Taking It To The Streets With Lori And Shira  

Journal - March 2024

2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC

Sunday On The Streets 3-31-2024

I was asked to bring supplies to a few people today, as long as it wasn’t raining. It finally let up a little after 9am so I contacted them to find out if they still wanted to meet. Three of the people said yes but I was unable to make contact with the fourth. I made my first stop in the parking lot of the Riverside County Department of Animal Services so there was a shorter walk for the people bringing a dog and a kitten. The companion of the dog actually brought the kitten with him so I gave him supplies for his dog, the kitten and the other two cats that live with his sister and are part of a three kitty family. I already spayed and neutered the mama and her son them but wanted to see if the female kitten was big enough to be spayed. She appears to be so we will get that set up. From there, I drove to a parking lot in the Jurupa Valley Spectrum where I met another dog and her companion. We visited, I provided supplies and I then I drove around for about thirty minutes looking for other people and pets that sometimes frequent the areas I went to. Unfortunatley, I did not have any luck and I was unable to reach a couple of other people on the phone. It is always harder to make contact in bad weather so I will wait for them to reach out to me again. I know a couple of those people needed pet so I am sure they will call/text soon. I made one last stop to pick up a few miscellaneous grocery items and headed home... Bottled waters, socks, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba chicken stew, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Twins for cats, small bag of kitten food, 17 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully sticks and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 3-31-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 3-29-2024

I will not be doing my daily travels tomorrow. In addition to the fact that we are expecting quite a bit of rain, I will be celebrating my granddaughter's first birthday. Weather permitting, I will be back out on Sunday….Four people asked me to meet them this morning on the Eastside. Two would be in the parking lot of the Path of Life Community Shelter and two a few miles from there. I arrived at the shelter at the time I said I would but nobody was there. One of those was just for a microchip check. Someone with a newly acquired Frenchie wants us to provide 'the works' but I have to be sure the dog doesn't belong to someone else. She did not show up, or text or answer mine and the other person did not answer her phone. I later found out she was asleep in her vehicle with her dogs but it was too late to return. The second location was to visit a couple of dogs I have not seen in months and to verify the homelessness for someone seeking medical help for their dog from Feeding Pets Of The Homeless. I drove around for a good fifteen minutes looking for the location they said they would be but could not find them. I wound up driving past the Path of Life Community Shelter a second time. When I did not see anyone with pets, I headed towards Rubidoux. I have been trying to put a gentleman in touch with Feeding Pets Of The Homeless so he can get his dog's leg checked out. I have been unsuccessful for the past few weeks but finally made contact today. He does not have a phone so I had to keep driving to where he was so we could use my phone for the call. I am so grateful that it finally worked out. I think a woman living in her car is going to drive him. The appointment is set for Monday and I plan to meet at the vet's office. If all goes well, his leg will get checked out and he and the female dog living where he is will be spayed/neutered. As I was leaving, I saw someone walking with a dog that I know needs neutered. I stopped to spend a few minutes with them, before getting fuel, checking our PO Box and going to a personal appointment... Bottled waters, socks, Inaba chicken fillets, bully sticks, kabobs, slip leads and Inaba Churu Bites were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 3-29-2024

Thursday's Treasures 3-28-2024

I spent part of my morning at the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I went there to check on the two female dogs that received 'the works' yesterday. While I was there, I also had an opportunity to visit with three other dogs that are part of the family one of the two lives with. Both of the dogs that were spayed were recuperating nicely and were happy (as the others were) to enjoy chicken jerky treats ad bully sticks. Thanks Again to the Riverside County Department of Animal Services Healthy Pet Zone Fund for covering the cost for their services. We could still use donations towards the motel rooms, if anyone is interested in helping with that. I had a nail appointment at 11am but had enough time to stop at our PO Box on my way. There were donations from our Chewy abd Amazon Wish Lists which will get posted tomorrow... Bottled waters, socks, cracker packs, cookie packs, canned raviolii, beef sticks, cereal bars, chicken jerky treats, individual bags of dog treats, Inaba chicken fillets, medium stainless steel pet bowls, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 3-28-2024

#2090 & #2091 Get 'The Works', 'Lady' Gets Vaccinated 3-27-2024

With all the 'no shows' we only provided 'the works' for 10 pets in March... Only two of the pets confirmed for spaying/neutering actually bothered to show up, this morning. The others never even called or texted... We had five pets scheduled for spay/neuter services. I really thought things were going to go smoothly, especially since two of the dogs belonged to a veteran who lives indoors. We should have had his two dogs and another art the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic as well as a cat and a dog at the Mary S. Robert's spay/neuter clinic. The companion of the one dog at Animal Services drove the companion of a dog that was supposed to be done at Mary S Robert's. Unfortunately, the Veteran was a no show and didn't bother to contact me either. The good thing was that the woman who was having her dog spayed did not have to drive her friend to the other clinic. We got both dogs checked in at Animal Services. When I left there, I went home for about thirty minutes and then went back out to the other clinic. It was more disappointment there. The gentleman who confirmed he would be there with his cat did not show and his phone went straight to voicemail when I tried to call. Someone did actually show up but it was not for spaying/neutering. A woman who stays in the Path of Life Community Shelter has her dog in the kennels there and never had the vaccinations updated or the dog flea/tick treated. We took care of the expenses of that as well as a much needed leash. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel card, socks, handmade pet jackets,puppy training pads, harness and leash set, wet puppy food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company,17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Juicy Bites, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Twins for cats, chicken jerky treats, buffalo tendon chew, plush squeaky toys, collapsible pet dish, large leash and a Tiller Tugs leash were shared.

#2090 & #2091 Get 'The Works', 'Lady' Gets Vaccinated 3-27-2024

Tuesday's Treasures 3-26-2024

I had a dental appointment this morning so the plan was to go out for a bit before that and then afterwards if there was time. I drove out to where a family had their RV parked in Jurupa Valley. I had gone the other day but they were all sleeping. Everyone was awake today. I visited with some of the pets, one of the children and the pet's companion. I provided some holiday treats for the children as well as needed supplies for the pets. From there I went to the dentist. I had a tooth pulled in September and there was a small piece that did not come out. It isn't a big deal but I will need to have it removed and take antibiotics again. My granddaughter's 1st birthday party is this week-end and I did not want to take a chance of having a sore mouth so I scheduled the appointment for a later date. Neither of us had time next weeks. It doesn't hurt and is not infected so the dentist said it is fine to wait a couple of weeks. However, by the time I got out of there, I needed to get home so I did not make anymore stops. Tomorrow is spay and neuter day. We have had so many no shows this month and I am hoping we end the month with everyone keeping appointments... Bottled waters, Easter pail and candy, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, harness and leash set, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company,17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Juicy Bites, Inaba Twins for cats and buffalo tendon chews were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 3-26-2024

Monday On The Move 3-25-2024

I did not go to the Path of Life Community Shelter, this morning, because my last two trips there have been wasted. If I do not have any other business on the Eastside, I probably won't go to the shelter unless someone makes specific arrangements with me. I did go back to Grant Terrace to meet with someone I did not see on Friday. I normally go on Saturday so it was not his fault that he did not bring the dogs up from the river bottom at that time. I was able to meet with him and both of his dogs before going to Fairmount Park. I wanted to see if the little stray dogs were still there but they were not. I did find 'Butch' and 'Ruckus' with their companions so I stayed for a bit. I was supposed to have an 11 am zoom meeting and was about to head home when a call came in saying the meeting was canceled. I did not really have any other plans but decided to take advantage of the free time by picking up some groceries and checking our PO Box. The afternoon was spent returning calls, emails, texts and finalizing the scheduling for spaying/neutering tomorrow... Bottled waters, socks, hand warmers, large trash bags, large collar, LED collar light, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet puppy food, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Chicken Fillets, bully sticks, and buffalo tendon chews were shared.

Monday On The Move 3-25-2024

Sunday On The Streets 3-24-2024

My first hour on the streets was pretty much wasted. The group of people I was supposed to meet, in the parking lot of Animal Services, has an emergency I did not hear about until lunch time. I showed up at our scheduled time, waited fifteen minutes, and when I couldn't reach anyone by text or call I left. I drove around the area looking for another gentleman and his dog but could not find them so I drove out to Agate Park in Jurupa Valley. The family with cats and dogs that I usually visit were sleeping. I woke one person up but she was not ready for a visit so I left. I then decided to drive to Rubidoux and look for the companion of the dog with the injured leg. I have been there multiple times but we have not been able to connect so I could get Feeding Pets Of The Homeless on the phone. He was there this morning but they are closed. They also don't normally do emergency care the last week of the month. I suggested he go to his mom's house and call from there, in order to get things started, Next I drove around the corner and looked for a couple of other people and their pets. I was able to find them and I am working on getting the unaltered male neutered. When I left that location, I was driving through a parking lot near Staters and I spotted a gentleman and his dog. I was actually looking for them earlier so it was perfect timing. I got out to speak to him, visited with the dog and distributed supplies, before calling it a day... Bottled waters, socks, hand and toe warmers, large trash bags, large collar and leash set, doggie waste bags with leash clip, chicken jerky treats, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Chicken Fillets, Inaba Juicy Bites, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks and buffalo tendon chews were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 3-24-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 3-22-2024

I usually go to the Eastside on Friday mornings and stop at the Path of Life Community Shelter. I mistakenly thought someone was going to meet me with their two dogs but they did not and nobody else came out either. I did not want to waste a trip to that part of town so I drove around looking for 'Solo' and his companion. I visited with them, provided supplies and then headed out to Grand Terrace. I normally go there on Saturdays but we are expecting rain and it gets very muddy there. I missed them the last two weeks and they needed supplies so today worked out great. There were a total of seven dogs. I gave all of them treats and chew sticks as well as provided what they were out of. When I left that location, I drove to the 99 cent store to pick up some collar and leash sets. They are only $3.99 but seem to hold up ok and come in handy when people show up without their pets but without collars and leashes. Because of the weather forecast, I plan to use the rainy day to take care of some personal errands and then hope for a dry morning so I can get back to my daily travels on Sunday... Bottled waters, socks, large trash bags, chicken jerky treats, small bag of dog food, wet dog food, 2-20 pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Chicken Fillets, peanut butter chew sticks and buffalo tendon chews were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 3-22-2024

Thursday's Treasures 3-21-2024

My morning began in the parking lot of Riverside County Animal Services. I arranged to meet three people there. Only one showed up but she was who I was most interested in being there. I wanted to be sure she received the wagon that was donated for her puppy that just had one of its legs amputated as well as provide them with other supplies. The companion was very grateful. When I left that location, I was going to meet the companion of two dogs one of which was recently killed by another dog. I had the ashes and paw print for her. She forgot to change her clocks so I had a good twenty minute wait or so but I was still thankful. She was able to get something she will always have as a reminder of her fur baby. While I was there, I also met with a second dog and his companion. All left with needed supplies. I still have the NERF ball shooter and looked for that dog and his companion but had no luck. I also wanted to speak to the companions of dogs in Rubidoux but decided to do that on a different day. COSTCO had Premier Protein Shakes on sale so I made the trip over there. Afterwards, I stopped at our PO Box where there was a nice donation of socks... Bottled waters, all terrain wagon, ashes and paw print of a dog named 'Elbie', Cosequin hip and join chews, Max and Neo fleece blanket, large collar, large trash bags, hand and toe warmers, chicken jerky treats, plush squeaky toys, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for cats, small bag of cat food, small bag of senior dog food, wet puppy food, small bag of puppy food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully sticks, peanut butter chew sticks, buffalo tendon chews, Inaba Chicken Fillets and hand made pet jackets were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 3-21-2024

#2089 Gets 'The Works' 3-20-2024

Everything was confirmed yesterday. We had a total off four pets scheduled for 'the works' at two different times and locations. I am sorry to say, things did not go as planned... At 7:15am, I received a text from someone who was supposed to drive her puppy and another puppy with his companion for this morning's appointments. She said the vehicle she was driving had a flat tire, This meant two pets would not be getting services and two appointments were wasted. We had three dogs scheduled for 'the works' at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic and the puppies I just mentioned were two of those. Thankfully, one person did show up with her dog. We also had one cat scheduled at the Mary S Robert's spay/neuter clinic. The companion of the cat is not homeless but she is a Veteran which is why we were taking care of 'the works' for her pet. It was getting late so I texted her with no response. I then called and she claimed she texted me earlier stating that she could not catch the cat. This person lives in a home and I asked her to please secure the cat the night before, to make sure it did not eat anything and was ready for surgery. It just goes to show, that having a home does not make one more responsible... I am still limiting the number of appointments to four each week, due to our finances. That would mean 16 to 20 a month which is not great but still a decent number. Only doing one was disappointing but it still means there is one more pet that will not be adding to pet overpopulation in the homeless community or our community at large and that is a good thing! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... ARCO fuel cards, Inaba Churus, Inaba Chicken Fillets, Inaba Chicken Stew and Inaba Churu Bites were shared.

#2089 Gets 'The Works' 3-20-2024

Tuesday's Treasures 3-19-2024

I have been trying to get medical help for a dog in Rubidoux but the gentleman does not have a phone. I called Feeding Pets of The Homeless last week, while I was with them, but the message never made it to a case worker. I called this morning and spoke to one directly, I told her I was on my way to Rubidoux and would call while I was with him. Unfortunately, he was not there and nobody knew when he would be back. I gave some treats and chew sticks to the dogs and headed to Fairmount Park. When I was getting out of my vehicle, I noticed three small dogs running around. I tried to approach them but they ran from me. I was able to get more information while visiting with two other dogs and their companions. It is most likely that these littles were dumped. They have been there for three days and stay in the same area. Some of the homeless have left food out for them but nobody could approach them. I tried again, after I was done visiting with the dogs I stopped for, but I could only get so close. I threw treats and they eventually came for them but that was it. I am worried about the traffic on Market Street and the Coyotes. I called Sgt. Sanders at Riverside County Animal Services and asked him to send an AC Officer. If they are able to gel the dogs and nobody comes from them, I am almost sure I know a rescue that will take them in. I will just be sure to cover their spay/neuter services, if it has not already been done. After leaving the park, I drove to the downtown Salvation Army and then to a church on Kansas. Nobody with pets was at the first location but I knew 'Solo' and his companion would be at the second. The companion was showering, but I was able to visit with 'Solo'. His sutures were removed and the vet said everything looked good. On my way to our PO Box, I drove through Rubidoux again, hoping to find the companion of the injured dog but he still wasn't back. I left a message with someone and if he knows someone with a phone he can call me. My final stop was our PO Box. One of the donations I picked up there was a wagon for a dog that recently had to have one of her leg's amputated. I tried to call the companion immediately, but it went straight to voicemail. If I receive a call this week, I will get it to her this week-end... Bottled waters, large bag of recyclables, Inaba Chicken Fillets, small bag of dog food, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, kabob chews sticks, buffalo tendon chew, bully sticks and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 3-19-2024

Monday On The Move 3-18-2024

Every morning, I leave the house with the intention of assisting as many homeless with pets as possible. Sometimes that includes a large number and other times it is just one or two. Either way, the only thing I ever waste is fuel. I never feel it is a waste of my time trying to be of service….My first stop today was on my way to the Path of Life Community Shelter. I was a couple blocks away, when I spotted someone who had recently left the facility and was walking up Kansas Avenue. I pulled into a nearby parking lot and spent some time with the dog and her companion. From there, I went to the parking lot of the Path of Life Community Shelter. I was expecting to visit with a couple of different people and a total of four dogs but that was not the case. There was just one person with her two dogs. I visited, provided a few supplies and then began driving around the Eastside. I went to Hunter Park and drove through different areas off of University Avenue but had no luck so I proceeded to Fairmount Park. To my surprise, I did not find anyone there either and continued to Rubidoux. No luck there either. I had about thirty minutes left, before I had to get to a personal appointment, so I drove out to Jurupa and Van Buren, looking for a dog named 'Chevy' and his companion. I wanted to give them the NERF ball shooter that was sent specially for them. They were not at that location but I spoke to someone who was. He said the companion got a motor home but he did not know where they were parked. I am pretty sure I know where, but I am not comfortable driving there as I am concerned about puncturing another tire. I will keep going to the street that is next to the field, in hopes that they will be out of the motor home at some point and I can get their attention. In the meantime, I will keep the ball shooter with me just incase. Final stop was the post office. There was a possibility that a wagon being sent for a dog that just had its leg amputated might be there. It was not but I will check again and be sure to notify the dog's companion when it does... Bottled waters, Inaba Churu Bites, kabob chews sticks, buffalo tendon chews and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Monday On The Move 3-18-2024

Sunday On The Streets 3-17-2024

At 7am, I read an email that was sent from a program in my vehicle. It said that my rear driver side tire was in need of air. Unfortunately, the charity work takes me to places where I often wind up with things in my tires. I try to be careful but I can't see every nail, screw etc. that is on the ground. All of the construction going on around where I live, does not help either. When I went out to check, the tire pressure said 2 so I went in the house and called AAA. They said someone would be here in about thirty five minutes. The truck actually showed up in ten or fifteen. He filled the tire and said it looked like a small nail was in it. He put my spare on to be sure, I could make it to the tire shop. I went online and scheduled the first available appointment at 9:30am. It was a nail, they repaired it and I was back on the road at 10am. I was very Grateful the tire did not need replaced and that everything was taken care if so quickly. I went home, put all of the supplies back in the rear hatch and drove to what I was hoping would be my first stop. A NERF ball shooter was donated for a specific dog and I wanted to give it to him but his companion was not in the place I usually find them. I continued driving and headed out to Agate Park in Jurupa Valley. I visited a family there and provided supplies. There are children in this family so I brought a few homemade cookies too. When we were done, I drove around a small area of Jurupa Valley but did not see anyone with pets. I drove back out to the first location, still hoping to give the dog his ball shooter, but they were not there. At that point, it was nearly lunch time so I decided to call it a day... Bottled waters, homemade cookies, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Chicken Fillets, Inaba Twins for cats, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, individual bag of dog treats, buffalo tendon chews and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 3-17-2024

Saturday's Smiles 3-16-2024

It was raining again, this morning, so I was not sure if I was going to be doing my daily travels. Thankfully, it did not last long. Everything was wet and muddy from last night's rainfall and whatever we received today but the sun came out. Saturdays are usually when I go to homeless encampments in Grand Terrace. Last week, everyone was either sleeping or not around. This morning was just about the same, with the exception of two dogs that came out to greet me. I called out to some of the people in the area but nobody responded. After giving the dogs treats and a buffalo tendon chew, I left. I decided to check out a few spots in Rubidoux. One was to find out if the companion of an injured dog was able to speak to someone at Feeding Pets Of The Homeless. He is not sure if they tried calling him back, because his friend with the phone left. I told him I will call Monday and se if I can set something up so they can speak to him Tuesday on my phone. Both of his dogs need spayed and neutered so we are figuring out how to make that happen too. My next stop was a block or so up the street. I was unable to wake the person I was there for but I did run inti another gentleman who had his mom's dog with him. We had spoken last week about us neutering the dog for her. The gentleman and his girlfriend have a puppy so we need to do the surgeries on the same day, in order for them to have transportation. I didn't get out of my vehicle at the next stop but did speak to a couple with a male chihuahua mix. I offered our services but he said he plans to breed the dog. He wants the dog to father litters. I told him it was a bad idea and mentioned all the dogs that get euthanized in our shelters. I said I wished he wouldn't but he was not changing his mind. Some people are just too selfish to care and offering free services does not matter to them. I drove away wishing I could have made him understand what a bad idea the breeding was. I drove around for a little bit longer, looking for a couple of other people with dog but I did not have any luck. I continued driving to our PO Box, got fuel and went home... Bottled waters, Max and Neo large dog collar, buffalo tendon chews and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 3-16-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 3-15-2024

The day got off to a good start. I drove to the Eastside and parked in the lot at the Path of Life Community Shelter. I met with one dog and her companion as well as two other dogs and their companion. We visited and I provided supplies. When I left that location, I drove around the Eastside looking for 'Solo' and his companion. The dog was supposed to have his sutures removed. I wanted to check on him but had no luck finding them so I continued on to the Old Pine Center and Ryan Bonominio Park. No pets at either place. From there I headed to the Mary S. Robert's clinic. I was supposed to meet the person who borrowed my carrier but slept through my pounding on the motel room door yesterday. Unfortunately, she was a no show and did not bother to call or text either. This is why I don't like to lend my carriers out. Too many don't have the courtesy to get them back to me. This woman showed up Wednesday with no carrier at all for her cat so I thought she would be more responsible. Lesson learned again…the hard way…The other reason I stopped at the clinic was to give a puppy her second set of vaccinations. She received the first set when we spayed her three weeks ago. We do not update vaccines anymore but do offer completing them, once the pet is spayed or neutered. Unfortunately, that dog was a no show. I called and texted her companions but got no response. After waiting for about fifteen minutes, I left. I took a drive to where another pet and his companion usually are but they were not there. However, when I went to where the dog that did not show for vaccinations sleeps, I came upon him and his companion. I let the companion know that someoene was kind enough to donate a ball shooter with extra balls, for his dog, and that they should arrive this week-end. While visiting them, I stood near the van where the dog needing vaccinations sleep with her companions. They did not answer at first but finally came out. They overslept and I was not going to wait for them to walk or take a bus to the clinic. I suggested they buy the vaccines at a feed store. I offered to continue bringing dog food but will not be trying to arrange future vaccinations. I feel bad about it but I don't like wasting my time or fuel on those who don't even let me know they can't make an appointment. I made one last stop at the post office and then Calle it a day. Hopefully tomorrow is less frustrating than yesterday and today... Bottled waters, training pads, collapsible pet dish, wet dog food, 2 small bags of small bites for small dogs, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, peanut butter chew sticks, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendon chews and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 3-15-2024

Thursday's Treasure 3-14-2024

Yesterday, we provided 'the works' for three pets. Two of them were dogs and one cat. I don't usually put cat's in a room after spay, unless it is raining or very hot, but the companion showed up without a carrier for the spay appointment and I let her borrow mine. I figured they could get a good night's rest and then I would pick the carrier up this morning. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned for that. I banged on the motel room door for a good five minutes but could not get anyone to wake up. Her phone was dead so I had the office ring the room with no luck. After that, I went to visit one of the dog's. Her companion got up and I was able to visit. He only wanted the room for one night and then I found out that his ride fell through so he had no idea how he was going to get back to his spot and I don't have people to help with that. After he checked out, the motel sent me photos of the sheets and towels. I guess the dog got sick to her stomach and her companion did not go get rags from the office to clean it up. Not good. The third room I went to was for the other dog that was spayed. I banged on the door multiple times. I heard a dog bark but nobody came to the door. I called, texted and had the motel ring the room but no response. The pets are put in rooms so they can begin their recovery, but also so that it makes it easier for me to check on them the next day. That is the goal anyway but when people don't bother to make sure they are awake or there at the time I say I am coming then there is not much I can do….When I left the motel, I drove to Rubidoux to speak to the companion of a dog that has an injured leg. His phone is broken so I called Feeding Pets Of The Homeless and put us on speaker. A case worker should be calling back and I am hoping to get the dog treated and neutered as well. His female dog is in heat and I am hoping to get her spayed on Wednesday. I won't know any of this for sure, until I see if the companion can get things worked out with rides, etc... Bottled waters and chicken jerky treats were shared.

Thursday's Treasure 3-14-2024

#2086, #2087 & #2088 Get 'The Works' 3-13-2024

Because I had a dental appointment this morning, I only scheduled spay/neuter appointments at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. Those appointments included two female dogs and one female cat. The dogs and their companions were there when I arrived at 7:30am. The cat's companion arrived a little after 8am and without a carrier. Thankfully, I had one with me just incase. All were checked in a little before 8:30am and I was able to go home, run an errand and make it to my dental appointment on time. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, McDonald's gift cards, canned ravioli, cracker packs, cookie packs, cereal bars, handmade pet jackets, 2 small bags of cat food, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Churus and a Max and Neo fleece blanket were shared.

#2086, #2087 & #2088 Get 'The Works' 3-13-2024

#2085 Gets 'The Works' & Tuesday's Treasures 3-12-2024

On Monday, we took care of the cost to have a homeless gentleman's impounded dog neutered, micro chipped, vaccinated and flea/tick treated. He became our #2085 to get 'the works'. I had not seen him, since his release. His companion declined a motel room so I wanted to check on him this morning. I also needed to meet someone to pick up a carrier that was borrowed for a recent cat spay. Before I went to the park, I drove out to Jurupa and Van Buren and visited a dog there. When I was done at that location, I headed to the park. I was able to get my carrier back, visit with three dogs and provide supplies. From there, I drove through different areas of Rubidoux. The first pet I saw was with someone who was clearly smoking crack or heroin so I thought it best to keep driving. I had planned to stop and talk to some people I met yesterday but I wound up making a stop for two other dogs first and then didn't have time to go to the other spot. I was having some electrical done at my house and I wanted to get back while they were still there... Bottled waters, handmade pet jackets, large stainless steel pet dish, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, medium leash, 2 large collar and leash sets, leash, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, Tiller Tugs squeaky tug toy, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

#2085 Gets 'The Works' & Tuesday's Treasures 3-12-2024

Monday On The Move 3-11-2024

I thought I was going to meet some people with their pets at the Path of Life Community shelter this morning but nobody was out there. I decided to go check on 'Solo' and see how his recuperation from a recent surgery was going. On my way, I spotted someone pushing a stroller with a dog in it and he was wearing one of the fleece jackets I have been giving to everyone's pets. As soon as he spotted my vehicle, he began barking so I pulled over and spent a few minutes with him. From there I visited 'Solo'. He looked great and should be getting his sutures out during the next couple of days. When I left that location, I went back by the shelter but there still wasn't anyone outside. I drove through Fairmount Park, ext. I was looking for the companion of a dog that was recently impounded and that had the neuter, chip, vaccination and flea/tick treatment covered by 'Taking It To The Streets'. I did not find the gentleman so I drove up Mission Blvd. to a side street where there is a homeless encampment. I met three new dogs and discussed a couple others that normally stay there. All are in need of spaying/neutering and one needs to have his leg looked at. I gave the number for Feeding Pets Of The Homeless to that dog's companion. Because we were getting our donation of pet food from the Star Milling Company, I did not have time to visit anymore pets. I made a brief stop at home, to pick up the sugar free banana chocolate chip bread I baked for Cindy and Seth Cox who were kind enough to do the pick up, delivery and help unload. Unfortunately, there was no cat food but thankful, we have a few bags left from last month as well as some small bags so I am sure we will be fine. Thanks Again to Cindy and Seth for all of your help!... Bottled waters, leash, chicken jerky treats, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Churu Bites, peanut butter chew sticks, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks and buffalo tendons were shared.

Monday On The Move 3-11-2024

Saturday's Smiles 3-09-2024

Monday is my daughter's birthday. My children, daughter-in-law and granddaughter will be here for dinner tomorrow night. I won't be doing my daily travels so I can cook, bake and get ready for the visit. Because of that, I was hoping to catch up with as many people/pets as possible today. Unfortunately, I was not very successful... I made my usual Saturday trip to an encampment in Grand Terrace but everyone was either still sleeping or not there. I had called someone on my way to that location. We agreed to meet at a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. I provided her with supplies for her dog and her cats and then headed to Rubidoux. I drove around a few areas where I was hoping to find individuals with their pets but most were not in any of their usual spots. I did find one companion and her dog. There was also a couple with her that have a puppy so I spent some time with all of them. I also wound up feeding a very matted dog that was clearly hungry. I was hoping to catch it but could not get that close. I did not have enough time to stay there any longer than I did so I took photos and asked the people to feed the dog if it came back. I left a small bag of food and will look for it the next time I am in the area. My final stop was going to be our PO Box but when I was leaving, I noticed a car across the parking lot. It was a vehicle belonging to someone with a dog I frequently stop for so I drove over, spent a few minutes with her/them and then went home... Bottled waters, emergency blankets, xlarge hand warmers, toe warmers, large trash bags, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, pet jacket, small bag of AvoDerm dog food, wet dog food, small bag of puppy food, wet puppy food, puppy training pads, doggie waste bags, Inaba chicken fillets, Inaba Juicy Bites, Inaba Tuna Fillets, Inaba Churus, medium harness/leash set, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, peanut butter chew sticks, bully sticks and a buffalo tendon were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 3-09-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 3-08-2024

I had a personal appointment late this morning so I was only out for a couple of hours but that time was productive. One of the things I helped make happen had to do with a dog that was impounded. His homeless companion had not wanted to neuter him so I had not done much for them in the past but I offered to do what we usually do in this situation. That would include paying for neutering, micro chipping, vaccinating, flea and tick treating and a nail trim. It did not include impound fees,, boarding or any other fines. I made sure to notify Riverside County Animal Services that the companion would be there today and gave approval for part of the money owed. I spoke to Pastor Joe, who was giving the gentleman a ride to the shelter. He said everything went well which was good to hear! Later in the afternoon, I found out that a dog I was supposed to provide 'the works' for on Wednesday, was hit by a car. She is at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services where she will get spayed at the same time she is having a leg amputated. Her companion has another dog that I will still be providing 'the works' for next week and then I hope to put the three of them in the motel for at least two nights... When I left the house today, I drove to the Eastside looking for 'Solo'. I wanted to see how he was doing, after last week's surgery. I was not able to find him and his companion but will look again on Monday. Next, I went to the Path of Life Community Shelter. I saw 'Lady' and her companion walking up Massachusetts so I stopped to visit them and then went to the parking lot of the shelter to visit with two other dogs. From there, I went to Fairmount Park. I was supposed to meet with a few people to get back a cat carrier that was borrowed and to give others some items that were sent specifically for their pets. I called the person with my carrier. He said he forgot so I did not get it back. I did find two dogs I was hoping to see. One was in need of senior food as well as hip/joint chews. The other was waiting for a custom made double clasp leash from Tiller Tugs. While I was there, I also visited with, and provided supplies for, two other dogs, before driving to another area of the park where I was supposed to meet two dogs and their companion. They were waiting for me, when I arrived. I had a Tiller Tugs leash for one of them and a harness/leash set for the other. They needed a few other supplies, which I gave them as well. When we were done, I had just enough time to go home, give my dog a potty break and get to my 11am appointment... Bottled waters, xlarge hand warmers, toe warmers, large trash bags, wet dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of senior dog food, small bag of adult dog food, hip and joint chews, individual bags of dog treats, chicken jerky treats, Tiller Tugs leash. Tiller Tug double clasp leash, large harness and leash set, kabob chew sticks, peanut butter chew sticks, bully sticks and a buffalo tendon were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 3-08-2024

Thursday's Treasures 3-07-2024

We did not have anyone in rooms at the motel last night so I did not have to go there to check on pets. We had quite a bit of rain last night and the ground was wet and muddy most everywhere. I did a lot of driving Jurupa Valley and part of Riverside but only made one stop where there were pets. They have cats and dogs so I was able to provide supplies for both. I did not see the cats but made sure they had food and treats. The dogs all got treats and a buffalo tendon chew. Hoping for tomorrow to be drier and more productive... Bottled waters, Inaba Churus, Inaba Twins for cats, Inaba Juicy Bites, wet dog food, wet puppy food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, individual bags of dog treats, chicken jerky treats and a buffalo tendon were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 3-07-2024

#2082,#2083 and #2084 Get 'The Works' 3-06-2024

Today turned into an all cat day... I made two trips this morning because we had two dogs and one cat scheduled for 'the works' at the Riverside County Animal Services spay/neuter clinic and two cats scheduled at the Mary S. Robert's spay/neuter clinic. I arrived at the first location at 7:30am. The companion of the cat was there but the companion of the dogs was not. I texted and called multiple times with no response. I also did the same with the woman who confirmed the ride for them last night. Around 8am, I finally heard back. They were not going to make it. I told them I would reschedule for next week if they were one hundred percent sure they could get a ride. I was told yes so I hope that happens. I went home briefly, after leaving the clinic and then went to the second location. The companion of both cats arrived, a few minutes after I got there. One of the cats has what is believed to be 'wobbly cat syndrome'. It cost a little extra to have her done but we were able to get both cats checked in. That cat is the mama of the other one being done today. I was told she has had multiple litters and is supposed to be a little more than one year old. I am grateful there will be no more for her. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Bottled waters, ARCO fuel cards, Inaba Churus, Inaba Twins for cats, Training Pads, cat harness and leash set, cat toys and a buffalo tendon were shared.

#2082,#2083 and #2084 Get 'The Works' 3-06-2024

Tuesday's Treasures 3-05-2024

I was asked to meet someone off of Market Street by the Adams Motocross race track so that was my first stop of the day. The gentleman showed up with his two dogs and I was able to visit as well as provide needed supplies. Someone else was supposed to meet me so I could give his dogs a leashes and a harness that was sent specifically for them but he did not show. I will hold on to them, until we can get together. My next stop was at Fairmount Park. I did not find who I was looking for but did stop for a different dog, before heading over to the Salvation Army in downtown Riverside. I saw a gentleman with two dogs there but he was sleeping. Because we had never met, I decided not to wake him. From there, I drove through Rubidoux. I stopped to visit with two dogs but their companion was sleeping so I did not stay long. I was about to call it a day, until I noticed a couple with their dog outside a nearby Del Taco when I went to our PO Box. I pulled into the parking lot and found that it was a dog we recently provided 'the works' for. I was asking around about the three of them, last week so I was glad I ran into them. They said their phone is back on so that should make it easier to stay in touch... Bottled waters, socks, hand warmers, large trash bags, handmade pet jackets, Tiller Tugs leash, Max and Neo dog collar, chicken jerky treats, small bag of dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Churus, Inaba Chicken Fillets, collapsible pet dish, Tiller Tugs tug squeaky tug toy, peanut butter chew sticks, bully sticks and buffalo tendon chews were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 3-05-2024

Monday On The Move 3-04-2024

When I left my home, I drove out to the Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside. I thought a couple of people were meeting me but nobody did. I headed over to Hunter Park next but there was nobody there with pets. I never made it to Grand Terrace, this week-end, so I went there this morning. I visited with five pets and provided a few supplies. From there, I drove to Rubidoux. I checked out a few locations with no luck but then I spotted someone I had seen the other day. She was on Mission Blvd. She was told to move and was packing up her belongings. She only had one dog with her today and that was hers. I made another offer to provide him with 'the works' but she was too stressed out about moving to discuss it. I will try again another time. My final stop was at the post office. Nothing in our PO Box but I was able to ship some homemade cookies to some very special people... Bottled waters, hand warmers, chicken jerky treats, small bag of AvoDerm dog food, wet dog food, Inaba Churus, Inaba Churu Bites, Inaba Chicken Fillets, bully sticks and buffalo tendon chews were shared.

Monday On The Move 3-04-2024

Saturday's Smiles 3-02-2024

The rain let up for a bit this morning so I decided to spend a couple of hours doing my daily travels. I usually go to Grand Terrace but I did not make it there. My plans for tomorrow will include going there, if I am not with family and it's not raining too hard. One of the reasons I did not get out that way was because I was looking for someone I have not seen in a couple of months. While I was driving around Rubidoux checking things out, I ran into 'Spud' and his companion and not too far from there I met a woman who had her dog with her as well as a friend's. When I left that location, I drove through Fairmount Park. I was hoping someone might have seen a couple of other people. One has a phone that is not on and the other has a phone that rarely works where he stays in the river bottom. I did not have any luck with that but when I left the park, I drove through some other areas of Rubidoux where people told me they have seen the person and dog I am concerned about. Still no luck but I put the word out that I am trying to make contact so we will see how that goes. My final stop was our PO Box. One of my eye drop prescriptions was there but no donations today... Bottled waters, hand warmers, chicken jerky treats, peanut butter chew sticks, bully sticks, kabob chew sticks, plush squeaky toy and Inaba chicken fillets were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 3-02-2024

Friday's Furry Friends 3-01-2024

My day began at the Path of Life Community Shelter on the Eastside. I visited two pets and provided supplies. When I left that location, I got on the freeway and drove out to the Jurupa Valley Motel6. I wanted to see how 'Solo' was doing, after yesterday's surgery to remove a growth on his chest. While I was at the motel, I visited a dog that was spayed on Wednesday and another dog that happened to be there. I also checked on the brother and sister that had a variety of services done on Wednesday. From there, I went to out PO Box to pick up a much needed donation of bully sticks and buffalo tendons before making my way home... Bottled waters, men's hygiene kit, small bag of small bites dog food, pet jacket, wet dog food, Inaba Churu Bites, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, bully stick, kabob chew sticks, buffalo tendons, chicken jerky treats and Inaba chicken fillets were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 3-01-2024
2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC