Taking It To The Streets With Lori And Shira  

Journal - May 2022

2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC

Thursday's Treasures 05-26-2022

I was in my kitchen doing some baking before 6am and did what I had planned to do by 7am. As soon as I cleaned up, I headed out to our storage units to pick up waters, dog food, dog treats and pet beds. I was back home by 8am, unloaded everything and then stocked my vehicle for today’s travels. I left the house around 8:30am. The companion of some of the pets I planned to visit mentioned that it was her daughter’s birthday. I put together a gift bag with cookies and some cute pet memo pads I had and then I ran to the store to get other items to fill the rest of the bag. Once that was done, I drove out to where I was told their motor home would be parked. Sadly, I learned that one of their cats had disappeared. He never ventures far away from them so they fear someone grabbed him. Their other kitty was around as was their dogs and a dog they have been caring for. I gave the 11-year-old her gift bag, visited with the pets, distributed supplies and then drove to the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I did not have anyone staying there but I wanted to speak to the woman fostering the litter of four and find out how ‘Meow Meow’ was doing after her spay. The cat was recuperating nicely and the litter of four got their second set of vaccinations yesterday. They are scheduled to go to Room 8 Memorial Foundation in two weeks and we will cover the cost for them to all be tested and get ‘the works’. While at the motel, I also made arrangements to neuter a cat on Tuesday. Hoping that we can get everyone to show up next week so we are not wasting my time or appointments that are hard to come by….Water from Niagara Bottling Company, child’s birthday gift bag with cookies and miscellaneous items, medium pet bed, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba twins for dogs, Inaba Churus for cats, wet cat food, cat toy, Mother Baby wet cat food, pet wipes, bully sticks and squeaky tennis ball were shared.


#1664 Gets 'The Works'

We had two dogs scheduled for ‘the works’ today at the Riverside County Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. One male and one female. The female showed up and was checked in. The male is a little dog named ‘Chico’. He is stays in the kennels at the Path of Life Ministries Homeless Shelter. We had everything set up for transportation and the motel but nobody showed. I called and was told that the ride canceled. I had confirmed yesterday so I called the friend giving him a ride. Turns out they got into an argument so the ride was not going to happen. It was too late for me to fill in the spot with one of the dogs for next week so another appointment was wasted. I am still thankful for the dog that did make it as she will be one less pet adding to overpopulation in the homeless community or our community at large. I would have hit the streets after that to see where I might be of service, but I had a company coming to clean windows and had to get home. I was able to get out later to grab lunch with someone but it felt as if more should have been done. Tomorrow is another day! ARCO fuel card and Max and Neo Dog Gear collar and leash were shared. “One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter.”

#1664 Gets 'The Works'

#1661 & #1662 Get 'The Works' and Tuesday's Treasures 05-24-2022

This is a long read but it was a long and busy day. I started at Van Buren Animal Hospital where a female cat and female dog were scheduled for ‘the works’. Even though I got confirmation when I met with the dog and her companion yesterday, they were no-shows. I called and texted for forty-five minutes with no reply. Once again, an appointment was wasted due to someone’s inconsideration. I could have filled the spot with another dog had I been given notice but that was not the case. The cat came with someone who had to take an Uber to get there so they were forty-five minutes late. It made me late for what I had to do next but I was grateful she got in. The cat lives outside the Jurupa Valley Motel6 and she had a litter of about six weeks ago. We do not want her getting pregnant again. A couple of people are going to try to round up the babies so we can get their vaccinations started. As far as this morning, I left Van Buren Animal Hospital while the cat was being checked in. I had to run home to let my dogs out for a few minutes and then get over to one of the river bottom outlets in Jurupa Valley to meet someone needing supplies. We met on Market Street near the race track. Once we were done, I drove over to the nearest freeway onramp to get to the motel. I was meeting a dog that we just provided ‘the works’ for but that I had not met. The story is long but the dog had been impounded. I called in a payment for ‘the works’, a program covered some of the fees and the dog’s companion paid the rest. The dog was released yesterday and I rented a room for two nights so he could begin recuperating. I found out that the companion has another dog as well and that dog needs ‘the works’ so we will be providing him with those services next week. In the meantime, I had an opportunity to meet both dogs and distribute needed supplies. When I left the motel, I went home to change before running to the store and checking the PO Box. As I was leaving the house, I realized I was missing a bracelet my son and his wife gave me on the day they got married. I have not taken it off since they gave it to me. I have a couple other bracelets that I never take off so I always feel something there but did not feel the newest one fall off. I was so upset, because of the sentimental value. I searched my entire vehicle, my home inside and out as well as the jacket and clothing I had been wearing. I realized it must have come off while I was at one of the three places I had been but was not confident we would find it. I parked in a parking lot at the vet’s office, a field and the motel parking lot. I had walked around at all three places, I called the vet’s office and asked them to check for it, I called the person I met by the track and the person I met at the motel. While I was at our PO Box, I opened mail with a Grant check and then the person at the motel called back. She had my bracelet! Someone actually found it just as I was calling her. She originally said she did not know who it belonged to but then went to tell the finder that it was mine. Our PO Box is only about ten minutes from the motel so I drove back to get it. I have no idea how much the bracelet cost but I do know the value it has to me sentimentally so I was very grateful to get it back…..”One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter.”…..Water from Niagara Bottling Company, McDonald’s gift card, toilet tissue, cracker packs, beef and cheese stick packs, favored drink packets, 14 pound bag of kitty litter, 2-XL pet bed, small dog collar, medium leash, medium dog collar from Max and Neo Dog Gear, Leash from Max and Neo Dog Gear, leash, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba twins for dogs, peanut butter flavored dental sticks, kabob chew sticks, bully slices, bully sticks, 2- 20-pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company and Tiller Tugs squeaky tug toy were shared.

#1661 & #1662 Get 'The Works' and Tuesday's Treasures 05-24-2022

Monday On The Move 05-23-2022

I was supposed to meet some people on the Eastside this morning, in front of the homeless shelter on Massachusetts. Only one of the four showed. It was a gentleman whose dog is scheduled for ‘the works’ on Wednesday. I did not stay long, before heading over to Hunter Park. I visited a couple of dogs there and distributed supplies, before making a second trip to Massachusetts. Nobody was outside, but I did reach one gentleman by phone and caught up with him on Kansas and University. His dog is scheduled for ‘the works’ tomorrow and I wanted to meet her first. While we were visiting, someone came over to talk to me. It is the companion of two dogs I have provided ‘the works’ for but haven’t seen in a few weeks. The companion had a stroke and was in the hospital. He is trying to get his dogs situated somewhere, because he checked himself out in order to take care of them and needs to go back. I gave him supplies and told him that whoever is caring for them is welcome to call me if they need anything. When we were done, I went home to put my dogs out for a few minutes and then headed out to Kaiser for an appointment….Water from Niagara Bottling Company, cracker packs, beef and cheese stick packs, small dog collar, leash, medium pet bed, small bags of dog food, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba twins for dogs, peanut butter flavored dental sticks, bully slices, medium sized squealy tennis ball, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small Kong squeaky tennis ball and squeaky dog toys sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 05-23-2022

Sunday On The Streets 05-22-2022

We were scheduled to receive a pallet of large pet beds today. Steve Miller was kind enough to go to Loma Linda to do the pick-up and then meet me at our storage units in Riverside to unload. Thank You Steve!...I stocked my vehicle with supplies, while I was waiting for him and then added a few of the beds before we left. One of the dogs I like to visit is at a motel on Tyler Street near LaSierra. I wanted her to get a new be so I got on the freeway and headed out there. After our visit, I stopped near Colorado and Van Buren to visit another dog. I really wanted her to have a bed but her companion has never really kept any of the others I have given to her and I knew he did not have room to tote it around anyway. My final stop was out in Jurupa Valley to bring supplies and visit the litter of four kittens that are being fostered there. There is a chance they might be going to Toom 8 Memorial Foundation on Wednesday, if she has room for them and I wanted to be sure to see them one last time just in case. We already committed to covering their vaccinations, testing and spay/neuter surgeries regardless of where they are when the time comes for that. We will continue asking for donations until it is all covered….Water from Niagara Bottling Company, cracker packs, beef and cheese stick packs, large pet bed, Mother Baby wet cat food, wet kitten food, wet cat food, small bags of dog food, chicken jerky treats, Inaba twins for dogs, peanut butter flavored dental sticks, bully sticks and squeaky dog toys sticks were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 05-22-2022

Saturday's Smiles 05-21-2022

Even though I went from Fairmount Park to the Eastside yesterday, there were a couple of dogs I did not see so I went to both places today. I had to run a personal errand near Magnolia Center so when I was done on the Eastside, I headed that way and then drove back across town towards Fairmount Park. There was some type of event going on in one area of the park. I did not see anyone with pets when I drove to other areas so I continued up Market to one of the river bottom outlets in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. Some of the people were still sleeping but I did connect with the companion of two dogs there. We visited, I distributed supplies and then drove in the direction of the nearest freeway onramp. I got off on Valley Way and visited with some people and pets near the motel. After the visit, I gave them a few supplies, picked up some produce for me and my tortoise, headed to our PO Box and then called it a day. Water from Niagara Bottling Company, bag of Royal Canin Mother Baby cat food, kitty feeding dish, 2-small bags of dog food, Inaba Churus for dogs, chicken jerky treats, Inaba twins for dogs, bacon & cheese flavored dental sticks, peanut butter flavored dental sticks and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 05-21-2022

Friday's Furry Friends 05-20-2022

I arrived at Fairmount Park at 8:15 but there were very few people there and the woman who brings the oatmeal wasn’t around either. Someone was waiting for me with her dog and cat so I visited with them. I was just about to leave, when a car pulled into the parking lot with two dogs we provided ‘the works’ for awhile back. They needed supplies so we visited and I made sure they got what they needed. My next stop was on the Eastside on Massachusetts Avenue. I was supposed to meet with someone new who has two cats, someone new whose dog is scheduled for ‘the works’ on Tuesday and another dog I visit regularly. Two of the people did not show up but I did visit with my old friend ‘Midnight’ and met another dog that will most likely get ‘the works’ on Wednesday, if his companion can work out the transportation. When I left the second location, I drove to the grocery store to pick up baking supplies. My freezer is half empty and I will need to do more baking within the next week. After I went home and unloaded the groceries, put the dogs out and cleared some paperwork off of my desk, I went back out. This time it was our PO Box and then Riverside Plaza where I was picking up something ordered online and meeting Rabbi Suzanne Singer for lunch….Water from Niagara Bottling Company, medium dog bed, small fleece blanket, handmade pet jacket, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus for cats, Inaba Churus for dogs, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba twins, plush squeaky dog toys, squeaky dog toy, small Kong squeaky tennis ball, bully sticks and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 05-20-2022

Thursday's Treasures 05-19-2022

I found out last night that the companion of ‘Pablo’ was unable to get her dog, after his neuter surgery. Her ride fell through and she got on a bus that did not take her there before the shelter closed. Her Aunt tried to pick up the dog but it was too late for that as well. I agreed to meet the companion at 9am to pay his invoice and make sure she got him ok. She was on another bus and was half an hour late but she made it and got her baby. Even though I did not have anyone staying at the Motel6, I went there to bring supplies to someone. While I was there doing that, I visited her two dogs, the litter of four kittens, the resident cat ‘Gorda’ and a kitty called ‘Meow Meow’ that apparently had a litter of five. She recently got them over to the motel and they have been staying under someone’s vehicle there. The woman I went to meet put a bed under the truck so they could all cuddle together if they wanted to. The mama kitty is young and we do not want her to have another litter. The woman who is feeding her said she thinks she can get her in a carrier. If so, we will get her spayed next week and then start figuring out what the next step is with the litter. When I left the motel, I checked our PO Box and then went home. Someone was working at my house and I needed to get back so she could leave and I could lock up. I was pretty much done for the day anyway so it all worked out. Water from Niagara Bottling Company, fleece blanket, handmade pet jacket, wet kitten food, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus for cats, Inaba Churus for dogs, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, individual bags of dog treats, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, Inaba twins, Tiller Tugs tug toy, Tiller Tugs leash, Tiller Tugs collar, plush squeaky pet toys, cat toys, squeaky tennis ball, bully sticks and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 05-19-2022

#1661 Gets 'The Works' 05-18-2022

#1661 Gets 'The Works' 05-18-2022

#1660 Gets 'The Works' and Tuesday's Treasures 5-17-2022

At 6am I received a text that one of the two female cats to be spayed today was not going to make it. Appointments are so precious these days and wasting them is sad and frustrating but I could not get another animal in on such short notice. The other female cat did make it in so I was thankful for that much. When I left Van Buren Animal Hospital, I went home to put the dogs out for a few minutes and then hit the streets. I went to the downtown Salvation Army, Fairmount Park and a river bottom outlet in Jurupa Valley with no luck. I thought about calling it a day but was determined to visit with at least one pet so I continued driving to another Jurupa Valley location. The dog I went to see was there and when we were done, I drove a bit further to the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I visited with and shared supplies with one pet that was staying at the motel and another that happened to be passing by while I was in the parking lot. When I left there, I went home to get changed so I could go back out for a third time. This was not about visiting pets but I did stop at our PO Box, drop off donations at Foster Army Animal Rescue and then meet one of my oldest and dearest friends for lunch. Not exactly the day I planned but a good one just the same! “One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter.” Waters from Niagara Bottling Company Company, socks, Benadryl caplets, medium collar from Max and Neo Dog Gear, large leash, chicken jerky treats, collapsible pet dish, 17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet kitten food, wet cat food, Inaba Churus for dogs, individual bags of dog treats, squeaky Kong tennis ball, kabob chew sticks and bully chew sticks were shared.

#1660 Gets 'The Works' and Tuesday's Treasures 5-17-2022

Monday On The Move 05-16-2022

Monday mornings include a trip to Massachusetts Avenue on the Eastside to visit a any dogs that might be in front of the homeless shelter. I parked and walked around the area but nobody was outside with their pets so I drove over to Hunter Park. Nobody was there with pets either so I decided to drive to other areas of the Eastside. I used to find people in the old K-Mart parking lot so I headed there. It just so happened that one of the car’s belonged to the companion of a couple of dogs I knew. I stopped to visit and distribute supplies. There were other dogs in this family so I asked their whereabouts. I was told they were with other family and parked in a van near the homeless shelter. I drove back in that direction and was able to find them. The other four dogs were there as was a small kitten they rescued recently. I was able to visit with the pets and distribute needed supplies. We also discussed services for the kitten. When we were done, I thought I would make one more trip to the homeless shelter but nobody was outside with pets. I spoke two gentleman who have dogs in the kennel. Both wanted supplies but their dogs are not spayed/neutered. I have had multiple discussions with one of the gentlemen. He will not let me neuter the dog but continues to ask for supplies. I feel like a broken record, saying the same thing over and over but he keeps asking so I keep telling him my stipulations. The other gentleman seemed open to his dog getting ‘the works’ especially if he did not have to pay for anything. I gave him my contact card and hope to hear from him. I left the Eastside and traveled back to Jurupa Valley to check our PO Box and pick up some produce for me and our tortoise. Waters from Niagara Bottling Company Company, large bag of recyclables, can KMR1, chicken jerky treats, small leash, small stainless steel pet dish, 2 medium sized pet beds, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Churus for cats, individual bags of dog treats, small squeaky Kong tennis ball, cat toy and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 05-16-2022

Sunday On The Streets 5-15-2022

As I was leaving the house this morning, I decided to clean the light bulb cover by the side door. As soon as I put the rag on one side, it crashed to the ground below. That meant I needed to make a little detour today and pick up a new one. I cleaned up the glass and decided to make sure the new one is plastic. I actually bought plastic for two other outdoor lights so I can be sure not to experience any future breakage... My first stop was at the Jurupa Valley Motel6. The litter of 4 kittens needed supplies so I brought those and then visited. When I left that location, I headed towards the Lowe’s on Magnolia Avenue and made a stop to visit with ‘Kawasaki’. Her companion was not feeling well so I kept the visit short, distributed supplies and headed to the store. After Lowe’s, I went to the Target on Tyler to purchase my protein shakes, hangers and dishwasher pods. I had not planned to go to storage but I had a one-year license tag for a dog that was nearby and his companion needed supplies as well. I got on the 91 freeway, got off at Madison Avenue, picked up supplies at our storage units and then headed to Shamel Park. That was going to be my last stop but I had a few items to drop off at Room 8 Memorial Cat Foundation so I did that. Next stop was home... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company Company, 28 pounds of kitty litter, small bag of dog food, 3 cans of KMR, nursing bottle kits, puppy training pads, medium sized pet bed, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Churus for cats, individual bags of dog treats, Royal Canin Mother Baby cat food, wet kitten food, medium stainless steel pet dish, squeaky Kong tennis ball, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, peanut butter dental sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 5-15-2022

Saturday's Smiles 5-14-2022

I was contacted yesterday by some people who needed dog food so I out them first on the list for today's travels. I visited with three of the six dogs and distributed supplies for them and their companions. From there, I drove through Fairmount Park but did not see anyone with pets and circled back around near Crestmore and Mission. I wanted to check on three dogs there. One had been chained for far too long and I sent Animal Control to do a well check. The tie out I left was not what is required to tether a dog. It needs a trolley run and I am out of those. If nobody donates one, I will go ahead and place an order. This is a work in progress. My next stop was in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley at one of the river bottom outlets. I visited with three dogs there and distributed supplies for them and their companions. Temps were near 90 and I decided to run an errand for the charity, check the PO Box and call it a day. Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, toilet tissue, socks, large pet food container with locking lid, canine/equine fly repellant, Flys Off fly repellant, Inaba Twins, Inaba Churus for dogs, 2 small bags of dog food, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 5-14-2022

Friday's Furry Friends 5-13-2022

I was out at 7am to run a couple of errands and then stopped home long enough to give the dogs a little outdoor break. I left the house in time to arrive at Fairmount Park a little after 8am. I visited with and distributed supplies for four of the dogs that were there. My next stop was Massachusetts on the Eastside. I visited with and brought supplies for one of the dog's that stays at the homeless shelter with her companion. I spent a little time driving around the area looking for the companion of a dog we recently provided 'the works' for. I had her one-year license tag and wanted to be sure she got it. They stay in their vehicle but nobody was in it. I eventually ran into one of the companions in a parking lot off of Third Street. I gave her the tag and supplies, before heading over to Hunter Park. I found both of the dogs I was hoping to see there so we visited and I distributed supplies. I was due to receive a phone call around 11am. I needed to be at my desk with a calendar and other information in order to take that call so I went home. I took care of that and some other business and then went to our PO Box on my way to meet Erin Gettis (the new Director of Riverside Animal Services) for a lunch meeting. My daughter came over later in the day and stayed for dinner. Bottled waters, small fleece blanket, large fleece blanket, 2 medium leashes, one small Max and Neo Dog Gear collar, flea comb, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, 2 small bags of dog food, wet dog food, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 5-13-2022

Thursday's Treasures 5-12-2022

I had an appointment this morning but still had time to make a stop at the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I checked on the dog that received 'the works' yesterday and visited the litter of four kittens and the kitties that belong to the foster. Afterwards, I made a quick stop at home, went to my appointment, PO Box and ran a couple of personal errands. Not the busiest day but I got everything done that needed doing. Bottled waters, medium dog bed, small fleece blanket, Inaba Churus for dogs, Royal Canin Mother Baby cat food, wet cat food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus for cats, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, nursing bottle kit for kitties, can of KMR-1, chicken jerky treats and bully sticks were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 5-12-2022

#1659 Gets 'The Works' and Today's Travels 5-11-2022

I was running around town from 7am until after noon but accomplished what needed to be done. I ran an errand, before going to meet someone at the Riverside County Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. Only one of the two pets scheduled could make it today but I was thankful for that one. While I was checking him in, I got a one-year license tag for the male dog we neutered yesterday. As soon as we were done, I went home to throw in a load of laundry in the washer and put the dogs out for a few minutes, before leaving for the Jurupa Valley Motel6. While there, I checked on the dog that was recuperating from yesterday's neuter and I brought his one-year tag with me. I left supplies and then headed to a nearby location to visit with three dogs and distribute supplies for them and a couple of cats. Afterwards, I went back home, put the clothes in the dryer, gave the dogs another potty break and then went out for a third time. I needed to run a personal errand and then go to Riverside Self Storage where I was to meet someone picking up a few supplies from me and Christine Langdon with our Star Milling Donation. Everything went as planned which made today a success! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, fleece blanket, pet jacket, collapsible pet dish, doggie waste bags with leash clip, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus for cats, 17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of dog food, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks, squeaky tennis ball, dog rope toy, cat toys, and plush squeaky toys were shared.

#1659 Gets 'The Works' and Today's Travels 5-11-2022

#1657 & #1658 Get 'The Works and Today's Travels 5-10-2022

My first trip out this morning was to Van Buren Animal Hospital. We had one female and one male dog scheduled for 'the works'. Both showed up and were on time which got the day off to a great start. One of the pet's companions is already in a motel through another organization so we just reserved one room with a two night stay for the other. When I left that location, I went home to put my dogs out for a morning break and then headed to a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. I was asked to bring supplies for a couple of people. I had what was needed for the two dogs and three cats so I met with one of the companions. Because I had been out of town for a few days, I needed to go pick up a few things at Sprouts and a couple other places. Instead of going out extra early tomorrow morning, I went to Eastvale today. With Tuesday being a spay/neuter day too now, it has caused me to make changes in how I do things. Once I get used to the two day spay/neuter routine, I can better plan what is most important. Starting in July, I may have a third place to spay and neuter but it may be too much if I try to schedule animals in two different places every Wednesday. For now, I am taking it one week at a time a doing what I can. I wasn't even sure if I was going to get any animals in this week due to a short week last week and then not doing business the entire time I was in San Diego for the wedding so I was thankful to get a few on the calendar. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus for cats, 17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, medium dog leash, chicken jerky treats, bully sticks and plush squeaky toys were shared.

#1657 & #1658 Get 'The Works and Today's Travels 5-10-2022

Monday On The Move 5-09-2022

We returned from our trip last night and got our dogs back too. Everything was going great. I was sorry to see the week-end come to an end but it was also good to be home. One of the dog's had an upset stomach and woke me in the night to go out. She has never done that but she had also never been away from home so I attributed it to her being off of our daily routine. I got up a few times during the night but did not hear either dog and kept going back to sleep. I usually get up between 5am and 6am. At one point I glanced at my clock and it said 7:30am. I had so much to do today and I needed to get back on schedule. Waking up late was not what I wanted to do. When I went o put the dogs out, I found that one of them had a very rough night in about fifteen areas of my home office. The beds and blanket were clean so it just meant dealing with the floor. Needless to say, it was a 'crappy' way to start the day! (Pun intended). I did not have time to get to any of the work on my desk, I left the house around 8:45 and headed to Massachusetts on the Eastside. Nobody was outside the homeless shelter with pets but there was someone around the corner with his dog. All of his belongings were trashed by code enforcement so I gave him whatever I could to help and then headed to Hunter Park. I visited with a dog, distributed supplies and then drove out to Jurupa Valley. I was looking for someone at one of the river bottom outlets but they were not around so I spent time with two other dogs that were in the area. From there, I drove back home to check on the dogs and let them out for a few minutes. Afterwards, I went back out to do some grocery shopping for the house and the tortoise, stopped at the PO Box and got fuel. Tomorrow is spay/neuter time at Van Buren Animal Hospital so I got all of that coordinated too. Hoping to be more 'in the swing of things' by then! Bottled waters, hand warmers, fleece blanket, pet sweater, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, small bag of dog food, individual bags of dog treats, collapsible pet dish, small stainless steel pet dish, small dog leash, chicken jerky treats and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 5-09-2022

#1655 & #1656 Get 'The Works' and Today's Travels 5-4-2022

My first trip out this morning was to the Spay/Neuter Clinic at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services. We had one female and one male dog scheduled for 'the works' and licensing. Thankfully, they both showed and were either early or on time. It was a great way to start the day. Once I knew they were both getting checked in, I headed home, put the dogs out for a little break and then went back out. I needed to go to the Jurupa Valley Motel6 to check on one of the dog's that got 'the works' yesterday and bring supplies for the litter of kittens. I stopped at the room where the kittens were and spent about thirty minutes with them. When I was done, I totally spaced out and never made it to the room with the recently spayed puppy! I guess my upcoming vacation from the streets has me a bit out of sorts. Thankfully, I was able to call and check on her as well as the dog that was neutered. Both seem to be recuperating nicely. I will miss my visits over the next four days but looking forward to spending time with family and celebrating with my son and new daughter in law. Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, medium pet bed, handmade pet jackets, case of wet kitten food, cat toys, Mother Baby cat bag of food, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, individual bags of dog treats, collapsible pet dish, large stainless steel pet dish, medium dog collar, pet rope and bully sticks were shared.

#1655 & #1656 Get 'The Works' and Today's Travels 5-4-2022

#1653 & #1654 Get 'The Works' and Tuesdays Treasures

I had to change things around this week to accommodate the four pets that needed 'the works' and to get ready to take four days off and spend time celebrating my son's wedding. Because I have to divide our spay and neuter appointments between two or three places, I decided to divide the days up as well. I made two appointments for today at Van Buren Animal Hospital and two appointments tomorrow at the Riverside Department of Animal Services. At 7:45am, I was at Van Buren Animal Hospital. We had both dogs checked in by 8:15am. I went home for a few minutes and then went back out. I had been asked to bring pet supplies to someone at one of the river bottom outlets and I went there as soon as I was done getting fuel. In addition to that stop, I made a second stop at another river bottom outlet. I wanted to let someone know that I received a call about a family member of hers that had their dog impounded. While I was there, I visited with two of the dogs at that location and distributed supplies. My next stop was our PO Box. I picked up a couple of packages and a donation check, before making my way to Riverside Animal Services. I needed to get a one-year license for a dog I recently spayed. Even though I will be there tomorrow, it was easier to get it done today when I wasn't dealing with any other business. By the time I got the license tag, it was time for me to get home. Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, 3 medium pet beds, handmade pet jacket, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, 2 small bags of dog food, individual bags of dog treats, medium dog collar, large dog harness, plush squeaky pet toy, pet rope, bully sticks kabob chew sticks and chicken jerky treats were shared.

#1653 & #1654 Get 'The Works' and Tuesdays Treasures

Monday On The Move 5-2-2022

On my way to the Eastside this morning, I drove by the encampment where one of the dog's has been on a heavy chain. I have been there twice and seen this and gave the companion a tie out on my last visit. I stated again how important it was to get the dog off of the chain but I could see that the dog was still chained today. I did something that I really try to avoid and that was report to Animal Services for a well check. I am hoping they can either help her set it up or remove the dog but something has to change. I cannot tolerate that type of neglect/abuse. The dog is not spayed yet either and there is a second dog that needs neutered. It would be nice to provide each of them with 'the works' too but my immediate concern is the chain….It was not what I wanted to see first thing out but I am thankful I did and reached out for help. …When I reached the Eastside, I made two stops. One was on Massachusetts and the other at Hunter Park. I visited six pets and distributed supplies. After nearly seven years, I am taking a few days off for a family celebration and will not be on the streets this Thursday through Sunday. I am trying to get to as many people as I can before then….As far as our spay and neuter services went for April, here are the numbers….They are down a bit again. In April, we provided 'the works' for 13 pets. We had 8 dogs and 5 cats. Five of the dogs were female and three were male. Four of the cats were female and one was male. Part of decrease in numbers is due to our being limited to two pets per week at Riverside County Animal Control. We used to have six weekly available appointments through them so now we are having to try to get a couple of appointments at Van Buren Animal Hospital as well. That still limits us to four. The other reason is due to the fact that we had our usual number of no shows which really makes a difference if we only have four appointments to begin with. Bottled waters, 2 large bags of recyclables, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, small bag of dog food, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, large stainless steel pet dish, medium leash, plush squeaky pet toy, pet rope, handmade pet jacket, bully slices, bully sticks and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Monday On The Move 5-2-2022

Sunday On The Streets 5-1-2022

On my way to meet someone at our storage units, I made a little detour. I had not seen a dog named 'Cali' and her companion for quite some time and we had spoken about trying to get together this morning. They have been in a motel on the west side but agreed to meet me in the parking lot of Arlington Lanes which is by their storage. I visited with them and then drove to our storage facility. Inaba has been donating to us for a few years and one of their representatives has been kind enough to meet me in Riverside. She has come to my home but it is easier to bring everything to storage so that is where we meet now. I am so grateful for the treats that are shared with us. When we were done, I drove out to Colorado and Van Buren to catch up with 'Kawasaki'. Her companion finally has an ID so I am looking forward to getting them a room, the next time we fundraise for that purpose. My final stop was the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I brought supplies for the litter of 4 kittens, paid the room fee for tonight and visited with a couple of dogs. I was hoping to catch up with the woman I met last week. She has a mama and puppies that need 'the works' and was looking for rescue for one of the puppies. My friend Brandy Knochel tagged a friend of hers and we now have rescue. I just need to make arrangements with the owner. Unfortunately, she was not there and did not answer the room phone or her cell. Hoping to make contact again in the near future. Nestle Pure Life waters, cracker packs, beef & cheese stick packs, cat collars, kitty litter, litter box, mother baby wet cat food, wet kitten food, wet dog food, small bag of dog food, Inaba Churus for dogs, peanut butter dental sticks, bacon flavored dental sticks, bully slices, bully sticks and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 5-1-2022
2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC