Taking It To The Streets With Lori And Shira  

Journal - February 2023

2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC

Tuesday's Treasures 2-28-2023

I scheduled a dental appointment for 8am but we when I arrived, I found out that they had me down for x-rays and an exam instead of the cleaning I though I was there for. I am having dental work done at another dental office, in the near future, so I will go back for the x-rays and exam when that is completed. This gave me more free time than I had expected so I decided to go to Massachusetts on the Eastside. It was not raining but there was only one person out there with a pet. I visited with him and then drove to Hunter Park as well as a couple of nearby locations. I did not have any luck finding anyone with pets so I called the companion of 'Solo'. He told me where they were and I went to meet them. I also went to visit a couple of dogs staying with their companions at the Budget Inn. When I left the motel, I drove to our PO Box where there were three boxes of supply donations waiting for me. From there I went home. My dog had not had a walk in a few days, due to the cold and the rain so I wanted to take him out, before the rain we were expecting this afternoon. Soon after our walk, it was time to go meet my friend Brandy Knochel for lunch, which she treated me to. (Thanks again Brandy). The rest of the day was spent doing many different tasks but the most important was trying to catch up with those who needed spay/neuter appointments. The weather caused so much havoc for most of them and it was nearly impossible to reach anyone. Not sure how it will go tomorrow but I hope to get to those I missed during the following week... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, rain ponchos, pet scarf, pet cap, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, small bag of dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, plush squeaky dog toys and Inaba Churus for dogs were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 2-28-2023

Monday On The Move 2-27-2023

Last night, we reserved four rooms for people and pets so they could try and dry out and stay warm. I debated on whether to take my usual trip to the Eastside or go to the motel. I decided to go to the motel and then planned to go to the Eastside afterwards if I had time before a personal appointment I had at 11am. As it turned out, I only had time to go to the motel so I will go back to the Eastside on Friday. Weather permitting of course. It was barely 40 degrees when I was out today and I was concerned that everybody would still be tucked away in their tents outside anyway. This weather is certainly making things a lot more difficult than usual. I had a waiting list for people who needed spay and neuter services but I am unable to reach any of them right now. Wednesday is the first of March and I am hoping we are able to get off to a good start but there is no telling until it gets warmer and drier... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, medium sized pet bed, pet scarf, doggie waste bags with flashlight leash clip, small bags of dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, plush squeaky dog toys and Inaba Churus for dogs were shared.

Monday On The Move 2-27-2023


I had every intention of doing my daily travels today but the rain never let up. I would have still ventured out but when it is raining this hard, people do their best to take cover and it is nearly impossible for me to visit any pets. I have a family commitment tomorrow and will not be able to go out then either but the day was not totally wasted. I started a list of people who might like a warm dry night out of the elements and will be reserving rooms for them. Depending on how things look on Monday, I will either go to the Eastside, the motel or both. At this point, we are expected to see rain through next Wednesday so I just have to take things day by day. On the brighter side of this non-productive day, I did have lunch with a friend who also wants to volunteer to help raise some money for us so that was a nice break during from the gloomy weather.

Friday's Furry Friends 2-24-2023

I did not have the most productive morning but I did manage to visit with and distribute supplies for three pets. When I left the house, it was 45 degrees and the rain had let up but when I arrived on the Eastside, there were no people with dogs out on the street. All of the tents were zipped up and nobody from the Path of Life Community Shelter was outside with their pets so I decided to take a drive through Fairmount Park. Some of the park was flooded and closed off and the rest was pretty empty. The old Pine Center and Ryan Bonominio Park are not too far from Fairmount so I went there next. There was nobody with pets at Pine Center but I saw a truck I recognized in one of the parking lots at the park. I pulled in and spent some time with them, before driving back to the Eastside one more time. I was able to connect with two people and their pets but everyone else was still tucked away in their tents or in the shelter and kennel. By this time, I had spent a couple of hours on the streets and needed to get back home to give my dog a potty break and get to a personal appointment across town. The weather is supposed to be bad for another week so I am not sure how much I will get accomplished. I do not normally take days off but that will slightly change over the next week. February 26th I am spending time with family. March 4th is my daughter in law's baby shower and then my granddaughter is due at the end of March. I will always do my best to provide help where needed but family always comes first and I want to enjoy any time I am able to spend with them... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, large bag of recyclables, rain ponchos, small collar, small leash, small bag of dog food, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, squeaky tennis ball, Inaba Twins for dogs and Inaba Churus for dogs were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 2-24-2023

Thursday's Treasures 2-23-23

When I left the house this morning, it was 39 degrees and raining. I was grateful that my only plans to visit pets were going to be at the motel. I went to the Jurupa Valley Motel6 and visited with five of the seven pets that received 'the works' yesterday. I also had an opportunity to visit with a couple of pets that were in a room with their companion. A few of the pets were in need of supplies and they received those items. When I left the motel, I drove out to Eastvale so I could look at desk tops and laptops. My laptop is eight years old and it is having issues staying connected to the internet. I do not want to spend money on a new one but I have to if I am going to be able to do many of the daily tasks that require I be online. I did not buy anything but I got an idea of how much it will cost and will make the purchase as soon as more funds come in and I know I don't have to give up any spays or neuters in order to make the purchase... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, wet kitten food, wet cat food, small bag of kitten food, small bag of dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, kabob chew sticks, bully sticks, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus for dogs and Inaba Churu Pops were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 2-23-23

#1890,91,92,93,94,95 & #1896 Get 'The Works' 2-22-2023

We provided 'the works' for 25 pets this month. There were 14 dogs and 11 cats. Six of the dogs were females and eight of the cats were females. Some of the females already had litters but there will be no more now and the males will not be fathering any either... This day got off to a great start. Last week, I was contacted by Michael Welsh from 'Working Dogs For Warriors' about two Veterans who needed services for their dogs. This morning, both were checked in to the spay/neuter clinic at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services to get that done. I am grateful each time we are able to provide services for homeless with pets and it is always a good feeling to assist a Veteran with their pet too. While we were waiting for the facility to open, a woman was in the parking lot trying to catch a pug. I asked if it was her dog and she said she had found it. I got a slip lead from my vehicle and checked him for a microchip. He had one. I gave the finder the number for the chip and Home Again so she could call. She found out the dog's name was Charlie but the chip company could not reach the owners. I explained the problems that can occur when turning the dog in, if the owners can't afford to get him out. She was kind enough to tell me she would take the dog home overnight, incase the owner got in touch later today. Within thirty minutes of leaving the shelter, she told me the owners called her. Turned out he lived up the street from her and she brought him home. Happy Endings are the best! After making a brief stop at home, I went back out to the spay/neuter clinic at the Mary S. Robert's Pet Adoption Center. We had one female dog, three female cats and one male cat scheduled for 'the works'. All showed up and all were on time! I also found out from one of the clinic's volunteers, that her son had a fundraiser for us and has a donation to make. We are definitely in need of donations at this time so it was a wonderful surprise. In addition to having a productive spay/neuter day, and learning of an unexpected gift, I had an opportunity to go to lunch with my daughter. Feeling very thankful right now. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, Visa Debit fuel cards, wet cat food, small bag of puppy food, 17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company and a plush squeaky dog toy were shared.

#1890,91,92,93,94,95 & #1896 Get 'The Works' 2-22-2023

Tuesday's Treasures 2-21-2023

I was asked to meet two different people at the vaccination clinic this morning. Each of them has a puppy we provided 'the works' for and needed their second set of vaccinations. When I arrived, nobody was there. Their phones went straight to voicemail so I had no way to reach them. I left instructions at the desk, incase they showed up late and started driving to a few different locations. I went to the old Pine Center and Ryan Bonominio Park but I did not see anyone with pets and continued to Fairmount Park. I found a couple of people there and stayed for a bit. I visited the four pets and distributed supplies. I was going to go back to the clinic but both companions were no shows. I am sorry the puppies are not getting what they need and hope they stay healthy. By not returning to the clinic, I had time to go to our storage units and pick up more waters and pet food. Afterwards, I checked our PO Box and then called it a day... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, fleece blanket, medium collar and leash set, doggie waste bags with leash clip, small bag of dry dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Churu Pops, simply cesar chicken for dog, wet cat food, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks and plush squeaky toy were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 2-21-2023

Monday On The Move 2-20-2023

It's been along time since Christine Ramirez was able to ride with me but that changed today. She volunteered again and I took her to a couple of locations I normally go to on Mondays. She did not know most of the dogs but was happy to meet the new ones. We parked in the lot outside the Path of Life Community Shelter and then walked around Massachusetts Avenue. We visited with six pets and distributed needed supplies. When we left that location, we drove past Hunter Hobby Park on our way to a nearby field where there is a homeless encampment. I did not see anyone with pets at the park so we did not stop. When we got to the field, we visited with and distributed supplies for four more pets. The people staying there said they were all leaving the encampment over the next couple of days. It did not seem like any of them were sure where they were going to go so I hope they keep me posted. After leaving the field, I took a drive through the park but still didn't see anyone with pets. I headed to Rubidoux, looking for someone we had passed earlier in the morning but they were nowhere to be found so we decided to call it a day. We went back to my house, took my dog on a walk and then went out to lunch. It felt just like the old days (before Covid) when Christine used to ride with me once a week. It was nice to have the company! Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, pet sweater, small bags of dry dog food, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, wet dog food, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 2-20-2023

Sunday On The Streets 2-19-2023

After doing some baking and taking my dog on a walk, I headed out to meet someone at a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. I was supposed to meet him in order to check for microchips on two chihuahua mixes his daughter found in a common dumping area a couple of months ago. He met with me yesterday with one of his own dogs but did not have the others with him. I have no idea why he did not show up but I was still able to meet with other people and pets while I was there. One of those was a puppy we neutered recently and the other was a dog someone found in what he described as a remote area. He said the dog was thin and beat up. She still looked a little ragged even now. He took her to a vet to get her checked out and for vaccinations. He assumed the vet checked for a chip but had me double check today and I did find one. I took a photo of the ID that was on my scanner and texted it to him so he could follow up. I also called to do the same. The chip was not registered but I got the number where it was implanted and will call on Tuesday to see what I can find out... My next stop was going to be Fairmount Park but I drove around the entire park and could not find the person I was there for. I did call and she said she overslept and could meet me in fifteen minutes but I needed to get going. I left that location and drove over to the old Pine Center and Ryan Bonominio Park. I was able to find someone I was hoping to see as I was going through the parking lots. I pulled in to park, visited with the dogs and distributed needed supplies. My final stop was the T-Mobile store. The new phone I ordered came in a couple of days ago. I had already purchased accessories so I brought the phone and those items in to the store. We were able to get just about everything transferred over and the case got put on but the employees did not know how to apply the liquid glass screen protection so I have to take the phone somewhere else for that. My last phone went through a number of screen protectors all of which cracked or broke. I never had a single issue, once the liquid protector was put on. However, I don't want to mess with it and will let someone who knows what they are doing take care of it... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, small bags of dry puppy food, small bag of dog food, wet dog food, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Twins for dogs, chicken jerky treats and kabob chew were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 2-19-2023

Saturday's Smiles 2-18-2023

My first trip of the day was to go to storage and pick up supplies as well as stop for fuel. I went home to unload and reload for this morning and then went back out. I made two stops at different river bottom outlets in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. I visited with three pets and distributed supplies for them and others. When I left that location, I headed towards Ryan Bonaminio Park. The park was packed so I met a couple of people down the street on Tequisquite. The gentleman I met with first had three dogs with him and a woman drove over with her dog too. Each person received needed supplies and I fed their dogs plenty of jerky treats during our visit. When we were done, I drove to the post office to pick up a donation of puppy food at our PO Box and went back home. The temperatures had warmed up to the high 50's so I was finally ready to take my dog for his walk... .Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, hand and toe warmers, body wipes, socks, Benadryl caplets, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet cat food, 3- 20-pound bags of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, small bag of kitten food, wet kitten food, wet dog food, Simply Cesar's chicken for dogs, small bags of dog food, Max and Neo dog collar, kabob chew sticks and bully slices were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 2-18-2023

Friday's Furry Friends 2-17-2023

I began my day on the Eastside. I parked in the parking lot of the Path of Life Community shelter. I walked around Massachusetts Avenue where some of the tents were and I also spent some time outside the kennel area. I visited with seven pets and distributed needed supplies, before heading over to the Mary S Roberts Pet Adoption Center spay/neuter clinic to meet a couple of people whose pets needed well checks. Three of those were cats. They received vaccinations, microchips and flea treatments. They will get their spays and neuter done on Wednesday. Two of the pets were dogs. They needed their vaccinations updated and received flea/tick treatments too. When I left the clinic, I went home to take my dog on a thirty-minute walk. Soon after, I stopped at our PO Box. Afterwards, I met for lunch with the Director and a couple of friends from 'Family Promise'. I learned a little more about the Non-Profit that just had their ribbon cutting ceremony last night. It is always good to know what kind of help there is for the homeless, especially when it is a new organization doing good things in our community... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, ARCO fuel card, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, wet cat food, 20-pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, small bags of dog food, pet jacket, Max and Neo dog collar, Max and Neo dog leash, doggie waste bags, kabob chew sticks and bully slices were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 2-17-2023

Thursday's Treasures 2-16-2023

I had a personal appointment this morning but made sure I went to the Jurupa Valley Motel6 so I could check on the pets that received 'the works' yesterday. In addition to visiting each of them, I also visited with three of the twelve puppies 'Momma' had in her last litter. I offered to spay/neuter each of them, before or after they are given to other people. I hope this offer gets taken. I did not get a chance to spay their mama in time so I would love to help with the litter. I offered to help with the papa too but was told he was struck and killed by a hit and run driver. There are a large number of puppies in different areas of the river bottom so I will keep putting the word out in hopes of preventing any of them from adding to the pet overpopulation... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, wet cat food,17-pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, kabob chew sticks and bully slices were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 2-16-2023

#1886,#1887,#1888 & #1889 Get 'The Works' 2-15-2023

By the time we got the pets checked in at our second facility today, we had two female dogs, one male dog and one female cat going in for 'the works'. It turned out that one of the cats we thought needed spayed was already spayed or we would have had two female cats receiving services. We were supposed to have a male cat too but the person who was going to bring him could not trap him….Prior to getting the group of four checked in, I was ready to spay and neuter two dogs at another facility. I was five minutes from the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic when I received a call from the companion of the male and female dogs. The male shepherd recently impregnated two other dogs. The female had a litter a few months ago, was in heat again and the male may have gotten her too. The companion was definitely in need of getting them done but it didn't happen. She told me the male ran off last night. She just found him but would not be able to make it. I did not understand if she had a ride lined up already what difference that made but I told her I would not be rescheduling without notice. She said she was giving me notice at which time I let her know that when you call me to cancel at 7:40am for a 7:45 am appointment that is not notice. Sadly, there was no time to put other pets in their place so I just went back home. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, ARCO fuel cards, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, wet cat food, wet kitten food, small bag of kitten food, small bags of dog food, Max and Neo dog collar, small leash and large leash were shared.

#1886,#1887,#1888 & #1889 Get 'The Works' 2-15-2023
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Monday On The Move 2-13-2023

I spent the morning on the Eastside. I parked on Massachusetts Avenue and was there the same time City Net, Code enforcement and the Riverside Police Department were there. I visited with a total of nine pets and distributed supplies for each of them. I also discussed providing 'the works' with a couple who were 'no shows' when we scheduled our last appointment. I explained that I was happy to give them another chance but if they did not show up or answer texts and calls again that there would be no third chance. I get that people don't seem to understand the importance of keeping an appointment commitment but I will continue letting them know what I will and won't tolerate when it comes to them wasting my time and causing other people to have to wait longer for our services. When I left the Eastside I drove home, took my dog for a walk and spent an hour on a zoom meeting, before carrying out my usual charity related tasks the rest of the day... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, Max and Neo fleece blanket, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, small bags of dogs food, wet puppy food, Simply Cesar chicken for dogs, plush squeaky toys, medium collar and leash set, small leash, kabob chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 2-13-2023

Sunday On The Streets 2-12-2023

After I picked up a few things from the grocery store and took my dog for a walk, I headed out to my first stop. It was at one of the river bottom outlets off of Streeter Avenue. There were supposed to be three large dogs and one small dog with their companions. Only two of them actually showed up but they both got what they needed and I had an opportunity to visit with the pets. The sad part was learning that the companion of a dog we provided 'the works' for a couple of years ago had taken his life. The dog is safe with a friend but I was very sorry to hear the news. When I left that location, I drove through the old Pine Center and Ryan Bonominio Park but did not see any of the homeless with pets. I continued driving through Rubidoux but the same thing happened there. It's been a while since I was able to go and visit a family staying in an area of Jurupa Valley but I managed to make it out there this morning. I visited with two of their pets and then ran home to change so I could meet someone for lunch. She and I have been talking about doing this for months and finally made it happen... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, fleece blanket, pet jacket, large trash bags, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, wet dog food, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, small bag of kitten food, wet kitten food, wet cat food, small bag of dogs food, 2-20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Tiller Tugs tug toy, large stainless steel pet dish, squeaky tennis ball and bully sticks were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 2-12-2023

Saturday's Smiles 2-11-2023

Before I did my daily travels, I baked cookies, took my dog on a thirty minute walk and stopped at Smart and Final to get containers for my baked goods. My main goal for today was to go to a large homeless encampment in a field on the Eastside. The last time I went out there, I nearly got stuck in the mud but I knew it would be dry this morning. I placed a call to someone who lives in a vehicle with her pet to see if she wanted to go over there too, being that she knows most of the people there. She said yes and arrived shortly after I did. I visited with 10 pets and distributed supplies to each of their companions. I was there for quite awhile but still had time to run over to Staples. My laptop is 8 years old and it is starting to have issues with staying connected to the internet. I want to get an 'All In One' in place of the laptop. I went and looked at a few and found one I will most likely go back there. By the time I add the Microsoft program to it, get a flash drive to copy/transfer files and a wireless keyboard with mouse, it will be well over $1,000.00 so I need to wait until our funds begin to build up again. I am hoping that happens soon, because I have to be able to stay connected to the internet to do all of our social media, etc. When I left the store, I went to our PO Box to mail a package and pick up a donation that was in our box. By this time, it was noon and I called it a day. Well, I called it a day on the streets but had plenty of work left to do... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, body wipes, hand warmers, fleece blanket, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, small bag of cat food, wet cat food, Simply Cesar chicken for dogs, small bags of dogs food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, cat harness with leash, squeaky tennis ball, bully sticks and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 2-11-2023

Friday's Furry Friends 2-10-2023

My first stop today was Massachusetts Avenue, on the Eastside, in the parking lot of the Path of Life Community Shelter. I visited with three dogs and distributed supplies. When I left there, I drove through Hunter Park and a few other locations but did not find anyone with pets. I called the companion of a dog that stays on the Eastside but not near the shelter. They are not always in the same place so I asked where they were and went to that location next. On my way, I passed a couple pushing a dog in a 'granny cart'. I thought about going back to look for them when I was done with 'Solo' but I did not have to. They actually showed up where we were. They lost their dog's collar and were trying to find it but it was not anywhere to be found. After I was done with the first dog, I spent some time with the new one and made sure they received supplies. From there, I headed over to our storage units so I could meet Christine Langdon. She went to pick up our 570-pound pet food donation from the Star Milling Company. She helped me unload everything and then I went home where I was able to take my dog for a thirty minute walk without too much wind. The rest of the day was spent doing all the other things I have to do in order to keep our social media current, schedule spay/neuter appointments and answer questions and concerns via phone, email or text... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company,2 large bags of recyclables, hand warmers, gloves, socks, beanies, body wipes, fleece blanket, stainless steel pet dish, medium collar and leash set, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, small bags of dogs food and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 2-10-2023

Thursday's Treasures 2-9-2023

Four of the five pets that received 'the works' yesterday were set to stay at the motel last night. I went there this morning to visit each of them but things did not go as planned. When I knocked on the door where one of the dog's was supposed to be, there was no answer. They checked in late last night so I thought they might be sleeping but the dog never barked which told me they were not in there. Even so, I had the front office call the room, I knocked two different times, texted and called with no response. I was able to check on two of the dogs that stayed in rooms. I visited with a third dog that is staying at the motel but we did not pay for the room. The young man stays in a room with his mom and they paid for their room. They do have a cat that needs spayed so we discussed that while I was distributing supplies. The room that was supposed to have a cat in it turned out to be a bit of a mess. The person who was supposed to stay in the room with the cat had an ID but I guess it was not current so he was refused a room. At the same time, he was trying to check in, a couple showed up with a dog that had been hit by a car. For some reason he told the front desk to use the woman's ID for the room. That would have been fine but he did not stay in the room and neither did his cat! He basically gave the room away and had us pay for it. I had no idea any of this transpired so when I knocked on the door and saw an injured dog, I was completely baffled. When I finally got down to the bottom of things, there was nothing I could do to get a refund for the room and I certainly couldn't provide medical care to this injured dog. I never did get the details to know if the dog was their dog or if they rescued it off the street but I sent them to the Department of Animal Services to start. Feeding Pets Of The Homeless might have been able to help if the dog belonged to the couple but with all the confusion I never got all the facts. When all was said and done, I was only able to visit two of the pets that received 'the works' yesterday and one that happened to be around while I was there. I hope the couple got the injured dog whatever help was needed although it appeared the dog might need to be put to sleep. I never heard back from anyone so I have no way of knowing... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, chicken jerky treats for dogs, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, wet cat food, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company and kabob chew sticks were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 2-9-2023

#1881,#1882,#1883,#1884 & #1885 Get 'The Works' 2-8-2023

Three male dogs, three female cats, one female dog and one male cat were scheduled for 'the works' today. When all was said and done, we provided the services for three male dogs, one male cat and one female cat... At 6am, I started checking emails and text messages. The first thing I see is an email that came in at 11:30pm last night. It was from someone out of town who has been wanting her dog neutered for quite some time. Everything was set up for our earlier appointments this morning but she informed me she was unable to get a ride. I have a long list of people waiting but there is no time to fill in an early morning appointment. Not the way I wanted to start my day where we had 2 scheduled at one facility and 6 at another. Thankfully, the second dog scheduled for the earlier appointment was there and on time. Once he was checked in, I left to run home for a few minutes and then went back out to the second facility. When I arrived, I got everyone's paperwork so we could start getting pets checked in. One of the companions called me to say she was running a little late but would that it would not be more than fifteen minutes. When she was thirty minutes late I called and texted but got no response. The same thing happened every fifteen minutes after that until I finally gave up. It was 90 minutes past the time she was supposed to check in. The clinic was very backed up and I left before the pets were examined for surgery. I instructed them that if the woman with the two cats did show that she was to call me but that her appointments were canceled. I was originally contacted to spay four cats. I told the companion I would not be able to do more than two in a week and she said that was fine. It was just important to get them done as they were going into heat. This is the kind of thing that happens all too frequently and then I get calls that the cats are pregnant and asked if I can find rescue for the kittens. The irresponsibility of some people is so sad, especially since Taking It To The Streets with Lori and Shira covers all of the costs. Three appointments were wasted today, because some people do not take their commitments seriously and the pets pay a price for that. I have a waiting list and if I had known ahead of time, I might have been able to fill the gaps but that was not the case. However, I am grateful for the five we did get in this morning! "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, ARCO fuel cards, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba Twins for dogs, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, Max and Neo Dog Gear collar, medium leash and squeaky plush toys were shared.

#1881,#1882,#1883,#1884 & #1885 Get 'The Works' 2-8-2023

Tuesday's Treasures 2-7-2023

Because I had an appointment for AT&T to come out and check my internet this morning, I got off to a bit of a late start. I did make it to one of the river bottom outlets off of Rubidoux Boulevard and was able to visit with a couple of dogs and distribute needed supplies. From there I drove through Ryan Bonominio Park but did not see any of the homeless with pets. I did find a couple of people across the street from there at the old Pine Center so I stopped there next. After the visit where I shared more supplies, I drove through Fairmount Park, to a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley and then Rubidoux. I did not find anyone with pets at those locations and it was getting close to the time I needed to get back home. I did make a stop first at our PO Box where I found a donation package waiting. The winds were much calmer today but still blowing hard enough to mess with my sinuses so I was thankful to get back indoors. Unfortunately, my dog did without a walk again today and I do not think he is a happy camper. Hoping to take him on one tomorrow and I will be sure to wear him out then... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, Benadryl caplets, hand warmers, large trash bags, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, Inaba Twins for dogs, chicken jerky treats, kabob chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Tuesday's Treasures 2-7-2023

Monday On The Move 2-6-2023

The winds were not as bad as they were a week ago but they were bad enough to aggravate my allergies so I did not get as much done as I had hoped to. However, I did make it over to the Eastside and parked in the lot outside the Path of Life Community Shelter. I met a couple of dogs that have been staying in the kennels for the past month. They are already spayed, neutered and vaccinated but their companion needed a few supplies. I was able to give him most of what they needed. I also ran into someone in the parking lot who I had met awhile back. That person has a female shepherd puppy that is ready for 'the works'. I took down the information so I could schedule her for Wednesday. The other dogs I visited and distributed supplies to were those staying in the kennels and on Massachusetts. There were eight in all. I also spoke to staff at the Access Center as well about a dog that has literally been abandoned and is stuck in the kennel. He is a very active dog and I don't understand why nobody is watching out for him. I understand it is the owners responsibility to care for the pet but if they take off then someone ought to realize the dog needs help. I am only there twice a week and I get tired of hearing about pets not receiving proper care when there should be staff from the Community Shelter keeping an eye out. I spoke to someone who is in a motel temporarily while her housing comes through. I was told she would take the dog. I told her that if she does not go get him today then I am going to have Animal Control confiscate him. This dog needs more than empty promises and employees who can't be bothered. I left soon after I spoke to the woman who is supposed to come and get the dog. I was too aggravated to hang around any longer. As I was driving up Massachusetts, I spotted a dog I was supposed to neuter a few weeks ago. The companions were no shows and they never bothered to answer my many calls and/or texts. I told them that I did not appreciate being ghosted, wasting my time, wasting an appointment and then not even hearing from them. I heard a lot of excuses and told them I don't want to hear anymore but if they are willing to show up in the future, I still want to help the dog. I try to give everyone a second chance so we shall see if they choose to take me up on it... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, hand warmers, gloves, fleece blankets, pet jacket, pet sweater, large trash bags, small bags of dog food, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, wet puppy food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Max and Neo dog collars, small leashes, chicken jerky treats, stainless steel pet dish, small Kong squealy ball, kabab chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Monday On The Move 2-6-2023

Sunday On The Streets 2-5-2023

I never made it to the two places I had planned for today, because I got too busy at other locations. I was texted this morning by someone who needed food for her cats and her dog. We agreed to meet at a river bottom outlet in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. I went there first. While I was with them, I texted someone else who is in contact with someone I have been trying to reach but who does not have a phone. The person I contacted walked over to her encampment and told her where I would be. I waited for a short while but when I realized how far she was going to have to walk, I knew I had to drive closer. I did eventually find her and her dog. She also had another dog with her. This one belongs to a friend of hers and needs 'the works'. I gave her my contact card so the pet's owner can schedule that. As I was giving her supplies, a van pulled up. I did not recognize the vehicle but it was a dog I know and his companion. It was drizzling so I did not visit long but I did make sure the dog got a few treats and a bully stick. While speaking with his companion, I found out where I could find someone else I have been looking for. She has three dogs and we provided two of them with 'the works' three months ago. He told me they were at Fairmount Park so that's where I went next. I had paid for one year license tags for each of them and was finally able to give them to her. As I was getting ready to leave the park, a vehicle pulled in and a big dog stuck his head out the window. I knew I was not going anywhere, until we had a visit so I moved my vehicle closer to where they parked. I had hoped to still make it to at least one of the two locations I had originally planned to be this morning but I ran out of the supplies they would need. I will just have to try again another day. Things may not have gone as planned but 10 pets received needed supplies so it was still a productive morning... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, hand warmers, beanie, gloves, body wipes, fleece blanket, pet jacket, pet sweater, large trash bags, trolley tie out, small bags of dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Riverside County Animal Services license tags, chicken jerky treats, kabab chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Sunday On The Streets 2-5-2023

Saturday's Smiles 2-4-2023

I was asked to meet a couple and their dog at one of the river bottom outlets in an industrial area of Jurupa Valley. I made that my first stop. There were a few people with pets in that section of the river bottom but we could not reach any of them by phone. The people who met me today and another woman said they would let others know that I am willing to go back next Saturday if needed. When I left that location, I drove through Fairmount Park. I was looking for woman who dogs I licensed. I turned in the paperwork for the licenses in December but just got it back yesterday. Some of the people, including this woman, don't seem to be in Riverside anymore or if they are they are not where I used to visit them. I will hold on to the tags for awhile and hope they make contact. It seems pointless for me to license the dogs we spay/neuter and/or update vaccinations for if the people don't stay in touch. I did not find anyone with pets at Fairmount so I headed over to Hunter Hobby Park. There was a woman there with two dogs I just licensed and I wanted to give her their tags. I was able to do that, visit two other dogs and distribute needed supplies. After leaving Hunter Park, I went to our PO Box where there were donation checks waiting for me. I am so thankful, especially now that our funds seem to be going down quickly. I arrived back home around 11:30 which gave me time to take my dog for a thirty minute walk before lunch. I never seem to be able to make the time after lunch and it is just too cold early in the morning but this worked out perfectly... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, hand warmers, McDonalds gift card, pet jacket, small bag of dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, Riverside County Animal Services license tags, chicken jerky treats, kabab chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Saturday's Smiles 2-4-2023

Friday's Furry Friends 2-3-2023

I left the house around 8am and headed over to meet someone who texted from Fairmount Park. While on my way, I spotted a dog named 'Spud' and his companion on Crestmore and Mission. I have not visited them for quite some time so I made a detour to do that this morning. I went directly to the park from there and then to Massachusetts Avenue on the Eastside. I parked on the street and visited nine of the pets that were there. Some were coming from the kennels and others from tents on the street. There were a few more I wanted to see but I needed to get to the Motel6 in Jurupa Valley. I was going there to check on a dog that received 'the works' at the Mary S. Roberts clinic and another that was neutered and had bladder surgery at Van Buren Animal Hospital. Pets of The Homeless covered most of the expenses for the bladder surgery and we covered his neuter. We will be microchipping and vaccinating once he has had more time to recuperate. When I left the motel I drove home, took my dog on a thirty minute walk and then went back out. I had to stop at the T-Mobile Store, our PO Box and the Riverside County Department of Animal Services. I was able to get everything done and made it home in time for lunch. The rest of the day was spent doing the work I do every afternoon and evening from home... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, hand warmers, socks, gloves, beanies, pet jacket, fleece blanket, leash, small bags of dog food, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs, small bag of cat food, wet cat food, Inaba Churu Pops for cats, small Kong squeaky ball, chicken jerky treats, kabab chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Friday's Furry Friends 2-3-2023

Thursday's Treasures 2-2-2023

Last night, we had five rooms reserved at the motel. Three were for dogs that received 'the works' yesterday and two were to help people get themselves and their pets out of the cold. One of the people did not make it due to her vehicle breaking down. Two of the pets were not there when I arrived. One room checked out early and the person in another room had an appointment she had to make and I could not wait for her to return. I was able to visit two of the dogs that were neutered and two other dogs that were there. I also spent quite a bit of time trying to ear the trust of a large dog that was in the middle of the parking lot staring at the street. At first, I was not sure if he was dumped or waiting for his owner to come out of a room. After speaking to some of the people at the motel, I was told the dog had been hanging out there for a couple of hours. That worried me that he might have been dumped and waiting for his owner to come back. I was able to give him treats but when I tried to scan him he got scared and kept backing up. I texted a Sargent from the Riverside County Department of Animal Services. I thought the two of us might be able to get hold of the dog and check for a chip. He appeared to be neutered so I was thinking he might be chipped. While I was checking on another dog, the stray walked into a room where the door was open. The people in the room had a small dog of their own and got him to leave. I wished he was in the room where I might have had a better chance scanning him. However, he was a big dog and besides their small dog there were also two small children in the room so I understood them not wanting him inside. Then I found out a guy in a room there took the dog inside with him. I went to the office and they told me he did not have a dog and that he seemed to be a little off mentally. At that point, I was not comfortable going to his door and asking for the dog to be let out so I just sent the added information to the Sargent. I was unable to reach him again later so I am unsure what happened with the dog. Things like that haunt me. I always feel bad when my actions are not good enough for solutions or a happy ending... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, cookie packs, beef sticks, peanut butter cracker packs, graham crackers, pretzel stick packs with cheese, small bags of dog food, Inaba Churus for dogs, Inaba tuna fillets, wet dog food, Inaba Twins for dogs kabab chew sticks and bully sticks were shared.

Thursday's Treasures 2-2-2023

#1872 to #1880 Get 'The Works' 2-1-2023

What a great way to start the new month!~I was 'on the run' from a little after 7am until11:30am. We had a total of 9 pets getting 'the works' today at three different facilities. The pets included one male cat, three female cats, three male dogs and two female dogs. I would like to thank Actor And Others For Animals for the pledges that will lower our cost for seven of those pets….One of the male dogs was approved for bladder surgery by Feeding Pets of The Homeless. He was already at Van Buren Animal Hospital so I just had to ok payment for the neuter. Next, we had one male dog and one female dog going in at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services spay/neuter clinic. One of those dogs belongs to a Veteran and was brought in by Mike at 'Working Dogs for Warriors". The third facility was the Mary S. Robert's Pet Adoption Center spay/neuter clinic where we had one male cat, three female cats, one female dog and one male dog. Some of these pets were requiring extra medical treatment which I also approved. Our funds are back to the point where we will soon have to cut back the number of pets we can spay/neuter weekly. At this time, we are permitted two at the Riverside County Department of Animal Services and those can be male or female, cats or dogs. The other six are at Mary S. Roberts and we are permitted four females and two males. We can do a combination of cats and dogs there too. It is sad that our two largest Grant sources closed up shop and some of our smaller ones did too. We received so few as it is and this is going to further hurt our funds for this year. Our income was down last year but we still managed to make everything work out so I am hoping some new grants approve us to help the lessen the losses. In the meantime, I will continue doing as much as I can with the resources we have. Having less money and doing less is still so much better than having no money and not being able to offer any services at all. "One by one we get them done, because the only way to combat pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters is to spay and neuter"... Waters from Niagara Bottling Company, 5 ARCO fuel cards, pet jacket from the sewing club at FAAR, large dog leash, 17 pound bag of cat food from the Star Milling Company, wet cat food, Inaba Churus for cats, 20 pound bag of dog food from the Star Milling Company and 2 cat tunnels were shared.

#1872 to #1880 Get 'The Works' 2-1-2023
2025: JAN
2024: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2023: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2022: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2021: JAN - FEB - MAR - APR - MAY - JUN - JUL - AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC
2020: AUG - SEP - OCT - NOV - DEC