that I often find in the parking lots. When I left Fairmount Park, I drove to Hunter Park on the Eastside. I visited with 'Jacob' and 'Maggie' and then headed towards Blaine and Iowa. There are a few areas that the homeless sleep over there and I was looking for the couple who asked me to provide 'the works' for their dog on Wednesday. Thankfully, I found them and got the rest of the information I need to schedule the appointment. When I left that location, I took one more drive through Fairmount but when I saw there still wasn't anyone there I went home. Nestle Pure Life waters, body wipes, chicken jerky treats for dogs, small bag of dog food, Inaba tuna fillets for pets, Inaba chicken fillets for pets, Jones Natural Chews, pet jacket, bully slices, cow's ear and a Max and Neo dog collar were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 11-1-2020
2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC