Taking It To The Streets With Lori And Shira  

Journal - October 2024

2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC

Thursday's Treasures 10-31-2024

My first stop of the day was the Jurupa Valley Motel6. After dropping off some of my homemade cupcakes and a treat bag of candy, I went to check on 'Mister' and drop off homemade Halloween cupcakes and a treat bag of candy for the humans in the room. The dog was recuperating nicely, after yesterday's neuter surgery. I also had an opportunity to visit with a dog named 'Chloe'. We spayed her some time ago. Her companion stayed in the room with 'Mister' and his companion. It was nice catching up. When I left the motel, I drove out to the industrial area where the FedEx facility is. Another dog got dumped near there and the woman who found him wanted to know if I could help him. He looks like a purebred dobie in the photos. I was supposed to meet her, check for a chip and then take photos/videos but she was not there. When her phone was dead, I called someone whose encampment is not too far away and asked if she would have the woman call me. I had already waited ten or fifteen minutes and did not have anymore time to waste. I had planned to stop to talk to someone in an RV on Fleetwood. I had seen two large dogs there and was going to see if they needed assistance. When I got back over there, there were two Sheriff's cars behind the RV with some woman sitting on the curb and I decided not to stop. I wasn't sure what type of drama was going on but I wasn't in the mood for any. From there I drove to Fairmount Park. I just missed a couple of people with pets that I actually went there looking for but still managed to visit with others. Two belonging to someone who is unhoused and the other to someone who brings his little dog to the park every day. My next stop was Temple Beth El where I went to drop off baked goods for special Oneg they are having tomorrow night and then I went to the post office. I dropped off the remaining cupcakes and candy and then went home. My birthday gift to myself was having my house cleaned and I needed to get back there so the woman could finish up by cleaning the room I secure my dog in... Bottled waters, Premier protein shakes, homemade Halloween cupcakes, treat bags of Halloween candy, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully slices and an xl Kong squeaky ball were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 10-31-2024

#2,189 Gets 'The Works' 10-30-2024

We had three dogs confirmed for spaying/neutering today. One of them belonged to someone whose car broke down last week and he was unable to make it. The other two live with someone in the river bottom near Wilderness Avenue. The gentleman who did not make it last week was on time today. The woman who stays in the river bottom did not, even though she lives fairly close to where the appointments were. She did text me to let me know her ride was running late but even after her ride showed up she still did not make it. She said they were stuck waiting for a train on Jurupa. I waited until 8:15am and then I texted her to forget it. I never heard back. Two more dogs that will not receive needed services and two more appointments were wasted. However, I had plans to visit my granddaughter so I was not going to let that the 'no shows' ruin my day. I made Halloween themed cupcakes for my visit and I also brought a couple dozen for some of the people at Animal Services. They are very helpful to my organization and patient with all of the ups and downs I go through with appointments. At the end of the day, one more pet got 'the works' and will not be adding to pet overpopulation in the homeless community or our community at large. Our total for the month was only 11 due to people not showing up and our finances. Eleven is still a number I can be grateful for, even though I would like it to be more. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat [et overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." ARCO fuel card, xl neon dog collar, Tiller Tugs leash, handmade pet jacket, plush squeaky Halloween pet toy, kabob chew stick, chicken jerky treats and a 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company were shared.

#2,189 Gets 'The Works' 10-30-2024

Tuesday's Treasures 10-29-2024

My first stop of the day was at Martha McLean Park where I went to visit a little senior that we had spayed when Feeding Pets Of The Homeless covered the cost for a large mammary tumor to be removed. When we had them in the motel, I did not have any senior dog food. I bought a couple of bags that were meant for small dogs and I put one aside for them. I finally got to give her that, and a few other things, this morning. When I left there, I drove over to Fairmount Park. When I pulled into one of the parking lots I saw there was a dog sitting outside of a truck on one end and someone I knew with two dogs sitting at the other. The one dog looked familiar but I wasn't entirely sure if it was until I parked and walked towards them. It was in fact a dog we provided services for and she was in need of a few things. I made sure she received them and I also spent time with the other two. When I left the park, I went to get fuel and stop at our PO Box. One of our donors said the collars and leashes she ordered had been delivered so I went to pick them up. I did that and then stopped at the store for a few items I need for tomorrow. I am making Halloween themed cupcakes because I am going to visit with my granddaughter, after spay and neuter appointments are checked in. The last time I made cupcakes, I brought some to Animal Services and they were happy to I am doing it again. This time I will bring more so more of the staff can have a treat. Theya re so good to us there and it is nice to do something for them now and then... Bottled waters, 2 handmade pet jackets, doggie waste bags, Tiller Tugs leash, small bag small bites senior dog food, chicken jerky treats, large stainless steel pet dish, Inaba Churu Bites, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, Inaba meat toppers for dogs, squeaky Halloween squeaky dog toys, glow in the dark squeaky Halloween ball, plush squeaky toy, kabobs and buffalo tendons were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 10-29-2024

Monday On The Move 10-28-2024

I spent most of this morning on the Eastside at and near the Path of Life Community Shelter on Massachusetts. One of the items on my agenda was to meet a photographer from the Raincross Gazette. It is a small local online magazine and someone nominated me/us for a story. I do not like my photo being taken but will do whatever I can to help raise awareness and funds for Taking It To The Streets with Lori and Shira. The photographer spent time with me and three of the four pets I visited. When we were done, I drove across town to our storage units to pick up more pet jackets. I was going to grab more Halloween pet toys too but I forgot so I guess I will have to save them until next year. After leaving storage, I went home briefly and then went to meet one of my oldest and dearest friends for lunch... Bottled waters, kitty litter, 2 handmade pet jackets,2 small pet costumes,2 xl collars, 2 xl leashes, chicken jerky treats, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba meat toppers for dogs, squeaky Halloween dog toys, glow in the dark squeaky Halloween ball, bully slices, and buffalo tendons were shared.

Monday On The Move 10-28-2024

Sunday On The Streets 10-27-2024

I did quite a bit of driving around Riverside and Jurupa Valley this morning but I only made two stops. The first was by Jurupa and Van Buren and the other was near Agate Park. I visited with five dogs and one cat. I provided supplies for them as well as a couple more cats. I was thinking about going back to storage to pick up a few more pet jackets but I am trying to watch the amount of miles I am putting on the vehicle lease as well as the amount of fuel I am using each week. I decided to go on a day when I haven't already done so much driving being that our storage units are across town... Bottled waters, 3 handmade pet jackets, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Twins for cats, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, wet dog food, squeaky Halloween dog toys, glow in the dark squeaky Halloween ball, Inaba meal toppers for dogs, Inaba Churus, bully slices and buffalo tendons were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 10-27-2024

Saturday's Smiles 10-26-2024

I went to two different locations, this morning, and visited with four pets. The first stop was in the parking lot of the Riverside County Department of Animal Services where some people came up to meet me from the river bottom. One person had a cat and the other had a dog. We had a visit and I was able to provide supplies for both. When I left there, I drove to another river bottom outlet near Grand Avenue where had I scheduled a visit with two people with pets. One of them has a dog that was recently attacked by another animal. After I verified their homelessness, Feeding Pets Of The Homeless took care of the dog's medical expenses. We want to thank them for that. We also want to thank Van Buren Animal Hospital as they are always willing to work with Feeding Pets Of The Homeless and they do a great job caring for the pets that get brought in. I visited with both dogs and provided supplies for them and some cats that one of the companion's is helping with. From there, I ran a personal errand, checked our PO Box (which was empty) and then called it a day... Bottled waters, Premier protein shakes, large fleece blanket, 4 handmade pet jackets, chicken jerky treats, 2-xl collars, xl leash, large leash, Wellness wet cat food, wet kitten food, cat toy, small bag of senior dog food, 2-17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, squeaky Halloween dog toys, glow in the dark squeaky Halloween balls, K9 Glucosamine chews, wet dog food, Inaba meal toppers for dogs, Inaba Churus, bully sticks, bully slices, peanut butter chew sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 10-26-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 10-25-2024

I spent my most of my morning on the Eastside. My first stop was in the parking lot of the Path of Life Community Shelter. When I did not see anyone at the kennels with their pets, I drove up the street and parked on Massachusetts. While there, I visited with three dogs. One of them was new to the area and I gave his companion information about our spay/neuter services. After those visits, I drove back down the street ad parked near the kennels. There was one person outside with her cat so I visited with them briefly and then headed to Hunter Park. I was going to the park to meet a woman who makes us fleece dog jackets. She drove from Redlands and gave me a variety of jackets in different sizes. She does this for us two or three times a year and I really appreciate it. While at the park, I also visited with someone who stays with her dog in her van. I even gave the dog one of the new jackets. My back seat was filled with pet food, collars and leashes, jackets I had from the last time and all of the new jackets. I knew I would not have room for all of the new jackets either in my vehicle or my shed so I found my way to the freeway and went to our storage units. I sorted the jackets and filled a couple of containers with an assortment of colors and sizes. I will re-stock when needed. I also grabbed a few Halloween toys and some pet food, before making one last stop at our PO Box on my way home. Nothing there today but I always like to check, just incase... Bottled waters, handmade pet jacket, chicken jerky treats, feeding dish, bully sticks, bully slices and buffalo tendons were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 10-25-2024

Thursday's Treasures 10-24-2024

We did not have any pets staying at the motel this week so my schedule was different than it is most Thursday's. I really did not have any definite plans other than meeting someone in the parking lot of Riverside County Animal Services. A gentleman who stays in the river bottom near there was supposed to meet me to get dog food but he never showed and I did not have any way to try and contact him. I tried calling some people with pets that stay in a different part of the river bottom not too far from there but their phones were off. I drove over by Van Buren and Jurupa but nobody was out there with pets. There was no way I was just going back home so I drove across town to Fairmount Park. I had received a call from a woman who used to stay in her vehicle with her two dogs. She had not been around for a few months because her vehicle broke down outside of Riverside. She told me she was back and I was going to try to get to her this week-end. Having some extra time, I went that way today. She was not there when I first arrived but I was able to visit with and provide supplies for another dog. She returned from taking a shower at the Salvation Army around the same time I was done with the other dog. We visited and I provided supplies. By the time we were done, I had to get home to give my dog a potty break before heading out for my bi-weekly nail appointment. I have given up many 'luxuries' over the past few years but I have been able to keep that one. It is a gift I hope to be able to continue giving myself... Bottled waters, Premier protein shakes, wet dog food, Inaba meat toppers for dogs, small bag of small bites senior dog food, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, glow in the dark Halloween squeaky ball, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churu Bites, 2 handmade pet jackets, buffalo tendons, kabob chew sticks and bully slices were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 10-24-2024

#2,187 and #2,188 Get 'The Works' 10-23-2024

We had three dogs scheduled for 'the works' today at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. All were males. Everyone confirmed but then I received a text at 7am. One of the companion's lives in his car and the car would not start. He was trying to get another ride but that ride was not going to be able to get him to his appointment in time. I was not willing to wait around for ninety minutes but even if I was, they do not admit pets once surgeries have begun. Thankfully, the other two people arrived on time. I stayed until both were checked in and then I went home. We are not doing any spay/neuter appointments at Mary S. Robert's as long as we are still struggling financially but I did have one person bringing a dog there today. That dog stays in the kennels at the Path of Life Community Shelter and needed his vaccinations updated to continue staying there. Unless we are spaying/neutering, that is the only reason we offer updates on vaccinations. This particular dog also needed a microchip and flea & tick treated. We covered that as well. It costs $114.00 to do that. We spent $500.00 today. It was much less than what we normally spend due to the fact that we only provided 'the works' for two pets and we did not have to pay for any motels, but $500.00 is still a lot of money. The reason I am always trying to raise money is because I feel this work is so important and without funding, it will stop. I hope that doesn't happen and today I am grateful for thepets we were able to assist. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, wet dog food, Inaba meat toppers for dogs, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company and an xl Kong squeaky ball were shared.

#2,187 and #2,188 Get 'The Works' 10-23-2024

Tuesday's Treasures 10-22-2024

On Sunday, I made arrangements to go back to the west side of Riverside to meet with people staying in motels there with their dogs. These people are there because they are in a program where their housing is approved but no actual housing has been available. The first motel I went to was to visit a couple and their four dogs. I did not have time to meet with them the other day so I made the trip today. The other motel I went to was to bring collars and leashes to a couple of dogs I visited on Sunday. I could not give them collars and leashes then, due to where I was parked. I felt it was unsafe for them to walk to up the busy street. This morning, I was able to park at the motel where they stay so I had the box of collars and leashes with me. When I left the second motel, I drove back to Jurupa Valley. I went to the post office to mail a package to Actors and Others for Animals. I don't call them often, these days, but they have been so helpful over the years and I want them to know they are appreciated. Once a year I send homemade baked goods as a thank you. It isn't much but it is something... Bottled waters, small bag of puppy food, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, small bag of senior dog food, wet puppy food, wet dog food, Simply Cesar chicken for dogs, Inaba meal toppers for dogs, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churu bites, squeaky Halloween pet toys, bully slices, kabob chew sticks, medium collar and leash set, xl collar and xl leash were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 10-22-2024

Monday On The Move 10-21-2024

I spent my morning on the Eastside. I started by parking on Massachusetts Avenue and visiting with pets that either stay in the kennels at the Path of Life Community Shelter or stay with their companions on the street. I was hoping to see more but there were only four out there. When I left that location, I did some driving around different areas of the Eastside but did not find anyone with pets so I went home a little earlier than I usually do. I was meeting someone for lunch so it actually worked out better that way... Bottled waters, small dog bed, 3 hand made pet jackets, small bag of senior dog food, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, Inaba meal toppers for dogs, Inaba Churu Bites, chicken jerky treats, squeaky and plush squeaky Halloween pet toys, bully slices and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 10-21-2024

Sunday On The Streets 10-20-2024

I was asked to bring pet food and supplies for a few cats and dogs that are staying in motel rooms on the west side. Today's plans included stopping at three of the four motels there. Before heading over there, I drove out to our storage units to meet someone from INABA. She was bringing me cases of meal toppers for dogs. She makes the drive two or three times a year to bring us donations. Even though she did not have much today, she still met with me and I really appreciated that. She won't take payment for anything but she was happy to receive some of my homemade pumpkin bread with cream cheese flavored chips and glazed pecans. When I left the storage units, I took the freeway to the westside. I stopped at the three motels and provided supplies for the five dogs I visited as well as a few cats. I also made arrangements to go back to one of the motels on Tuesday in order to try and fit a couple of dogs with collars and leashes. I will also be going to the motel I did not get to today... Bottled waters, Kitty litter, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba meal toppers for dogs, Wellness wet cat food, Inaba Twins for cats, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, squeaky dog toys, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, two individual bags of jerky treats, bully slices and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 10-20-2024

Saturday's Smiles 10-19-2024

It was another windy morning but I was thankful that we never had the electrical shutdown Southern California Edison warned us might happen. There was a fire out in Jurupa Valley but there were no evacuations or anything from it….I started the day baking cookies and then went out to meet someone by the Adams Motor Sport track on Market Street. I was asked to meet there with both cat and dog supplies. None of the cats came up to visit but the dog did. From there I drove over to the Eastside. I finally made arrangements to meet with the companion of 'Charlie' the dog that was shot in the face by law enforcement. He is having difficulty eating hard food so when I gave her both wet and dry, I told her to put broth or water on the dry food so it would be mushy for him. I did not look inside his mouth but it looked good from the outside and he goes back to the Riverside County Department of Animal Services on Wednesday for them to check it out. I want to give a shout out to them for taking such good care of this dog. They did nothing to him but made sure he got the care he needed. While on the Eastside, I drove to where 'Scamp' and 'Joey' stay. I was not sure if they would be there, because it was not Sunday but I got lucky. I visited with them, provided a few supplies and then drove a few blocks away to visit with 'Solo'. It was not my usual Saturday but it felt productive none the less. My final stop was at our PO Box. Nothing there for the charity but one of my mail order prescription eye drops was so it is good I went there. Tomorrow morning, I am scheduled to meet someone from Inaba at our storage units and then I am supposed to go to the Westside and bring supplies to people staying in four of the motels there. Hoping the wind has calmed down by then! Bottled waters, Premier protein shakes, socks, medium stainless steel pet dish, four cat feeding dishes, Max and Neo fleece blanket, plush squeaky toy, squeaky toys, Wellness wet cat food, wet dog food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Juicy Bites, Halloween squeaky neon ball, XL Kong squeaky ball, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 10-19-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 10-18-2023

The winds were pretty strong this morning and we got a notification from Southern California Edison that there might be shutting down electricity from 6am today until 12pm tomorrow. That let me know right away that I would be dealing with my allergies as long as I was outside but I had things to do so off I went. I drove over to the Eastside and parked by the Path of Life Community Shelter. I visited with four pets that stay in the kennels and met a fifth pet that is staying there now too. I gave her some treats but she is not spayed and her companion told me he would like her to have a litter. That brought on a pretty long conversation. He was a nice young man and I told him the offer to spay, microchip, vaccinate and flea&tick treat is ongoing but I won't provide supplies without the dog being spayed. I did give supplies to three of the other pets I visited and then drove up the street looking for a couple of women and their dogs. One of the dog's was shot by the police last week and I had some wet food for him. Unfortunately, I was unable to catch up with them today and will try again on Monday. I planned on going to visit 'Solo' as well but I was unable to reach his companion. He did text me after lunch but I was long gone by then. My next stop was at our storage units where I picked up more pet food and waters, before heading to the post office. I received notification that a donation package from Chewy had arrived so I went to pick it up. I went home, immediately afterwards... Bottled waters, wet dog food, small dog harness, Max and Neo small dog collar, Max and Neo fleece, small leash, 2-small bags of small bites dog food, xs Kong squeaky ball, collapsible pet dish with leash clip, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, bully slices and buffalo tendons were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 10-18-2023

Thursday's Treasures 10-17-2024

Before I headed over to the Jurupa Valley Motel6 to check on the dogs that were spayed/neutered yesterday, I stopped at Circle K for fuel. As I was leaving, I saw a gentleman behind the store playing with a puppy in the grass. When I pulled around to see if I knew who it was, I realized I did. I have actually been looking for them. There was more than one puppy the last time we met and they were still being nursed. The puppy is now eight weeks old and he wants the mama spayed. As soon as we figure out how to make it happen, we will get it done. The puppy will eventually get done too. While I was there I asked about a rumor I had heard regarding one of the homeless that was supposedly murdered. He did not have any pets but I used to stop and give him water and would sometimes bring food, if I went out to lunch. Turns out it was not a rumor. I did not know the gentleman well but it still made me sad... When I arrived at the motel, I checked on the pets that got 'the works' yesterday. All seemed to be recuperating nicely. The companion of the mother and son dogs gave me two thank you cards. One of them was for me and the other was for the 'sponsor' pf her female dog. I explained it was an Animal Services Healthy Pet Zone Fund grant that took care of her costs and that I would give the note to them next week. It was a very thoughtful thing for her to do... I gave all three dog treats as well as something to chew on and then drove to a motel in Rubidoux. I went there to visit another dog and discuss something with her companion. While I was there, I Noticed something shiny in my driver side rear tire. I was hoping it was a rock but it was a huge bolt. Thankfully, it was in the tread and I was able to go to the tire shop and get it repaired. We all have a good laugh now when I pull in being that I can't seem to catch a break with my tires. I had an 11am zoom type meeting with the Interim Director of Riverside County Department of Animal Services and I knew I was not going to make it home on time. I called her and asked to postpone it for about fifteen minutes so I could get home. I was not about to do it on my phone in the tire shop. I never made it to our PO Box but did make it to the meeting on time... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, wet dog food, xs Kong squeaky ball, neon Halloween squeaky ball, bully stick, bully slices and buffalo tendons were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 10-17-2024

#2184, #2185, and #2186 Get 'The Works' 10-16-2024

This morning got off to a good start. We had three dogs scheduled for 'the works' at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. (We will not be doing any pets at the Mary S. Robert's clinic, until our donations pick up or we receive a grant.) When I was pulling into the parking lot, I received a text that one of the companion's was already there. We were doing two dogs for her. They were mother and son. The other companion arrived about twenty minutes after the time I asked her to be there but she was still early enough to get the dog checked in. This dog is the sister of a dog we spayed last week. By 8:15am, all three were checked in and I went home. I received a call, a bit later, from the Mary S. Robert's clinic. A gentleman who stays at the Path of Life Community Shelter has a dog we provided vaccinations for so he could stay in the kennels there. Due to the dog's age, they did not give him all of the vaccinations at once so the gentleman went back today. I authorized payment for that visit... My daughter showed up around 9:30am to take my dog 'Sammy' for a check up and we made plans to go to Chipotle for dinner. She agreed to spend the night, because after dinner I had plans to go to a Melissa Ethridge concert with my friend Brandy, her partner Lori and their friend Tosha. I had not been out at night since my son's wedding, over two years ago, so this was a nice treat for me. I no longer drive at night but Tosha was kind enough to do the driving. I will most likely be tired tomorrow but it will be a good tired! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, puppy training pads, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, wet dog food, wet puppy food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, xs squeaky Kong ball and plush squeaky toy were shared.

#2184, #2185, and #2186 Get 'The Works' 10-16-2024

Tuesday's Treasures 10-15-2024

I did a lot more driving than I did visiting pets today but I still managed to stop at four locations and spend time with one pet at each of those…..Because the Path of Life Community Shelter was closed yesterday. I went by there today. Unfortunately, there was nobody outside with their pets so I drove over to Progressive Graphics to pick up the t-shirts I wear daily while Taking It To The Streets. After picking up the shirts, I drove around the Eastside for a bit and eventually drove back over by the homeless shelter. There still wasn't anyone outside but 'Zeus' and his companion were up the street on Massachusetts so I stopped to visit with them. From there I drove over to Fairmount Park. I was only able to find one person with a pet there. I stopped for a visit and provided supplies. Next, I drove to an industrial area of Jurupa Valley where many come up from the river bottom. There used to be a line of RV's parked on the street as well but all were gone and nobody was around so I headed to Rubidoux. I was looking for three people who said they wanted to get their pets spayed/neutered. Two were for dogs and one for a cat. I spoke to the couple with the cat while visiting with their dog and providing him with a few supplies. From there I drove up Mission Blvd. where I spotted a couple with a pit bull that needs neutered. They were supposed to be placed in a motels o I was not sure why they were on the street. Turns out, they are in a motel but were 'canning' trying to raise a few dollars. I gave them a few suggestions on how we might be able to get their dog in to the clinic and am hoping to hear from them soon. The gentleman I really wanted to speak to was not around. He has a dog that has had multiple litters. I gave him a collar and leash when he said he wanted to get her spayed, because I knew she would need them for the appointment. That was over a week ago and not a word from him. I hope that changes. When I left Rubidoux, I went to the post office to mail a package. There was a donation check there too. It was from someone who cannot make the Chipotle Fundraiser but wanted to donate. She has always been so thoughtful. I will do a post about her gift during the next few days... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats, 14-pound bag of Pedigree dog food, wet dog food, small bag of small bites dog food, kabob chew stick, Kong squeaky ball, neon Halloween squeaky ball, bully slices and buffalo tendons were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 10-15-2024

Monday On The Move 10-14-2024

I knew the Path of Life Community Shelter was closed today but I was unsure of the kennel hours so I drove over there this morning. Sometimes, people take their pets out for the day but that was not the case. However, there were a few people parked and hanging out on Massachusetts Avenue and a couple of them had pets. Another gentleman showed up with a third, while I was there. While I visited and provided a few supplies, I heard some disturbing news. While the police were going after someone, a dog named 'Charlie' slipped out of its collar and began running toward the officer. The officer fired his gun and shot the dog in his face. Nobody knew much more than that so I called a Sargent from Animal Control to see what I could find out. I wasn't thinking about it being a holiday but thankfully he picked up. He said the bullet went clear through the dog's cheek and that they had taken the dog to a vet. He said the AC Officer that took the dog in said the dog seemed very friendly and wasn't sure if he had been trying to protect his companion or just running to play. Either way, I am grateful the dog is still alive. I am going to check back tomorrow and see what else I can find out….When I left that location, I dropped off some baked goods and cat toys at the office of the wife of the gentleman who donates his time to take care of our website. From there, I made a quick stop at the store and then drove out to Van Buren and Jurupa where I sometimes find people with pets. Only one of the people there had a dog but I stayed for a visit and to give them a few supplies. As I was heading home, I received a call from someone in the river bottom with a dog named 'Pighead' A wild boar went after him and he needs to receive medical attention. His companion asked me if I would call Feeding Pets Of The Homeless and confirm their homelessness. I did that and then headed home to continue the daily job of social media, emails, phone calls and texts... Bottled waters, pet nursing bottle kit, powdered puppy milk, XL dog collar, large stainless steel pet dish, squeaky Halloween ball, xs squeaky Kong ball, chicken jerky treats, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully slices, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Monday On The Move 10-14-2024

Sunday On The Streets 10-13-2024

I went to two different location today. Both were in Jurupa Valley. The first stop was to meet a couple of women who live in the river bottom near the Riverside County Department of Animal Services. We met in the parking lot there. One of the women has a group of cats we have provided ‘the works’ for but she usually just brings one of them with her. The other companion just has one and she brought her. I wasn’t sure if both were coming so I only brought one large bag of food. I will bring another with me on Wednesday morning when I go back to the clinic for spaying and neutering and they can pick it up then. The other stop was near Agate Park. I visited five of their pets and provided supplies. Tomorrow is a holiday so I am not sure what will be happening at the Path of Life Community Shelter but I will drive over there and find out... Bottled waters, small rug, cat feeding dishes, 2 small bags of kitten food, wet kitten food, kitty litter, Wellness wet cat food, 2-17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba Churus Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Juicy Bites, cat toy, Squeaky Kong ball, squeaky neon Halloween ball, Inaba Twins for cats, chicken jerky treats, bully slices and buffalo tendons were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 10-13-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 10-11-2024

For the past six months, I have been on the streets seven days a week, with the exception of ten days. I am not saying this to pat myself on the back but to share that it seems difficult for me to take a day off, unless family or my health is involved. I am always thinking about the pets. That being said, tomorrow is Yom Kippur which is a very religious holiday in my faith. I did not take off on Rosh Hashanah but will be taking off for this. I will be back out on Sunday... Today, I was on the Eastside. I spent my time on Massachusetts Avenue near the Path of Life Community Shelter. I visited with a total of ten pets. Four of them are actually housed but we usually try to get together every month or so and we did that this morning. When I left that location, I drove over to Progressive Graphics to pick up some of long sleeve t-shirts I wear on my daily travels. Unfortunately, they made an error on some of the printing and will have to redo them so I will need to wait a little longer. The shirts hold up well but I have not bought any in a long time and I wanted to add some new ones. From there I went to our storage to meet with Ilene Stein and Seth Cox. Ilene was dropping off snacks from the Temple Beth El High Holiday Food Drive and Seth Cox was delivering our Monthly Recurring Donation of dry cat/dogfood from the Star milling Company. He also helped me unload it all. Thank You Ilene and Seth! My final stop was the post office. All that was waiting for me was a returned grant application that said it was not deliverable to the address it was sent to. This seems to happen a lot. We just keep applying wherever we can, in hopes of something coming through... Bottled waters, sleeping bags, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, Wellness wet cat food, 3-17 pound bags of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Twins for cats, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons, bully slices and bully sticks were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 10-11-2024

Thursday's Treasures 10-10-2024

I went by the Jurupa Valley Motel6 this morning, to check on the three dogs that received 'the works' yesterday. I was able to visit with each of them, meet one of their siblings and provide supplies. We would like to thank the Riverside County Department of Animal Services Healthy Pet Zone Fund for covering the cost of one of their services when she received 'the works'. When I left the motel, I went home for a short time and then headed back out for my bi-weekly nail appointment where it always feels good to relax and do something special for myself. After thr appointment, I drove over to our PO Box. When I was leaving the post office, I saw a small group of homeless across the street close to the CircleK. I could n ot tell if there was a dog there so I drove over to look. As it turned out, a dog was there and it is one we provided 'the works' for awhile back. She had scars on her face and I was told she had been hit by a car. She lost a few teeth but was otherwise ok. Her companion asked if I had a pet strolelr and a small blanket. I will check at our storage units tomorrow... Bottled waters, socks, wet dog food, Simply Cesar chicken, small bag of small bites dog food, Inaba Churu Bites, kabob chew stick, buffalo tendons, bully stick, individual bag of chicken jerky treats, xs Kong squeaky ball and two plush squeaky toys were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 10-10-2024

#2181, #2182, and #2183 Get 'The Works' 10-09-2024

We are still only scheduling three pets per week, until our donations pick back up and/or we receive gran money. Today, we had three female dogs scheduled for 'the works'. Two were on time and one of them arrived a half an hour late but all showed up which I was very thankful for. I was there for two of the check ins but because I was going to visit my granddaughter, I needed to leave before the third was checked in. I told everyone I would be available by phone when I got back into town later in the afternoon and that I would be by the motel tomorrow morning to check on their pets. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 14 pound bag of Pedigree, small collar, small leash and doggie waste bags were shared.

#2181, #2182, and #2183 Get 'The Works' 10-09-2024

#2,180 Gets 'The Works' and Tuesday's Treasures 10-08-2024

My first stop pf the day was at the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I went to check on an 11 year old dog named 'Nana'. Yesterday, she underwent surgery to have a mammary tumor removed. Feeding Pets Of The Homeless took care of the cost for that. So she would not have to be put under for a second time, we went ahead an authorized her spay surgery. It is a bit more expensive at the vet but it was safer for the pet. Thanks to a pledge from Actors and Others for Animals, our cost for the spay was lowered. When I left the motel, I drove over to Fairmount Park to meet with someone who needed a new collar for one of his dogs. We met near one of the river bottom outlets by the Legion Hall. The dog received her new collar and they both got supplies. I was going to visit another dog in a different part of the park, but he was being taken care of by friends so I will catch him next time. On my way to our PO Box in Jurupa Valley, I drove through Rubidoux. I was happy to run into a couple I have been looking for so I pulled over and parked. I found out they are being placed in a motel so I hope that makes it easier to stay in touch and get their dog neutered. While we were visiting, a gentleman walked up with his dog. He is someone I have seen over the years but was not happy with. One of his dog's has had four litters for a total of 32 puppies and I have not been given permission to spay or neuter any of them or any of the dogs he was breeding her with. Today, he told me her wanted to spay the mama dog. She looks so tired and worn out so I hope he follows through. She will need a collar and leash, if he does, so I gave him one of each. I don't normally do that but this was one of those exceptions in preparation for the possibility of her spay day. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, socks, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Churu Bites, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, buffalo tendons, plush squeaky toy and Halloween glow in the dark squeaky balls were shared.

#2,180 Gets 'The Works' and Tuesday's Treasures 10-08-2024

Monday On The Move 10-07-2024

For some reason, I got no sleep last night and I was seriously contemplating staying home. However, I told a couple of people I would be around the Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside and I had no way to notify them if I canceled. That being said, I only stayed out for two hours this morning. I can get by with very little sleep but I was definitely 'off my game' having had none. I did visit with five pets, discussed spaying/neutering with someone and provided supplies. I did try to make one more stop to see 'Solo' and his companion but I could not find them. As I was driving back to Jurupa Valley to check our PO Box and go home, I received a call from a gentleman who was with his 11 year old dog at Van Buren Animal Hospital. Feeding Pets of The Homeless was taking care of the removal of a large mammary tumor. I had not spoken to the gentleman previously bur Shirley had him call me. He asked if I was willing to take care of her spay, while she was under anesthesia. I said that I could not afford vaccinations there but would definitely cover the spay and a two night motel stay. Tomorrow morning, I will go to the motel to meet and check on the little senior dog, before I go to any other locations…For now, I am grateful to be back home and hope to get some rest so I am back to normal tomorrow... Bottled waters, socks, our last small bag of senior dog food, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, Inaba Fun Bites, Pet dish, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, Kabob chew sticks and Buffalo tendons were shared.

Monday On The Move 10-07-2024

Sunday On The Streets 10-06-2024

My plans for today included a special trip to the Eastside to visit a couple of dogs that are usually only in their spot on Sundays and to visit a family staying in their RV in Jurupa Valley. Everything was good at my first stop. I had an opportunity to visit and provide needed supplies. When I left that location, I drove to the nearest freeway onramp and headed out to Sprouts in Eastvale. There were a couple of things I wanted to buy that I have not been able to find anywhere else so I figured it was worth the trip. They did have one of the items and I bought a few other things, before heading over to the spot, in Jurupa Valley, where I normally meet the family. Unfortunately, they were not there and they were not parked around the corner where we sometimes meet either. I made a phone call and was told they were at the campgrounds but forgot to let me know. I was not about to drive all the way out there so I cut the morning short and was home by 11am. Hoping tomorrow is a more productive day... Bottled waters, socks, 2 large bags of recyclables, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, 14-pound bag of Pedigree dog food, and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 10-06-2024

Saturday's Travels 10-05-2024

I did not have any set plans for today's travels so I decided to start by driving to an area I usually see multiple pets. As I was traveling up Fleetwood Avenue, I saw two dogs running up the street. I did not recognize either one. I pulled over and took out the jerky treats which kept them busy for awhile. There was one RV parked nearby but there is only one dog staying in it and his companion did not recognize the loose dogs. They were not willing to stay put for me to check for microchips so I made a call to someone who usually stays in the area. She told me that they belong to two different people who stay in vehicles on that street. The one has a companion in the hospital and she did not know who was caring for the dog. I gave them each a buffalo tendon, hoping they would stay and eat them so I could try to check for the chip again but they both took off. They did not run toward the river bottom so it seems as if they went back to the vehicles where they stay. I just wasn't sure which ones so I did not get out and talk to anyone. Before leaving, I made sure to give some treats and a chew to the dog I did know. From there, I drove around Holly Street, Grand Terrace and Fairmount Park. The only person I saw at the park is someone who won't spay/neuter his dogs so I kept driving. As I was approaching Crestmore Avenue in Rubidoux, I saw two loose dogs near one of the river bottom entrances. I pulled over, got out of my vehicle and gave them water and treats. A homeless gentleman came over and I thought they were his dogs but he said they weren't. They came right up to me for treats but were very skittish when I tried to scan. I am always a bit concerned about being bitten so I did not push it. I noticed a collar on the smaller shepherd/husky mix right away and they definitely seemed like a bonded pair. I know Animal Control doesn't come out on week-ends, unless a dog is vicious or injured so I felt there wasn't much more I could do. I am hoping the photos will get shared and that someone is looking for them. When I left Rubidoux, I went to our PO Box, got fuel, drove around Van Buren and Jurupa as well as a few areas of Jurupa Valley and then called it a day. I don't feel like I accomplished much but I am never sorry to make the effort... Bottled waters, chicken jerky treats and buffalo tendons were shared.

Saturday's Travels 10-05-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 10-04-2024

I spent my time this morning on the Eastside. I parked in the lot of the Path of Life community Shelter on Massachusetts and visited with four pets. As I was leaving, I saw a woman who said she wanted to get her dogs spayed and I saw 'General' (the kitty) and his companion too. I parked around the corner and got out of my vehicle to discuss the spay appointments and visit with the pets. When I left that location, I drove over to Hunter Park to meet with a couple and their dog. He was in need of a good collar and leash as well as food. I just received a donation from Tiller Tugs and one of those collars and leashes was perfect or him. It was still early enough for me to drive around for a bit but I decided to go to the car wash instead. I don't have a garage and between that and the places I go to meet people, my vehicle gets dirty quickly. I decided it was time to get it cleaned up. I spend so much time driving around and it always feels better when it isn't filthy dirty. My final stop was at our PO Box. I wasn't expecting anything but stopped anyway. Went home from there... Bottled waters, socks, medium neon dog collar, Tiller Tugs dog collar, Tiller Tugs leash, wet dog food, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, buffalo tendons, Inaba Churu Bites and a plush squeaky toy were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 10-04-2024

Thursday's Treasures 10-03-2024

Today is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and I was not sure if I was going to do my daily travels or go to the Synagogue or both. I needed to check on the dog that received 'the works' yesterday so I did go out. While I was out, I also brought food and supplies to two other dogs that were not too far from the motel. On my way home, I stopped at our PO Box and grabbed a donation package that had arrived yesterday after I had already left. Someone was doing a little work at my house and they did not get done until 11:30am. That just didn't give me time to get cleaned up and make it to services before they were nearly done. One thing I do know is that I was giving service and even though that is not exactly where I should have been on this day I feel I was representing my faith and I am ok with that... Bottled waters, socks, XL neon dog collar, XL neon dog leash, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, chicken jerky treats, buffalo tendons, Kong squeaky balls and plush squeaky toys were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 10-03-2024

#2,179 Gets 'The Works' and 'DewBaby' Gets Vaccinated 10-02-2024

I had three dogs scheduled for 'the works' today. All were males. A couple of days ago, when I called to confirm one of them, the gentleman's wife was asking him why we would be removing his testicles. Neither one seemed to like the idea but they did not cancel. For some reason, I just had a bad feeling about it and last night I called again, after leaving multiple texts and voicemails. I spoke to her first and then he got on the phone and said he would just pay the extra money for the vaccinations and license. This is someone staying at the homeless shelter. I have even given him food and a few things for his dogs already. Just a reminder why I don't usually do that. Had I not called, he would have been another 'no show' wasting an appointment. At 6pm, I went down the list of people who have future appointments and reached someone who was able to make it on this short of a notice. Her dog had puppies a couple of months ago so she was grateful to get in sooner…I thought everything was all set and then I get a text at 6am telling me that the companion of the two togs had a family emergency and could not keep his appointments today. Even though I have other people who would have liked to have had the appointments, there just wasn't time enough to have them get ready to make it. This was not how I wanted a new month to begin but there was nothing I could do about it. Thankfully, the companion of the female dog arrived on time and we got her checked in fairly quickly. When I left there, I went home for a bit, picked up a package at our PO Box and then went back out to Mary S. Robert's. A couple of people staying at the Path of Life Community Shelter, whose dogs are already spayed/neutered and microchipped, needed their vaccinations updated. I told them to meet me this morning at 10am to get that done. When I arrived at 10am, nobody had shown up. Instead of waiting around, I asked the staff to call me if they showed up and I drove out to our storage units to pick up waters and pet food. While I was there, one of the people I thought I was going to be helping texted me. She wasn't clear that her appointment for the vaccinations and microchip was today. I told her that if she got down there by 2pm that they would still do it and I would still cover the cost. As I was leaving storage, the staff called to tell me the other person had shown up so I headed back there. I stayed while they got the paperwork ready and then drove home. It was heating up so I hurried to unload supplies and restock my vehicle. When that was done, I got back in my vehicle and went to meet Tracy Bowen for lunch. She is the person who picked up the lab that was dumped, took her home and then drove her to the vet in Orange County. I wanted to treat her to lunch as a thank-you, give her a few gift cards for fuel and See's candy as well as a couple of containers of my baked goods. If she had Zelle, I would have just paid her directly but I think this worked out just fine! I know I was happy to sit down for adult conversation and my favorite grilled cheese and fries! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter." Bottled waters, ARCO fuel card, large neon dog collar, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Max and Neo fleece and a plush squeaky toy were shared.

#2,179 Gets 'The Works' and 'DewBaby' Gets Vaccinated 10-02-2024

Tuesday's Treasures 10-01-2024

On my way to Fairmount Park, I drove through a few areas of Rubidoux. I did see a dog in one of the places I went but he was tethered and nobody answered when I called out. Unless I know the dog and its companion, I never go up to a dog on my own and offer it treats so I just continued driving. I drove all through the park but did not see anyone with a pet, until I was ready to exit back on Market Street. That is when I noticed 'Butch' and his companion sleeping under a tree. I parked in the nearest parking lot, walked over for a visit and provided a few supplies. From there, I drove back through the park and back through Rubidoux. While driving up Mission Avenue, I saw a couple pushing carts and a wagon. They also had a dog on a leash. I went to the next light and made a U-turn so I could go back and speak to them. I had met the couple before but they were watching someone else's dog then and did not have one of their own. This dog was theirs and needs 'the works'. He was given to the couple, when its eyes were not even fully opened yet, which is upsetting in itself. We had provided 'the works' for two other dogs from this puppy's family. A gentleman with five or six dogs had me start spaying and neutering and then stopped. I later found out that all the females had litters. Today's puppy was from the litter of a litter. It is so frustrating to watch this go on, especially when I offer an alternative. The sad part is that now I am very low on funds so I can't do two or three at a time and people have to wait longer. That often results in pets getting pregnant or getting others pregnant. I just can't and won't put myself in personal debt to provide needed services. I might consider it if I were younger but at this stage of my life, I only spay/neuter when we have the funds and I only distribute supplies if they are donated or I have funds to purchase them. I do what I can with what I have and when there is more, I always do more…. My last stop was in the Walgreen's parking lot, near our PO Box, when I was on my way to pick up a couple of packages. I saw a gentleman walking a dog and realized it was someone I knew. I had not seen him and his dog for awhile so I was glad I 'bumped' into them. We visited, I provided supplies, picked up the packages and headed home... Bottled waters, flavored drink packets, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, 14 pound bag of Pedigree dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, buffalo tendons, neon dog leash and a medium Kong squeaky ball were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 10-01-2024
2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC